Nine Heavens Imperial Sword Record

Chapter 37 Chaos Lightning Pond

No one was aware of the ubiquity of the evil breath, because they were not Hua Feixue.

The powerful killing intent erupted was actually when the souls were defenseless, and these young monks began to be corroded by evil spirits.

"Leave a few alive!"

The great powers also exploded!A few elite disciples were killed and injured, making them feel as if their hearts were cut!

The wrath of Almighty is really terrifying, and the situation of the battle is turned around in an instant!Gradually turned into a massacre!

Thunder Demon's combat power is strong, but its tactics have degraded.Their sanity has long been eroded by the magic pattern, leaving only the fighting instinct, but no fighting wisdom!

Seeing that the defeat was unstoppable, the remaining Thunder Demon Lord had nothing but despair.A long-forgotten sigh was released, and what a relief!

With a loud bang, the rest of the Great Demon Lords blew themselves up!

After they failed, they had only one way to go. Going back would only become food for those animals, and they didn't have the courage to witness the fate of their families being implicated.

With magic patterns mixed in, the power of Lei Mo Maharaja's self-explosion is twice that of Lei Yuanshi!

The void was blasted through!

"No! They are not Lei Yuanshi people! They will kill everyone alive!" A powerful disciple teleported thousands of miles away, feeling the evil breath released after the self-detonation, and shouted in shock!

late!Although the people they captured alive were imprisoned from their origin, the magic lines on their bodies were not natural, but mutated by being infected with a kind of plague: Ah Slaughter Demon Plague!

This kind of devil plague and the plague demon path in Shura Dao are two different Taoism systems.This magic plague technique is derived from another lineage of the magic way: the way of hell!

Legend has it that there are eighteen realms in hell, and there are many branches of Taoism like Shura Taoism.They are both demons, but they are natural enemies.

The morality of Shura Tao is to stop killing by killing.But the morality of hell is born to punish sentient beings, killing is not their only method, sickness, old age, torture...

Eighteen hells and eighteen punishments!

Legend has it that Ah Tu is the head of the Eighteen Hell Paths and has the strongest inheritance: Punishment of Despair!

Ah, the plague of the Tuyu Dao is more inhumane than the plague of the Asura Dao!The disciples infected with this plague began to mutate and self-mutilate!

But elites are elites after all.The willpower of these disciples was pushed to the limit, and finally resisted the urge to self-mutilate, and then used the secret method of expelling the plague to drive out the plague one by one!

All the masters could smell something unusual.The situation in this secret realm has changed for millions of years!million years ago.Every time Lei Ze Secret Realm is born, two or three monks will return successfully.Since a million years ago, until now, only two powerful people have come back, but those two powerful people have since been labeled as remnants of the evil way!

These things have nothing to do with Hua Feixue for the time being.At this time, Hua Feidi was scrutinizing every detail of the thunder pool in the depths of the dilapidated ancient temple!

There is no trace of any formations applied by hand skills in this thunder pool. The 99 serial formations are completely natural, the only thing that cannot be done.After these 99 chain formations, the function of thunder pool to wash blood is formed.The most important thing is to connect to the center of the 99 serial formations, which is the original ancestor blood Luo Yin!

This is a headache.The 99 serial array can still find a way to repair it manually.The 'relic' in the original Luo Yin has become a pile of white ash, how to restore it?

"Huh? Hua Feixue suddenly remembered the Lei Xinbei that Zhu Xiao enshrined like a mother! It was a city talisman to collect Tianhuang Leicheng, and these Leiyuan ancestors were the descendants of Tianhuang Leicheng. This There must be something to use!

At this moment, Lei Xinbei sensed what Hua Feixue was thinking, and suddenly trembled, creating a feeling of resonance with Hua Feixue!This kind of resonance can only be sensed by Hua Feixue, who is proficient in organ language!

Hua Feixue was suddenly bright!

Just do what you say, and with a wave of your sleeves, the entire Thunder Pond will be collected into the Inner Universe Vaulted Furnace!He wants to retrain this thunder pool.

"Little guys, I need your help." Hua Feixue greeted.These little guys enjoy every time this stingy guy asks for help, which shows that they are better than him!

Then these little fellows seemed to have heard something, and obediently slipped into Hua Feixue's Inner Universe Furnace.As long as it enters Hua Feixue's Inner Universe Dome Furnace, even the Daoist will leave a few pieces of meat behind!

It is very difficult to refine Thunder Pool again.Hua Feixue was not 100% sure.But after being taught by Zhu Xiao's mother, he must ensure success, even if he puts in [-]% of his efforts!

The 24 Dan Ding Wen in the Inner Universe Furnace have been activated!The vast catastrophe and elven lightning energy accumulated in the depths of the inner universe began to be withdrawn and used.

Wisps of subtle force of creation began to envelop the thunder pool!Just when the power of good fortune began to eat away at this thunder pool, Zhu Xiao didn't stay idle.They let the power of good fortune enter their bodies to extract their chaotic thunder source!

The lesser chaotic thunder-sources are too noble to rank with the power of creation in the beginning.But Hua Feixue possessed the power of good fortune to be at the level of a market gangster.If a toad wants to eat swan meat, it depends on whether the toad is a prince.

Even if the little ones contributed voluntarily, Hua Feixue would not be blessed.It can only be eaten and extracted bit by bit!

It's really unintentional, Hua Feixue doesn't know that any source of chaos and the power of good fortune are mutually reinforcing.Hua Feixue was unintentionally greedy for the small chaotic sources of thunder, but was tempered little by little by the power of nature.Just like a sword embryo made of fine steel.It is tempered little by little into steel or its ingredients, making the blade sharper and tougher!

If Hua Feixue had the heart to be silent, his power of creation could instantly rise to several levels.Everything needs a process to fit and accumulate gains!

While the power of good fortune is being upgraded a little bit, Hua Feixue has a deeper understanding of the essence of Qi Gang!Gradually, Hua Feixue became dual-purpose, half of her mind was on re-smelting Thunder Pond, and half of her mind was on enlightenment in the ethereal realm.

A flash of inspiration is an opportunity.He will seize any opportunity tightly!This is what the road to the strong must do.

Lei Chi was finally completely eaten away by the power of nature!Hua Feixue can retrain this thunder pond as she likes.The natural mysteries in the 99 natural chain formations in the Thunder Pool are what he wants most.

The 99 natural chain formations began to be dismantled and reassembled by Hua Feixue little by little.I don't know how long time has passed. Enlightenment in the ethereal realm has no sense of time. It may take ten thousand years in a second, and it takes others ten thousand years to comprehend things.

Hua Feixue finally conquered the mystery of the 99 natural chain formations!He realized more about the essence of Tao, as if he had taken a big step, and the road ahead suddenly became clear!

Without thinking too much about other things, when comprehending the 99 natural chain formations, the Lei Chi Kai was also decomposed and restored to the original raw materials little by little!After analyzing these raw materials, the refinement of Leichi began.

Time slipped away again.Lei Chi finally succeeded in retraining, and the 99 natural chain formations seem to have something more than before.Hua Feixue can't control that much anymore, Zhu Xiao and Hua Feixue also have a kind of telepathy, without Hua Feixue opening her mouth, Zhu Xiao voluntarily left Hua Feixue's Inner Universe Furnace.

The chaotic thunder source extracted from Zhu Xiaoshi's body was attached to the thunder pond, and the power of nature instantly wrapped the thunder pond, and the final refining began.

When five drops of chaotic thunder source fell on the bottom of the thunder pool and merged into a thunder source brand, the thunder heart tablet suddenly broke into the furnace of the inner universe. Pointing at one of the Chaos Lightning Stones, a mind-sensing sharing is produced with it.

Hua Feixue didn't have time to explain too many things.

A piece of Lei Xinbei split and landed on Lei Yuan's brand, and there was an instant reaction.

Hua Feixue finally understood one thing, Tianhuang Lei Ze was formed by the little mothers taking their own bones for sacrifice!

With a burst of thunderous carnival, Lei Chi was finally formed.Hua Feixue was also tired!

Looking at the Thunder Pond in front of him, the village chief was excited and didn't know how to thank Hua Feixue.Hua Feixue waved his hands and said, he didn't have the energy to say anything.

The village head was not hypocritical, and immediately stepped into the thunder pool.

A long howl came from the dilapidated palace, piercing the sun and the moon.No one thought that the dying old village head could break through on the spot, not only stepping into the realm of enlightenment and enlightenment.It also awakened the innate blood hidden deep in the blood: the source of chaos. (To be continued..)

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