These two extremely strong men did not take Hua Feixue seriously at all, and fought together while blowing their beards and staring at each other.

The strength is equal and the background is equal, no matter how you fight, you will not be pleased, and you will not be able to compete!

"Old thief, it's not good for you to go back and hurry up and sleep a few more little girls, what a waste of time arguing with me. A moment is worth a thousand gold." Hua Guirong and Zhao Yue crossed their tricks and teased.

As soon as Zhao Yue blew his beard, he took Hua Guirong's move and hummed: "Since you all know that I am old, let me save my energy and enjoy more happiness in my lifetime."Let me take this old antique back and study it.

"Hey, old thief, you all know that it is an old antique. I know those evildoers in your family have already restored a mother body. It is said that you are preparing to breed the first batch of intelligent fighters! Pity my Hua family, there is no father body , is still half-disabled, and urgently needs to be equipped with a mother body. Your old Japanese family blends the father and mother body day and night, just take pity on my half-disabled father body, and he can automatically repair the other half. !” Hua Guirong teased while accepting the move.

Zhao Yue was annoyed, widened his eyes and shouted: You fart, if the heads of the previous Patriarchs of my family hadn't been twitched, you would have poached the central Tianshu formation in the mother's body, and lost a father's body in vain!Without a parent body, the smart fighters produced are a bunch of scrap metal that won't move without orders!

Mentioning this made Zhao Yue tremble with anger. The previous patriarchs were his great-grandsons. His great-grandson dug out a smart mother body from Destiny Life. He was qualified to come into contact with these secrets that violated the law of heaven, so he naturally didn't know what it was, but Hua Guirong, who was of the same generation, recognized it, and even coaxed and tricked him into using a piece of ancient elixir secret recipe found in Tianming Mountain as a price tag to sell the mother's body. The Central Tianshu was dug away.

In fact, these two are cheating goods. They forcibly dismantled a complete mother body, and until now, neither of them has repaired the part they got.But also involuntarily invest endless energy to fumble.

The elixir that buddy exchanged back was actually...a primordial elixir named Miao Chunye Thirteen.For those with a certain hobby, this is a wonderful elixir!But for a gentleman, this is a shame!

Thinking of this incident, Hua Guirong couldn't help laughing, Zhao Dasha's name was spread by people in the circle after this incident spread.

At this moment, a lewd voice came from below them: Fart, you are all farting!This thing is mine!Haha, keep playing.

An old Taoist priest who looked like a magic stick appeared in front of the altar with two disciples!This guy appeared so suddenly that no one noticed his existence!

This old magic stick is actually a figure at the pinnacle of the half-immortal!He rolled the altar into the sleeve with one sleeve, and took two disciples to break the void.

After being busy for a long time, I was cut off.Uncle can bear but aunt can't bear it!

"Where to escape, come out!" Hua Guirong and Zhao Yue shot at the same time, smashing the space crack that had just been opened, and the old magic stick was shaken out, appearing thousands of miles away.The two immediately chased after them!

Only those who have reached the semi-immortal level can get rid of their own mother world and travel in small worlds in the turbulent space, but they need to have the space coordinates and astrolabe fingers of other small worlds.

Advanced small worlds can build large cross-border teleportation arrays.But their parent world level is too low and too biased, if they insist on establishing a large cross-border teleportation formation.Once the big formation is activated, it can shatter this small world to pieces!

Because the coercion emitted when the cross-boundary teleportation array is activated is equivalent to a big sneeze of a true immortal!Fairies farting can crush the sky.

After the altar was caught in the big sleeve of the old man, Hua Feixue immediately recognized who it was.This guy has the most direct relationship with him on the road of self-cultivation.At this moment, except for the people around him, everyone else is an enemy.Little Dangdang is like a little desperate Sanlang, burning himself desperately to support Lei Xinbei and guard Hua Feixue!

Seeing Xiao Dangdang's body becoming more and more empty, the blood in Hua Feixue's bones finally boiled, it was like this once, and it was like this twice.What is it to ask others to fight to the death for themselves?

Hua Feixue's phoenix robbery was incinerated by the Liuli Nulian, leaving a thin layer of walls, and the sliver of life can't be controlled!You can't just watch little Dangdang burn to death in order to protect herself!

"Enough. You've done enough. Get some sleep!"

In the depths of Hua Feixue's Inner Universe Dome Furnace, an eye seemed to have opened, staring at Xiao Dangdang's back and said.This voice seemed to come from Jiuyou, and it was so gentle, Xiao Dangdang felt his eyelids getting heavier and heavier.

"I don't have six senses, how can I be sleepy...I don't want to sleep, don't...don't..."

Little Dangdang asked what she was going to do as her own master, and her heart twitched for a moment. She was both moved and annoyed. Little Dangdang was determined to be a responsible guardian. How could she let the person she guarded turn around? , this is a foul...

Hua Feixue is the new owner of Lei Xinbei, and Xiao Dangdang is the spirit of Lei Xinbei. Hua Feixue hypnotizes Xiao Dangdang as soon as he thinks about it, and takes him back into Lei Xinbei!Then put the Lei Xinbei into Shi Xinfang.

Shi Xinfang is really amazing, it can ignore the burning of karmic fire.Zhu Xiaohe and Huaman Villa were also taken into Shi Xinfang.

At this moment, Zhao Yue sternly shouted from behind the old Taoist: "Where is Xiao Xiao, don't you know that you come first, first come first?"Dare to pluck the hair on Tai Sui's head, you are tired of work, quickly hand it over to the altar!I leave your whole body!

"What are you talking about with him? Leave it to me!" After Hua Guirong approached the old Taoist god, she opened her palm, and the sweet-scented osmanthus flower in her palm suddenly bloomed, and covered it towards the old Taoist god.

A bright moon suddenly appeared in the sky hundreds of miles away!

"Big old man, why are you playing with the moon? Ah bah, you poor romantic boy!" The old magician nodded and bumped into him, then turned in one direction and fled cursing.

Just as the old Taoist god stick wanted to escape, this round of bright moon was blooming into a laurel in full bloom!

At the moment when the laurel blossoms bloomed, the old Taoist god stick smelled a breathtaking fragrance of flowers.

This floral scent is deadly poison!

The turbulent flow of the void with a radius of ten thousand miles is filled with a hallucinogenic fragrance of laurel!If this is a forest with a radius of [-] li, all the animals and plants in this forest will fall into hallucinations. In the hallucinations, it feels like ten thousand years, but in reality, ten thousand years of life will be exhausted in one second!

If the old man is a person, he has already been recruited at this time, but it is a pity that he is not!

I saw the old Taoist god stick laughing, then waved his sleeves, and threw a blooming anger lotus towards the two people behind him. Before Zhao Yue could realize what the anger lotus was, the old master god stick killed himself. With one arm, a strong light shot out from his eyes, piercing the void in front of him through a gap in space, dragging his two disciples into the gap in space one step at a time.

"Huh, I still want to escape!" Zhao Yue's giant palm turned into a starry sky and covered the gap in the space ahead, covering it together with the black lotus that was thrown over!

"Don't touch that thing, that boy is an evildoer from the Fenyanghua family, he is in the... second calamity of the phoenix calamity!"

It's too late, Hua Osmanthus reminds me later!Because he was stunned for a moment, how many times has this little evildoer survived?How could even something like Liuli Nulian be provoked!

It was such a late reminder that the Gouli Star Realm transformed by Zhao Yue's giant palm collided with the Liuli Nulian who was thrown over.

At this moment, Hua Feixue yelled in front of the covered world: "Come on!"

With an ear-piercing bang of colored glaze bursting, the colored glaze furious lotus was blown away by the Goli Star Realm. At this moment, Shi Xinfang took Hua Feixue into it!

Shi Xinfang was sent flying, knocking out a tail of fire in the turbulent flow of the void!But Zhao Yue shouted in horror: How could there be such a ghost!

The moment the sulfur glass shattered, Nu Lian blasted a big hole in the Gouli Star Realm, and countless sulfur glass fires instantly ignited Zhao Yue's palm!

Then there was another scream, and Zhao Yue cut off one of his arms!Under Hua Guirong's playful gaze, Zhao Yue fled in embarrassment. He was injured by Liuli Nulian, and the karma he had accumulated was also ignited. He wanted to find a place to force out the karmic fire in his body.

Fortunately, the karmic fire in his body is not Liuli karmic fire!Otherwise he is in trouble.

"You old thief has harmed so many little girls over the years, and the accumulated karma is now being ignited. You will not die without exception. You are not robbing me now." Hua Guirong broke down with a chuckle. Open the void and go directly to the old way of the magic stick. (To be continued..)

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