Pokemon the wrong way

225. Secret infiltration. .Oh your sister!

"In the green field that is constantly mysteriously crystallizing, the mysterious elf who suddenly appeared and took a female civilian abducted. It is reported that it seems to be a legendary elf called Emperor Yan, but the details are still unclear... ..."

As soon as she walked into the gate of the elf center, Xiaoyou saw a news report about the crystallization of the green field being broadcast on the big TV hanging in the center of the hall.The camera footage clearly captured a lion-sized, long-haired brown elf with two rows of spikes on its back, carrying a young woman in a coma on its back, disappearing into the crystal after a few jumps. deep in the green field. .

"Is that Emperor Yan..." Xiaoyou stared at the TV screen, secretly paying attention. "But the woman on Emperor Yan's back seems familiar...wait, what is it dragging behind its tail...it seems to be Pikachu?"

Then Xiaoyou looked at a young man with a hedgehog head in a red hat and a blue vest shouting "Mom!" while running past the camera...

Sure enough... Xiaoyou covered her face.

How could such a big event be missing Xiao Zhi, a hot-blooded idiot?

But this shows that the woman kidnapped by Emperor Yan refers to Xiaozhi's mother, Auntie Hanako...

"Why did Emperor Yan want to take Xiaozhi's mother away?" Xiaoyou couldn't figure it out, but it didn't seem necessary to figure it out. "Aunt Hanako is a good person, and she has a good relationship with Yakumo's father, and her cooking skills are also very good... As a neighbor, I can't pretend I didn't see it..."

It seems that the mission objectives of this crystal building trip should be increased.

After that, Xiaoyou stayed in the hall of the elf center for a while, but although the report of the sequence crystallization event was still broadcast on TV, it was all information that was useless to Xiaoyou, such as the fact that the elf alliance was Discussing countermeasures, "bricks and beasts" from all over the country expressed their views on the incident one after another.

After confirming that he could not get any more information, Xiaoyou quietly left the center.Then he went around to the back door of the center, reached out and knocked rhythmically on the wall a few times, then took out a flashlight and shook it around...

"Is it... Xiaoyou?" The grass not far away shook for a while, and a cat's head with a golden pendant on its head came out.

"That's right, it's me, meow." Xiaoyou walked over, pointing at the face of Oshemaru-kun who was pale with lavender eye shadow, "This is a disguise."

"Sure enough, it's Xiaoyou... What a great camouflage technique." Musashi and Kojiro also got out from the grass, and Kojiro was carrying a big square bag in his hand. "This is an ultra-luxury special bento box that we prepared according to your request...but what is this for?"

"Well, I also promised to explain to you." Xiaoyou nodded, pointing to the huge crystallized building that was getting closer to the "ball cabbage" in the distance and said, "I saw that weird building. Bar?"

The trio nodded honestly: "Well, I see."

"An elite member of Team Rocket went to investigate and was trapped inside," Xiaoyou said with a shrug. "That unlucky kid has had no food for two days, so I'm going to sneak in and rescue him later—" —Of course, let him have a full meal before this, otherwise that guy probably won't even have the strength to run, right?"

"What, it's just like that?" Musashi seemed a little discouraged, "Although we can understand the pain of being hungry, there is no need for us to prepare such high-end food, right? The material cost is expensive. How little money..."

Of course it wasn't because we just wanted to play tricks on you... Thinking this way, Xiaoyou said plausibly: "What an idiot. Think about it, the other party is an elite team member that Boss Sakagi asked me to rescue by name. "

"Huh?" The trio still looked confused. "so what?"

"So it shows that this person is very important in the eyes of Boss Sakagi." Xiaoyou slowly played the characteristic effect of talking, "Then the elite team member that Boss Sakagi attaches great importance to is dying of hunger and cold. The delicious dishes made, the kind of psychological journey from hell to heaven, will make this elite, when he returns to Boss Sakagi, how will he evaluate you people who make dishes?"

"'Ah, that delicious dish made me feel the beauty of life again...'" Without Xiaoyou's guidance, Miao Miao and others entered the brain supplement mode by themselves, "'Boss Sakagi, the person who made that dish Meow and others are really indispensable, please promote them to cadres!'”

"What a great feeling!" x3

"No, it's just this kind of credit. At most, I will give you some salary increases and some benefits." Xiaoyou interjected at this time, "It may not be enough if you want to promote cadres."


"However, if you have assisted me in completing this important task and made effective achievements..." Xiaoyou then changed his tone, showing a special smile when he was cheating, "You must know that Boss Sakagi is the one who is responsible for this incident. But it’s very important, huh? The elite members were sent here first, and then I was sent here. There must be something valuable hidden in that building, right? If you help me, or simply find the treasure inside..."

"Oh oh oh!" The idiot trio burst into flames, "Thank you Xiaoyou! Tell us such valuable information!"

The trio ran away after finishing speaking: "It's not too late, let's do the preparations!"

"Well, come on." Xiaoyou looked at the energetic figures of the three and said with a smile, "Anyway, it's at most...flying pia once or twice is nothing to you..."


When the sky was almost completely dark, several roaring bulldozers drove over from the nearest construction site, trying to remove the crystals in the simplest and crudest way.Under the lens of the reporter's camera, several bulldozers went side by side and crushed all the way, crushing all the crystallized flowers and plants along the way, exposing the bare surface land.

"What a joke..." Xiaoyou, who has sneaked into the foot of the crystal building and disguised as "Lily Fragrance Mode", scoffed at this, "Using such an idiot method, even if the crystal is cleared, 'No. 1 girl in Chengdu area' This green field is also completely ruined—and how can the mysterious phenomenon involving legendary elves be handled by a few bulldozers?"

Sure enough, the bulldozer was less than a few tens of meters away, and the spreading crystals suddenly grew wildly as if they were irritated, and a series of crystal spikes two to three meters high protruded from the ground, cleanly overturning the bulldozer and falling all the way Push it back, and wrap the bulldozer entirely in thick crystals after the panicked driver scrambled to escape.

"Look." Xiaoyou curled her lips, "If bulldozers are useful, what else do elves do in this world... Doing this is useless except to show the incompetence of the alliance... eh?"

In the sky, a hot air balloon in the shape of a meow swaggered, slowly and leisurely, flying towards the tower of the crystal building...

Then an elf seemed to jump out of the tip of one of the "asparagus" towers—probably the Entei who kidnapped Aunt Hanako—and spewed out a huge purple fireball, knocking the hot air balloon down in one fell swoop. After exploding, the remaining wreckage of the hot air balloon flew erratically in the air for a while, before even saying "What a disgusting feeling!" without letting the passengers above finish shouting, it fell headfirst on the "cabbage leaf" in the lower half of the building superior……

"Uh... well, at least they managed to break into it..." Seeing that the trio managed to intrude into the crystal building by accident because of the crash, Xiaoyou put down the binoculars with an embarrassing expression, " At least it can attract some attention for me, and it also proves that the risk of entering from the air is very high."

"Aerial routes are obviously unreliable..." Xiaoyou rubbed her chin and looked at the self-healing crystalline ground under her feet, "If you dig a hole, the entrance will be sealed by crystals. I don't want to be suffocated in the middle of the hole." In the tunnel...then only the waterway remains."

In this completely crystal clear area, only the water flow has not been assimilated by the crystallization, so along one of the small rivers, there is a chance to enter Dr. Xiuli's villa.It just takes a little longer...

Because a hot-blooded idiot and his companion are climbing up a section of the small river that goes up vertically... If Xiaoyou wants to go this way, at least he has to wait until they go in...

Xiaozhi and the others used owls—it was only a flashing one—to send the frog seeds and chrysanthemum leaves to the top of the river, and then the two grass-type elves used the vine whip skill together to make Xiaozhi and others Grab the vines and climb up...

Uh, speaking of which, the elf named Jucaoye seems to be one of the newcomer's initial elves in the degree area, right?Although the light green head with large leaves still looks so curious, but where did Ash get the chrysanthemum leaves?

Speaking of which, Xiaozhi also has Charizard, Squirrel and Bulbasaur—does this guy want to use the full initial elf to control the hegemony?Uh, it seems to be off topic...

The physical strength of the boys and girls is limited, and the rattan whip can only bear the weight of one person at a time, so the progress of this vertical climbing is somewhat slow, waiting until the ranger is bored, Xiaoyou simply turns on the communicator and switches the channel to the TV station—— The laptop sent by the Rockets is really a high-end product-see if you can get any new information.

As a result, Xiaoyou looked at the screen in a cold sweat, then picked up I was already looking at Xiaozhi, and found that Xiaozhi's "waterfall climbing" movement was being broadcast live on TV...

Ok, the waterway can't go anymore-the Rockets can't be seen as a show like a fool.

"No way..." Xiaoyou sighed, walked a little further to the wall of the "cabbage leaf", snapped her fingers lightly, and called out Geng Gui: "(Give me a direct shot at the wall) Destroy the dead light!)”

"Boom!" The red and white light beams directly penetrated the wall made of crystals, creating a big hole half the height of a person.

Xiaoyou jumped forward quickly, and jumped in before the crystals healed automatically, and then Geng Gui also drilled in directly through the re-sealed wall.

"It's a pity that I still racked my brains to figure out how to sneak in..." Xiaoyou's mouth twitched and murmured, "It turns out that the easiest way is to smash the wall directly..."

ps: The legendary chapter pushes the horse. .Because a certain sesame wine is rolling around naked in the ice and snow, and it looks cute, and the book seems to be loved, so. .

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