"Human Gu? This name is a bit interesting." The old master Shengun turned his head and glanced at Li Zigan, and said:

"These people were all attracted by this human Gu, which relieved the pressure on us to grab the Chaos Lightning Stone by [-]%. As a teacher, we are short of a few pieces of Chaos Lightning Stone, and that thing can be refined and sacrificed. If there are still For the rest, the teacher will help each of you to refine a quasi-celestial weapon that can be cultivated into a weapon monster by yourself."

Qiu Yanmei restrained her excitement and thanked her.But Li Zigan said excitedly: In the future, my apprentice will swear to serve the master with all his life.

"You are dead, who will do the dirty work for me. After the things here are over, I will go to retreat. When I leave the retreat, you must complete the integration. I will not leave waste. I will take you there The four major divine continents are the big stage for monks. If you don’t have the strength of Dao, you can’t play there. If you are in Dao, no matter how talented you are, you’re just an ant with some talent.”

After finishing speaking, the Taoist waved his hand, and took everyone into a drop of the best natural fairy treasure like a drop of water: tears of jellyfish!

Natural fairy treasures are natural fairy treasure-level treasures of heaven, material and earth.Like the tears of jellyfish, it is said that it is the tears of jellyfish who cultivated into a fairy and fell to the mortal world.

This drop of jellyfish tears immediately melted into the sea of ​​​​thunder source, even if a true immortal came here, he would not be able to detect the existence of Lao Dao and others.

At this time, Hua Feixue teleported thousands of miles in one step, and traveled hundreds of thousands of miles in a row before she was exhausted. She almost staggered and fell to the ground, smashing dozens of huge blue steel rocks in a row to avoid standing firm Body.

The state of possessing the power of transcending He Dao was lifted, and Lei Xinbei also turned into the size of a palm and drilled back into the depths of Hua Feixue's inner space.

Tiredness overwhelmed the sky, Hua Feixue's eyes lit up, and she almost fainted.The dao injury relieved by Dao Yuan was like a volcanic eruption, causing Hua Feixue to suffer so much that he supported Qinggangyan's claws and scraped deep bloodstains on Qinggangyan!

The onset of trauma caused the blood in his body to be squeezed out like toothpaste, every pore oozing plasma!

pain!Boundless pain hit.The black cracks are spreading little by little, every little bit!The body seemed to be torn apart by countless hands.

Xu Yueyi and Tie Huatang had already been thrown aside.

Tie Huatang was lying on the ground like a dead person, there was no lust in his eyes.

"Huatang. Don't do this. I will stay by your side for the rest of my life, and I will never leave you. As long as you can live a good life, I don't mind anything." Xu Yueyi scrambled to Tie Huatang's side, feeling distressed Embracing Tie Huatang and crying.

Hua Feixue laughed suddenly, laughing like a night owl that made people's hair stand on end.He didn't want to say a word about the torture caused by the traumatic attack, but seeing Tie Huatang's behavior, is he worthy of this girl's sincerity?

"But, Tie Huatang, you are such a ridiculous scholar!" When Hua Feixue laughed, Tie Huatang's body twitched.The eyes turned from dead gray to even more colorless, Xu Yueyi was so frightened that she howled at Hua Feixue, "Stop talking, what do you know, you devil!"

"Haha, what do I know? I know more than the two of you." Hua Feixue didn't dig out the wounds she had buried. After Feixue breathed a sigh of relief, she said hoarsely: "Tie Huatang, listen to me. One, you are still alive and well, and two, at least the person you like is still by your side and will never leave you. [-]. If you are going to die with such a small injury, then I will commit suicide a thousand times. There is no law that cannot be broken, and there is no wound that cannot be healed. I am still struggling to survive, so in my In front of you. You don't have the right to die in pain!"

With a loud bang, Hua Feixue's main elephant incarnation was torn apart by the Taoist wound until it exploded. When the new main elephant incarnation re-condensed.The trauma still follows.

A tear of blood finally fell from the corner of Tie Huatang's eye.

At this moment, Hua Feixue's expression changed.Those damn Prison Dao Demon Lords are chasing after them again.It's not just one Little Demon Lord, but a group of them!How worthy of Hua Feixue!

Once Hua Feixue rolled up her sleeves, she was about to roll up Tie Huatang and Xu Yueyi and take them away.

"Leave it to me!" A reincarnation hell intermediate demon lord suddenly teleported behind Hua Feixue, and grabbed it with one claw!Hua Feixue has been locked by the evil thoughts of this middle-class demon king, and she can't escape even if she wants to.

Hua Feixue had no choice but to mobilize the power of the sea of ​​​​thunder source to escape. When Xiao Dangdang was about to attack the savior, Tie Huatang suddenly moved, and a shivering energy suddenly burst out from his body.

A dagger covered in Shura's blood appeared in his hand.This is the natal Dao soldier in his golden elixir that was still conceived in the hands of Yuan Ying!

This is not a projection, but really taken out!Once the natal Taoist soldiers are shattered, they must dissolve the golden core and transfer to the Sanxian.

At this moment, Tie Huatang broke free from Xu Yueyi's embrace and Hua Feixue's big sleeve, his sword was not cutting towards that devil's claw.Instead, a void crack was created in front of Hua Feixue!

His natal Taoist soldier is the "Tai'a Sword" that was lost in ancient times.He is an ethereal kendo soldier, and his sword is so dangerous and powerful that it can sweep away a group of Daoists.

But there's more than a group of He Dao powers here!

"Go!" Tie Huatang suddenly smiled at Xu Yueyi, the smile was so bitter and true.

"If I am not dead, I will definitely go to you!"

Hua Feixue read something in those eyes that only men can understand, and without stopping, he rushed into the void crack while wrapping Xu Yueyi in his arms!Tai Ah's sword directly cut a crack in the void that could go to the outside world.

Chu Tian has hundreds of millions of worlds, and he doesn't know where the other end of the void crack is.

Looking at Xu Yueyi's hand that was about to hold him tightly, Tie Huatang's eyes flashed an instant determination.The choice between life and death is just a moment, even if there are many wonderful things that have not been owned yet.

It turns out that sacrificing for the one you like, death is not a relief, but a dedication!

The changes that happened in this instant were too fast, and that devil's claw hit Tie Huatang directly!Seeing that Xu Yueyi was about to disappear in the space-time rift, Tie Huatang felt that death was also a kind of enjoyment.At this moment, there was a shocking change, a pale young man exuding obscenity suddenly appeared in front of the time-space rift, and swept towards the time-space rift with a magic staff!

This is the prison map among the ten demon kings, with the strength of the peak of Hedao.Tie Huatang felt hopeless, but there was nothing he could do anymore. He was pierced by the devil's claw and grabbed his golden core directly.

Right here and there, a stele shadow shot out from the time-space rift, turned into a chaotic thunderbolt and collided with the staff of the prison map, instantly turning into nothingness within ten thousand feet.

"Hey, I just slipped away like this! I think you will thank me for it in the future!" Prison Tu chuckled, and a pink light shot out of his pupils.This pupil light directly shot into the space-time rift, locked onto Hua Feixue and shot it directly.

Surprised and reborn, a huge ax appeared above the void crack, and chopped down with one axe!This is the 'Ghost Axe' among the Ten Demon Generals!

The status of the Ten Demon Generals is second only to the Demon Kings, and they are the oldest Great Demon Lords of the first generation.This ax directly smashed the space-time rift!As long as Hua Feixue didn't escape the space-time rift, she would be sent back to this secret realm after the time-space rift was broken.

"Prison Map, haven't you been in confinement? Why are you here?" Ghost Ax and Demon General directly scolded Prison Map without giving Prison Map any face.Prison Tu Huihui grinned and said: I am the Ten Demon Kings, you should show me some face.And you are not qualified to ask me a question.

After finishing speaking, Prison Tu disappeared in place. His status was higher than Ghost Ax's, but his strength was not as strong as Ghost Axe's.Ghost Ax is the first generation of Great Demon King cultivated by his third brother, Prison Tu. If he makes a small report on himself, he will have a bad meal.

After Hua Feixue escaped, the others began to search for his whereabouts in secret.He must have been knocked down somewhere in this secret realm.In the end, there was only a team of Little Demon Lord and Ghost Ax left.

Tie Huatang's golden elixir was guarded by Tai Ah, and when Ghost Ax was about to smash his golden elixir with one axe, the peak power of the Golden Ape Clan appeared and shouted to keep his men.

In the end, the Golden Ape Clan can exchange a magic treasure for Tie Huashang's golden pill!

Anyway, whether the human monk kills or not has little effect on Ghost Axe, and if he can exchange for an ancient magic treasure, that is a profit.

Seeing this scene from a distance, the teeth of several latecomers from the hermit clan itch.

They just took a fancy to Tie Huatang's secrets of Tai Ah's legacy.

A young master of the Golden Ape Clan grabbed Tie Huatang's golden core and said to the sluggish Nascent Soul inside the golden core, "I'll tell you something funny."Do you know what the pupil of the prison map is?That's 'Light of Delusion'.A man and a woman are both fascinated by lust, and the lonely man and the widow are fleeing in the wild, plus, Hua Feixue is notorious, what do you think will happen?

"What's going to happen?" Tie Huatang's Nascent Soul who hadn't finished conceiving was suddenly stabbed thousands of times in the heart!Painful, anxious!

At this moment, the Tai'a sword in Yuanying's hand went violently, and the sword pierced through his golden core!

Tie Huatang's Nascent Soul soldier Xie Jindan escaped.From then on, he could only choose to cultivate the Loose Immortal, and the sword cultivator in the Loose Sword is also called the Earth Sword Immortal!The Earth Sword Immortal is stronger than the average Sanxian.

This young master of the Golden Ape Clan was also cut in half by Tai Ah's sword!This was terrible, the peak power who was protecting him sent more than a dozen elites and two Hedao elders to chase after Tie Huatang's Nascent Soul in a fit of anger.

When there was no one around, the peak power of the Golden Ape Clan said to the several He Dao powers around him: Half of the people are attracted by that kid, it is a good time to snatch the Hunhun Leishi, Hunhun Lei Shi was sent to Hell Abyss.Go, go to hell!

As soon as this powerful man received the young master's body, he left with the people.

A quarter of an hour later, a figure emerged from the sea mud, it was Li Zigan.

"Hey, it turns out that Master likes to play this hand." Li Ziyu murmured again:

"The Mistress of Yiyue Palace is so heartless, she actually gave her junior sister to others for defilement. It would be great if I were Hua Feixue at this moment, how beautiful, what a pity girl."

Li Zigan thought evilly and left. (To be continued..)

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