"The secret realm was born again, and there are a lot of Dao Daoist monks who bring their disciples in for training. We can occasionally kill a few of their disciples, and don't mess around with their female disciples. If those ten million-year-old immortals are brought in, You don’t even have egg powder. When the boss is not refining Ah Bi Tu, you will give me some peace. When the boss is refining Ah Bi Tu, we can trample the outside world under our feet!"

Prison Tu resisted the pain, and after hearing Prison Tu finished speaking, he quickly owed Xiao Judao.Afterwards, Prison Map tactfully left with the help of several demon waiters.At that place, he will have to suffer for at least a year and a half.

How should I live this day!

No one paid attention to the wailing in Prison Tu's heart.

Only Xiao Rou and Guitu were left in the hall, and Guitu looked at her face Zhuer, and said after a while: "There is still a task for you."Those cultivators seem to be looking for Lei Yuanshi, and a few groups of people have entered Leimao!It seems that they are looking for Tianhuang Leicheng.The Chaotic Thunder Pool in Tianhuang Thunder Pool condenses a source of chaotic thunder every tens of millions of years.That is a fetish at the same level as Xianyuan.They still don't know that Tianhuang Leicheng has been knocked down into the crack of the prison.Your task is to divert their attention, deal with them first, and then find a way to lure them into the chasm, delaying their time.

Xiaorou knew what Qiantu wanted to do, if that plan really succeeded, this place would be turned into a wasteland!

Seeing Xiaorou hesitate to speak, Guitu asked, "What's wrong? What's wrong?"

"How to deal with the Chaos Lightning Stone?" Xiao Rou asked.

Prison Tu was silent for a few breaths, and then said: There are some things you shouldn't ask.But if you ask, let me tell you.The boss is short of a chaotic origin to repair a relic of the beginning.I'm going to send it in person, you can't enter the chasm!

Xiaorou thought for a while, and then said: My Gorefiend Purgatory has been pierced with a hole, Xiaorou wants to use the Chaos Thunder Stone, and only needs a ray of Chaos Thunder.

Seeing that Xiaorou spoke like a little girl, Yutu thought she was actually trying to use Chaos Thunder to improve the level of her natal Tao.A chaotic thunderstone can refine a quasi-immortal artifact.It only needs to consume a little source of chaos to upgrade a fairy treasure-level natal tool.

Chaos Thunder Source is a type of Chaos Source.

It was rare for her to ask for it.When Yu Tu was about to hear the Chaos Thunder Stone, he suddenly noticed something unusual.The intuition of a great demon king who can cultivate to the peak level of He Dao will not be weaker than Hua Feixue's sixth sense.

"Can you take out your natal Taoist artifact and show it to me?" Guitu asked instead of taking out the Chaos Lightning Stone.Now we can see the problem, because Hua Feixue can't forge the natal Dao weapon of He Dao power!

"He Fang Xiaoxiao, come out for me!" With a stern shout, Qian Tu stabbed Xiaorou's chest with his claws.

When he sensed something was wrong, Hua Feixue had already anointed her feet with oil, turning into a bolt of lightning and fleeing away!The prisoner's claws are missing!

"Want to run?" A beam of pupil light, like the strength of a destructive knife, shot out from the pupil of the prisoner!Hua Feixue's scalp exploded after that, and he met a swordsman at the level of magic and harmony!Just one look can kill him to death!

It was only after sacrificing ten incarnations of the main elephant in a row that he was able to escape!

"Oh, you are the first junior who can escape from my eyes. But there will be no second time!" Looking at the direction where Hua Feixue disappeared.A divine thought spread out, and all the thunder demons in Tianhuang Thunder Marsh mobilized

Hundreds of millions of Lei Moren have reached the level of enlightenment!These are all low-level cannon fodder!After the first person was born, with a little practice, he could easily break through to the bright lamp and enter the Tao.These thunder devils are all inspired by extreme means.The stronger the potential, the higher the level of power that can be aroused.They also stop here, and they don't make any progress in their lives.

And there are tens of millions of Lei Yuanshi people who have reached the Humane Three Slash level!Those who are at the Dao level are the top cannon fodder, with millions of people!Even if they have all the power of He Dao level but no Dao realm of He Dao level, a dozen of them will have to pile up a standard He Dao power to death!

After this force was mobilized, I thought that Hua Feixue could be found quickly, but unexpectedly, this person disappeared as if from the world.

In the Spring Prison Hall.Only Guitu and Xiaorou were left.Xiaorou didn't dare to slaughter the fetus!

"You have fallen under the curse of Asura Dao!" Guitu looked at Xiao Judo coldly, his eyes could see through everything.Xiaorou didn't dare to look into these eyes, so she could only lower her head and nod.

"Why did I raise you up, you know and I know. Now. I will take back all your power and imprison you temporarily. After you become a demon dancer, your mission is to sacrifice the demon dance for the boss." Prison Tu still said expressionlessly.

Xiaorou still lowered her head and nodded.Guitu didn't make it difficult for Xiaorou.Let Xiaorou report to No Return Hell.

"Can you hide? When hell comes, there will be no place for you to hide here!" After a cold snort, Guitu issued a series of orders.The prison map was temporarily abolished, and everything was decided by him.

In the central area of ​​Tianhuang Lei Ze Secret Realm, there is a piece of land floating in the sky.It was a stormy swamp of thunder and lightning!Every speck of dust is a lightning crystal!This is Tianhuang Lei Ze.

Hundreds of figures were divided into five teams and appeared on the edge of Thunder Marsh.

A master He Dao of Qinglong City and his disciple left entered the fringe area of ​​Tianhuang Lei Ze in a fairy treasure ship capable of protecting against lightning.Treasure ships dare not stop on Thunder Marsh, Thunder Marsh is more dangerous than air.

"Stop!" The power of Azure Dragon City did not dare to go deep for the time being.

There is a huge thundercloud in the sky above Thunder Marsh.This thunder swamp is not land, but a huge thunder mother stone!

The Thunder Mother Stone and the thunderclouds in the sky discharge each other, and the surface has been bumped by electric shocks, and in some places a thunder lake has been formed!

There is not only boundless thunder above Lei Ze, but also countless thunder plants growing in the thunder swamp.

Da Neng of Azure Dragon City smelled a breath of silence!Apart from lightning-type plants, there is no animal in this piece of Lei Ze, not even a bug!Combined with the previous encounters, I am afraid that there is no life left on Lei Ze!

At this moment, a strange laugh appeared on the treasure ship in Azure Dragon City.

"Who!" The great power of Azure Dragon City didn't take a moment to make a move, but guarded a group of disciples behind him, guarding against this bloody young man in front of him!

The young man waved his hand, expressing his disdain, and then said:

"Who am I? You can call me Lao Jiu! I came here to tell you that you don't need to look for Lei Yuanshi. Those who should be slaughtered have almost been slaughtered, and there are still a few leftovers."

The Da Neng of Azure Dragon City sensed something beyond words, and exchanged a look with another Da Neng beside him.The boy continued: "I'm here to negotiate a deal with you! So don't show me your dirty faces. Come and give me a smile."

Calling this young man Lao Jiu, these two great talents can't say it, and they haven't gotten to know each other well enough.Lao Jiu said disapprovingly: I know that human beings are very hypocritical.I'll cut to the chase then.Exchange materials with us, we don't accept yuan crystals, you can exchange blood food with us.

The old nine's eyes were full of evil, and he scanned the female disciples of Azure Dragon City.

"Presumptuous!" An elder with the Human Way Three Cuts in Qinglong City couldn't stand Lao Jiu's frivolous eyes, and angrily reprimanded.

"Oh? I'm so eager to negotiate a deal, how can I be presumptuous." Lao Jiu then laughed and said: "Since you insist that appreciating beautiful women is a kind of presumptuousness, then I will not show you presumptuousness!"

"Wait a minute!" A Da Neng of Azure Dragon City was about to stabilize Lao Jiu when he heard a scream, and the head of a female disciple was forcibly knocked off and rolled onto the deck.But her dead body appeared in another corner, torn to pieces by that boy named Lao Jiu!

This is naked bullying!The bloodiness of all the disciples was aroused, and they were about to rush forward to kill the demon, but they were stopped by two Daoists from Azure Dragon City.

Lao Jiu drank the female disciple's blood while watching the excitement.Da Neng of Qinglong City faced Lao Jiu with a dark face and said: "Then let's start talking."If the result makes us dissatisfied, there is no need to say more about the following things.

"Hey, let's find a place to talk. So many people talking to one person, I'm so scared." Lao Jiu grinned.

"Please come in and discuss in detail!" He Dao Da Neng of Azure Dragon City waved his sleeves and entered another cabin.

As if nothing had happened, Lao Jiu wiped the blood on a disciple's clothes and left. (To be continued..)

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