Nine Heavens Imperial Sword Record

Chapter 64 Mantis Catching Cicadas

At the moment when the Yuannengfa guided cannon was fired, in front of a huge altar guarded by four Zhou statues in the center of Tianhuanglei City, Hua Feixue's heart throbbed, and she immediately turned her head to look in the direction of the humanoid war fortress. The image fragments captured by his sixth perception flashed by in an instant. After sorting out these image fragments, he saw a strange magic circle. There was a card slot in the circle that needed to be embedded. Deja vu!Then saw a weird humanoid with a chip in its brain!

Judging from the outline of this weird humanoid brain, it is that humanoid war fortress!They are not human?What is it if it's not a human being?The next moment he saw countless humanoid creatures inlaid with smart chips descending into the heavens and ten thousand realms, and then there was a melee in the heavens, and everything that happened in the middle appeared in fragments. The feeling of the sky falling apart, and finally seeing countless human corpses and the broken metal limbs of humanoid creatures!

What happened to the fragment in the middle?Is it a historical fault?Afterwards, this broken memory was automatically erased in Hua Feixue's memory.This is something that cannot be remembered.Hua Feixue knew what it was the moment this memory disappeared!

"Intelligent creatures!"

Hua Feixue only had a little impression of this humanoid war fortress.He knew that it was impossible for him to remember those truths, but he was only curious and didn't delve into it.

These intelligent creatures should be ancient relics!

He didn't realize that the intelligent creatures left over from the ancient times had already awakened and completed the final evolution in the endless years of sleep: possessing the ability to reproduce!

They can already combine with flesh and blood life to breed the next generation!What does this mean?When did they wake up?Nobody knows!

Evolution has a price.Not all evolutions are successful.

Hua Feixue came to a realization, they came from the city of thunder, and ordinary fairy treasures are useless to them!Tianhuang Leicheng is not a simple true fairy weapon!Hua Feixue remembered what the magic circle stuck in the slot was, it was a miniature version of the central Tianshu formation!

This card slot is the CPU socket!It is used to inlay biological chips, and the combination of card and slot is the so-called central processing unit!

At this moment, Hua Feixue's sixth perception broke through the barriers of the sixth sense, and saw through the strange patterns on the surface of the Thunder Heart Tablet covered by the Shura script.That is a program translated by Shu Luowen: biological program!

If this is the case, wouldn't the wild thunder city be equivalent to the existence of a combination of an intelligent biological matrix and the law of the avenue?Because Tianhuang Leicheng has a weapon spirit!

Tianhuang Leicheng has been unable to use its real power because of the lack of biological chips!This biological chip is the Thunder Core Monument made from Lei Mu's heart!

And Tianhuang Leicheng's new feeling to Hua Feixue at this moment is like an ancient monster sleeping in a sting suit!

Biological programming?Is it the ultimate evolution of intelligent programs?

If the Lei Xinbei and Tianhuang Leicheng are combined, what kind of existence will Tianhuang Leicheng become?What kind of powerful civilization did the ancient times have?

Hua Feixue came to a realization that Feng Yuan's family only regarded the half-immortals as knives!His goal is to take down the entire Heavenly Desolation Thunder Pond!

The Fengyuan family must be related to the race of intelligent creatures left in this world.

Hua Feixue didn't dare to hesitate, turned into a stream of light and rushed to the altar in front of her!

Hua Feixue finally stepped onto the altar.

On the altar is engraved a huge magic circle composed of countless miniature magic circles and various guiding equipment parts.

This is the 'Central Divine Formation' that controls the entire Tianhuang Thunder City!The core of the Central God Array is the 'Central Tianshu Array'!

At the moment when Hua Feixue sacrificed to the central god formation, a cluster of fairy cannons that shattered the void directly blasted through the weak point of Tianhuang Leicheng's shield book!This bunch of fairy cannons gathered the divine power of the seven fairy weapons in one cannon, and the rest of it blasted through Tianhuang Leicheng and directly blasted towards the huge altar in the center of the city!

A loud shout came from the guarding stone sculptures all around!When the Immortal Cluster bombarded the four-sided guardian formation around the altar, the surrounding mighty power erupted from the four statues, and finally merged into a giant shield with thunderous flashes: the Shield of Thor!

There is a majestic lion in Thor's Shield.Two pupils of light shot out from the lion's eyes, forming a whirlpool of thunderstorms!

The power of the cluster fairy cannon is too powerful, the thunderstorm vortex only resisted it for an instant and was pierced through!Thunder God's Shield and Cluster Immortal Cannon finally face to face!With a loud noise, the entire Tianhuang Leicheng collapsed like the sky and the earth!

The city except for the Quartet Guardian Formation was shaken to pieces!In an instant, countless thunder lights shot out from the crack!The moment the city exploded like the sun!

At this moment, the shock wave generated by the collision of these two extreme forces exploded Tianhuang Leicheng's protective cover from the inside to the outside!It's like the moment when the nest furnace can't bear the extreme high pressure to fry the nest!

The shield that protected Tianhuang Leicheng for endless years was blown up, and the chain of laws that bound it was also shattered into pieces!

This shock wave was so big that it shattered the void of thousands of miles into pieces and could not be recovered for a long time!

At this moment, Tianhuang Leicheng was like a demon who had been crucified on the cross for hundreds of millions of years, suddenly released from prison, and let out a moan of relief!

With this groan, Tianhuang Leicheng disintegrated.His true face was revealed!

Floating in front of all the half-immortal powers, there is only a huge altar guarded by the Sifang Guardian God Formation!Hua Feixue had just landed on the central Tianshu formation, and was about to insert the Leixin tablet in his hand into the slot, when Feng Shuihan pointed to Hua Feixue on the altar and shouted: "Take him down quickly, don't let him take Lei Xinbei." Heart monument combined with altar.The Thunder Pond is within the altar!

Just when the humanoid war fortress was about to launch the clustered fairy cannon again, countless blood-colored chains of laws shot up from the bottom of the abyss, and at that moment, countless Shura characters were projected from the four statues in the four guardian god formations. Weave a protective enchantment to protect the guardian array and the altar in all directions!

The defense of this enchantment is not as strong as the protective shield of Tianhuang Leicheng.It can also last for one hour and three quarters!

Countless blood-colored law chains wrapped the altar and dragged it down with a whoosh!

How can the fat that reaches the mouth be snatched away?Since Tianhuang Leicheng can be captured with one shot, then the evil existence below can also be attacked with one shot!

Chu Banxian cast his excited eyes on the humanoid war fortress. At this time, who can't guess who left behind the Dao of Combined Artifacts?

The mysterious race that has been hiding since ancient times is finally willing to show up.How can ordinary treasures of heaven, material and earth make people of this race show up in front of people?The things in this altar must be extraordinary, and the worst thing is that they are even more equivalent to this mysterious race!

Feng Shuihan always felt that something was wrong, but the unwillingness and anger of being robbed of his flesh made him lose his composure. After exchanging glances with the humanoid War Fortress, a gate opened from his stomach, Feng Shuihan Rolling Feng Xiaotian and Tie Huatang flew into the War Fortress!

The body of the War Fortress is comparable to a real fairy-level defense device!Other half-immortals dare not enter this urn!

With a roar, the War Fortress caught up with the torn altar in one step. Before the mysterious existence below could respond, another cluster of fairy cannons blasted out, and the chain of laws was immediately broken in the middle.

This cluster of fairy cannons directly bombarded the Hall of Yama below in the direction!A strange roar came from the Hall of Yama, and a "world" like Senluo Hell was released from the hall: Oh Bitu Hell!

The cluster fairy cannon gathers the immortal power of seven true fairy weapons, each of which can release its own "world"!So when the cluster of fairy cannons is fired, seven worlds will be bombarded on one world!

Ah, Bitu Hell is like being crushed by Mount Tai, crushing it instantly!Delaying this moment bought a time gap for the demon emperor Ah Bi Tu. Countless bloody prison texts sprang out from the devil's womb deep in the Yan Luo Hall, and a huge Demon Lord condensed outside the Jing Luo Hall: Ah Bi Tu!

The silver hair like a needle pierced into the endless void, and a pair of nails that were hundreds of miles long could tear open the ground!

After Ah Bi Tu appeared in this world, a roar from his mouth tore apart the void.And directly opened his throat to that bunch of fairy cannons and swallowed it!

This is the real projection of Demon King Ah Bi Tu. He cannot do without the devil's embryo, and he can't even release his avatar, so he can only use the real projection.But this bunch of fairy cannons is really too strong, so strong that it is beyond the expectation of Ah Bi Tu Mohuang.

So what?Can they escape the hell and purgatory arranged by the third generation?

Ah Nai Prison Demon Lord's throat was blown up, and the aftermath of the clustered immortal cannon also disappeared.

The half-immortals and this Demon Venerable faced each other, and the altar was sandwiched between them!

Hua Feixue stood on the central Tianshu formation, holding the Thunder Heart Stele high as if he couldn't put it down for a long time, his shadow was entangled by the silver hair penetrating the space of Demon Lord Ah Bi Tu, and he couldn't move at all! (To be continued..)

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