The violent sea of ​​thunder seemed to end forever, and the eternal fury made people feel a kind of eternal death.

Interweaving thunderstorms is the eternal theme here.

A huge blood-colored giant tire is drifting in the ocean of thunderstorms!There is a huge thunderstorm vortex in the center of the sea of ​​thunderstorms, and this huge blood-red giant is gradually being pulled by the thunderstorm vortex!But at a glance, there are tens of millions of miles away from the thunderstorm vortex, and it may be endless.

But this blood-colored giant tire is bombarded by thunderstorms endlessly!Countless Shura patterns emerged from the giant tire, condensing into Shura armor over and over again to protect the giant tire.

This is Hua Feixue's phoenix robbery.Hua Feixue couldn't remember how many times this was the first time he had condensed into the Asura Armor, he didn't want to die here so aggrieved.If he hadn't possessed the 'Thunder' word Danding pattern, he would have been smashed to pieces when he just broke in.

These colored mines turned out to be the legendary Elven Dao mines.Every elven thunder can blow a Nascent Soul monk to pieces.Hua Feixue suffered a lot under the endless elf thunderstorm.

Every elven thunder hit the phoenix's movable tire, making him tremble

I don't know how long time has passed, and Hua Feixue doesn't know how she survived, but when will this go on like this be the end!

"En!" Hua Feixue suddenly remembered something, this endless sea of ​​thunder is a huge energy bank!For others, this place is a sea of ​​death, but what he cultivates is Phoenix Tribulation!The phoenix has survived the calamity and is strong, it can turn the calamity into strength!

This place is originally a huge treasure house, and there are supplements everywhere, it is shameful to waste it!Thinking of this, the yin and yang Pisces in the depths of the inner universe rotated, and the phoenix tribulation method began to operate.

The endless spirit Dao Lei was training Hua Feixue's phoenix robber over and over again.Gradually, there were bursts of clear cries as the Thunderbolt of the Elf Dao struck the phoenix's fetus.

At this moment, the first elven thunder was forcibly sucked into the furnace by the phoenix robbery, and Hua Feixue's consciousness was almost blown to pieces!In the end, it took a lot of effort to quantify this elven way into his own power.

This thing is really not something that humans can absorb!

After absorbing the first elven thunder, the Dan Dingwen with the word '雷' on the Inner Universe Furnace was activated!There is actually a bit of primordial will in the Elf Dao Lei!

After the Lei Zi Dan Ding Wen was activated.The phoenix Jietai began to absorb the surrounding elf Daolei with a big gulp.Gradually, Hua Feixue began to get used to Dao Lei the Elf, and the phoenix robbery changed from a big mouthful of food to a giant whale's water!

The spirit Dao Lei has completely become Hua Feixue's inexhaustible tonic, and the phoenix robbery is a bottomless pit!This is like catching a mouse in a labyrinth.When Hua Feixue was nourished by the Elven Dao Lei, she also suffered from the endless bombardment of the Elf Dao Lei!

Spirit Dao Lei is like a thunder and lightning spirit that cannot be tamed, and every spirit Dao Lei that enters the body is like a handful of oil poured into the fire!

Pain and happiness!Hua Feixue was also enjoying the pleasure of soaring strength!

After the spirit Dao Lei entered the Inner Universe Dome Furnace, after some grinding and purification in the Inner Universe Dome Furnace, a small portion was supplied to Lei Zidan Dingwen, and the vast majority was the nutrients for becoming a phoenix.Every time the embryo in Phoenix Jie's fetus grows, Hua Feixue feels that her fighting power is getting stronger!

The Elf Dao Lei not only became the nourishment for the phoenix to rob the fetus.It is also possible to extract one after another broken primordial will from it. The wills contained in each thunder are similar but none of them are the same. It is as if each thunder and lightning has its own thoughts, just like hundreds of millions of leaves, similar but not the same!

Hua Feixue's consciousness gradually fell into the ethereal realm, comprehending the purified will of thunder and lightning, what stood in front of him was like a thousand swordsmen stabbing the same sword at the same time!But everyone's character is different, and the sword intent contained in each sword is also different.

The sky is full of everything, although it is ever-changing, there are traces to be found!

As time goes by.Hua Feixue finally sorted out tens of thousands of similar but different Taichu Zhizhi in the ethereal realm, and when he looked carefully, it was actually a complete thunder and lightning will!

In the beginning, all Taos were born by natural will.It has its own separate but interrelated wills.

"The wrath of the elves?" Hua Feixue realized something.

After Hua Feixue realized the will of thunder and lightning that had been sorted out, the Thunderbolt Ding Wen in the Inner Universe Furnace absorbed this will of thunder and lightning with the aura of primordial origin!

After this lightning will was absorbed, Dan Dingwen had a little more things that Hua Feixue couldn't explain clearly.In addition to this, I also got a very beneficial benefit, the wrath of the elf has become the innate supernatural power of the incarnation of Thunder Elephant!

Hua Feifa didn't spend any extra time getting excited.Continue to immerse yourself in the ethereal realm to practice enlightenment.Not a second of his time is wasted.

After Hua Feixue's power rose to a certain level, it stagnated, and his power realm was still at the Ming Dao stage.But the phoenix robbery is a bottomless pit, which continuously refines and decomposes the absorbed energy.Regenerate a trace of red mist: phoenix blood!

Only after absorbing a huge amount of elven Dao Lei did it generate a cloud of phoenix blood, not even a drop of blood.But these blood mist are the easiest to absorb and use.Every time a wisp of blood mist is generated, Jietai will grow a little bit.

Accumulate momentum!Nirvana is a long process, and rushing for success may not be a good thing.

The phoenix Jietai gradually got used to the berserkness of the elf Leihai, and even more crazily devoured the elf Daolei.

In this vast sea of ​​thunder, the eternal god Lei Hao's fury is just a kind of influence that is eternally fixed, no matter how angry, compared to the endless years, it is also a kind of silence!At this moment, countless small lightning vortexes rolled up on the edge of the sea of ​​thunder, and the source of these lightning vortexes was a giant blood-colored fetus!

Lei Hai seemed to be disturbed, and Dao Lei, the elf, began to pour uncontrollably into the phoenix's embryo.

A stone stirred up thousands of waves, and the thunderstorm vortex in the center of the sea of ​​thunder seemed to be irritated, and the suction increased several times, and the entire sea of ​​thunder rolled over because of this!

Phoenix Jietai couldn't help but flew towards the thunderstorm vortex at an extremely fast speed.

Suddenly, Hua Feixue's sixth sense sensed that the broken image fragments were like flipping through a book in the sea of ​​consciousness!Hua Feixue's Sea of ​​Consciousness seemed to be bombed, her eyes darkened and she almost fainted!

There must be something in the huge thunderstorm vortex in the middle of the thunder sea!The broken image sensed by the sixth sense was erased by an irresistible force of Hua Feixue before it could be sorted out.This can only explain one thing, that thing should not exist in the world, nor can it be born.

While the phoenix robbery was attracting flying towards the burial vortex, it also dragged dozens of lightning vortexes across the sea of ​​thunder like a looting machine.But this Lei Hai is really too big.

There is no boat after Suzhou.You can't absorb that much now, you can accumulate it.

Before the phoenix robbery had time to devour more spirit Dao Lei, it was sucked in by the thunderstorm vortex!Before getting involved in the thunderstorm vortex, Phoenix Jietai made all the protective preparations. When it got involved, Hua Feixue brushed shoulders with death!

In the thunderstorm vortex are endless lightning blades, violent and full of destruction.As soon as the Phoenix Jietu got involved, it was chopped off by countless lightning blades. If the cohesion speed of the Shura armor hadn't caught up with the speed of being cut off, the Phoenix Jietai would also be cut off!

In the end, Hua Feixue gritted her teeth and sacrificed the Lei Zi Dan Ding Wen!Perhaps offering up the Dan Ding Wen was a super wonderful idea that Hua Feixue didn't expect!Lei Zidan Dingwen is like a fat wolf among a pack of hungry wolves!

The thunderstorm vortex became more and more violent, and all the thunder and lightning blades wanted to share this Thunderbolt Dingwen!

An aura of who else could I have erupted from this Lei Zi Dan Ding Wen, transformed into an incarnation of a thunder elephant and wrapped the phoenix robbery in it!

Hua Feixue didn't break, so he could only do his best.The endless thunder and lightning sword qi formed a protective circle within five feet of him, and all the thunder and lightning sword qi contained indestructible sword intent!

Just as Hua Feixue was struggling to block the endless Thunder and Lightning Blade, he suddenly noticed something swimming in the thunderstorm vortex!Hua Feixue couldn't see it, but she could sense it. It was like a few stone-shaped energy solids.


In the huge thunderstorm vortex, there are five dark blue stones chasing and joking with each other. At the same time, they also noticed the existence of Hua Feixue, and they were very impressed by Hua Feixue's ability to write the word "Dan Dingwen". Excited, there is a feeling of being called!

But more is the will to burn!

These few stones are Chaos Thunder Stones that have disappeared since ancient times!They have gone through endless years, and they have developed a wisdom equivalent to that of a two-year-old child!Through this thunder elephant incarnation, they saw the Leizi Dan Dingwen in the Inner Universe Dome Furnace, and they felt hungry! (To be continued..)

ps: Those who pass by, leave all the tickets

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