The thing that made No. [-] even more terrified happened immediately. The intelligent programs that exploded from those little pandas wanted to invade Tianhuang Leicheng's world written by magic formulas, and immediately realized that something was wrong.

The intelligence program he spread was stuck by those damn spells!

Before number seven realized what was going on, there were countless magic formulas scattered along his body to invade back into number seven's body!

"Damn it, this is a guardian's formula written by a magic formula!" As soon as No. [-]'s panic fell, his central Tianshu suddenly became chaotic, and a mechanical self-alarm echoed in No. [-]'s cabin: drive Tianshu Invaded, Daofa Tianshu was invaded, Xuecheng Tianshu was invaded... The central Tianshu was modified!The self-destruct program has been removed!

There is an intelligent viral style that invades the mother's body, and the father's body has a guard style that protects the mother's body!Terror fighters also have anti-guard-style smarts.It depends on whose intelligence is stronger.

It's just that Tianhuang Leicheng's guardian style is written by magic formulas!Number Seven didn't even have a chance to fight back.

The central Tianshu was modified?When Feng Shuihan realized what happened, he found that there were seven true immortal artifacts facing them.

Dare to invite these seven martial art cannons to surround a few little ants?

Feng Shuihan and others were driven out of the No. [-] cabin.No. [-] has been captured by Tianhuang Leicheng's guard style in turn, and even No. [-]'s self-destruct program has been deleted.In this way, No. [-] became the puppet of Tianhuang Leicheng, and if necessary, it can be returned to the furnace and reformed.

After Feng Shuihan was kicked out of No. [-], he felt a series of gloating eyes. He could only smile wryly, feeling the urge to dig the ground and bury himself.

Hua Feixue looked at the powerful people below, is this his captive?Although he is very happy, he is not proud at all. This is not his strength, so he desires to be stronger even more.

Finally, he turned his eyes to Xu Yueyi who was being held by Tie Huatang. Now she was just a corpse.

He and Xu Yueyi were just two Baisheng people from different worlds who had never intermingled. In the last period, it was just a transaction.What does she want?

She wanted Tie Huatang to gain her indissoluble and indelible hatred for Hua Feixue.The only motivation to keep him alive is hatred.Love will only make him more desperate.

Such a tough man, he is only a swordsman, not a swordsman.Because he doesn't have the unmoving heart of a swordsman.

Hua Feixue only glanced at Tie Huatang, and said flatly: "You hate me very much?"Want to kill me?

"I only hate myself. The more I hate myself, the more I want to kill you. If you don't die, my hatred for myself will never end."

Tie Huatang looked at Hua Feixue, his eyes were already bleeding, and every word he said was filled with murderous intentions, and he was crying.

That is a kind of anger!

"Your hatred for yourself will never end."

"I hate you even more if I don't kill you!"

"My admiration for you has long since disappeared, and now all that remains is pity."

poor person must have something mean.Hua Feixue no longer paid attention to Tie Huatang.He was no longer regarded by him as an opponent to surpass. From the moment Xu Yueyi wanted to activate Tie Huatang's fighting spirit with death, he had already surpassed Tie Huatang.

Unless Tie Huatang really stood up, then he was worthy to be his opponent.

The only ones present who still had the power to fight back were Liao Liao, the two swordsmen Da Neng and Tie Huatang.

Jianxiu cultivates the laws of the inner universe rather than the outer world, so the realm of Tianhuang Leicheng can't suppress them.

The power of Tianhuang Lei Ze's entire secret realm is translated into the realm of Tianhuang Lei Ze City by magic formula!This world can only be reactivated after the father returns.Little Dangdang is the father body of Tianhuang Leicheng!Lei Xinbei is just a temporary host.

Being imprisoned in the realm of Tianhuang Lei City is equivalent to being suppressed by the entire Tianhuang Lei Ze.What they are facing is the entire Heavenly Desolation Lei Ze Secret Realm, do they have the power to resist?

There is no resistance.It's not the same as sitting still, because they are swordsmen!

Hua Feixue is also a swordsman, so he immediately let the power of the city that controls Tianhuang Leicheng General Realm be on the two half-immortal powers of swordsmanship!

Finally, there was a powerful man who couldn't stand Hua Feixue's gaze, resisted the heavy pressure Tianhuang Lei Ze put on them, pointed at Hua Feixue and snorted angrily: You have no respect and a long-term devil.You let us go without knowing it, and you can still leave your whole body.If you dare to touch a hair on us, the Fenyanghua family will not dare to protect you!There are far more than ten fingers in the world that are more powerful than Tianhuang Leicheng. Don't think that you can do whatever you want just because you have Tianhuang Leicheng!

"Really?" Hua Feixue chuckled.It's another joke he's heard and doesn't answer the stupid question.One half-immortal power jumped out to accuse Hua Feixue, and the other half-immortal powers also jumped out to scold Hua Feixue.

Hua Feixue quietly watched these half-immortal powers relying on their elders to sell their this moment.Jufeng Swordsman said: Come on, what do you want.

The other great powers also shut up, and looked at Hua Feixue coldly, like a superior waiting for an apology from a wretch who offended him.

For an absolutely weak person, they don't know how to bow their heads, and they can't bow their heads.

Feeling these powerful eyes, Hua Feixue asked calmly without any other expression or tone: I only ask once, submit to me, or die!

They have all come to this point, and they are either slaves or enemies.Hua Feixue didn't dare to let these enemies leave Tianhuanglei City!

Neither of them can draw anything from each other, so there will only be swordsmen meeting each other!

Hua Feixue and Jufeng Swordsman looked at each other for a moment.In these blind eyes, Jufeng swordsman read many things, and sighed: I hate!

What does he hate?Hua Feixue didn't want to know, and the sedan chair swordsman didn't say anything either.Hua Feixue just waved her hand: Kill!

As soon as the killing word came out, the entire Tianhuang Leicheng came to life, like a prehistoric behemoth waking up from an endless sleep!

The realm of Tianhuang Leicheng became an ancient giant beast: Ze!

This is the original form of Tianhuang Leicheng's mother body!At the same time that Ze woke up, Xiaodangdanghua made a streamer sink into the central Tianshu formation, and turned into the soul of Tianhuang Leicheng and merged with Tianhuang Leicheng, becoming an ultimate intelligent life with biological characteristics: intelligent creatures!

This is a new life created by combining the advantages of the beast god jellyfish and unicorn before the fall of the ancient times, but it was separated from the body and soul due to various reasons, and became the Tianhuang Thunder City. The first-generation city spirit of Tianhuang Leicheng was naturally conceived after the Tianhuang Lei Ze secret realm was derived from Tianhuang Leicheng!Carrying the remaining will of Lei Mu!

Because of the separation of spirit and flesh, and the original city spirit is not the real master of Tianhuang Leicheng, there is a shortage of Lei Yuanshi people bred in the thunder pool!

At this moment, after the little Dangdang and the city merged into one, it finally turned into a lake!Became Hua Feixue's guardian of the avenue: guardian beast!

Hua Feixue's order is her oracle!

With Ze's roar, the weaker Banxian Da Neng was turned into a blood mist.

The remaining half-immortal powers also ran away.They knew they couldn't escape, so they could only do their best to send the little one away from this ghostly place!Then they were desperate. The outer layer of the space barrier of Tianhuang Lei Ze Secret Scenery was imprisoned by a huge magic circle, giving them the feeling of being imprisoned in a huge furnace!

what happened?Whose masterpiece is this?

This is the ultimate magic formation that has been lost since ancient times: Ah Bitu Purgatory!

Some of the top half-immortals recognized what it was, it was the masterpiece of Demon Emperor Ah Bi Tu!It turned out that he had been calculated by others.But when they thought that Hua Feixue's final fate would also be the fate of being refined by Ahbitu's purgatory sacrifice, these great powers laughed in despair: So there is a plan and a plan, boy, you should be proud for a while!Someone will take care of you!

A supreme semi-immortal power of an ancient clan crushed a simple jade talisman!This is the Ancestral Calling Blood Talisman!This is left by a supreme power in the family who has disappeared for nearly 500 million years. If he is not dead, there is a chance to summon him to take action.

Before that old ancestor makes a move, he must use his life to protect these little ones!

Some people recognized this blood talisman, and begged this half-immortal power one after another: If that old man of yours can save our children, our clan would like to offer a real immortal artifact!

A dead thing is not as important as a group of potential juniors!

This half-immortal master agreed!The remaining half-immortal powers all sacrificed their natal Taoist artifacts and dedicated them to this half-immortal power!This half-immortal power directly broke through to a true immortal weapon after receiving dozens of Heavenly Mandate Dao Artifacts that were equivalent to first-grade immortal weapons.

The next moment, this mighty natal Taoist weapon received all the other disciples in the world of the mighty Jiezi, and directly blasted Ze's belly and flew out!

The other half-immortal powers were overwhelmed by the endless thunder in Ze's belly! (To be continued..)

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