The old man looked at the sky beyond the forest at a 45-degree angle, sighed, and recalled: We are already one of the few aboriginal peoples left in the wild Lei Ze secret realm.Our royal family has disappeared for eons since that battle.And this forest is transformed from the body of one of the remaining powers after the war. He sacrificed himself just to protect Tianhuang Lei Ze's last spark.I hope that one day the royal family will reappear and lead us to rebuild our homeland.But we waited too long, even the lightning root in our bloodline has degenerated.Because I am the head of a village, the old man was able to enter the Thunder Pond to wash his blood and retrace his blood.But that thunder pool has been used for countless years, and if it is not supplemented by the source of lightning, the root of thunder and lightning will be cut off.

Speaking of this, the old man stared at Hua Feixue's incarnation of the Thunder Elephant with twinkling eyes, and said sincerely: "I can feel the source of thunder and lightning in your body as vast as the sea."I hope you can give us a hand.I have no way to repay this kindness of rebirth.

Hua Feixue didn't refuse, she could only say that she would do her best.The two walked and talked.Later Hua Feixue learned that there used to be three villages in this forest.Until 100 years ago, one of the villages walked out of the forest after the thunder pool completely dried up and took refuge in those evil beings in the sea!

The remaining two villages fought a bloody battle for the last mine.There is no winner in this bloody battle!The remaining people merged into a village.

"Is that an evil existence?" Hua Feixue asked.

"They were the people from Leiyuan who were demonized by the Purgatory Devil Palace after the battle. They are not the people from Leiyuan now, but the people from Leiyuan. Now the most powerful person in this secret territory is the Hellman." Speaking of this , the old man smiled a little bitterly.

Chapter 36 Prison Demon Appears

When the village entrance arrived, two big yellow dogs approached the old man flatteringly, and another black dog barked at Hua Feixue a few times.

A blue-brick plank road leads directly to the depths of the village, and khaki-hued thatched houses are scattered on both sides of the ancient blue-brick road.

There were a few puffs of cooking smoke, and a few barks of dogs.When the wind blows, a few pieces fall onto the shawl.Passing the small bridge, the sound of running water is faint.In the evening without the setting sun, there is a sunset glow in the peace!

Hearing that a master came to the village, men, women and children all mobilized and almost broke the village head's small yard.

"Brother, why don't you have three heads and six arms?" A little girl with two missing front teeth asked curiously.Hua Feixue was overjoyed, but he couldn't answer, so after thinking about it, he took out a little thing and gave it to the little girl.

When the other little ones saw a small toy being given away, they all pushed away the adults surrounding Hua Feixue, not all the little ones were as weird as that little girl.He wanted to please Hua Feixue and asked for a toy, but he didn't know what to say, so he just grinned silly.Who laughs that a child's smile has to be cute to look beautiful?

As long as it's a pure smile, it's beautiful.These smiles are like the brand of the years, branded in the dusk when the sun cannot be seen.

"Don't worry, everyone has a share." Hua Feixue conjured up little gadgets with her bare hands like magic to make the children laugh.These branded smiles can make his demonic nature settle down, adding a bloody nature!

Zhuxiao was not unhappy, and mingled with all the little guys in the village.The little ones are like five little treasures, the little ones are lovable!All the little guys were amused by these five little treasures.In the end, a boy who was still angry joined in with a big yellow dog in his arms.A group of little guys played hide and seek.

The girls in the village are also very generous. I heard that a master came, and they all dressed up most beautifully.But when he saw the Venerable Master, he was so shy that he didn't know what to say.I just nestled in the crowd and glanced here from time to time.

In their eyes, Hua Feixue's eyes are so clear.It's because they have a heart of innocence in their hearts.

After nightfall, the villagers all went home, doing what they should do.After the Venerable Master saw it, there was nothing special about it.People like them, easy to talk to.Those who are easy to talk to are not some kind of old master.Nothing fancy.

Hua Feixue noticed some strange existences among the villagers.Someone has a faint evil spirit on him!

In the night in the secret realm, the moon and stars cannot be seen, the night sky is a dark blue, and thunder is constantly flashing in the sky!Hua Feixue followed the village head to a dilapidated palace deep in the forest.

In the depths of the palace, there is a pool of ten steps square.Occasionally, there are a few wires of electric snakes swimming in the pool!In addition, this pool is more like a pool of stagnant water.The source of thunder in this thunder pool has dried up, and the rest is only electro-hydraulic with strong electricity.

When there was no one else around, the village chief suddenly knelt down in front of Zhu Xiao and paid homage respectfully!

"Son of Thunder God?" Hua Feixue was stunned, how did they know the existence of these little guys?

Seeing that Hua Feixue was different, the village head handed over a simple jade slip and said: "This is a secret handed down from ancient times. It is recorded that five chaotic thunder stones were cut in it, which were conceived in Lei's mother's womb. In ancient times , Tianhuang Lei Ze has experienced several catastrophes, all of which were caused by outside masters. Countless great powers of our family sacrificed to protect the chaotic Lei Shi who was still pregnant in Lei's mother's womb. Regarding the origin of our family, our family The younger generations dare not forget! Mother Lei is the mother god in our hearts, and his child is the son of god of our clan."

Zhu Xiao listened very carefully to everything related to his mother.Hua Feixue likes the pureness of these people, this is the original people.The species title of the Leiyuan people is very suitable for them.

Hua Feixue began to observe the thunder pond.He has received kindness from Zhuxiao's mother, and has the grace of teaching and passing on, so he should be regarded as a teacher!

The night in the secret realm, the darker the night, the more evil it feels, and this evil breath comes from a large submarine rift valley in the deepest part of this sea of ​​thunder.There is endless darkness in the rift valley!The sea water here is no longer the liquid of lightning, but the breath of evil that condenses into liquid!

Occasionally, golden thunder light came out from the endless darkness, like thunder and lightning runes, sealing this rift valley.In the depths of endless darkness there are two dead cities!Occasionally, a few golden thunder snakes wandered around the city, but there was no trace of life.But under the ten thousand feet of this city, there is a palace under the town, and there is a faint sound of magic coming from it, but when you listen carefully, there is a dead silence!

At this moment, the four huge stone sculptures in the dead city opened their eyes at the same time, because they felt a sense that originated from blood!

It's their return!The Son of God is finally born!

Then there was a moan: The Son of God is still weak, it is difficult to restore our clan!The royal family of our family has turned into a demon, may the Son of God grow up in blood and fire!

"Hee hee, Son of God? Chaos Lightning Stone? What my father didn't get back then, I will definitely refine them into a magic weapon!"

A cold voice came from the palace on the ground.

"Hmph, you bastard who devoured your father's old slough. How dare you! I'll kill you!" A roar came from a stone sculpture in the city and controlled Tianhuanglei town down.

"Hey, let's see who will control who! There is no Thunder Heart Stone in Tianhuang Thunder City, and the Lord of Tianhuang Thunder died with my father. You have already finished your game. My brother will definitely eradicate your ants!" Let out a sneer!

One city, one palace, and another peak.The endless darkness is angry!But there is nothing anyone can do about it, and they have held each other down for endless years here.

In another corner under the sea of ​​thunder, there is a huge city standing on the seabed.In the center of the city, there is a pool of blood in the depths of a blood-red palace.The water in this pool of blood is the blood of Lei Yuanshi's virgin.

"It's a pity, Lei Yuanshi is about to be killed by us!" A blood-eyed young man with a pale face in the pool smiled coldly, and then said greedily: I heard that there is another Lei Yuanshi hiding there. on the island.Those shy girls, it's a pity to let their blood flow to death, just to let me wash off the blood once.So how many times do you reuse the waste, I will kick them to live a few more days.

"As for the remaining evils, I will completely eradicate them."

While the young man was chatting alone, a girl with blood wings appeared in the pool of blood.A look of obscenity flashed across Prison Tu's eyes, and he really wanted to press this girl into the pool of blood to have a good time, but unfortunately she was the adopted daughter of the third brother, and when he thought of that man, he shuddered.

That is a poor guy, he only knows how to cultivate all his life, he doesn't know what a woman's body fragrance is, and he doesn't know how to be gentle.Prison map sneered in his heart and then said: If you have anything to say, just say it.If you don't knock on the door next time you come in, I will definitely crush your little body.

"Oh? Really? I'll wait and see." The girl chuckled, and then said, "It should be a big deal to have new information. Those five Chaos Lightning Stones were born, and they were taken into the secret realm."

This is the best news Prison Map has heard.Then the girl said: "The door to the secret realm opens every 10 years, and now it's another 10 years. You understand."

"Oh, that's so interesting. I miss the powerful blood of those human monks, as well as their origin.!" Prison Map walked out of the blood pool naked.

"How does my body compare with Third Brother? Is it much stronger?" Prison Tu teased. (To be continued..)

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