Nine Heavens Imperial Sword Record

Chapter 73 There's an even bigger one

Ah, the nose is so angry that Tu Mohuang's nose exploded!He always felt that there was something watching here from outside the turbulent flow of the void, like intuition and illusion.It was only now that he realized that he and these two people were not on the same level as opponents. His original pleasure of being infinitely close to a true immortal was just an illusion of soaring power!

He overestimated himself!I don't know that there is someone beyond the human world!

But so what?I can't just watch my cooked duck being snatched away without saying a word.His first, second and third lifetimes are nailed here, just to wait for Ze to wake up and pick the fruit!

"What a despicable human being, give it to me!" Ah Bi Tu Demon Emperor went berserk!

"Despicable human beings?" The two powerful people who came out halfway laughed, and a demon who had cultivated tens of billions of lives actually said that he was despicable!This is ridiculous!

Ah Bitu Demon Emperor also laughed angrily and turned into a troll as tall as ten feet high!This is the strongest form of Ah Bi Tu Demon Emperor: Mo He Apostle!

Apostle Mohe looked up to the sky and muttered, "Ah nose!"

There is a realm hidden in this sound: **Hell!

They also underestimated Ah Bi Tu Demon Emperor, who said that a frog at the bottom of a well will be a mermaid?

"Beast! How dirty!"

**As soon as the hell came out, those two Cheng Yaojin obviously suffered a small loss.If you are immersed in certain activities, it will cause an instinctive response in a certain part of the body.This is not the place to do that, so the old man cheered up on the spot, his legs almost went limp.He was ashamed and angry when Hua's junior made such an embarrassment.

Hua Guirong still maintained his boyish body, this move didn't have much effect on him, it just reminded him of the little girl that he will never forget at a glance.

That little girl named Long Xiaofan!Hua Guirong shook his head and smiled with hooked corners of his mouth, then murmured: I didn't see anything!

When he said these words, the laurel in his palm flashed, and the laurel was in full bloom!

At the moment when the sweet-scented osmanthus is in full bloom, the sky and the earth suddenly draw closer!Inside this sweet-scented osmanthus is a small world full of flowers!

One sand, one stone, one country, one flower, one grass, one world!This is his realm: Palace without Flowers

Take a closer look.This world is a desert again, there is no shadow of a single flower, and there is a faint smell of laurel flowers blooming all over the mountain!It smells like coming under a tree!This world seems romantic, but destruction is hidden in waste!

In the middle of the endless desert in this world, there is a laurel tree. This is Hua Guirong's natal artifact, which has reached the level of a supreme immortal artifact!As long as this life-dao weapon breaks through to the level of a true fairy weapon, he will be able to kick open the door of the real fairyland.

Hua Guirong's sentence, I didn't see anything, made old Zhao Yue's nose crooked in anger, but he didn't stop, and his strikes became even more ruthless!A starry sky was also condensed in the palm of his giant hand!

This is Zhao Yue's world in the palm of his hand: Gouli Star Realm!

Tens of thousands of purple hooking rays shot out from the hooking star world!The Palace of No Flowers contains an invisible and imperceptible destructive power.These two giants attacked at the same time, Ah Bitu Purgatory was almost exploded!

Ah Bi Tu Demon Emperor also fought hard.Hundreds of millions of silver hairs burst out, engulfing the entire Ahbitu Purgatory!

"Ah Bi!" Under Ah Bi Tu Demon Emperor's deafening voice, the nine layers of hell merged into one world: Ah Bi Tu Hell!

Ah Bi Tu Demon Emperor's memory of waking up at the beginning was incomplete, so the inheritance he got was naturally lacking.And at this moment, the memory of the first life was completely opened, and the remaining eight realms were immediately condensed and merged into the missing Ahbitu Hell!

The Eighteen Hells are now consummated instantly, becoming the realm with the strongest hell way: Ah Bitu Hell!

At the moment when Ah Bi Tu Demon Emperor completed Ah Bi Tu Hell, an even more terrifying aura appeared. It was a thought of a true immortal-level power that broke the void and descended!

"Where is my disciple and grandson? Who is the devil who dares to train my disciple and grandson!"

The sound of this true fairy thought directly blasted Ahbitu Purgatory!Sadly, Bitu Demon Emperor, in order to arrange this formation, he has devoted a lot of energy in his first, second, third and fourth lifetimes.

In the face of absolute power.The hard work he and the previous three generations put in was in vain.Ah Bitu Demon Emperor was startled and angry, a fire in his heart had been simmering to the limit, but it couldn't erupt, what could he do in the face of a true fairy-level power.

Is it steamed or boiled?

The three semi-immortal peak powers all obediently remained silent.

at this moment.A blood-colored tip magnified infinitely in the turbulent flow of the void, and finally turned into a broken natal instrument.

The semi-immortal power of this natal Taoist artifact has fallen, and it has become a broken fairy artifact.If this true fairy idea comes half a moment late.This fairy artifact will also be completely scrapped, the survivors inside are really unfortunate!

Seeing the patriarch of the sect descending, the disciples of this sect hugged each other and burst into tears. One of the leaders was very calm, but his emotions couldn't help being filled with grief and anger. He pointed at the patriarch's thoughts... Zun complained angrily, and then pointed the finger at Hua Feixue who was guarding the altar.

This true fairy thought turned into a phantom in the chaotic ceremony in the void, glanced at the altar, saw through Hua Feixue who was protecting under the Thunder Heart Monument, and said after a moment of silence: I can't attack the junior.The mainstays of Tianluobei are all destroyed here. Now it's time for you juniors to stand up, let alone take action, leaving a fierce tiger in the forest, lest I will be completely useless in Tianluobei!You should avenge this revenge yourself.Each generation has its own circle and does not interfere with each other, unless the sect encounters a catastrophe.

In the end, this true immortal and great power set his sights on Ah Bi Tu Demon Emperor.Ah Bi Tu Mohuang knew that he was about to suffer a tragedy, and was about to risk his life to escape, but was locked in place by the powerful gaze of this true immortal, unable to move!

"As for this devil, these two children can't destroy him. Then let me come, so that the ancestors will not be destroyed!" At this point, the true immortal's powerful thought was suppressed!

The power of half-immortal extreme or above can only be shot in the turbulence of the void so as not to be sent by heaven!

Under the cover of this palm, it is as if there is a piece of sky to suppress it!It turned into grief in a blink of an eye! The Bi Tu Demon Emperor blew himself up with an angry howl on the spot!

"Self-explosion? You thought you could hurt me like this!" The man snorted coldly, and the realm in his palm instantly condensed into a dharma realm: Tianyin Realm!

One method becomes one realm, transforming all realms in the palm of your hand!This is the symbol of the real fairy level!

On this day, the Indian world was bombarded like a sky pressing down just to smash an egg.When this true immortal-level power showed its power, the turbulent flow of space around him was shattered, and it would take at least a million years to repair it!

This is just the power of the true immortal's power to flip the palm!It was also the first time for Hua Guirong and Zhao Yue to see a real immortal-level powerful shot with their own eyes, and they were taken aback by the power of destroying the world in their palms.

My dear, even if the top half-immortal powers of several 10 years attack him together, he can't touch his half-legged hair, it's just a shot!

"This is the pinnacle of power I'm after!" Hua Feixue, who was burned by the glazed angry lotus on the altar, said frantically after feeling the power of the clapping of her palms, there seemed to be a phoenix cry in the phoenix's robbing fetus!

That's the Immortal Sword intending to roar, it's stimulated!

Ah Bitu Demon Emperor's self-destruction was destroyed by a single thought of this true immortal!There are all kinds of evil ways, does he seem like a brain-dead who will blow himself up at any time?

As soon as this true fairy thought closed his hand, he was shocked by a burst of furious laughter: You remember, my fifth world will avenge me!

A brand mark flew out from the pile of ashes, and then spit out a palace from the brand mark: Yama Palace!

Before the real immortal can make another move, this brand rushed into the hall of Yan Luo, and really entered the ghost gate deep in the hall of Jing Luo!Behind the ghost gate, there is a giant wheel that is slowly rotating!

" the seal of reincarnation!" Hua Feixue recognized what it was in an instant, because the seal of reincarnation aroused a memory that he had sealed himself, and there was also a memory in his extinct Immortal Sword Soul. A reincarnation seal!

Four generations reincarnate, after reincarnation, I will no longer be me, but another new student!The previous world was just another person reborn four times.

"Who was my previous fourth reincarnation?"

Just when Hua Feixue couldn't help asking herself, the reincarnation seal of Ah Bi Tu Demon Emperor had already been submerged in that giant wheel!

Immediately, the giant wheel made a loud sound: Four generations of rebirth are exchanged for one life of reincarnation, a hundred generations of reincarnation and a hundred generations of suffering, when the world ends, samsara will end, what joy can there be in life, if there is nothing in the heart, no self, no others, no life, no death, no sky, no life There is neither good nor evil, Prajna Boye, Moa is immeasurable!

This is the sound of reincarnation!

The sound of reincarnation turned into a 'ten thousand' Buddha seal in the giant wheel! On the reincarnation seal of Bi Tu Demon Emperor, he now has two reincarnation seals!This is his second reincarnation.In four lifetimes, he was reborn eight times in total!

"The Seal of Reincarnation? The Hall of Reincarnation! Reincarnation of the Ghost Gate!" After the thought of this true immortal recognized what those things were, his voice trembled with excitement. The legendary Seal of Reincarnation really exists, even the Hall of Yama is real!He wants to take down this Pure Land!

It's a pity that this is not a mortal thing, and his master is still there!Ah Bitu Mohuang brought the Jingluo Temple into the next round together!

Ah Bi Tu Demon Emperor was forced to reincarnate, and there were only three giants present.Zhen Xiannian glanced at that kind of altar, his eyes flickered, and finally he sighed and said: This sect is weaker than the second-rate families of the four great abysses, so let’s not compete with you juniors, it’s a sell. I will give you two juniors some face, and I hope to win the friendship of the family behind you!

This true immortal is so savvy, Hua Guirong and Zhao Yue also bowed tactfully and said: We can only guarantee that the ancient clans of the four great abysses will not get involved in Tianluobei.

"Hey, the situation is stronger than people. That's enough, let the juniors figure out the rest!"

After a sigh, the thoughts of this true immortal and all the surviving juniors left!

On the spot, there were only two top half-immortals fighting for the altar.

Hua Feixue could only give a wry smile, struggling to support under Liuli Nulian's greed, just waiting for the chance.

"Hey, it's impossible for you to be filial to Lao Tzu. Then see the truth in your hand!" Zhao Yue shot directly without talking nonsense with Hua Guirong. (To be continued..)

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