Nine Heavens Imperial Sword Record

Chapter 56 Feng Ling Blood Drink

The Blood God Son is unique to the Blood Slaughter Prison Dao, and the Blood God Son who is staring at Hua Feixue has a combat power close to the power of the Dao!But Hua Feixue didn't know that these blood god sons were of the lowest level, they only had scouting abilities stronger than He Dao Dao Dao, and those coercion was all stained with the aura of prison slaughter.

The wind is tight, shit!The sense of crisis allowed Hua Feixue to regain his sobriety, but there was an evil fire in his body, if he didn't let it out, sooner or later he would be unable to suppress it and go berserk.What will happen next can be imagined.

A phoenix cry echoed in the boundless seabed.Countless asuras came out of the phoenix's robbery and turned into a secret technique to forcibly seal this evil fire.This is Shura Acacia Dao's forbidden technique 'Cultivating Desire Demon Ban'!

Since this evil fire can't be extinguished, nor can it be vented, the only way to turn it into a powerful battle force!Cultivating Desire Demon can seal and cultivate the desires generated by the user!This kind of species is cultivated to become more and more powerful, but unable to break free to let the body and soul be vented, it will mutate in the seal and turn into a "source of desire", and the source of desire will continuously generate a force. The power of potential will make people fight crazy.

Even Shura Dao lists it as a forbidden technique, because these techniques are so evil that the caster is difficult to control, and will end up in a crazy battle to death in the end, and will make the caster lose his mind!

It is better to miss your will than to miss your life.

With a hiss of pain and pleasure, the confusion in Hua Feixue's eyes disappeared, but it turned red again, revealing a hint of evil!

The fire of evil desire aroused by the confused light was sealed. Thinking about it, Hua Feixue felt a ball of fire burning in his body. His body wanted to vent this burning pain, but he couldn't vent it. He couldn't find it. To the catharsis point!

At this moment, Hua Feixue suddenly felt as if his body had been spattered with chicken blood!After Cultivating Desire Mojin sealed the fire of evil desire, the fire of evil desire had nowhere to break out and gradually condensed into a source of "origin of desire".

There are many kinds of desires, and there is absolutely no one of them.The prison map is also a public one, and it is naturally the best way to put it first and focus on training.But after Hua Feixue's fire of evil desire was sealed, it was gradually cultivated into the source of all desires: the source of desire.

Legend has it that the seven emotions and six desires are all transformed by the source of desire.The origin of desire is one of the first sins of human beings, and it is also the beginning of the first sin. Without desire, there will be no first sin.All creatures have desires before they have the way to survive.

It's a pity that this desire is still affected by the prison map, which puts sex first.

At this moment, Hua Feixue's adrenaline burst out!The magic pattern all over his body is like taking ten thousand Viagra in an instant!Hua Feixue's potential exploded instantly!He wasn't so arrogant that he shouted at the prison slaughter.Rolling up Xu Yueyi, she turned into a phoenix blood shadow and fled away.

Phoenix Blood Escape has been used extremely skillfully by him!

Everything is in the blink of an eye.After the Blood God Son of Prison Tu discovered Hua Feixue's trace, he immediately gave feedback.After only waiting for two breaths, the blood god son transformed himself into a guiding coordinate, and attracted dozens of little demon lords.

After dozens of little devils appeared at the same time, they imprisoned the space of [-] miles immediately. Hua Feixue's Phoenix Blood Dun was suddenly stuck in a certain mountain while teleporting, unable to move at all.

The movement here naturally alarmed Da Neng who was also secretly looking for Hua Feixue's whereabouts.Hua Feixue has a Thunder Heart Monument on her body, which is the key to collecting Tianhuang Thunder City!How could it fall into the hands of a monster whose strength is too weak to explode.

It is no secret that Hua Feixue has the Asura Dao inheritance.

Shura Dao and Prison Dao were both the two Dao lines of Demon Dao in ancient times.

"Hmph, dare to come and grab food." Dozens of little devils exerted their strength together.Condensed the sea area of ​​​​[-] miles into a forbidden area: blood slaughter hell!

The sea water in the Blood Slaughter Hell was dyed bloody!

Those number of cultivators were as powerful as hitting a big iron gate, and they were almost smashed to pieces.At this moment, a beam of brilliance shot out from the jade belt around the waist of a disciple of Azure Dragon City, condensing into a majestic incarnation!

All the elders and disciples in Azure Dragon City knelt down one after another: Join the Ten Generation Patriarch!

This avatar is an elder from the tenth generation of Azure Dragon City.The real deity has surpassed Hedao, and I don't know where he is hiding in a corner and sealing himself.

"Hmph, a bunch of waste, one generation is not as good as one generation!" The avatar glanced at the disciples.Just looking at Hua Feixue who was stuck in the Blood Slaughter Hell, the Thunder Heart Monument was on him?Then bring it!

"Bring it!" The power of Azure Dragon City ignored the barrier of the Blood Slaughter Hell, and was just about to take Hua Feixue out with one palm!Unexpectedly, it was like a palm hitting a bag of cotton.This forbidden area is too weird!

The forbidden area condensed by dozens of little devils who came out of the blood-slaughter prison pool cannot be broken without the mighty power of transcendence?If it is so easy to break, the Prison Dao is not worthy of being side by side with the Shura Dao as the two major Dao lines of the Demon Dao.

This old ancestor-level power in Azure Dragon City is in a bit of trouble, and it is not yet time to use that level of power.At this moment, an old Taoist who looked like a magic stick appeared in front of everyone somehow, laughed and said: If you dare not use that kind of power, let me do it!

When the old man smiled, a huge stone seal flew out from his sleeve!

"It's the emperor's seal!" Under the horrified eyes of the ancestor in Qinglong City, the seal spirit in the emperor's seal was awakened, and a breath of destruction erupted from this old man, and the surrounding space was covered by this breath. Constantly tearing.

Under this aura of destroying everything, a genius is just a small shrimp in the ocean!

How dare he use power beyond the peak of He Dao!

The emperor's seal was destroyed, and after a roar from the seal, the seal fell down.Just like judging the life and death of the common people, just because of the emperor's anger, all living beings can be destroyed.

The forbidden area of ​​Blood Slaughter Hell was crushed by the emperor's seal like an egg!Dozens of little devils immediately became fans!

The old master took the opportunity to roll up his sleeves, and when he was about to roll Hua Feixue up, not only the ancestors of Qinglong City couldn't hold back, but the other clans who rushed over invited their ancestors out one after another.

A group of ancestors competed for a junior, while the disciples of the younger generation they brought in were watching tens of thousands of miles away.Watching ancestor-level competitions can also open up their experience.

But the only person in the room who dared to use the power of transcending harmony was this old magic stick. A black divine thunder tore through the space from the nine heavens and penetrated into the secret realm of Tianhuang Thunder Marsh!

Just as all the semi-immortal-level powers were about to encircle the old Taoist priest, all the old guys who surpassed the Taoist stared at the top of their heads in horror. Damn it, this guy really attracted heaven!

These semi-immortal-level powers who surpassed Hedao were secretly living in hiding, for fear that God would notice their existence.They dare not approach any place where Tianqi appears, because that thing can sense their presence.

At this moment, the rest of the Daoists all scattered like birds and beasts, fleeing millions of miles away.

I don't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, but the old Taoist priest threw Hua Feixue into the group of disciples of those half-immortals and powerful disciples the moment he accepted the sending from heaven.The total number of disciples they brought was not [-], but [-].Every half-immortal and great power has a meson space, and it is not a problem to hide a billion or eight hundred million disciples in.

What they brought in were juniors who they thought had great potential. Letting them experience it was also a kind of experience that would be of great help!

The moment Hua Feixue was thrown into the group of disciples, Gun Laodao was also blown into flying ash by the black lightning.There is no splash of flesh and blood, this is an incarnation!And the black divine thunder then sensed the existence of the thunder king's seal, which surpassed the fairy treasure, and was about to show its power and punish it, but the emperor's seal broke through the void and fled away.

The old god stick and the emperor's seal are gone, and this black god thunder dissipates reluctantly!Before the black divine thunder completely dissipated, those half-immortal powers did not dare to show their heads.

Just now!

"Don't you old fellows really like to steal things from juniors? I want to get back all the interest!" Hua Feixue stormed away in that instant!His blood source has been almost consumed, but now he is just hungry, so someone sent him to a table of dishes.

With the roar of the phoenix, Hua Feixue once again transformed into a phantom of a blood-colored phoenix. The wings of the blood-colored phoenix spread thousands of feathers in an instant, each of which penetrated a monk's body!

"Phoenix Feather Blood Sacrifice!"

The moment the black lightning disappeared, all the semi-immortal powers shot out in anger.

"You dare!"

There is no such thing as dare or dare, if you dare to bully me, I will bully you back!Because of the awakening of her true heart and nature, Hua Feixue's mind gradually became free-wheeling, what to do, what to do, when someone slapped her, she still expected herself to lift the shoes of their junior?

Whenever there is a chance, they will blast their juniors until there is no egg yolk left!I only walk in my own way, but please have a clear conscience, no matter what people in the world think of me!

These disciples all have super talent and luck!Under Feng Yu's blood sacrifice, nothing was left for them!The sloughing dragon jade slips in their bodies shattered, this was the most beautiful sound Hua Feixue heard!

The fate turned into howling misfortune poured into Hua Feixue's body, and their golden core became the nourishment of Dan Dingwen.And the origin and essence of blood energy of these disciples became the sacrifices of this blood phoenix!

Those half-immortal powers shot at the same time!At the same time, a blood-colored phoenix feather appeared in Hua Feixue's hand, which was a projection of a magic weapon projected from an unknown world: Blood Drink!

This was exchanged by Hua Feixue through the Fengyu Blood Sacrifice!This phoenix blood feather and Hua Feixue have the resonance of blood origin, this must be a relic of the ancestors, but I don't know where it is hiding.

As soon as the blood drink came out, Hua Feixue immediately turned into a four-phase sword with it, broke through a void and left!

The powerful wrath of the half-immortals was defeated in one blow.

"Find it! Turn this secret realm upside down and find it! He used such a heaven-defying secret method, and he will be so weak that he can't even move a finger!" A powerful disciple released an elite disciple from the meson space. , these disciples can also see what happened just now in the meson space.

These disciples took the letter talismans and fairy treasures distributed by the ancestors and began to follow the trail of Elder Hedao who was digging flowers and snow in the secret realm behind his ass.

Hua Feixue offended the eight sects in the north of Tianluo Weilu, including the hidden sect.These semi-immortal powers can endure the death of their disciples in battle, but they can't bear the disciples being sucked up to nothing left under their noses!

And this is a naked slap in the face.You can't get a hair on that junior, and you still have to make your mouth full! (To be continued..)

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