"Lei Xin Monument! It's been a long time since you were born." A voice like ten thousand ghosts sang from the pupil of no return, which was like a bottomless black hole, said, this voice has a kind of intimidating voice.

The Lei Xinbei shattered the first gaze from the Eye of No Return and didn't dare to stay for a moment longer. The spirit of the stele only has the strength of the peak of Hedao. Might be stronger.

"Want to leave? Stay together!" Two black pupils of light that can swallow the darkness shot out from the pupil of no return. These two pupils are the killer weapon of the pupil of no return: the sun of sinking.

The tablet spirit of Lei Xinbei drank softly, and the Lei Xin tablet hung above his head, and put the tablet spirit and Hua Feixue together into the tablet. At this moment, the word Lei in Hua Feixue's inner universe became After touching the core of Lei Xinbei, Hua Fei instantly felt that he was surrounded by a vast and boundless thunder power.

"The Thunder Heart Monument can use the power of the source of thunder in the sea of ​​thunder sources. Every drop of sea water in this sea contains a source of thunder and lightning power! You just need to fuse your Lei Zi Dan Dingwen with the Thunder Heart Monument, You will be able to surpass He Dao in an instant! But the price is also very high, and your Dao injuries will increase."

Little Dangdang passed on a spiritual thought to Hua Feixue.Hua Feixue completely refined the elven Dao Lei that had been sucked into the sea of ​​elven thunders before, and refined a Dao source, which temporarily suppressed the Dao injury.

Without any hesitation, Hua Feixue merged the Lei Zidan tripod inscription in the Inner Universe Dome Furnace with the Stone Heart Tablet. At this moment, Hua Feixue felt that she was this sea of ​​​​thunder sources, and one punch could destroy a piece of Hedao Almighty!

- There is something under the sea of ​​​​the source of thunder!Hua Feixue didn't have the time to pay attention to what it was, so she attracted a powerful source of thunder in this sea of ​​thunder sources!His foundation is too weak, even though he can mobilize the power of the entire sea of ​​thunder origin, if he dares to do so, he will explode before the pupil of no return is destroyed.

Even if it was the source of the sea of ​​thunder, Hua Feixue's sword was not strong enough to withstand this vast force.At this moment, Hua Feixue's inner space eyes opened.That is a Nirvana sword pupil without any color!

A lightning pupil that could destroy the world shot straight out!There is also an immortal sword intent and a black fire lotus in the pupil light!

The sword pupil of Ji Mie and the pupil of Wuhui finally met in short combat, and the moment the two pupils collided, the entire city of Wuhui and the hell of Wuhui disappeared silently, but then came the pupil of Wuhui's anger: How could there be such a thing? The hell!

The black fire lotus hidden in the light of the thunder and lightning pupils bloomed like an angry lotus, and exploded like smoke in an instant, and the little lotus fire fell into the depths of the hell of no return. At this moment, a bloody light fell in the depths of the hell of no return , the explosive lotus fire was forcibly offset.

The Hell of No Return was destroyed, revealing a huge altar underground.There are many bones on the altar, and in the center, there is a blood pool with a square of a hundred paces.One eye was sealed under the pool of blood.

"My people are all gone. I must avenge this revenge!" This eye became angry, and the whole pool of blood boiled, and a force similar to the power of good fortune circulated in the pool of blood, as if Sculpture!

After one breath, humanoid creatures came out of the blood pool one after another!

"The third child. This is the result of my hundred years of sitting and dying. They are the most perfect demons! Although our father is human, why should we go back to being that weak human being? Demons are the strongest Big species!" The eyes in the pool of blood smiled sinisterly.

"They no longer have emotions and desires, except for killing. There is only killing. They exist only for killing. They have no ambition and no sense of existence. Is their existence meaningful? I will not transform my people into such deformed existence." Prison Tu appeared above the blood pool.The viscera sees the way.

Prison Wuhui just smiled and moved Qiantu thousands of miles away, and said: Among the ten brothers, you are the one I dislike the most.It's okay, don't bother me.

More than 100 demon kings of no return to prison flew away from the altar.With one step, he teleported thousands of miles, chasing after Hua Feixue.Prison Wuhui will not let Hua Feixue and Lei Xinbei go.

"Thunder Heart Monument? That's something that is collected from Tianhuang Thunder City. How can I let the second child get it?" There is a huge city built on a huge blood-colored coral somewhere on the bottom of the sea in the source of thunder.

This city was not artificially built, but a remnant left over from the failed metamorphosis of a coral polyp that surpassed the Dao level.

Prison greed has absorbed the essence of this slough and made it to that point, almost surpassing the way of harmony!

Prisoner stood on the top of the tallest piece of blood coral and looked into the distance and murmured, and then hundreds of small and medium demon kings flew out from the giant seat on the blood coral, and Prisoner pointed in the direction where Hua Feixue was escaping, and said : Erlang, go and take everything as your own. Whoever dares to rob us will swallow them all!

Prison greed is transformed from the greedy prison pool spirit, and has the inheritance of greedy prison way.

Prison greed is not afraid of his second brother at all, and no one can snatch what he likes.If not, Ning Yuan will be destroyed!

Not only the Ten Demon Kings of the Prison Dao were the ones who came up with the idea of ​​the Thunder Heart Monument, but also some great powers of the Dao who were lurking in the dark of the Sea of ​​Thunder.Among them is the great power of Luoyue Mountain.

Palace Master Yiyue of the Twelfth Palace of Luoshui Lake in Luoyue Mountain also looked at the direction where Hua Feixue disappeared. He was not interested in Hua Feixue, he only wanted to get the Thunder Heart Monument.That's something for Tianhuang Leicheng.

A beautiful young girl stood behind Palace Master Yiyue and said: Master, Master Yueyi is your junior junior sister. She seems to have been captured alive by those prison demons, and it is said that she will be dedicated to their demon emperor.Tie Huatang was also in their hands.shall we...

Palace Mistress Yiyue waved her hand lightly, and said: No, she was not captured by those deformed prison demons, but was captured alive by a woman like Hua Feixue.do you understand.

That stunning female disciple smiled slightly and replied: Yes, Uncle Yue Yi was captured by that bastard Hua Feixue.

"Falling into the hands of the devil Hua Feixue, how can she still have a chaste body? She has lost her dignity to compete for the Lord of Luoshui Lake." Palace Mistress Yiyue said lightly.

"Then what if..." the stunning female disciple hinted.

"It won't happen by accident." A pale young man appeared in the palace.That stunning female disciple recognized at a glance that it was the prison map of the Ten Demon Kings, the most annoying among all the Demon Kings.

Prison Map was so attracted by this stunning female disciple that his blood was flowing backwards. If he hadn't had serious business to do, he wouldn't have paid attention to the Mistress of Yiyue Palace, and would have put these two women on the spot. Fa-rectification.

He hates it!He hates all his brothers, why should they all be better than himself?Since they all said they were worthless, then show them that they are really worthless.Prison map somehow got involved with people from Luoyue Mountain.

"I can do it if you want, but you don't let me touch your junior sister, and you want me to let others eat him until there's not even a scum left. You have to compensate me for this loss." Jaitu smiled treacherously.

"I have a few daughters of my deadly enemy in my hands. I will hand them over to you. I am very happy." Palace Mistress Yiyue said indifferently, still not turning around to look at the prison picture.

Prison map swears in his heart that after the boss's arrangement is completed, he will definitely abuse this old woman ten thousand times!

Ten thousand times!Prison map twisted in his heart and clamored.

Then Prison Map left the palace, and chased in the direction where Hua Feixue was escaping!

There are other people who are not only interested in Lei Xinbei, but also want to skin Hua Feixue.Several young masters of the hidden clan who were brought in were slaughtered by Li Zigan.Of course, Hua Feixue was responsible for this account, who would care if he was framed or not!

"Since the prison demon has deployed so many powerful abilities, how can we show weakness! Isn't it just the power of the Dao? In this world, the sum of the monks below the Dao is not as good as half of the total number of the Dao! The people under the Dao are all ants , It seems that it is a stupid thing to bring these ants-like disciples here to practice." After listening to the report, a Daoist of a hermit clan narrowed his eyes and murmured after thinking for a while.

Then there was an order: Those individual Hedao elders don't have to pretend anymore, leave half of them to garrison, and the rest are dispatched!We want to kill that kid, and we also want to get Lei Xinbei!

This order went on, and the disciples who came in from this sect exploded, and they didn't even know that the fellow sect who was here was actually a powerful elder from this sect in disguise.Those He Dao masters disguised as disciples appeared one after another!

Several other families who hated Hua Feixue to the bone also staged this scene.

"Hey, a good show is about to start. How can I use the Gu I raised without some poisonous snakes and raptors to feed it?" An old man who looked like a magic stick stood somewhere and watched all the scenes. Staged, murmuring triumphantly.

"Human gu!" Li Zigan shuddered suddenly.It's still the master who is so ruthless that he treats people like Gu to raise him.He was glad that he was this experienced disciple.

"Hey, Hua Feixue, you deserve it!" (To be continued...)

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