Nine Heavens Imperial Sword Record

Chapter 33 Thunder Heart Monument

Hua Feixue was stared at by these five chaotic lightning stones, and immediately became sluggish. These five chaotic lightning stones can blast a group of Daoists into scum.

Although Chaos Thunder Stone is good, Hua Feixue dare not draw it.That thing is not something that ordinary people dare to move!

36 counting is the best!But where can I go?Those five chaotic lightning stones appeared in front of Hua Feixue in an instant.

Although these little things only have the intelligence of a two-year-old child, the natural aura they emitted made Hua Feixue unable to move, and even the defensive shield formed by the lightning sword aura was like an egg hit by a boulder.

This time I can only resign myself to fate.These five little things circled Hua Feixue curiously several times.And Hua Feixue fully mobilized her sixth sense, searching for an escape route.

Hua Feixue suddenly sensed a very hidden exit at the end of the thunderstorm vortex.These five little things didn't pay attention to what Hua Feixue was searching for, they got together and exchanged a few words before their eyes lit up, their index fingers moved!

At this moment, Hua Feixue suddenly took out a cute gadget from her sleeve, and said, "I only have one of these things, who should I give it to?"

It was a gadget with exquisite workmanship. The five little things looked at each other and were very interested in this gadget.But Hua Feixue only has one of these things!

These little things quit, walked around Hua Feixue a few more times, and yelled at Hua Feixue with disbelief, Hua Feixue's scalp exploded.

These little guys can see through his roots at a glance, feel the existence of the inner universe furnace, and see that this little thing is easily refined by the inner universe furnace.It is not easy to trick ghosts into eating tofu.

These little guys seem to be only two years old, but they have already become ghost spirits.

After seeing through Hua Feixue's tricks, these little guys began to play pranks. Two of them clamored to eat Hua Feixue to relieve their hatred, and the other two clamored that Hua Feixue was a bad person and should be punished.

Stuck by a few little guys and unable to move, he is now like a monkey tied under a tree.With these little guys watching and playing around, Hua Feixue was a little dumbfounded.In order to appease these little fellows, Hua Feixue held out her hand, and the Inner Universe Dome Furnace immediately smelted several gadgets with their own characteristics.There are angry chickens, plant-like corpses... and a cat that can speak like a human on the fly.

These little fellows lost their composure, and with a whoosh, they divided up the gadgets in Hua Feixue's hands, and then started to grab the gadgets they got.

Hua Feixue felt that this was the only chance to escape, but found a little guy's consciousness locked on him.Then he should be the boss of these little guys.Seeing that the boss seemed unhappy, the other little guys stared at Hua Feixue with the same hatred.

Hua Feixue numbered them.The little boss chattered to Hua Feixue for a while.Hua Feixue understood, he said that he didn't want to eat himself right now.Because they can make a lot of toys, but they want to leave Lei Hai, which has trapped them for endless years, so they gave Hua Feixue two choices, one is to stay and make many toys for them, and the other is to take them away !

Hua Feixue was in trouble, he didn't know what trapped these little guys here, if there was something that could trap them, could he solve it by himself?

The other little guys got excited when they heard that they were going to leave here.The little boss took Hua Feixue and led the team out of here.Fly deep into the thunderstorm vortex.After two breaths, Hua Feixue was brought to the source of the thunderstorm vortex, where there was an inscription!

The body of this stele is a huge thunder mother stone!

Hua Feixue saw a small hole in Lei Mushi's abdomen at a glance, these little guys were conceived from Lei Mushi's belly!They couldn't take the remother stone away.And I don't want to let go of the thunder mother stone!

The entire thunder sea is derived from the thunder mother stone.

The spiritual wisdom in this thunder mother stone has long been obliterated by the years, but she still stands here, and even the little ones can't move him.Hua Feixue's sixth sense seemed to sense something, but she couldn't see why.

Something stirred up in Hua Feixue's heart.There was a moment of silence.

Under Zhu Xiaoxi's gaze, Hua Feixue said: "I will do my best, but I need you to help me!"

Zhu Xiao immediately agreed frantically.Under the watchful eyes of the little ones.Hua Feixue began to mobilize the Eye of Inner Universe!This is the second time it has been used since the Eye of Inner Universe was completed!

In the violent thunderstorm vortex, destruction is the eternal melody. If there is not this monument here, this thunderstorm vortex can destroy a world!At this moment, an eternal sword intent soared into the sky, colliding with this will to destroy!

That is an immortal gaze!Looking through Hua Feixue's inner universe, that inner universe eye opened!What does it mean to look up at the way of heaven and look down at the secluded world?This gaze can also destroy a small world.

Just opening his eyes, Zhu Xiao became three points weaker!And Hua Feixue almost collapsed to the ground!Fortunately, Zhu Xiaosheng was afraid that he would fall down, so he didn't help them solve the problem. In a hurry, they each poured [-]% of the chaotic thunder source into Hua Feixue's body!

This is a great tonic that fell from the sky, Hua Feixue was almost blown up!Therefore, the chaotic thunder source poured into the body was forced to be suppressed in the depths of the Inner Universe Furnace.Even the phoenix robbery can't stand this magical thing.

If a ray of chaotic thunder source is digested, it is equivalent to swallowing a ray of dao source!At this moment, Hua Feixue felt that the Taoist injury that was destined to him seemed to be getting better, and the movement of power was a little smoother!

But Wuhua Feixue didn't have the spare time to experience these things.After the Eye of Neiyu opened, that gaze directly penetrated the Leimu Monument and landed in the depths of the Leimu Monument, where there was another monument!

That is a Thunder Heart Monument formed from the heart of Thunder Mother!There is a different dimension under the Thunder Heart Monument!When the eyes of the eyes of the inner universe fell on the inscription on the Lei Xinbei, it was like being struck by lightning, it was Shura text!

This stele tells about the origin of the Leimu stele. She was originally a thunder demon built from a piece of Leimu stone in ancient times, named Qingxue.She formed a Taoist companion with a certain peerless powerhouse of the ancient Shura Dao, but after the battle of the ancient times, the world was shattered, and her Taoist companion fell.Mother Lei went to take revenge in grief and anger, and in the end both were defeated and feared injury, they wanted to suppress each other and be wiped out by the demon of time!

After the death of this peerless thunder demon's enemy, his body turned into a demon palace, and his heart turned into a demon embryo and hid in the demon palace, hoping to be reborn from Nirvana one day.And the body of the Peerless Thunder Demon will turn into a Thunder Mother Monument, and its heart will turn into a Thunder Heart Monument, and this demon palace will be suppressed under the Thunder Heart Monument.She hopes that someone who is destined can enter the palace under the Thunder Heart Stele and destroy the devil tire!

And Tianhuang Lei Ze was transformed by the origin of this peerless power!

In the end, there is still a paragraph in the inscription, which talks about the origin of Zhu Xiao.Before her Taoist companion fell, the ovules were darkened.

What Hua Feixue saw, Zhu Xiao also shared.Seeing the last paragraph of inscription exuding maternal love that could no longer be grasped, Hua Feixue sighed, feeling a little sad.Zhu Xiao's mood was also a little low.

At this moment, the Eye of Inner Universe seemed to notice something!A ray of lightning shot out from the stone heart tablet, condensing into a thunder phantom and appearing in front of the stone heart tablet.

At this moment, the little ones got excited and almost rushed into the Leimu Monument, but they stayed in the Leimu Monument for endless years and didn't know there was a Lei Xinbei, and they didn't know where the Lei Xinbei was hidden.

Hua Feixue's mind twitched, he could understand Zhu Xiao's mood.The little ones are anxious.The thunder phantom said: Destined person after endless years, if you can understand the inscription and not be attacked, it proves that you are the descendant of Shura Dao, and you have the blood source of thunder.The thunder phantom I left behind contains my life's painstaking inheritance 'Thunder Heart Domineering'.After you get my inheritance, the Thunder Heart Monument will belong to you, and he can collect Tianhuang Thunder City!Tianhuang Lei Ze is a secret realm derived from Tianhuang Thunder City!I have two requests, the first request, I hope you can enter the suppressed demon palace under the Thunder Heart Monument, and if the demon fetus is still there, destroy him.The second request, if one day you meet my children, if they are in danger, please help them.If you are in trouble, you can also ask them for help.My descendants are equal to my flesh and blood!I hope you will support each other!

After saying these words, the phantom of Lei Guang turned into a inheritance brand and shot it into Hua Feixue's body, and attached it to the Lei Zidan Ding Wen. When the inheritance in the brand was completely digested by the Lei Zi Dan Ding Wen, Hua Feixue Endless lightning flashed in his eyes!

After obtaining this inheritance Luo Yin, the Lei Xin Monument automatically flew out of the Lei Mu Monument and landed in Hua Feixue's hands.

Hua Feixue handed the Lei Xinbei to Zhu Xiao immediately.The inscription on the Thunder Heart Monument was written with the blood essence of this peerless Thunder Demon, with her aura in it.All the little ones circled around this Thunder Heart Monument, complaining all kinds of things!

After Lei Xinbei flew out, a dark space passage was revealed!Where is the shadow of the magic palace!Before Hua Feixue could think about it, the huge coercion of dozens of He Dao powers descended on the thunderstorm vortex!There are several Hedao powers with strong auras, far above Zhu Xiao, Zhu Xiao has never met a stronger existence than them, feeling the breath of these He Dao Dao, Zhu Xiao dodged all the flowers Huddled in Feixue's big sleeves!

"Follow me!" Without even thinking about it, Hua Feixue turned into a ray of lightning and swept the little ones into the Leimu Monument, and then stepped into the space-time passageway that exudes endless evil breath!

Just when Hua Feixue didn't enter this space-time passageway, dozens of divine senses of Hedao Dao were sweeping unscrupulously in the thunderstorm vortex.In the end, nothing was found, and the strongest of them frowned. It was clearly recorded in the ancient secret scriptures that there were five chaotic thunderstones with newborn spiritual wisdom!

If one of the Chaos Lightning Stones can be subdued, they can all have a Chaos Thunder Root!The chaotic thunder root is different from the general innate thunder spirit root. The chaos god thunder can generate thousands of thunders and command all thunders and lightnings!

"Huh? Could it be that they have achieved spiritual wisdom and left here on their own?" None of the strongest Dao experts found the trace of Lei Mu's monument. After hesitating for a few breaths, they flew straight up with the others At the top of the thunderstorm vortex, the exit is there.

Each of them holds a divine lightning protection talisman! (To be continued..)

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