In the face of beings who are even more monstrous than him, even if Hua Feixue is fighting madly, she will not confront these people for the time being.

But behind Hua Feixue, Tie Huatang stopped at some point,

Hua Feixue did not escape either.Because it is surrounded by all kinds of monsters in all directions.One of the indifferent young people stood on a colorful boat, painted his nails and said in an indifferent way: Escape, isn't it hard for you to escape?If you escaped from Tie Huatang's sword twice in a row, you're pretty good.

Glancing at the flag of the warship, Hua Feixue was speechless. What wind had blown out the four major families of the Qianshan League.There are always shadows of the four ancient clans behind the Qianshan League.

"Oh, are you surprised? There is nothing to be surprised about. I am also a human being. I only have two hands and two legs. I have as many eyes, ears, mouth and nose as you have. I am bored at home. I am here to join in the fun. No Beat the dog in the water." Kong Yu glanced at Hua Feixue and continued to trim his nails.

Thousands of feet were surrounded by water.

The youths of the Golden Ape Clan have completed the promotion, and they have also suppressed their realm to the Mingdao realm.Jin Xiantian glanced around, then looked at Hua Feixue on the ground, stretched out his hand, and said: If you want to leave a whole body, hand over Shi Xinfang, that is not something you can control.

Another young man mocked: Yo, Jin Xiantian, you really think we are transparent.Why should I give it to you?Hehe, boy, as long as you join my clan and recognize your ancestors, you don't need to hand over Shi Xinfang, just because you have a little talent, you can be my

"Taking Shi Xinfang is tantamount to taking your life. Killing talents is not my sister's style. You take my sister's surname and be my sister's servant. It's the same. What's yours is mine." A girl in black teased.

Hua Feixue stood quietly below.No one knew what he was talking about.He was waiting, waiting for an opportunity.

They didn't take Hua Feixue seriously, and even Tie Huatang didn't fall into the eyes of these people.Because Tie Huatang is a casual cultivator with no clan or clan.Tie Huatang left without looking at these people again, he knew that there were some things that were not his turn to offend.

As soon as Tie Huatang left, Hua Feixue breathed a sigh of relief, the last thing he wanted was to confront a sword repairer of Tie Huatang's level.

Everyone chatted with each other, knowing that there was no result, they had to start a robbery.Shi Xinfang will fall into the hands of whoever kills this poor creature first.Wanting to take credit for this, Xiang Fang shot at Hua Feixue together.

in chaos.Without any resistance, Hua Feixue was gouged out of the head by a colorful nail.It was Kong Yu who did it!Afterwards, everyone was stunned for a moment, because Kong Yu's piercing through this person's head didn't feel real at all!

At this moment, a Heavenly Gate appeared ten miles away, and someone used the Heavenly Gate!So everyone shouted that they were fooled, and this person helped Tie Huatang with this trick when they confronted each other.Hua Feixue entered the starry sky gate of Bailing City with a whoosh.

Everyone was stunned for a moment: If you can't fight and run away, what is this?

But there are also prescient people!Several spells blasted directly at the activated star gate.After all the spells blasted through the star gate, there was not a loud bang as expected, but the dozen or so spells went directly through the star gate.Landed on a hill!

This is a little secret method of Shura Dao: lip shadow technique!

I don't know who it is, suddenly pointed down and said in horror: What is that!

Countless Shura patterns lit up on the ground beneath everyone, and as the stream of light turned, the top of this mountain was instantly sacrificed by coal into a strange array: Ahei Plague Array!

A figure rose up from the array.That is an incarnation of Hua Feixue: the incarnation of the plague demon!

Before anyone could react, there was a loud noise from the ground, and the entire Aheipang disk was picked up by an earth elephant incarnation and thrown high into the sky!Everyone knows that Hua Feixue has passed the inheritance of the Plague Demon Dao.Ahei plague was thrown up, and everyone was like a god of avoiding plague!

A cold and stern look flashed across the plague demon's eyes, no longer possessing a hint of magic.But this is even scarier!

Ah Hei Plague God was detonated!This is a hard way for these second generation ancestors!It's like a biochemical library self-destructing!The entire sky was blown into dark green!

"Ah... I'm going to kill you." Angrily growling one after another.It was very difficult for the peerless geniuses of the dozen or so clans to survive this catastrophe, but the people they brought were not so lucky, and they would all end up tragically.

Plague is everywhere.

After one breath, a blood-colored Shura pattern appeared in the air, and with a flash of light, it wiped out all the plagues within a thousand miles, but there was no trace of Hua Feixue underneath.

There are only fourteen figures left in the sky!These fourteen people hated and were angry!

"Do you think you can really escape?" One of the teenagers cut his finger, squeezed out a little blood and dripped on a bronze mirror. Following the spell, the bronze mirror flew high into the air and stayed for a while, then With a slight trembling sound, a light curtain was shot down, and the bronze mirror recalled all the history of this place in the past few breaths of time.

The picture finally freezes in the direction where Hua Feixue is escaping.He used the incarnation of the main space elephant to continuously teleport to the north and fled.

"Chasing! I will swear to kill you. There is no way to go to heaven, and no way to go to earth." The young man roared angrily, and flew in the direction where Hua Feixue was escaping.He was also a tragedy. He brought a boatload of clan disciples out, but now they were all knocked down by the plague, and no one was left.After returning, he will be a laughing stock of his peers in the clan.

Others are not much better. If the big family wants to get any information, it needs to exchange merits.After finally getting a task that can be completed without any effort, but now he has made a mess.

Hua Feixue, who was running away hundreds of miles away, didn't care whether these people fried or fried him after they caught him.But then Hua Feixue complained again, he had been watched by Tie Huatang for a long time, and he let him play tricks.

Who made Tie Huatang let Hua Feixue slip away twice in a row.He won't let this happen a third time.Although Tie Huatang can't teleport long distances continuously, he can shrink the ground to an inch, which is enough for Hua Feixue to drink a pot.Several times, he almost grabbed Hua Feixue and was about to strike with his sword, but was teleported away by Hua Feixue's burst of potential.

Tie Huatang hasn't shaken off yet.A large group of tails came after them.The fourteen young monks each possessed top-grade warship treasures, they couldn't surpass Hua Feixue in speed, but they couldn't hold on to them.At this speed, it is difficult for anyone to accurately cast spells and target strikes, but the Daobao Warship can!

The fourteen warships began to bomb the ground indiscriminately!This time, Tie Huatang suffered too much, and was thrown out of the nine streets after a lot of fuss!Tie Huatang was about to go crazy when Feng Xiaotian's treasure boat landed on top of him, without Feng Xiaotian calling, Tie Huatang stepped onto the treasure boat.

Feng Xiaotian squeezed the seal, and this seemingly ordinary flying treasure ship transformed into a huge warship!Battleships are several times more powerful than battleships!The Daobao battleship is fully powered, and directly connects to the battleship group dozens of miles away!Immediately, warships burst into pieces!

"It's Feng Xiaotian's bastard!" Everyone recognized this battleship, it was an ancient battleship that Feng Xiaotian found in an ancient ruins!The level is catching up with the fairy treasure!

Hua Feixue, who was running desperately in front of her, had the urge to curse her mother, this is too deceitful!Going straight up to the ancient battleship of the Xianbao level, that kind of combat power is not strong even for a super monk of the Nascent Soul world level!

With a roar, Hua Feixue used the sky-defying forbidden technique of the Phoenix Sword Dao: Phoenix Blood Escape!

With a phoenix howl resounding through the heaven and earth, Hua Feixue turned into a blood-colored phoenix shadow and galloped between the heaven and the earth!

The bloody phoenix shadow is a hundred miles away in an instant!In a few moments, the ancient battleship was thrown away from Jiutiaojie.But this consumption is indeed staggering.

Hua Feixue didn't know where she fled to, she just felt very weak and wanted to fall down, but the pursuers behind her appeared in sight again!

At this moment, there are infinite flashes of Lei Xing hundreds of miles away.

"What the hell kind of place is that?" Hua Feixue just hesitated in his mind, but was still forced to move in that direction at a high speed.Feng Xiaotian, who was chasing after Hua Feixue, was also completely puzzled, it was not a celestial phenomenon, but a vision!

A hundred miles away is like a thunder marsh in the sky, and there is a huge thunderstorm vortex above the thunder marsh!Except for Hua Feixue, everyone took out a map jade slip to check their location.

"This is within the thousands of miles of the ancient Tianhuang Lei Ze ruins! Tianhuang Lei Ze must have been born!" Everyone, including Tie Huatang, was excited, but a little bit tangled, because they did not have the magic weapon to control thunder. Unable to enter the Wild Lei Ze.

Tianhuang Lei Ze is an ancient secret realm! (To be continued..)

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