As the buzzing sound of spatial vibration echoed in Hua Feixue's ears, a huge teleportation circle in Tianhuang Lei City flashed with brilliance, and then spit out a young man in white robe.It's Hua Feixue!

Finally back here!Xiao Dangdang was so excited that he was trembling all over.She has never met Tianhuang Leicheng, but there is a feeling of root connection.Now this feeling is stronger!

Tianhuang Leicheng is at the foot.

The evil coercion of Hell Abyss is really terrifying. As soon as this coercion disappears after entering Tianhuanglei City, Hua Feixue feels dizzy and ringing in her ears, and her whole body is drenched with black secretions, like being fished out of a sewage ditch. up.

The desolate sky, the gray city, except for the occasional few dazzling blue electric snakes wandering past somewhere in the city, this is the eternal melody of Tianhuang Leicheng.I don't know how long this city has been sealed by the years!

Hua Feixue shook his head and finally recovered.Little Dangdang excitedly flew over Hua Feidi's head, acting as his guide.

Although little Dangdang was excited, he didn't know what to say after seeing the city spirit of Tianhuang Leicheng, and kept flying around on Hua Feixue's head, talking to himself.

The three prison girls were taken into Shi Xinfang by Hua Feixue.We'll deal with them when things here are over.

When Little Dangdang was wandering around Tianhuanglei City with Hua Feixue and couldn't find the north, Hua Feidi suddenly frowned, as if he heard a faint voice.

Listen carefully, there is no sound at all.Tianhuang Leicheng's call to Xiao Dangdang disappeared after entering Tianhuang Leichi.Hua Feixue knew that her sixth sense could not mishear.Just walk in the direction where the voice disappeared.

Although this city has been covered in dust for an unknown number of years, there is no dust left by the years, and there is a desolate atmosphere left by the years.

Stone-built dwellings, stone-built city walls... There is half-woven cloth on the east side, and a half-cup of unfinished tea in front of the house on the west side.Hua Feixue couldn't see it, but she could faintly hear the voice left by endless years ago.

It turned out that the sound came from here.

Hua Feixue stopped suddenly, and he suddenly felt four pairs of eyes looking at him.It turned out that they came to the center of the city without knowing it!

There is a Temple of Heaven in the center of the city, and there are huge stone sculptures on each side of the Temple of Heaven.After Hua Feixue entered Tianhuang Leicheng.They opened their eyes.Sensing the gazes cast by these four statues, Hua Feixue stood there calmly and respectfully saluted the stone statue!

These four gazes then fell on Xiao Dangdang again, and one of the stone statues wearing broken battle armor respected Hua Feixue and Xiao Dangdang: Welcome Lei Xinbei and the Holy Master back to the city, the four subordinates have put their bodies away Sacrifice to the ancestral city and become the new city spirit of the ancestral city, forgive me for not being able to kneel down to welcome him!

Lord?Hua Feixue was stunned for a moment, if it wasn't for being self-indulgent, the Holy Master should be referring to herself.When did you become holy?The statues around here were dedicated to this statue. Knowing what Hua Feixue was wondering about, he sighed and said: There is no civilization in the world that will never decline.There is no eternal kingdom either.With the favor of Lei Mu, Tianhuang Lei Ze evolved into Tianhuang Lei Ze from Tianhuang Lei City, and Tianhuang Lei Ze used her body to nourish the first batch of ancestors of Tianhuang Lei City.Although we were conceived in Leichi of Tianhuang Leicheng, we were breastfed by Lei's mother's remains.Therefore, God the Father made a decree to regard Lei Mu's descendants as God's sons, and Lei Mu's inheritors as the Holy Lord.

"Before Father God left this world, he had a premonition that the Tianhuang Thunder Marsh would be destroyed countless years later. He also had a premonition of your appearance, let us wait here! We are the first batch of pioneers in the Tianhuang Thunder Marsh. The few remaining people were named as the guardian ancestors of the Leiyuan ancestors by the first Leidi of Tianhuang Lei Dynasty!"

"Is your godfather the first city spirit of Tianhuang Leicheng?" Hua Feixue asked.


"Then where did he go in the end?" Hua Feixue asked.

The stone sculpture was silent for a while before saying: "He and the Prison Dao Ancestor Demon here died together in the second life."

There are people everywhere in the sky!Those strong players who died before the endless years can also be automatically triggered after laying down a chess game to wait for the endless years.After the first generation city spirit of Tianhuang Leicheng derived Tianhuang Lei Ze.It is fully capable of sealing the Heavenly Desolation Thunder Swamp from ever being born, or something like being born once in a million years.

He is hitting the sky, who knows what will happen after endless years?

"The second life of Prison Dao Primordial Demon?" Hua Feixue was stunned again, as if he had guessed something.

"The first life of this ancestor demon was killed by Lei Muzhen. Before the death of the first life, it formed a magic fetus, and the baby was reincarnated to live out the second life! The second life was reborn successfully, but He was injured too badly, and the inheritance and power retained in the first life were all gone. Later, this second life also created another powerful civilization in the wild thunder lake. Finally, he wanted to open up a road leading to The passage of the ancient hell, so hundreds of millions of years ago, we fought a decisive battle outside this passage. The second life of the father god and the ancestor demon died together, but his Yan Luo Temple is a piece left by the ancient hell before the ancient times. Inheriting the secret treasure. When he and his father died together, he formed a magic fetus again, preparing to be reborn in the third life. The Temple of Yama is rooted in this unstarted passage, and no one can break it. Tearing up this channel, it will evolve into a hell hole!"

"His third life conceived a heterogeneous shape that could not be broken out, and he was unable to give birth to a fourth life. In the end, he had to split himself into ten parts, which is now the ten demon kings. They enshrined the third life As a father, Demon King Ah Bi Tu, one of the ten demon kings, was trapped in the devil's womb and could not get out."

The statue was silent for a while, and then said: "Actually, this is a scam. After the third body is split into ten parts, the chance of reincarnation in the fourth body increases by half. Ah, the demon emperor swallowed the first two lives." After the sloughing of the body, he became the fourth body. After the fourth life, he tampered with the soul imprints of the other nine demon kings, making them lose all the memories of the previous three bodies. Let the nine demon kings each specialize in a prison path Orthodoxy."

Speaking of this, the statue stopped talking about it, Hua Feixue also guessed a general idea, Shura Dao also has a secret method to live four lives, but one life will not be as good as the first.As long as the ancestor demon is strong enough to survive the fourth life, as for the fifth life, it is impossible.The fifth world is reincarnation again!

The cycle of the fourth life, once the reincarnation is completed, the fourth body can carry four "fetal marks" to cultivate the fifth life, one birth mark for one life, and these four birth marks will form one at the same time when the fifth life is completed Reincarnation print!

What is the magical effect of the reincarnation seal?Hua Feixue is not qualified to touch this level of secrets.

And if the fourth body wants to successfully cultivate into the fifth life, it must re-integrate the split ones.As long as you gather all the eighteen ways of hell, you can summon the six ways of reincarnation in the ancient hell! !

The statue sensed what Hua Feixue had guessed, and said humbly: "The books you guessed are all right, but you forgot the flaws of reincarnation. Every time you reincarnate, you will lose something. If you reincarnate after being severely injured, What is lost is even more serious.In the fourth life, there are only ten lineages left, and they could not summon the Six Paths of Reincarnation in the first place.But Yan Luodian has mastered a cycle of reincarnation, just behind the ghost gate of Yan Luodian!As long as a living Dao is sacrificed, it can be refined into a Dao key of ghosts.But to open the gate of ghosts, in addition to the Dao key, a lot of blood beads and soul beads are needed!

Hua Feixue knew what blood beads and soul beads were.That requires a large number of lives to be refined with blood sacrifices!

Formation?Hua Feixue finally understood each doubt, connecting everything from ancient times to the present.The ancestor demon was ready to reincarnate in the fourth life in the first life, but he ran into Lei's mother seeking revenge, and in the end he was forced to make his mind on Tianhuang Lei Ze.It has been arranged since the second birth.

"If you show up a few years later, we can only watch the entire Tianhuang Lei Ze be sacrificed by his blood and become his Dao sacrifice." The stone sculpture said.

"Then what do I need to do?" Hua Feixue asked.

"You only need to fuse the Thunder Heart Tablet with the Tianhuang Thunder City to unlock the true power of the Tianhuang Thunder City! If there is no Lei Xinbei and the Lei Zidan Dingwen, even the Father God will not be able to exert the power of his body The central god formations in Tianhuang Leicheng are all translated from the Leizi Dan Dingwen." After the statue in the broken armor finished speaking, another female statue with a staff in hand added:

"We still need the power of the Son of God! These god formations need to consume the source of chaotic thunder! But the Son of God fell into the hands of the fourth life. If there is anything wrong with the Son of God, we will have no value in continuing to exist."

As soon as Zhuxiao was mentioned, Hua Feixue was also very anxious, but he sensed that Huaman Villa was still intact, which proved that Zhuxiao was fine for the time being.The ancient treasure of Huaman Villa is even more miraculous.

After a few words of comfort, Hua Feixue said: I have a way to rescue those little guys, but I need to wait for an opportunity and use the power of Tianhuang Leicheng.

"Tianhuang Leicheng is already yours. As long as you can ask the Son of God back, we will dedicate to you all the things that Tianhuang Leichi has produced in countless years." The female statue said.

They have already sacrificed to Tianhuang Leicheng, and their souls have been fused into one city spirit, but there are still four differences in personality.

The product of Tianhuang Leichi?Hua Feixue's heart skipped a beat, didn't those old immortals break into Tianhuang Lei Ze just because they were greedy for these things?Hua Feixue's heart is also moved by something that can make those old guys who are about to achieve their goals jealous.But this is not the same thing as saving the little ones.Hua Feixue didn't bargain with Cheng Ling either.

At this moment, Tianhuang Leicheng suddenly trembled!Enemy attack!

Those old immortals found here.

Just as Hua Feixue showed signs of worry, she heard Cheng Ling playing with another voice and saying: Hmph, these bedbugs are waiting for you.The ancestors of these things used to come and harass us so much, it's time to let their backs do something for us after doing so much good to the ancestors of these bugs.

Raising soldiers for a thousand days can be used for a while!If this city spirit is unwilling, will there be a great power given by a half-immortal who can get a dime from Tianhuang Leicheng?

At this time, Tianhuanglei City was surrounded by a circle, all of them were semi-immortal-level powers.

After those half-immortals who took the lead found Tianhuang Leicheng, they immediately summoned other immortals from this clan! (To be continued..)

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