Nine Heavens Imperial Sword Record

Chapter 34 Variables?See you again

Just as a group of great powers were about to rush into the exit, there was a great power who was good at divine calculations who was delayed for a moment, and suddenly caught the secret of the moment with a tacit understanding!

That's a variable!

"Tianmu Xianlao, what's the matter." A supremely powerful person asked, with a respectful but harsh tone.Everyone knew what Tianmu Xianlao had calculated.No one wants him to eat alone.

Elder Tianmu Xian hesitated for a few breaths before saying suspiciously: "I just foreshadowed a variable, which is a variable of our trip. But it is not our people! This variable is very strange, covered up by some ancient will, I only saw a pair of his eyes. I was shot by a pair of eyes and hurt my third eye, and I will not be able to peek into any secrets for a while."

While the old fairy Tianmu was speaking, a streak of black blood flowed from between his brows!This black blood dared to exude bursts of cold and indestructible sword intent!

"Eyes?" A black-robed swordsman came in front of the old fairy Tianmu, and with a wave of his hand, he condensed a portrait of light and shadow, and said, "Is it these eyes?"

"It's him! Although these eyes aren't one-billionth as strong as those eyes, I'm sure it's him!" The old fairy Tianmu tremblingly pointed at Hua Feixue's light and shadow.I don't know if it's excitement or fear.

"It turned out to be this evil beast! He slaughtered nearly [-] disciples of my Qinglong City, and I can't spare him." The deputy city lord of Qinglong City said bitterly.He is also tragic enough, among the nearly ten thousand Azure Dragon City disciples slaughtered by Hua Feixue, [-]% are disciples of his faction.The total number of disciples inside and outside Qinglong City is only one hundred thousand!Hua Feixue slaughtered [-]% of the disciples in Azure Dragon City by himself!This feud is big enough.

But he wasn't the only one who was itching with hatred, a powerful member of Moon Moon Peak in Luoyue Mountain also stared at Hua Feixue's light and shadow portrait with murderous intent in his eyes.Although the rest are not intermingled with Hua Feixue, Hua Feixue has the stone heart left by the great power of the ancient times.

It's a crime.Coupled with the variables mentioned by Tianmu Xianlao, this became the reason to kill him!

"Go." Xing Ye stepped into the exit of the thunderstorm vortex first.He still didn't say a word: This kid is very weird, he must use all his strength to make a move!

Why can't this pit be left for others to step on?

Others are afraid that Xingye will take a step ahead and get the chance first, so they rush to the entrance and exit first.Tianmu Xianlao was the last one to leave, if possible, he would like to quit!The more you know, the more secrets you have.People are more afraid of death!

All the great powers appeared on the vast ocean in an instant.Immediately, the great powers waved their sleeves, and a group of disciples who were shielded by their sleeves appeared in front of them one after another.The disciples brought in by Zhu Da Neng are all the elite children of the clan. Their first task is to protect the way for these disciples' experience during this trip, and the second is to meet their fate!

No matter how many inner disciples die, the heartache is worse than the death of an elite disciple.These disciples are their darlings, and it will hurt for decades to lose one of them.

"This sea is weird! Be careful!" a powerful person reminded them.As soon as this mighty man finished speaking, an accident happened suddenly. His favorite late disciple brought in a naughty little sea beast. When he came out, he threw himself into the sea excitedly as soon as he saw it!

As soon as this sea beast fell into the sea, it was like a thunderstorm!The hundreds of miles of sea rioted, and countless thunder and lightning exploded!

These sea waters are not water, they are electro-hydraulic.It will turn into thunder when it encounters movement and movement!

Fortunately, that expert was quick and caught his disciple.This cute little girl is already in a cold sweat!

The electro-hydraulic in the thunder sea can instantly kill the monks under the light of the light.

The movement caused by the sea beast entering the sea only lasted for a few breaths. The elite disciples brought by these great powers were stronger than each other, and they did not use magic weapons or secret body protection. Although eating is painful, it plays a role in exercising a little.

What's more, they wear inner armor, and the electrical energy is weakened by [-]%.The comparison is whether whose inner armor is stronger.Seeing that each of these disciples was full of fighting spirit, these great masters nodded their heads.

Sixty percent of the great powers that came in belonged to the masters behind Tianluo Weilu.Thirty percent of the Tianluowei land outside the northern part, and another [-]% are those they put in with a blind eye.

As for the game, it is better to have fun alone than to have fun with others.

Then a group of great experts led their disciples away.There are not many clans that have relevant secret records in Tianhuang Lei Ze.Even if there is, it will not be shared.Each has its own calculations.

But they have a common goal: kill Hua Feixue!

Only kill this variable.They can find treasure here with peace of mind.

There is only one Tianmu old fairy left on the sea, he is a casual cultivator, he has no children and no disciples.Suddenly, a sinister laugh came from the old man's throat!The old man with Tianmu then strangled his throat.I said the last sentence with difficulty: are the variable!

Then there was a loud bang, and the body of Tianmu Old Immortal exploded!Out of the blood mist came out an old Taoist who looked like a magic stick, and it turned out to be him!

The old man raised his hand casually.Li Zigan and Qiu Meier were released.These two disciples respect him immensely!The old Taoist said straight to the point the purpose of the trip.One of the goals made Li Zigan so excited.

"You change into this guy's appearance, and kill people when you see them. The best way is to kill a few of the disciples brought in by these big guys!" The old master said with a smile.

Li Zigan has always wondered if this kid owed his master a huge debt in his previous life!In this life, his master will desperately drive this kid to his death.

As long as he can trick this kid in any tricks, he is happy to play!The old Taoist thought about it again, and then changed the plan, let Li Zigan carry out this task alone, and other people can kill, but they can't mess with the aborigines here!But Qiu Meier followed the old way to do another thing.

The old Taoist bestowed upon Li Ziyu a lightning-proof celestial inner armor and two jade charms!

After weighing the two jade talismans in his hands, Li Ziyu became even more excited. These are two heaven-defying forbidden talismans that are worth more than an ordinary fairy treasure!It can ensure that his life is safe!

Each talisman can instantly kill a group of ordinary He Dao Chase!He really wanted to see a group of Daoists in front of him at this moment, and the pleasure of instantly killing them must be incomparable.

At this time, Hua Feixue didn't know that he had been plotted against by dozens of He Dao experts.

A hole suddenly opened above the peaceful island, and a white shadow spit out.

It's Hua Feixue!

Hua Feixue was reborn and smashed onto the island, smashing his starry sky!It took a few breaths before he forcibly regained his composure.

"What kind of place is this?" Hua Feixue noticed that the surroundings were quiet, there was no wind or air flow, and the whole world was almost dead silent. (to be continued..)

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