Pokemon the wrong way

195. The trainer of Suren Dojo in Kikyo City. .

"Finally arrived at Kikyo City..." Xiaoyou looked down from the back of the fossilized pterosaur, and a city built on a hill was already clearly visible.

Kikyo City is a city surrounded by mountains and forests. Due to the geographical environment, flying elves are very popular with local trainers, and the gym trainer of Kikyo Gym here, Aso, is also very popular. It is also famous for being a bird elf who is good at flying.

"Most flying elves are birds, so it should be regarded as the conscience of the industry... I hope the Campanulaceae Gym won't show me any elves with too 'personality'..." Xiao You's face was gloomy. Geng Gui moved closer, "Otherwise...hehehehehehe..."

After seeing the "novel and cute" local elves in the Chengdu area all the way to the blood, a certain puppet girl has shown a slight blackening phenomenon. If some post-modern abstract stream-of-consciousness elf came to stimulate Xiaoyou, even if the situation of "Hunter D bloodbathed the city of Bellflower" is unlikely to happen, it is hard to guarantee that there will be an incident of "Phantom Group making trouble in Bellflower Gym"...

"Hello!" Just as Xiaoyou was trying to figure out how the curious elf would deal with that hapless gym trainer if something really happened in the gym battle, a hearty voice greeted himself.

"Uh, hello..." Xiaoyou replied subconsciously before realizing that she was flying in the air on the back of a fossilized pterosaur?

"!?" Startled, Xiaoyou quickly turned around and saw a blue-haired young man in very retro clothes, waving to himself with a smile on his face—this guy was driving a single Hang glider, fly side by side with Xiaoyou...

"Haha, I'm sorry, I seem to scare you?" The young man's long bangs covered half of his face, and the exposed eye was very sharp, which made him look like a smile even when he was smiling. Serious feeling. "Because I rarely see people flying in the sky like this one, I couldn't help but want to lean over and say hello..."

"Well, it's okay..." Xiaoyou shook her head and smiled, "I was also surprised when I rarely saw people flying in the sky."

Then, Xiaoyou introduced himself according to the way he was used to: "I am Zhou Fangyou from Zhenxin Town, just call me Xiaoyou."

"Ah, I'm really rude for forgetting to introduce myself." The young man smiled again, "I'm the Gym Trainer of Kikyo Gym, Su Ren."


"Are you the Gym Trainer of the Kikyo Gym?" Xiaoyou's eyes suddenly became sharper than the young man's: "Then what kind of elf do you use?"

"Huh?" Gym trainer Suren was overwhelmed by Xiaoyou's sudden burst of momentum. "Of course I use the bird elf..."

"Oh! Bird elf!" Hearing what Suren said, Xiaoyou's face immediately became sunny again, smiling and flapping Suren's hang glider, "I knew it, you really are the conscience of the industry ah!"

"Wait! Don't flap the wings, you'll lose your balance!"


So, Xiaoyou flew directly into the urban area of ​​Kikyo City and flew over the Kikyo Gymnasium under Suhito's guidance.

Compared with Suren's conservative and retro clothing, the Kikyo Gymnasium located in the city center has a rather strange shape.The cylindrical tower-shaped building is painted with purple paint in a spiral pattern, while the top floor is a large platform structure with an area much larger than the tower body, and a standard elf battlefield is drawn on the ground.From a distance, the whole building looks like a mushroom...

Xiaoyou and Suren landed on the roof platform together, and immediately there were disciples from the gymnasium wearing vintage dojo training uniforms to greet them.

"This is the elf trainer who came to challenge the gym, go and call the disciples to gather here." After Su Ren gave a few words, the disciple nodded and left quickly.

"Please wait a moment, we can start when everyone is here." Suren said to Xiaoyou, "The fossilized pterosaur just now, please let me see how powerful it is."

"Eh?" Xiaoyou blinked and blinked, "The fossil pterosaur has rock properties, so it's not good for flying elves to fight it?"

"Because it is an elf that can restrain birds, I want to fight it even more." Suhito said with a serious expression—although any expression he made would appear serious, "According to the common saying, flying As long as the elves of the system meet the elves with restrained attributes, they will be finished in one fell swoop, so I want to prove that even if there is a difference in attributes, it is not that simple to fight between elves... and the strength of No.3 in the Kanto Conference The fossilized pterosaur owned by your trainer is an excellent test for me."

"Ah? So you knew me a long time ago?" Xiaoyou looked down at her waist with a guilty conscience...

The belt that was originally covered with Gym badges now only hangs two small pendants like keychains, which are shaped like Quartz Conference participation souvenirs and Orange League championship trophy-this is to use a scanner to transfer the attributes of badges to Trinkets on top.Xiaoyou thought that as long as she hung a bunch of badges on her body without burning her bag, no one would recognize her...

"Hehe, because I am more concerned about flying elves..."

While the two were talking, a group of teenagers in vintage training uniforms came out of the elevator on the roof, divided into two rows and sat on both sides of the battlefield in a standard kneeling position. The samurai uniform gave Xiaoyou the illusion that what he was going to do next was not an elf battle but a samurai sword duel...

"Suren, the trainer of Kikyo Gym, and the challenger, Xiaoyou from Zhenxin Town, are about to start an official challenge with the badge of the gym as the wager!" A disciple with a loud voice stood at the referee's position and read aloud competition rules. "The number of elves used is three, and the challenger can change the elves halfway..."

"Then, my No. [-] player is it—" As the gym trainer, Suren first took out the poke ball from his arms and threw it high, "Go, Owl!"

"Gu—" A huge brown owl standing more than one meter tall appeared on the field.

Owl, owl elf.Owl, Owl Pokémon.The evolution of Gu Gu.The eyes have a special structure, as long as there is a little light, they can see clearly even in the dark like daytime.

"Oh!" Xiao You, who was holding the elf illustrated book, had a relieved expression: "It really is the conscience of the industry! Then my elf here is... come on, Ecstasy Eye!"

With a flash of white light, the Ecstasy Eyes with big jewel-like shining eyes but with a slightly strange overall shape jumped out.Because he wanted to pretend to be an elf hatched from Yameng's egg, Xiaoyou assigned Hookhunyan to the general reserve team, so Xiaoyou sent it out for the first match.

"Shusha..." Hooking Eye also seemed very excited to be able to participate in the challenge of the gymnasium. His big mouth full of fangs was split open and he let out a hoarse cry, his long and thin tongue sticking out and dangling around.

"Put your tongue back." Xiaoyou patted the flat triangular head of Hooking Eye angrily, "You don't know the skill of licking your tongue, don't cosplay something unhygienic like a licker."

"..." After Su Ren saw the Hooking Eye, for some reason, his expression was not very good...

"Boom!" A disciple slammed a big drum on the sidelines, "The first round of the Kikyo Gym Challenge, start!"

"Owl, fly up and use peck!" At the beginning of the battle, Asuo made the first move.The owl spread its wings and flew into the air, and after a circle, it swooped down towards the Ecstasy Eye on the ground.

peck?Xiaoyou was taken aback.It seems that pecking is a basic move in the basics of flying. As an elf of Aso, it is impossible for the owl to only know this kind of skill, right?

Although there is doubt in her heart, Xiaoyou will not be in a daze on the spot: "(Ecstasy Eye, use) Get off your horse!"

Hooking Eye stayed where it was, but jumped up suddenly after the owl swooped down, and slapped the owl with both paws. The unexpectedly loud applause made the owl jump. His pecking action also froze in place.

Xiaoyou immediately brought into play the fine tradition of making things worse: "(Take the opportunity to use) the weird light!"

"Owl!" A Su reacted very quickly, and immediately made the owl retreat if it missed a hit. "Use the dodge to dodge, then use the air to cut the distance... what!?"

Long ago, Xiaoyou replaced it with the characteristic of the heart of mischief, and the movement of the ecstasy eyes was much faster. Before the owl flapped its wings and opened the distance, two colorful and strange eyes shot out from the jewel-shaped eyes. The light hit the owl all at once.Venus popped out of the owl's eyes, and it began to scurry in mid-air...

"Owl! Wake up quickly!" Aso yelled anxiously, and the disciples sitting on both sides also shouted in unison: "Show your guts! Show your guts!"

Well, if you can get rid of the chaotic state by showing your backbone, what else can you do with the transformation skills...

Xiaoyou happily continued to fill the well with stones: "(Ecstasy Eye, use) poison! (Then use) power gem!"

"Shusha!" The soul-hunting eye continued to spray out a purple poisonous mist with lightning speed, dyeing the owl's pie face purple, followed by a burst of light on the gemstone embedded in the chest, a flash of light The rays of the owl . . .

ps: Owl Nighthawk is a rare elf with ordinary attribute but has a lot of super power skills. .If you change your opponent, the unexpected super power skills can catch your opponent by surprise. .However, Xiaoyou sent out a ecstasy eye. .then**. .We are talking about speed people can only "hehe". .

ps2: . . .You bastards are too strong! ?Killed them in one night. .We still want to be lazy for a few more days. .

ps3: I will ask for leave tomorrow. .Because the whole family had to go up the mountain to see grandpa early in the morning. .If possible, it will be added in the future (please don't expect too much from this). .


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