Seeing that the blow was ineffective, a majestic half-immortal woman circled Tianhuang Leicheng, and finally stopped at a section of the broken city wall.

The entire Tianhuang Thunder City is protected by a powerful energy shield, like a huge egg!There are countless chains of laws stretching up from the endless depths below, tightly binding this huge energy egg.

Looking at this chain of laws densely packed like leeches, even a half-immortal might feel chills on his face!This city can last until now, and its level has surpassed ordinary true fairy weapons!And the existence that competes with this city must also be the existence of the true fairy level.

If it is an ordinary half-immortal, the existence of the true immortal weapon level method on the opposite side must be helpless.

For these Yue Shi clans, as long as they are willing to pay a high price, they can borrow a true fairy weapon.With so many dying old immortals here, they can definitely take out four or five pieces of true immortal artifacts, not to mention this city, even the existence of the same level below can also be taken down.Besides, the city is lacking, so taking it down is not a problem.

The east part of Tianhuang Lei City was smashed to pieces countless years ago.Even if there is a shortage of immortal artifacts, it can only exert [-]% to [-]% of the power of its heyday.The rest of the half-immortals all set their sights on the gap where Tianhuang Leicheng was interrupted. As long as they bombarded this gap with a real fairy weapon, a gap would definitely be blasted.

The energy protection of all castle fairy-like artifacts is combined with the city. If any part of the body is damaged, the defense of that part will be weakened.

This gap is the weak point of the entire energy shield!Some semi-immortal powers holding true immortal weapons finally couldn't help but make a move!A real fairy weapon like an awl made the sound of smashing the void with a buzzing sound, and the space within several miles was smashed into an energy vacuum, swallowing up the evil breath within dozens of miles!

As soon as this awl came out, its tyrannical coercion of a true immortal almost knocked down the weaker half-immortal to his knees!Even the great power of using this true fairy weapon almost collapsed!The other semi-immortal powers contributed a lot and poured their true energy into the awl.

Then the half-immortal power took a few breaths as if something had happened, and threw the awl out.The awl almost sucked up the power of these half-immortal powers at the moment of launching the attack. They were so angry that they stared at the half-immortal power who used the real fairy weapon. This is definitely because he deliberately weakened his own power .

After this awl is fully activated, the huge shriek from its reaming space can shatter the general Hedao Almighty Primordial Spirit!Not even the powerful half-immortal dared to come within a hundred miles of this awl.The awl hit the protective cover at the break of Tianhuang Leicheng instantly after being thrown!The two collide.Shock the space of a hundred miles into pieces.

This is Hell Abyss, the space structure here is extremely solidified, even if the peak power of Hedao explodes here, it won't blow up the space for several miles!Near the bottom of Hell, the evil breath has condensed into a semi-liquid state, and the partial space can be repaired instantly after being blown up.

After a breath, all Da Neng was stunned for a moment, Tianhuang Leicheng's energy shield was only shaken by the collision, but the tip of the real fairy-level awl was blunted!When it is repaired, just one main material can scare people to death: Taibaijinjing!

Seeing the half-immortal bleeding from heartache while holding the awl, the half-immortal Almighty who had been forcibly deprived of his strength felt joy in his heart.Everyone went up to express their regret.

The other great powers holding the true fairy weapon have their own thoughts.The true immortal artifacts in their hands are not necessarily stronger than that awl, they are all nine-armed true immortal artifacts, and they were borrowed from those ancient clans who had sent holy envoys at a great price. In the prison, wouldn't it be the end of a show if you miss a fish?

They didn't dare to underestimate Tianhuang Leicheng. All of them had contempt for a group of isolated aborigines before. How strong would the aborigines be?Those so-called invincible ancient myths are only passed down from generation to generation, and the content of sand must be very high.

Not everyone and all civilizations can be viewed with the eyes of judging modern people.Even if it is an extinct civilization, what it left behind cannot be trampled on at will!

The half-immortal woman said to the crowd: We can't mess ourselves up first.Before coming to Baoshan, we should work together to open this treasure mountain. As for how to divide it, we should open this treasure

Just when all the demigods were thinking about Xiao Jiujiu by themselves, an elegant young man in ragged clothes stepped out from the crowd.These half-immortal powers don't know him.But these disciples and grandchildren who were around by their powerful guardians recognized that it was Feng Xiaotian!

As soon as Feng Xiaotian came out, Tie Huatang got out from that corner without knowing it.

At this moment, Tie Huatang's hair was already gray, and even Feng Xiaotian, who was always flirtatious, was a little grayer.

"Huh? Why did you sneak into my disciples? What are your intentions!" the half-immortal Da Neng of Azure Dragon City scolded.That kind of gaze is like looking at ants.

Feng Xiaotian chuckled and said: "Reserving the position, just relying on the rags in your hands, even if you work together. It may not be able to draw a hole in the shield of Tianhuang Leicheng! The boy is not talented, and he is from the northern part of Tianluowei. Feng Xiaotian, a descendant of the Fengyuan family."

Originally, these old guys should be angry, but when they heard that they belonged to Tianluowei and Lu Fengyuan's family, they were all dumb.The Fengyuan family is the first family in the northern part of Tianluo, and one of the four ancient clans in Tianluo!No wonder they didn't see half of the great powers of the Fengyuan clan along the way.

"Hmph, just because you, a brat from the Fengyuan family, utter wild words here to discredit the seniors, even if I kill you, the old guys from the Fengyuan family would not dare to point fingers at me!" The half-immortal power snorted.Although the Golden Ape Clan is a bit weaker than the Fengyuan Clan, the two clans have fought secretly for millions of years, and no one can get a bargain.

"Oh, is that so? You can try to move a hair on him." Another ordinary disciple came out of Azure Dragon City, and he came to Feng Xiaotian's side.

The entire human skin of this ordinary disciple exploded into pieces in an instant, unleashing a powerful coercion of a half-immortal peak!He showed his true face.

"It turned out to be you, a little monster, who has been gone for more than a million years. I heard that you perish in the wild thunderstorm. It seems that you have gained benefits here, and secretly digested it in hiding." A generation more The old old monster came out from another hidden sect's disciples.Seeing this old monster, the other half-immortal powers gasped, this is the blue-browed old fairy, one of the eight great loose immortals of Tianluoweilu!

Feng Shuihan just smiled and didn't answer, it was a tacit agreement.Who said Sanxian must be scary?Feng Xiaotian took out a disc from his sleeve!

"Is it a fixed astrolabe? What do you want to do?" The blue-browed old fairy and other half-immortal powers all gasped. This thing is rarer than ordinary true fairy tools, and it can attract the original power of stars for their own use. . (To be continued..)

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