Nine Heavens Imperial Sword Record

Chapter 54 Purgatory Sacrificial Formation

Under another seabed in Leiyuan Sea, some buildings were sparsely visible.There used to be an island here, which was the last place where Lei Yuanshi people lived, but it was trampled by the magic sound demon general and sank into the bottom of the sea.

In the depths of these ruins, the roof of a building can be seen faintly.There seems to be an entire building here!Looking at the structure and reliefs on the roof, it is the temple where the Chaos Thunder Pond is located.

After Hua Feixue re-refines the Chaos Thunder Pool, it has evolved into the Chaos Shura Thunder Pool.

At this moment, a thunderous heartbeat came from the depths of the sea mud!The sound of thunder in this heartbeat can kill all creatures at the Golden Core level and below!

After a few breaths, there was another thunderous heartbeat from under the sea mud.

In the depths of the ancient temple buried in the sea mud, there is a blood-colored thunder pond tumbling with thunder and lightning.Dozens of magic embryos formed at the bottom of the thunder pool.Blood babies are conceived in these magic fetuses.

At this moment, a magic tire suddenly split open, and then stretched out a small hand, opened the magic tire, and crawled out a blood baby with blood-colored Asura walking all over its body. There was a mark on the blood baby's forehead: Lei The word Dan Dingwen!

Whether it is Lei Zi Dan Dingwen or Shura Wen, they are all born innate, not branded on it after the day after tomorrow.

The next moment, the blood baby drank a mouthful of the source fluid from the blood pool and instantly grew into a four-year-old child.

This is the second generation of Chaotic Lightning Shura!The first generation of Chaotic Lightning Shura, that is, the village chief, has blew himself up to the point that there is not even a scum left.The four-year-old child suddenly spoke, speaking a little confusedly: Father?Hua Feixue?I am the second generation of Chaotic Lightning Shura?What is my name?

This nascent second-generation Chaotic Thunder Shura peered through the ceiling of the ancient temple, looked at the occasional fish swimming in the deep sea, and murmured for a while: This is a fish.My father's surname is Hua, so I will be called Hua Yu'er!

"My mission? Rescue Lei Yuanshi?"

This Hua Yuer's eyes actually flashed a familiar look, he is a bit like the first generation!This chaotic thunder pool can recover the soul that dissipated after the death of Chaos Lei Xiuluo.In addition to recovering the souls that dissipated after the death of Chaos Shura, it can also absorb soul particles wandering in every corner of this world.

Even a worm has a soul, and its soul does not really dissipate between heaven and earth after death.Instead, it is decomposed into tiny soul particles, which is the most primitive state of the soul.The soul will not be eaten by the heavens, but will only be expelled from the body of the creature.Soul particles have been spawned since Chaos.

The soul of this second-generation chaotic thunder and lightning Shura is dozens of times purer than that of ordinary monks!

Hua Yu'er murmured alone for a long time, and finally gave birth to wisdom!Afterwards, several blood babies came out of the devil's fetus, and after sucking a mouthful of the source liquid from the blood pool, they grew into three-year-old babies one after another, because Hua Yu'er was born first and took him as the eldest.Hua Yu'er left the blood pool with these newborn Chaotic Thunder and Lightning Shuras.

In order to better hide the birthplace of Thunder Shura, Hua Yu'er buried the ancient temple nearly ten thousand feet under the sea mud.Thunderbolt Shura is born to turn into lightning and gallop, and there are not many people in the world who can catch them, unless the power of the peak of Hedao confines the space in advance.

In the depths of the seabed on the other side of the Thunder Source Sea.There is a huge city located on a huge skull, this is the city of blood slaughter!

Blood Slaughter City sounds a bit murderous, but everything in the city is like in the world, there are busy streets, there are hawkers shouting and selling, and there are green willows on both sides of the street.A few old guys who faintly exuded the coercion of the Great Demon Lord were playing chess on the side of the street.

Blood Slaughter City is the only humane demon city, and the Great Demon Lord of Blood Slaughter Prison Dao is also the most humane demon. If you ignore the faintly flowing magic text under their skin, they will be like ordinary people in the market.

"The vanilla is fragrant and the willows are picking up the mist and rain. The west wind has blown out a few pairs of sacrificial candles. Every inch of hatred, the dream is far away, every inch of love is far away, and the soul is far away!" Xiao Rou sat alone in front of the window of a small building by the lake.Looking at the willows by the lake, it seemed as if the wind was blowing, bringing the scent of lavender, and murmured.once Upon a time.She wanted to offer him a demon dance by the lake.

But everything has changed, and innocent fairy tales can only exist in dreams.

There were subtle and crisp footsteps approaching from a distance, and there was a knock on the door.

"Sister Jing'er. Come in." Xiaorou said to the people outside the door.The door creaked open, and a woman in a black robe walked in.

"Xiaorou, what are you thinking?" The black-robed woman came behind Xiaorou and asked.

Looking at herself in the vanity mirror, Xiaorou said: "We are about to set off for hell. There are many things we want to do that we haven't done yet, and many things we think are beautiful that we haven't felt yet. Are you willing? ?”

"Our three sisters were all brought here by him at the same time, and he was also raised. Without him, I can't imagine what my end would be. He is the most perfect man in our hearts. After getting along for a long time, it is inevitable that there will be some It's weird, but it doesn't matter, these things are more beautiful hidden in the heart, aren't they?" the black-robed girl said.

Xiao Rou was silent for a moment.From the moment they were brought into the secret realm of Tianhuang Lei Ze, the ending was already doomed.Prison Tu has made it clear his purpose of adopting them since they became adults.

It is precisely because every day is lived as if it is the future, so nothing can restrain the feelings in their hearts.

"Where's Eldest Sister?" Xiao Rou turned her head and asked.

"The eldest sister went to see his Qinglang for the last time." The black-robed woman said with a smile.

"She still admitted the existence of this love to herself." Xiaorou smiled in relief, and then asked: What about him?

"He opened the psychic secret array in the secret hall, ready to communicate, Bi Tu Demon Emperor." The black-robed woman said.

While Xiao Rou and the black-robed woman were chatting, in a secret hall deep in the Blood Slaughter Demon's Highness, with the help of a group of great demon lords, the prison slaughter opened the psychic secret formation.After chanting a while of incantations, they finally communicated with the other end of the psychic secret formation.

An evil and gloomy dark light curtain appeared on the psychic platform, followed by a sharp and sly smile: Third, I have been waiting for you for a long time.

A blood-colored giant fetus with countless resentful spirits wandering around appeared in the endless darkness.Legend has it that this magic fetus is the remains of their father, and now it has been taken by the Demon Emperor Ahbitu.

All the big devils around knelt down and worshiped!Ah Bi Tu Demon Emperor has been trapped in this devil's womb for nearly a million years, enjoying this kind of people's pilgrimage again, feels like reaching the peak.After a few breaths, Ahbitu Mohuang said: "Okay, everyone get up, there is not much time left, let's talk about business."I'm only short of the sacrifice of 'Tianmo Qunwu' to hit the last layer of the prison path, 'Ah Bitu Hell', but to make it into Ah Bitu Hell, I need a huge blood sacrifice!

"Brother, the three cauldrons of the 'Demon Dancer' are ready and can be sacrificed for you at any time. The 'Purgatory Sacrifice Formation' has also been set up. As long as everything in this secret realm is sacrificed with blood, the gate of hell will be opened." The door, communicate with the Ksitigarbha King, and use the blood of all spirits sacrificed in this secret realm to exchange for a prison word Danding Wen!"

"I heard that this secret realm was born again. There should be a lot of great powers coming in. If more powers can be attracted and sacrificed together, the quality of the blood sacrificed must be very high. The quality of the Dan Dingwen in exchange It will be much better. You know what to do." Ah Bi Tu Demon Emperor said with a sly smile, and then said: "I heard that you also got those five Chaos Thunder Stones. Those are the sons of Lei Yuanshi. As long as I refine them into my natal Taoist soldiers, I can be promoted from the ninth level of hell to the tenth level of hell. It is a pity that we lack the inheritance of the eighth level of hell, otherwise, I dare to dominate the heavens."

Afterwards, Prison Map reported some important things that happened recently to Ah Bi Tu Demon Emperor.After hearing that Lei Xinbei was born, Demon Emperor Ahbi Tu was excited. He and Tianhuang Leicheng have been restrained here for nearly a million years, and they have been holding back their anger for nearly a million years. They have to vent their anger no matter what.Besides, there is still something in Tianhuang Lei City that excites him: Chaos Thunder Source!

Then he thought that time was running out, he had practiced scriptures to the point where he could attack the level of Bitu Hell at any time, and every breath of restraint would require a huge price.

"I'm about to lose control of the realm. Lei Xinbei is the best thing I can get. If I can't get it, I'll do business first. I only sacrificed the blood of this secret realm, and everything else is mine. Just take some time These things can be dug out." Ahbi Tu Mohuang said, then stared evilly at Yutu, and said mockingly: "Third son, I heard that you raised those three girls, and they are like brothers and fathers to you.You must know a lot about the little girl's mind.You can give me all three of them to enjoy.I don't know whether to say you are great or stupid!

"Is there a difference? We were originally split from our father's corpse. We are separated and connected, and what's yours is mine." Having said that, Guitu didn't continue the topic, and turned the topic back to the main topic.

After hearing that the five chaotic thunderstones were protected in an ancient relic and could not be taken out, Abitu had a strong feeling for this relic. interest.

After communicating with each other, they ended the conversation with each other.

Your Highness Mi, the other Great Demon Lords have left, leaving Guitu alone.

"What I lost, I will let you return it with interest." After a while, Guitu convinced himself again, looking at Lusi Yemang, and said ruthlessly in his heart.

Split body and heart does not mean that I am you and you are me.

Afterwards, Yutu left the secret hall, and brought Xiaorou and the three of them to the teleportation array of another secret hall.

This teleportation array can teleport them to a range of [-] miles from Hell Abyss.The energy interference within the range of [-] miles of Hell Abyss is very severe, and it cannot be transmitted normally within the range of [-] miles of Hell Abyss.

Just after the prison map activated the teleportation array and sent the three girls into the teleportation array, a figure suddenly walked out of a demon in the hall!

"Want to leave? Hand over the Chaos Lightning Stone." Before the figure showed its true face, it had crushed a jade talisman in its hand!A black shadow suddenly flew out from the broken jade, and shot with a loud shout: Leave me the Chaos Thunder Stone. (To be continued..)

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