Pokemon the wrong way

160. The real gold and rubbish. . !

When Xiaodan arrived at the archway with "goal" written on it, Xiaoyou had already put away the "prohibited ballast" and stood beside the iceship with a smile.

"I really didn't expect..." Xiaodan sighed and stepped off the boat to Xiaoyou's side, and took out a white thing from his pocket. "I have lost completely... Come on, accept this, this is the proof that you have successfully challenged the Naipur Gym."

Xiaoyou took it over and saw that it was a badge made of white fan-shaped oyster shells, with a small emerald inlaid with a red border on it. According to the consistent tradition of the Orange Alliance Gym, the badge is naturally Naipu. The emblem of the Ludo Hall...


Hidden side mission: "Eastern Star!" Completed!Reward free attribute 3, hp1, money 500, skill learner: freezing light

Skill learner: Freezing Ray already has it, changed to random skill learner: Flame Jet


Naipuru Island is sparsely populated, and a mountain peak occupies most of the island, and there are no other scenic spots, so Xiaoyou didn't stay long after getting the badge. After bidding farewell to the older youth Xiaodan, he took the fossil pterosaur Leave the island and start your journey back to Little Orange Island.

When passing the unnamed small islands, Xiaoyou subconsciously slowed down the fossil pterosaur, because the speed of the fossil pterosaur is fast enough, there is no need to worry about the lack of time for the return journey, so Xiaoyou wanted to confirm the person who was found in this area Miss Glitter Joy...

Well, if an elf with the same color as the general kind is called a sparkling elf, then the black-skinned Miss Joy who canoes at a sky-defying speed is undoubtedly one of the Miss Joys! Flash Joey...

"Oh, the canoe was found!" Xiaoyou felt that she was lucky, and found the canoe on the sea high in the sky after a while... But wait a minute, why are there three canoes?

The fossil pterosaur lowered the altitude under Xiaoyou's instructions, but found that the three canoes were actually Xiaozhi, Xiaoxia and Xiaojian who were separated on Xiagan Island.

"Hey, Xiaozhi!" Xiaoyou held back a smile and waved to the three people below who were as tired as dead dogs, "Why, have you given up riding a dragon and traveled by canoe instead?"

"Ha, ha...it's Xiaoyou..." Xiaozhi weakly raised a hand and shook it, "I won't say much about the polite words, first help us, go to the island in front... "

So Xiaoyou released the Gyarados, and pulled the three people's canoe to a small island not far away with a rope, where Xiaoyou really met Ms. Shining Joey who was doing a physical examination for several monkey monsters.Compared with the Miss Joy I've seen before, this Miss Joy, who has the same hairstyle and face as her cousins, aunts and aunts, has the same body shape as her usual slender relatives except for her healthy bronzed skin. There are subtle differences, and Ms. Joy, who is wearing a tight-fitting swimsuit, has a body of strong muscles—of course, it is not a muscular and weird figure like Haoli Weili, but a well-proportioned and fit body with both strength and beauty. I have seen too many After the cookie-cutter Miss Joy, Miss Flash Joy is really a different kind of scenery that is eye-catching.

Xiaoyou can be sure that if a squint-eyed boy with the same dark skin sees this Miss Joy, there is a high probability that he will go into shock either because of excessive blood loss (nosebleed), or because of a rapid heartbeat...

Of course, the performance of Mensao Xiaojian, the current logistics captain in Xiaozhi's team, is also very telling. This guy flashes sketches of Miss Joy's various poses and scenes in his hand. The number can already make a fanbook...

One more thing to add here is that after meeting real older youths, Xiaojian has already changed his career to older youths in Xiaoyou's mind...

In chatting with Xiaozhi and others, I learned that the small islands in this area have only one elf center because of their small size and small population. Riding a canoe every day, going to and from various small islands for medical inspections, over time, I have developed a canoe skill that is as fast as a speedboat, and the strange strength that can lift a huge three-meter-long king carp...

"A three-meter-long carp king?" Xiaoyou's eyes widened.The average carp king is only one meter long, but the three-meter carp king... what would it be like to evolve into a Gyarados...

"That's right, we were surprised when we first saw it!" Xiaozhi said proudly, as if he raised the three-meter-long King Carp. "That King Carp has a very good relationship with Miss Joey. It is said that Miss Joey can grow so big because Miss Joey often feeds it calcium tablets."

"...Calcium tablet?" Xiaoyou blushed, what kind of calcium tablet could make an elf grow three times its size?Could it be that the calcium tablets produced by San Diego Company are not working? (Note 1)

Hidden side mission: Big Mac evolution!Let the giant carp king evolve into a Gyarados.Reward: Miss Joy's Miracle Calcium Tablet x1

Miss Joy's magical calcium tablets: The seemingly ordinary bottled calcium tablets with a capacity of 50 tablets can randomly increase the size of the elf by 5% to 15% after taking it for 30 days. (Note: Giving calcium tablets to different elves will cause the calcium tablets to fail; in addition, increasing the size of the elves will not directly increase the data attributes of the elves, but there will be hidden bonuses in strength and certain skill effects.) (Warning: Taking this drug by humans will lead to uncontrollable and irreversible consequences.) (Note 2)

"Uh, Xiaoyou?" Xiaozhi gently pushed Xiaoyou's shoulder, "Your eyes are so strange..."

If Xiaoyou’s eyes just lit up when she heard about the giant carp king before, then the eyes of this fake girl are literally shining now... because this time the system gave a real hidden mission - the reward is not unusual It can be seen from attribute points and money skills.

The magical calcium tablet that can increase the size of elves... You must get such an interesting thing!

"Ah! I'm going to the bathroom!" Xiaoyou suddenly stood up, and disappeared into the bushes in a flash.

Xiaozhi was stunned for a while: "...will your eyes glow green when you go to the bathroom?"

Xiaoyou didn't have time to pay attention to some fool's wild thoughts. After hiding in the grass, she couldn't wait to take out her communication notebook and dial the number of Musashi Kojiro Meow Meow trio: "Hey, Musashi? The three of you are now in Where, are you still following Xiaozhi?"

"Ahaha, as expected of Xiaoyou, she guessed our whereabouts right away..." On the screen, Musashi seemed to be in a small, confined space, and he seemed to be constantly making bicycle movements. "We are now on the homemade submarine 'King Carp', and we are tracking the little ghosts from the water!"

"Very good..." Xiaoyou looked around and whispered after making sure that Xiaozhi, Joey and others were not nearby, "Now there is a good opportunity in front of you!"

"Good opportunity?" Kojiro poked his head out from behind Musashi.

"In front of us Meow?" Meow Meow's head poked out from the other side too - apparently these three guys were lining up on their bicycles to power their little green submarine.

"Xiaozhi and the others found a giant carp king!" Xiaoyou put his hand to his mouth and said mysteriously, "A super super king carp that is three times the size of a normal carp king?"

"King Carp?" Kojiro frowned, as if recalling some bad memories. "But isn't the Carp King the weakest elf? Even if he gets bigger, he won't become stronger, right?"

"You guys are so stupid..." Xiaoyou said with a look of resentment, "The carp king is weak, but the Gyarados is very strong! You can catch it while it is still a weak carp king, and then Let it evolve into a Gyarados! Think about it, if a super carp king three times the size of a normal carp king evolves into a long Gyarados..."

"...A Super Gyarados three times as big?" Musashi's eyes widened.

Xiaoyou continued to induce with a smile, and quietly played the effect of the cannonball characteristic: "Then if you dedicate such a Gyarados to Boss Sakagi..."

"Oh! Such a big Gyarados is really a unique treasure!" Miaomiao imitated Uncle Sakagi's tone and began to enter the delusional mode, "Miaomiao and his group who presented such a precious elf must reward them heavily! Promote them all to cadres!"

"What a great feeling!!" x3

Xiaoyou snapped her fingers lightly—the trick was successful.

"I will ask Xiaozhi and the others to take me to see the huge carp king later, and you will follow quietly." Xiaoyou came up with a simple plan in a few moments—it was too complicated anyway, meow and they still Not necessarily executed. "After the carp king appears, it will depend on your performance!"

"Oh!" The trio looked full of fighting spirit, "Leave it on us!"

"Remember to be careful with Pikachu?"

"Of course! We have experience with this!"

———Water Splash———

"Okay, anyway, with your help, today's rounds were completed ahead of schedule." After Xiaoyou proposed the idea of ​​seeing the Super Carp King, Ms. Flash Joy readily agreed. "I know where the child will be at this time, let me take you there!"

Under the strong request of Xiaozhi and others, Miss Joy slowed down her rowing speed and came to an uninhabited island slowly (relatively speaking).After parking the canoe, Miss Joy stood on the shore and shouted loudly: "King Carp—"

After a while, the sea was churning with waves, and a huge king carp leaped out of the water with a splash, waving its fins excitedly at Miss Joy while screaming. Suspicious blushes——Xiaoyou didn't understand how she could see the blushes from a flushed fish face...

"How?" Xiaozhi stood proudly beside Xiaoyou, watching the giant carp king and Miss Joy play, "It really likes Miss Joy."

"It's really powerful..." Xiaoyou nodded, and then pointed to the sea farther away with a "doubtful" face, "But which one seems to be bigger?"

"Which one?" Xiaozhi and the others looked in the direction of Xiaoyou's finger, and saw an even bigger carp king floating on the sea surface - it was more than six meters long, covered in red paint, It also fired a missile from its mouth and hit it here...

"This is not King Carp, this is a submarine!"

The missile launched by the King Carp submarine exploded in mid-air and turned into a big net, which netted Xiaoyou and others, and then the submarine shot out another big net connected with ropes to catch the giant carp king. live online.

"What's going on here!" Miss Joy couldn't help but exclaimed.

Following Miss Joy's cry, the dorsal fin of the King Carp submarine flipped back, and three familiar figures came out——

"Since you asked sincerely—"

"We will tell you mercifully!"

Note 1: It is said to be the origin of Jinkela.


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