With the divergence of memories, I thought of that little girl again. This cute little girl always felt that there was a thread on her body that was holding her.Thinking of the scenes in Tianluoyi Mansion, and finally freezes in the heartache that he has been sealing up in that scene.I don't have the strength to protect the people I want to protect, but my heart is higher than the sky.

I still remember the small village where he first met in Tiaohe Pojun, where he had the first drop of blood to protect the little girl!Along the way, from one mountain to another in the misty fog, from the start to the end, gods stop and kill gods, Buddhas stop and kill Buddhas until corpses are scattered all over the place, I don’t know if it’s a thousand or one Ten thousand!He beheaded [-]% of the people caught by the old ghost who picked up the stars!

He saw that every time his sword cut a person, there were black threads entangled in his destiny and Tao!These black silk threads are karma, and karma tightly knits him and the world together!

But so what?That ruthless force that fears nothing but kills thousands of troops, ignores right and wrong and seals the throat, is only born to protect Nilin.

That is his sister who is willing to protect with life, even if she kills to the end of the world, she will have no regrets.

Kill without regret!Since I have no regrets, so what if people in the world regard me as a devil, so what if I am not as powerful as human beings, so what if the world wants to punish me.If you need to cut off all the heavens to protect what you want to protect, then cut it off.Why are you afraid of death!

The fruit accumulated for the little girl fell, and the fire of karma doubled in an instant, almost burning through the phoenix robbery!From the outside to the inside, it was blasted by the karmic fire that exploded like a burst of flames, making it tremble again and again!

This is killing karma, not ordinary love karma or hatred karma!

So what about enduring this boundless pain!

Hua Feixue's Indestructible Sword Intent began to change qualitatively, becoming more tenacious, unyielding, and sharp!

Streaks of brown jelly came out of the phoenix womb, this is the accumulated filth of the phoenix womb!If these things are to be eliminated, Phoenix Jietai must undergo the tempering of karma, and temper these things little by little!

One fruit and one fruit fall.As the memory keeps turning the pages, all the karma formed along the way has been aroused.

When the fruit of past difficulties has been self-sufficient, the fire of karma has turned into a black glazed fire lotus that is constantly blooming.

This glazed fire lotus wrapped the phoenix's robbing fetus in the lotus heart and exploded!It was so burned that the phoenix robbed dripped strings of brown gelatinous things.Straight squeak!

As long as Hua Feixue survives the burning of this wrathful lotus, all the killing karma accumulated in the past will be burned away. Although the Dao realm cannot be promoted, it can be sublimated qualitatively!

How easy is it to survive?Hua Feixue felt that the Inner Universe Furnace was about to be burned to the fryer!The Inner Space Dome Furnace is also continuously oozing black gas!

This is a roadblock!

At the same time, Ze trembled in pain, Tianhuang Lei Ze was turned into nothingness by Ahbitu Purgatory!Losing his roots, Ze instantly became several times weaker.Ze is like a little ant thrown into the formation like a furnace of heaven and earth!

Nearly a thousand blood orbs and soul orbs were suspended in Ahbitu Purgatory, half and half in number!The quality of these beads are all up to first grade!But Ah Bi Tu Demon Emperor is not satisfied with this.Looking at Ze below, who was struggling to protect himself, Ah Bi Tu Mohuang curled his mouth, and his eyes became greedy: So this is the masterpiece of Lei Mu, the undead army created by summarizing the peak technology of the ancient times!

"Who has never died in life since ancient times? Even the gods and Buddhas of the heavens will perish in the reincarnation of heaven and earth. I just exist in eternity, and I am the only one in heaven and earth! What reincarnation of four generations is bullshit! Lei Mu, What you failed to accomplish, I will do it for you! Ze. Before the ancient times, it was the unfinished fifth body of the hoof. You just got its remnant. That little monster refused to hand it over even if he died. Now It is not in my hands. You are all dead, it is mine now. No one will fight with me anymore. I have prepared four lives for this moment! I will transcend the ultimate intelligence and become the god of heaven The first immortal demon god, I want to create an eternal kingdom!"

As Ah Bi Tu's realm continued to rise.The memory of the first life is gradually revived!In his first life, he was one of the Prison Dao Ten Demon Venerables in the ancient times, and he shared a prehistoric relic with Lei Mu and his wife.Ze at this time.The predecessor was just the corpse of a certain existence that defied the sky from the ancient times!

Rather than saying it is a corpse, it is better to say that it is an experimental product that has failed in transformation!

"Eat mine, spit it out for me!" Ah Bi Tu Mozun gave a ferocious smile and took a shot in the air, trying to scare Ze over!

Ze resisted hard.Seeing this ineffectiveness, Mozun Ah Bi Tu said: Since you don't make a model, then you stay in the formation!I am happy to refine that kid inside into a pill!

Ah Bi Tu Mozun couldn't see through the Hua Feixue in Ze's belly, nor could he lock onto it.It seems that there is a strange fog that hides it.

Since you can't see through it, then don't read it, just practice it!

The blood beads and soul beads in the refining formation began to soften, and were gradually refined into a liquid state!Afterwards, these liquid blood beads and soul beads all fused into one unity!

The formation began to shrink, and Ze was like a bread being continuously compressed!In the end, Ze's time came. In grief and anger, his body and soul were separated, and his body was taken back to the altar!Little Dangdang was also shaken out of the central Tianshu!

Waking up the main body once, little Dangdang also paid a heavy price, just like being fished out of the water!This time it is seriously overdrawn, and the main body can no longer be awakened in a short time!

Little Dangdang is Hua Feixue's guardian, she will not let others disturb Hua Feixue's journey!

"Humph, I want to be a qualified guardian! Look at the stele!" Xiao Dangdang yelled and melted into the Thunder Heart Stele, hanging on the glazed anger lotus. Formed into a four-sided thunder curtain to protect Hua Feixue!

This altar is the tortoise shell of Ze and Xiaodangdang, how can it be that Bi Tu Demon Emperor can refine it!As long as Xiao Dangdang can hold on, this altar will not fall!

Little Dangdang was already overdrawn, and now he was going to burn himself in exchange for strength.

Ah Bitu Purgatory shrank to a certain extent and stopped shrinking.After Ze crushed those semi-immortal powers into a blood mist, the blood mist has been suppressed on the altar, and now it has turned into a liquid blood dragon!At this moment, the blood dragon was dragged out of the altar by a strange and unpredictable force, and fell into Ahbitu Purgatory!

This formation has the traction of ignoring the prohibition on blood sacrifices!Not to mention that this altar without Ze's guardian is like a toothless tiger.The blood dragon merged into the blood-colored liquid and was tempered bit by bit.

I don't know how much time has passed, maybe it was a quarter of an hour, or maybe it was ten thousand years in an instant, and the two balls of red and white liquid were each refined into 81 extreme elixir: Nine Turns Blood, Soul Pill!

The quality of Jiuzhuan Dan is divided into nine grades.Among the 81 Nine-Turn Blood Pills, there are 36 First-Turn Blood Pills, 27 Two-Turn Blood Pills... one Nine-Turn Blood Pill!This Nine-turn Blood Pill is extremely special among the elixir levels!And the number of Nine-Turn Soul Pills and Nine-Turn Blood Pills are relative!

The coercion emitted by these two nine-turn soul pills and Xuefan is no less than that of Ah Bi Tu Mohuang.

"It's finally done! Let the fifth world go to hell! Hoof listen to what you can't do and let me do it! The world will tremble under my feet" Ah Bi Tu Demon Emperor let out a wild laugh and flew to the altar wrapped in all the Nine Turn Pills , He wants to merge with Ze, and refine himself into an existence beyond the ultimate intelligence in Ahbitu Purgatory.

At this moment, Ah Bi Demon Slayer felt terrified!A force so powerful that it cannot be matched directly blasted through Ah Bitu Purgatory!

This is an existence that is infinitely close to that of a real immortal, and it is one step farther than Ah Bi Tu Demon Emperor!The difference is a thousand miles away!

A rather magnetic voice came into Ahbitu Purgatory:

"Intelligence is intelligence after all. You haven't evolved ultimate intelligence even in the ancient times. You are just a frog in the bottom of the well, and you can only refine yourself into ultimate intelligence! This thing It's a waste of money in your hands. It's mine!"

A giant palm stretched directly into Ah Bitu Purgatory and grabbed that altar!There is a laurel flower tattooed on the palm of this palm!Along with the lowering of this giant palm, there was another voice:

"Hmph, Hua's boy, you are too disrespectful to the elderly. This thing should respect my old man!"

A purple star ray shot through Ahbitu Purgatory, and swept directly towards the altar!These two people are completely inappropriate! Bi Tu Mozun is the same thing, they have long been watching the excitement in the turbulent void outside the Tianhuang Lei Ze, just watch the excitement, how can they watch their prey being swallowed into their stomachs where? (To be continued..)

ps: I'm busy recently, so I'm slower, so I'm sorry

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