Nine Heavens Imperial Sword Record

Chapter 47 The Darkness of the Night

No matter how strong the talent is, it is fragile when it has not grown to the point where it regards all living beings.

Mantis is not really willing to block the car, because there is an unstoppable impulse in his heart.

Tie Huatang lay in Xu Yueyi's arms like a tattered doll.

"You are so stupid." Xu Yueyi stroked Tie Huashang's face.No tears fell from her eyes, how could she shed tears now, all the sorrow and excitement turned into a force about to explode!

How can women only be protected by men!A sharp energy burst out from her body, and instantly turned into a Moonlight Blade!

A group of thunder demons were about to step forward to capture the two of them, with Xu Yueyi at the center, the sharp moonlight whirled away in the sky like a blade!The Thunder Demons within a diameter of ten miles all turned into two parts in silence!

The grief and indignation in her heart did not flow on the surface, and the pain suppressed in her heart turned into a steady stream of strength.This is the forbidden technique of Luoshui Lake in Luoyue Mountain: the curse of compassion!

This is a forbidden curse that forces the ultimate combat power, with great power and side effects!But you need to meet certain conditions to use it!

A maple leaf imprint was broken between Xu Yueyi's forehead, apparently a crescent moon appeared.

After the seal of the maple leaf covering the moon was broken, Xu Yueyi's realm instantly rose to the peak of the Ming Dao realm where the light lamp enters the Tao.However, under the effect of the compassion curse, his strength soared all the way to the peak of the three cuts of humanity!

There are bursts of autumn coolness in the sky, and the cool wind brings the breath of water, and the breath of water has the reflection of the moon!

This is the Shuiyue Sad Autumn Formation!An intention formation formed by mobilizing the original power of moonlight and water with the meaning of sorrowful autumn!

The world became silent, like a black and white painting.The cool autumn sends sorrow, the fallen leaves are silent, and the moon is silent!

Xu Yueyi seemed to be walking on the water, and as she passed, one piece after another of the Lei Moren's dumplings fell straight down!It seems to be walking, but it is ten miles in one step!At this moment, a thunder demon with black magic patterns flowing all over his body appeared silently behind Xu Yueyi.Just as he was about to shoot a elven thunder from both eyes to kill it, one eye opened from the depths of the endless seabed, and a terrifying magic sound came: This woman cannot be killed, she has the water moon fairy body, Ah nose demon king needs this wonderful furnace to sacrifice for him.

If the woman cannot be killed, then kill the man.Thunder Demon's sanity has been dominated by killing, and only continuous killing can release the pain of being tortured by the magic pattern.

When Lei Moren was about to kill Tie Huatang, a beam of moonlight suddenly shot out from Xu Yueyi's body and landed in Tie Huatang's soul.This is the curse of water and moon!

"Hmph!" His eyes were irritated by this move again, and the thunder demon man became the target of his anger, and instantly exploded into a cloud of blood mist.

Xu Yueyi and Tie Huatang were restrained by a rune sent from far away.

"Take them back to the hell of no return!" After an order came.The eyes disappeared.

The killing didn't stop there, it was also happening in other places.All the clans that entered Tianhuang Lei Ze were provoked to the flames of war, and they were caught and killed.Just to occupy more resources!

It was late at night, and all the killing stopped.Thirty percent of the clans that came in were slaughtered, and more than half of the clans left half of their disciples' bodies and fled in all directions!A battle royale that swept across the wild Lei Ze began.

The fleeing clans were all the strongest hermit clans in the north, and they were dispersed by the other two hermit clans in the north and other middle clans united with the Thunder Demons.

The young disciples and the eldest brothers all separated.

Growth needs tempered by blood and fire!In the end, those who can get out alive will turn into dragons and enter the clouds!

A few disciples who were still valuable were not killed, but became captives and were taken to the hell of no return city.

The night in the secret realm is twice as long as outside.

Humans are a nocturnal species.Prison demons are all cultivated by humans.

The entire Tianhuang Lei Ze is the territory of the prison demon, so the city defense is not very strong.Only three or five minions are patrolling.It is said to be patrolling, but in fact it is too much to wander around, to see which businesses are not pleasing to the eye, and just go there.

After millions of years of reproduction, the Prison Demons have initially established their own civilization and economic system.A place where people gather.There are business opportunities and hustle and bustle.

In a certain tavern, there were shouts and drinks in twos and threes.Some are fighting for wine, some are guessing, and some are gambling.

"Sixteen five."



"Shuangzun of heaven and earth. Kill all!"

"Grandma, you use a secret method to make money. I'm going to kill you!"

Within a few breaths, two headless corpses fell on the ground, and their Tian Dan pierced a big hole.Jin Dan was also poached.Two more ferocious-looking prison demons squatted aside, gnawing brains and sucking golden pills.

A man in a cloak walked into the restaurant, came to a table and sat down, put a golden pill on the table, and said: "Everything that is good, come up."

A junior came forward to say hello, and seeing that it was the golden pill of the Thunder Demon, he said in a strange way, "The golden pill of our Prison Demon is only worth the money. The golden pill of the Thunder Demon is just a fake pill that is catalyzed, and it is only worth a bottle of inferior pills." A plate of peanuts for wine, and a bowl of Yangchun noodles for you."

Hua Feixue suddenly set his eyes on the two prison demons who eat brains alive, and captured one of them with a random shot. A sharp sword energy imitating the strength of a knife instantly smashed his body, and the blood from the blood He took out a golden pill from the fog and put it on the table and said: This is enough.

At this moment, three or four prison devil teenagers appeared in the tavern.One of them snorted and said: I heard that the useless ten demon kings were abolished.I almost ruined the little witch in my heart, she should step on me and have fun!

As soon as this moment came out, this guy's neck was crushed by a gloomy boy with triangular eyes next to him, and a bloody light escaped from this guy's body, and reappeared in the distance. Just as he was about to howl, he was caught again The boy with triangular eyes stepped on the ground, and said in a dark voice: If you talk nonsense, I will refine your soul and sacrifice your blood.

These youngsters cast a disgusted look at those brutes who still had the bad habit of drinking blood, then sat down at the table behind Hua Feixue and ordered a table of dishes.

Blood food is better cooked.Soon, a boiled head of Thunder Demon was sent to him.This is a braised lion head dish!

"Huh?" The triangular-eyed boy suddenly looked around, as if there was a sharp murderous intent flashing away, but he didn't catch it. There was nothing in the store except the swordsman in the cloak, which made him feel a little uncomfortable. Suspicious.

The dishes are coming up one after another, and these teenagers are also talking excitedly: Hehe, I heard that we are eating the last batch of Lei Yuanshi people now.It was all thanks to Brother Jiao Du's entrusted relationship management that he got a Lei Yuanshi to come out.

The horned man with triangular eyes chuckled and said: If those human monks hadn't also planned on these Lei Yuanshi people, maybe I could get a Lei Yuanshi boy out.

"Oh, don't those monks call themselves righteous gentlemen? They also cook living people?" A young man mocked.

"It's not that he's not cooking, but he wants to skin these Leiyuan ancestors and remove their innate Leiyuan." Triangle-eyed said with a dark side.

No one found out when the swordsman in the cloak left.He didn't leave, just sneaked into the night.He knew the Lei Yuanshi who was cooked. (To be continued..)

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