It was raining.

At the other end of the wild Lei Ze, a huge warship stayed above the edge of Lei Ze.Xu Yueyi likes rainy days, and is even more curious about rainy days in Tianhuang Lei Ze.

The raindrops fell on her hands and exploded into dazzling blue electric sparks, very beautiful!She also likes blue.

Blossoming blue electric sparks exploded between the palms. This kind of dreamlike beauty was once the beauty that girls yearned for.

The rainy Tianhuang Lei Ze is like a poetic world, its lifelessness makes it extraordinarily poignant.The whole Lei Ze is the sky of rain and the world of flowers.

Different raindrops contain different components of thunder and lightning, and when it falls on thunderstorms, flowers of different colors bloom in full bloom.

Tie Huatang stood by the corridor of the battleship, looking at Xu Yueyu who was bathed in the rain, she was a psychedelic girl.

The raindrops fell on her and exploded into flowers.

"What a beautiful person." Feng Xiaotian appeared beside Tie Huatang and said.

After some contact, Tie Huatang could no longer feel any disgust towards Feng Xiaotian. This is a genuine and elegant young man, who is both literary and Confucian without losing his blood.But the word "friends" has always been buried deeply. He feels that he doesn't need friends, as long as he doesn't hate them, he can associate with them, that's all.

Tie Huatang and Feng Xiaotian stood silently, watching the round of moon falling in the fantasy world.It's a pity that they are always in the world of mortals.

The rain still stopped.

When Xu Yueyi passed by Tie Huatang's side, she was a little shy.

Tie Huatang really wanted to do something or something, but was always held tightly by something, allowing Xu Yueyi to pass by.After Xu Yueyi returned to the cabin, Feng Xiao just teased and said: Brother Hua Tang, you are emotional.

Tie Huatang wanted to deny it, but instinctively closed his mouth.

"Brother Huatang never disdains duplicity. Silence is affirmation." Feng Xiaotian folded his fan one day and said with a smile.

Then Feng Xiaotian changed the subject, and said seriously: "It seems that Tianhuang Lei Ze has also fallen. Tianhuang Lei Ze is an extreme fairy weapon. It cannot be broken unless it is shot by a true fairy in the legend. As long as you find We still have a chance to see the traces of Tianhuang Leicheng."

"Your ancestors are also interested in this place?" Hua Huatang asked curiously.

"Well. But their realm has exceeded the bottom line of this world's tolerance, and they cannot be dispatched at will. As long as they find Tianhuang Leicheng and locate the astrolabe, they can be brought in. The ancestors who have reached their level, the lifespan There is not much left, Chaos and Thunder are more afraid of magical effects than Xianyuan, and they will be interested in any gods that can increase their lifespan." Feng Xiaotian said.

"It seems that you are ready. No matter whether the situation here changes or not, the only way to find Tianhuang Leicheng is to find the Thunder City. Those seniors will join forces to capture it. If that is the case, why did you bring me to join in the fun?" Tie Huatang asked .

"Without him, I will make you stronger. I will let those old ancestors give you a chance to choose. As long as you capture Tianhuang Leicheng, even if you want a ray of chaos, I will let those old ancestors give you a chance to choose." The ancestor agrees." Feng Xiaotian said.

"There's no such thing as a free lunch. What do you want from me?"

Tie Huatang looked at Feng Xiaotian, Feng Xiaotian's smile was still like a spring breeze, and said: I don't want to get anything, I just want you to have more power to protect the person who makes your heart beat.


The two men stared for a moment.Feng Xiaotian smiled slightly and said: Because I want the girl I like to be happy.

Then Feng Xiaotian turned to the peak, and said: But those ancestors want to get something from you, you understand.

"They want to conspire against Tai'an City?"

Feng Xiaotian shook his head, nodded again and said: Yes.There is a plan, but everything must be snatched.They just shared the ancient secrets inside.They said, let you voluntarily, you do not agree.They won't make things difficult for you either.Only this time it can only be a simple trip

In Tie Huatang's heart, the only thing that makes me invincible is the will to fight, but not the arrogant arrogance.Some things can only be gained more if you give up.Tie Huatang did not agree.There is no objection, it is a response.

Silence is consent!This is Tie Huatang.

Then Feng Xiaotian said: "The prison demon has already found Qinglong City and some other hidden clans.What they fancy is easy to control.It won't be long before the cannon fodder will be used to clear us out of the nest.From this point of view, Tianhuang Leichi has not yet fallen into the hands of the Prison Demon.The ensuing battle will be brutal.We must hold on until we find Tianhuang Leicheng.

As he said that, Feng Xiaotian distributed a jade talisman to Tie Huatang, saying: "This is an attracting talisman. If we get separated, we will save our own lives. If one party is safe, we will lead the others over."The person who is attracted, the jade talisman can only be used once and it will be broken.If it is not in danger of life and death, it is best to save it and find Tianhuang Leicheng.

Tie Huatang took the talisman and nodded.

The rain stopped and the world returned to peace.

Beneath this calm is a kind of eagerness to move.

The night came silently.Xu Yueyi was quietly reading mountain novels in the book cabinet inside the ship.These books are the only books Feng Xiaotian collected in the mortal world.Monks who have transcended mortals, even Confucian and Taoist monks, do not have to write idle essays about romance, love and hard thinking.Everything that has nothing to do with practice is useless.

When Xu Yueyi was intoxicated by the words and ink in the book, a huge black shadow galloped towards the battleship, and the distance between the two was less than ten miles!This huge black shadow is actually a ferocious fairy warship,

When this battleship appeared a few miles away, Feng Xiaotian's Gu Zhanliang suddenly flashed with brilliance, and a protective shield with a diameter of one mile lit up!

"Qinglong City?!" Feng Xiaotian appeared on the bow of the ship, but it was just a warship of Xianbao level, and he didn't fall into Feng Xiaotian's eyes.He also expected that this was just cannon fodder for an outpost!Everything that needs to be prepared is ready, and their entire army will be wiped out no matter how many times they come.

Just when the battleship of Azure Dragon City was about to collide with the shield of the ancient battleship, an even bigger shadow appeared from the side!


"Damn it! That's the mothership of the Xianbao class! Who is it? How could there be such a thing!" Feng Xiaotian suddenly changed color, and shouted angrily: Run away!

The motherships are all left over from the ancient times, and as the killer weapons of some hermit clans, they are never easily transferred away.

There is a flag with a golden ape on this mothership!It belongs to the Golden Ape Clan!

This big guy appeared too suddenly, and he couldn't guard against it!With a clear and loud noise, Feng Tianxiao's battleship's shield was blown by an elephant like a balloon!

No one except Feng Xiaotian and Tie Huatang could react!The moment before the mothership appeared, Tie Huatang's men turned into sword lights and swept back to the cabin!

Xu Yueyi is still inside!

"Why do fish and water love each other in the water and forget each other in the rivers and lakes?" Xu Yueyi was puzzled after reading this book.She felt that the feelings that she thought were great were either deceiving herself or others, or making excuses for empathy.

At this moment, Xu Yueyi's hairs suddenly exploded. Before he had time to react, the battleship was smashed and exploded in an instant!

A huge ram directly hit Xu Yueyi!Death came so suddenly!

At this moment, a figure flew towards Xu Yueyi's side!Before he could save her in time, the figure flew towards her and sent Xu Yueyi flying several miles away with one palm!And this figure was run over by the mothership after being knocked into the air!

The mothership stopped a few miles away, then turned around.The supreme power of the Golden Ape Clan appeared on the bow of the ship. Except for their own clan, these ant-like juniors, no matter how strong their talents were, they would not be able to catch their eyes.

Um?Want to escape?Seeing that Feng Xiaotian was using secret techniques to flee away, this powerful man wanted to stop him, but he only tore off one of Feng Xiaotian's arms, and was still escaped by him.

"The kid from the Feng family really has a lot of things on his body."

Glancing at the scattered fragments in the air, the mighty man only hummed softly before turning around and leaving.Jin Buhuan, the top genius of the Golden Ape Clan, looked at Tie Huatang who was about to fall into Lei Ze, and didn't have the slightest intention to rescue him.

Lei Ze is the most dangerous place.Ordinary Nascent Soul-level monks are not generally in Lei Ze.That is Lei Ze accumulated from the essence of thunder and lightning through endless years!This is the heaven for the lightning monks, but it is the hell for other monks!

Just when Tie Huashang fell into Lei Ze, a figure also fell into Lei Ze!

The floating mud in Lei Ze is the product of thunder and lightning.

When Tie Huashang and that figure landed on Lei Ze, it instantly caused a thunderbolt.Like a drop of water in boiling oil!

At this moment, Xu Yueyi was pierced by endless thunder shadows, which almost shocked her.But she held on tenaciously and hugged Tie Huatang who was still sinking!

In the moment of life and death, Xu Yueyi bit the tip of her tongue, and the gushing blood triggered an escape forbidden technique, turned into a beam of moonlight, rolled Tie Huatang and rushed out of Lei Ze, but what was oncoming was a huge power grid!

Xu Yueyi and Tie Huatang were captured!The sky is densely filled with Thunder Demons covered in magic patterns. (To be continued..)

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