Nine Heavens Imperial Sword Record

Chapter 69 The running dog cooks

All of this happened too suddenly, and he didn't realize it until the powerful natal Taoist broke through the boundary.

Ze's belly is its boundary.

The realm of Tianhuang Leicheng is the same as that of Banxian, formed by a huge number of origins.After Tianhuang Leicheng awakened, it turned into a lake, and the boundary of the lake was formed by the power of the world: the power of the thunder world!

A ray of power in the thunder world requires the fusion of a large number of lightning sources!

Boundary power is also called the power of a true immortal.

Ze, has the power to surpass a half-immortal.But there is a time limit, it is still an intelligent creature written by artificial spells—the pheasant shape of ultimate intelligence!

Real organisms are written genetically.The genetic formula is the ultimate formula created by nature!

Ze's awakening time will increase with evolution.

Now Ze only has a quarter of an hour to wake up, and the power consumed when waking up is also huge, Hua Feixue can feel the thunder and lightning origin of Tianhuang Lei Ze dropping sharply.

What Ze is consuming now is the power of the thunder world, and every breath is swallowing a huge amount of the source of thunder and lightning!

time is life!This is not a place to stay!

After Ze blasted these semi-immortal powers into blood mist, Hua Feixue sucked them into the Inner Universe Furnace little by little.

It is shameful to waste, but when will ants eat elephants?Besides, more than one half-immortal power was killed by Ze Mie!

Hua Feixue didn't have the ability to directly digest a wisp of blood mist from the powerful half-immortal!The blood mist on each floor not only contains the essence of the half-immortal power who has cultivated for a lifetime, but also contains fragments of the Dao!What Hua Feixue needed were the fragments of the avenue in the blood mist.

As long as the imprints of the outer world in these blood mist are removed, they can become the nourishment of the Inner Universe Furnace!His current Dao Realm has reached the peak of Yuanying, as long as he accumulates enough strength, he can go all the way to the peak of Yuanying without a bottle neck.

After the blood mist enters the heaven and earth dome furnace and is cleared of the outer world brand, it is decomposed into various nutrients needed by the inner universe dome furnace and delivered to each Dan Dingwen, and then transformed into Hua Feixue by the Dan Dingwen the power of!

The Phoenix Calamity is running crazily in the Inner Universe Furnace, continuously accumulating the transformed power!When the strength soars to a certain level, there will be an impulse to promote the realm of strength, and this impulse will be suppressed again and again.

He needs a fight to digest these powers!To support war with war, to be strong with war is his way of strength!

Blindly stuffed into the stomach.Digestion is tantamount to slow suicide!

Although the realm of strength is suppressed, the feeling of rising strength is also extremely enjoyable!Hua Feixue instinctively opened her arms to enjoy the thrill of soaring power!

The disciples of the various clans who hid in that powerful natal Taoist weapon watched this scene unfold with their own eyes. This is the pain and hatred that can never be erased!

Under the naked choice, these cunning and hypocritical powers outside the clan chose to protect the descendants of the shade!

Dao is not ruthless, but people are in the rivers and lakes.

Could it be that the heavens are all rivers and lakes!No matter how strong a person is, he is just a drop in the ocean. If he wants to gain a firm foothold in the food chain of this arena, he must use any means.

You can't help yourself, you can't help others!

Some disciples cried bitterly.Or after crying, their hearts will completely belong to their clan.To continue life with one's life, in exchange for the rest of the people's belief in the mission and the protection of the root cause!

Hate and anger.Pain and grief ignited a fire in the hearts of these young disciples.From then on, the family will fall into hardship due to the loss of the half-immortal ancestor sitting in charge.

At this moment, everyone felt an inexplicable panic!

Hua Feixue, who was caught in the pleasure of power surge, suddenly came back to her senses, and her sixth sense sensed that the entire secret realm was imprisoned in a furnace!

That's right, the Bi Tu Lian Sacrifice!It's working!

"Smash that demon palace! Ah Bitu's purgatory cannot be fully activated!" Hua Feixue pointed at the Yan Luo Palace below and shouted urgently!

Just two quarters of an hour ago, in the Hall of Yama...

Hua Feixue used Tianhuang Leicheng to mobilize the power of the entire sea of ​​​​thunder sources to suddenly rescue Chu Xiao, and then went to the boundary of Tianhuang Leicheng to recover and swallow all the half-immortals into the city.When the Demon King reacted, what should have happened was over.All the half-immortals were swallowed into Tianhuang Leicheng.Seeing that the eyes of all the demon kings are red, is this okay?

Among the more than 100 half-immortals, more than 30 have already reached the pinnacle of half-immortals.If all these more than 100 half-immortals are refined, each of them will be able to refine and sacrifice a blood bead above rank five!Especially the half-immortal at the peak.He must be able to refine a first-grade blood bead!

If you get a few first-grade blood beads and use them to sacrifice your natal Taoist artifacts and practice, you will be able to break through to the real fairyland in one fell swoop!

but now……

Before Xiaodangdang returned, none of them could shake Tianhuang Leicheng, let alone now.

A completely activated Heavenly Thunder City.Except for their boss, no one can shake this city, its boundary is equivalent to the entire Tianhuang Lei Ze!

All the demon kings except the third prisoner.All of them stared angrily at the devil tire in front of them with red faces, waiting for the reaction of Ah Bi Tu Demon Emperor.

The atmosphere tensed up for a few breaths, but from the devil's tire came the sly laughter of Bi Tu Demon Emperor, and then said: "Swallow my prey? It depends on whether that kid has such a big stomach! Even if it is Tianhuang Leicheng can't be digested for a moment! If this is the case, then we will play our own games first."

Afterwards, Bitu Mohuang turned around and said: Everyone, quickly enter the eyes of the formation, I am about to start!

"Enter the eyes of the formation? Start? Start what?" Guigou was puzzled, thinking it was a joke, and said darkly: We just need to put those sacrifices into the Bitu Purgatory, why should we enter? What about your eyes?Don't you want to practice us too?

When Jigougou said this, the other demon kings took a step back. They were already wary of each other, and now there was nothing to laugh at.

Ah Bi Tu Demon Emperor chuckled and said: Sixth, you have so many mouths.Come in, all of you!

All the demon kings expected this move, and did not dodge it, allowing Demon King Ah Bi Tu to drag them into the formation suppressed by the demon tires.When these demon kings entered the central formation eye of Bitu Purgatory, they immediately turned into a blood baby!

This is the blood baby substitute of the hell way.It's also a move that goes against the Heavenly Prohibition Technique!

"Blood baby substitute?" Ahbitu Demon King looked at the nine blood baby substitutes in his eyes and laughed, and roared at the prison slaughter who appeared outside the prison abyss: "Third brother, you must have betrayed me!"Don't you very much hope that I can reincarnate in the fifth life?

Prison Tu's eyes were very complicated, and in the end he still didn't know how to answer, so he just sighed.The prison hook still jumped out and pointed at the nose, and Tu Mohuang said arrogantly: "Boss, so what if the third brother reminded us in advance, isn't he afraid of death?"We didn't go straight into the abyss, now see what you can do to us!

Except for Yutu, the rest of the brothers all looked into the prison abyss with complacent eyes.Across the abyss, after their avatars were destroyed, they couldn't see other things, but they could clearly sense Ah Bi Tu Demon Emperor, they were one!

After a while, Ah Bitu smiled and said: Really?I have already cultivated into the fourth body, you are just a part separated from my body, and I have been calling you brothers and sisters with disgust for so many years, it is time to end.Give me all back!

Is it really okay not to enter Hell?Those so-called taboos were only deliberately fabricated by the fourth body in the memory of the demons.All he was waiting for was an opportunity:

The secret realm also needs to replenish the source through absorption.Every time a secret realm is born, it is a breath.This is also when the secret realm is weakest.Those who split off have refined their Taoism to the peak of the half-immortal!

Prison map is trash?He is the old fox among the devil kings!She endured until 1 years ago before secretly breaking through to the peak of the semi-immortal!And what you see now is not his real body.

Do you really think that Bi Tu Demon Emperor doesn't know?It's just that he doesn't want to break it.

Now is the time, and he doesn't want to wait any longer.As long as they are in Ahbitu Purgatory, no matter where they hide, it makes no difference!

"Don't think you'll be fine if you hide outside the abyss of hell! Your only value now is to melt back into my body and become my capital to hit the fifth life!" Ah Bi Tu Demon Emperor was so excited that his tone twisted!

The devil outside the prison finally felt that something was wrong, but it was too late!Ah Bi Tu Demon Emperor has finally launched Ah Bi Tu Purgatory!

"Sacrifices, countless blood sacrificial vessels. I want to enter the reincarnation with the body of a real immortal and reincarnate into the fifth life. I will have a brand new start, and let all karma go to hell! Hahaha"

After the Ahbitu purgatory was activated, the sacrifices that were kept in captivity in various places in the secret territory began to turn into balls of blood mist! (To be continued..)

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