Ah Bi Tu Mohuang's weird laughter rang in Hua Feixue's ears: Are you the kid who ate my three suckling pigs?It turns out that you are blind. What's more interesting is that you are the authentic heir of Shura Dao.In my remaining memory, Shura Dao has already been defeated.I am happy to kill the inheritors of the losers!

"Shadow Butcher!"

Ah Bi Tu Demon Emperor smirked and then manipulated Hua Feixue's shadow to kill Hua Feixue's true self, when four tyrannical Thunder Snakes swam out from the four statues in the four-way guard formation.

These four thunder snakes were intertwined together and turned into a grid to catch Hua Feixue's shadow, and at the same time tightly strangle the silver hair that the Bi Tu Demon Emperor pierced into Hua Feixue's shadow!

"You are old!" Ah Bitu's voice echoed arrogantly on the altar.

The second city spirit of Tianhuang Leicheng is old, and has fought side by side with their father god since birth.After the death of the father god, he sacrificed himself to Tianhuang Leicheng for the continuation of the race and became the second city spirit. There is no more freedom in this life, and he can only be liberated by falling directly.

Along the way, he has experienced countless thunder emperors, and has undertaken countless safety and fire inheritance of the wild Lei Ze civilization!Years have drained their strength!There is only one heart left!

Otherwise, how can we talk about the arrogance of the Bitu Demon Emperor here, and we can't talk about those human powers from the outside world coming in to retreat!

The current city spirit only has the power to wrangle with the demon emperor Ah Bi Tu.

Hua Feixue temporarily saved her life, but it didn't feel good.Ah Bi Tu Mozun's silver hairs can't exert their power, and the city spirits can't stop pulling these silver hairs, and they are consuming each other like this.

Feng Shuihan and other old foxes didn't want to turn against these monsters easily, although they were not afraid, those who could move their mouths should move their mouths first.Although it was intimidated by the demonic power of the Demon Emperor of Ah Nai Prison just now.

They went back and forth for a round, and it seemed that the humanoid war fortress had the upper hand, but two consecutive blows had consumed [-]% of his strength.Surrounded by some old dogs who fall into the rocks and are not relentless, at least [-]% of their strength must be left to fortify themselves, otherwise it will be useless if they get benefits.

But how to negotiate with these monsters?Feng Shuihan knows that they have nothing to talk about, if the other party intends to carve up.Then delay!Feng Shuihan curled up the corners of his mouth and smiled, he took a Yuanjing method guide card from his hand and inserted it into a guide card slot.Then a loud voice sounded in the cabin: Sixth brother, are you really going to do this?That would offend many hidden ancient clans.

"As long as we get Tianhuang Leicheng, we will run rampant in the world, and we don't need to look at the faces of those local chickens and dogs! Tianhuang Leicheng was an intelligent mother that ran rampant in ancient times, and the energy source continuously bred thunder. A Chaos Warrior of the Department! A Chaos Warrior is equivalent to the combat power of a monk at the peak of a half-immortal, who are we afraid of.!" Feng Shui Han said longingly.

The humanoid War Fortress was moved, and finally reminded: There is still half an hour left in our fusion time, and you need to calculate the timing of this attack.Our evolution has failed, we have fecundity, but our intelligence has degenerated!We must find the answer from the chaotic thunder pool.The Leiyuan people are also failed intelligent life forms. They have fully evolved from the thunder-type chaotic warriors who once dominated the ancient times. Their intelligence has not degenerated, but their combat power has degraded a hundred times.We have the most powerful combat bodies, and they have the most perfect souls. If we can find complementary answers, our clan will definitely be able to dominate the heavens!

"The answer must be on Lei Xinbei. Because Mother Lei has received the Shura Dao's technique of translating souls!" Feng Shuihan said while looking at the Lei Xinbei in Hua Feixue's hand on the altar.

For these.Jufeng swordsman doesn't care, he is just a swordsman with a simple purpose, to see his fancy heir.While Tie Huatang looked at Hua Feixue in the city, his eyes were bloodshot.If he could do it now, he would definitely rush forward and cut Hua Feixue into pieces!

Compared with Hua Feixue, Tie Huatang was not the only one who was hacked into pieces. Nearly half of the young disciples of all ethnic groups died at Hua Feixue's hands.Among the compatriots who died were their brothers and sisters, as well as close friends, and some agreed to venture into the world together.Some agreed to grow old together.

The fire of hatred of these younger generations has also affected the older generation. The younger ones can share the same hatred, and the older ones are very comforted, so they should also be angry, and they should set a benchmark for the younger ones: those who offend our clan, punish them!

How much benefit you get is secondary, let's get rid of that little devil first!

Feeling all kinds of emotional gazes, Hua Feixue couldn't help but curl her lips into a smile, this is the world, and love, resentment, and hatred are nothing but a loop of cause and effect.

Everything is going according to the original plan.There are wolves in front and tigers in back, so we can only take millet from the fire.

Destruction and vitality, only a moment of opportunity to grasp.Those who fight live, those who fear die!

He was enduring the pain of being inserted into the shadow by countless silver hairs, his heart gradually calmed down, and everything was proceeding according to the original plan.There are wolves in front and tigers in back, so we can only take millet from the fire.

Destruction and vitality, only a moment of opportunity to grasp.Those who fight live, those who fear die!

At this moment, a kind of silence fell into the Quartet Guardian Array, making people unable to feel the passage of time here!

Tao is everywhere, and reason is everywhere.How open-minded the heart is, how far the Tao can go.As deep as the sea is, so much is its capacity!

No one will care whether he is good or bad at this time.

The human half-immortals and great powers all exchanged glances, exchanging opinions with divine consciousness.But in the Yan Luo Palace, which is double the depth of the prison, there is another atmosphere.

Following the rotation of a magic circle deep in the Yan Luo Temple, Yutu led Brother Chu out of the guiding circle.

This is the special reception array for their ten brothers. Whoever wants to come back, as long as he is in the abyss of hell and summons with his blood, he can activate the reception formation in the Temple of Yama and directly guide him back.

This is where they were born!

"Finally I'm back. Why don't I have a slight sense of homesickness or the excitement of returning to my hometown?" The fifth jailer said with a smile.He is the reincarnation of Chi Ling from the Torture Prison Pool, and he has the inheritance of the Cool Nong Hell among the Eighteen Hells.

"Hey, fifth brother, you are really sentimental. The eldest brother is not a qualified elder brother. Do you dare to come back? If it weren't for the face of the good old third brother, our ten brothers would never communicate with each other." The sixth child Jail Gou said poorly.

The others didn't speak, and followed the prison tu into a strange magic circle deep in the palace.

"Hey, my brothers, it turns out that you are so admiring me. It's really sad. We are brothers." A gloomy and weird voice came from the magic tire in the formation.

"Brother? We almost died in the devil's womb." Old Six Prison Gou replied with a smile.

"Then what are you doing back again?" Ah Bi Tu Mohuang mocked.

"Because we have common interests. Since we are brothers, we must share the benefits." Jail Gou's small eyes glanced at the half-immortal powers floating thousands of miles above and said greedily.

As soon as this remark came out, the atmosphere became a little weird.This brother's name is too weird. Except for the second and third of the ten brothers, the remaining seven are like a puzzle that can be put together!It is obvious that the seven personalities and abilities have gone to extremes, but when they get together, they are so blended together that there is no abruptness to be found.

The second son, Prison Wuhui, finally spoke, and said: Boss, we will go to the Hall of Yama for everything, and you will not be a weasel giving rice to chickens.Let's get straight to the point, we all need blood orbs and soul orbs to cultivate, except for the trash of old ten, we are all stuck at that step.I heard that you are going to refine this secret realm together with those human monks. I am afraid that the blood beads you refine are not enough for you.How do you want us to cooperate, just open your mouth.

Prison Map twisted his mouth, not daring to have an opinion.

"It's good that I'm trash! But I know more than the boss! I even know the weaknesses of each of you, including the boss!" Prison Map sneered twistedly in his heart!

"Hey, I know that there are billions of Leiyuan people in your meson world! Although they have been suppressed by you to the point where they only have the instinct to reproduce, their souls and blood are purer! The pigs and dogs raised by the superiors have all been sacrificed. The soul beads and blood souls refined are enough for us to break through together. As long as we break through that step, we will be able to live freely in the heavens!"

Ah Bi Tu Demon Emperor said greedily.

"The pigs and dogs I have raised should exceed 50 billion!" Prison Wuhui said.Other demon kings also reported their numbers one after another, and the one with the least number of dependents was actually Prison Tu. He only established a few secret strongholds in the secret territory of Tianhuang Lei Ze to raise them in captivity, and the number was less than one billion! (To be continued..)

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