In the depths of the red palace, bursts of suffocating evil radiated, and suddenly a girl's tragic tearing cry came out, which caused the evil giggles of the few bats hanging under the eaves.Then came the sound of a satisfied man panting.

Looking at the pictures of ladies on the wall, Prison Tu felt a burst of pride, these are his masterpieces.That's all made with real people!There is a girl who is not sad about the world, and there is a beautiful woman who rolls in the wind and dust...

The girl lying on his bed was being eroded by a black force, and finally turned into a silk screen on the mattress: a girl tied to a wooden horse.

The blood, tears and desperation in those eyes made Jail Tu feel bursts of satisfaction.

This is his magic life happiness!

This is not only his palace, but also his main hall. His bed is located in the very center of the palace. This hall is called the Flower Burial Hall!Xiaorou has been waiting in the hall for a long time.

After the Prison Map was satisfied, he still sat on the stone steps of the hall with red eyes, and after a while he became a little confused and said: You just killed all my playthings and turned them into prison demons.Do you know how wasteful that is?

"They have all the organs they should have. What is there to waste?" Shaorou said coldly.

"However, they are no longer feminine, and they also lack a kind of chastity that only Shi people have. I like the feeling of trampling on this kind of chastity thousands of times. Do you understand?"

Xiaorou hates this guy's eyes and really wants to dig them out with her own hands.Prison Picture greedily glanced at Xiaorou's devilish figure, feeling an urge to press him on top of Lady Picture and trample him.

"Let's talk about business. The princes are all in retreat. The emperor was restrained by the sky and thunder pool in the abyss again! Now you are the only prince who is taking care of daily affairs. You must arrange these things yourself .Because the big demon kings at the Dao level only obey the orders of the kings." Xiaorou said.

"Take this king talisman, and you can command a group of big demons. You can do whatever you want. I'm a worthless piece of trash, so I should do what trash should do. Just leave those virgin girls to me .As for the powerful blood, just let the demon kings consciously save some for me to reward. I haven’t enjoyed the blood of a monk who is a monk in the same way for 10 years.” The prison map will have a golem engraved on it. The token was thrown to Xiao Rou.

Xiaorou was silent for a while, and then said: I'm afraid this group of monks who come in is not easy to deal with.They seem to be looking for traces of Lei Yuanshi.

"Oh?" Prison Map thought for a moment before he laughed and said, "I once searched for the memory of an ancient great power. Most of their monks don't have innate spiritual roots, and they have to rely on acquired cultivation. Acquired spiritual roots and innate spiritual roots. Don't be too big. They have a secret technique that can transplant the innate Dao roots of the first people to their descendants. The innate Dao roots and the innate spiritual roots are two existences of heaven and earth. It seems that they People's innate thunder and Dao roots have greed. Hehe, people are also demons when they have desires."

Prison Tu laughed for a while, and then said: First, send a few Thunder Demon Lords to test the water.If more than five big demon groups can't die together with a fellow monk, then make a deal with them, we need items from the outside world.Especially women.hey-hey.If one of the five thunder demons can be exchanged for a Daoist monk, they will all be wiped out.They must have brought a lot of youngsters here to practice, those tender and slippery little sisters can make me supple to the bone.

Xiao Rou understood the meaning of the prison map, so she turned around and left.Talk to this trash again.It will only stain the ears.

There is an archipelago in the endless sea.This island is covered by several divine thoughts that are so powerful that they can make mortals tremble.They searched every inch of the land and still haven't found the whereabouts of Lei Yuanshi.

"No reason? An ancestor of our family got great benefits from this secret territory a million years ago. This secret map was left by that ancestor. Even after millions of years of changes, for these It is extremely long for ordinary Leiyuan people who have not awakened their innate Daogen. But for our level of power, 10 years is just a flick of a finger. We have searched dozens of islands, and even half a living thing The shadow didn't even meet, so it's extinct?"

These few experts in Luoyue Mountain were very puzzled.After discussing for a while, these great powers decided to lead a team of disciples into action.The harvest of the ancestor a million years ago made them unable to calm down.

Those who are most suitable for transplanting Thunder Source Daogen are those ordinary people who have not yet awakened Daogen!They didn't feel guilty at all for Daogen who skinned these aborigines alive.

Not my race.All fish!

As long as thousands of Leiyuan people are recruited, they will be able to dominate Tianluo Weilu, and even establish branches of Taoism on the four great continents.Thinking of this, these powerful men of Luoyue Mountain couldn't help their blood boil again.

If you can find the legendary temple.Get the fairy source inside, breaking the boundary and ascending just around the corner!

There is a decisive look in every powerful gaze, even if all the ancestors in this secret realm are wiped out, it is worth it, just to complete the glory of the sect.

One climbed to the top, Wan Shiyao, who ever cared about the death of all living beings.

"My sons and daughters, we will lead you on a bloody road, even if this secret realm is wiped out, just to let this sect reach the peak of all orthodoxy. Do you have any thoughts of women and Confucianism?" The master of the Crescent Moon Hall on Wangyue Peak stared at A group of disciples asked sonorously!

"The brave is the general, the overlord becomes the emperor! The way is ruthless! Kill!"

The emotions of the disciples were aroused.For non-self races, they have no kindness in their hearts.Just when Zhu Da Neng was about to lead his disciples to split up, a group of Thunder Demon Soldiers covered with red magic patterns was quietly staring at the team led by one of the Da Neng.In this team of Thunder Demon Soldiers, there are actually five Great Demon Lords of the Dao level.Its subordinates are all demon guards.

Demon guards all have the strength to enter the realm of enlightenment and enlightenment!

At the same time, more Thunder Demon Soldiers were eyeing the team led by other monks.

Those who ignore the unknown are foolish no matter how strong they are!For the greater good, it is understandable to act separately, but it is the beginning of self-destruction!

Because Tianhuang Lei Ze is no longer the world of Lei Yuanshi.

At this moment, the Daoist He Dao of the targeted team suddenly shouted: He Fangxiao, come out!

There was a boiling in his blood, waiting for them to come to the door automatically!

This powerful man and Ben didn't give the other party room to show up and talk, and just formed a crescent moon seal and went straight down!

Before entering the secret realm, they had prepared sufficient reserves of origin stones, so that they could fully exert their power and not be suppressed by these natives.All the natives of Hedao level can form an energy connection with the secret realm, so as to isolate them from mobilizing the energy of the outer world.

With the sound of thunder, dozens of figures soared into the sky, riding a wave under their feet!The electric snake flickered on the waves!

There is no place to find after breaking through the iron shoes!It's really Lei Yuanshi!This powerful man was excited, and with a wave of his hand, there were several shadows around him!How many great experts in Luoyue Mountain did not separate?

"Tao body outside the body?" A thunder demon king stared deeply at these figures.They are not real people, but outsiders.

The Tao body outside the body is hundreds of times stronger than the incarnation outside the body.Can 100% display the strength of the deity!It's just that when one's body is separated from a heretic, the primordial spirit will suffer a little bit of separation.

The great power of Luoyue Mountain didn't bother to say anything more to this group of demons.He also noticed the magic lines on these thunder demons, but he didn't take it seriously.Ordinary species still change every hundred years!Maybe this is the activated ancestral pattern after the awakening of the innate dao root.

Prison Demons were only born in the past one million years.In these millions of years, none of the great powers from the outside world that entered could get out alive.So their information is behind!Didn't know the existence of Hell Devil!

"Kill!" With one command from this powerful man, he entangled the other five great demon kings with all the heretics!

The same battle situation played out everywhere.Human beings think they are cunning!

In the end, everyone was jealous.Because these thunder demons are not the original people of Lei Yuan millions of years ago, they have the magic pattern on their bodies: Ah Tumowen!

The heavier the killing, the more demon-slaying patterns, and the stronger the combat power!

Casualties are beginning to appear!Stimulated by the loss of fellow sects, the elite children of various sects were forced to unleash their potential.

"Kill!" (To be continued...)

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