Pokemon the wrong way

226.Domestic 00 paint

The interior of the crystalline building looks very strange. It is full of irregular gel-like cylinders, scattered with some purple-red spheres with unknown functions-the material is naturally all crystals.

The point is, there are no stairs.

"This kind of architectural style is completely in the rhythm of the big villain." After making complaints about the unidentified builder of the crystal building, Xiaoyou began to flexibly jump and move between the columns, and from time to time, he used the Rocket team equipped on his wrist. The mechanism shoots a miniature anchor cable to cross some areas where the cylinders are sparse and too empty...

"It's thanks to Ayako's mother's special training on maneuvering in the forest..." Xiaoyou still had time to think wildly while moving fast. "There is also the bonus of the system on this body... It's been a long time since I said it, my attribute bonus should have surpassed that Sun Seed long ago, and reached...at least the level of the Carp King, right?"

What a sad goal...

A few minutes later, Xiaoyou has descended from the middle position where the upper and lower sides did not stick to the bottom of the building. After passing through a hole shaped like a flower petal, she came to a hall covered with crystals.The crystal covering here is relatively thin, and it can be vaguely seen that this place should be the first floor of Dr. Xiuli's villa.

"Ah la..." Xiaoyou happened to meet the Miaomiao trio who had successfully "hacked" in here.

"Bang!" The trio was standing in front of the biggest door in the hall, and Kojiro was banging on the door with his shoulder again and again, but it seemed that the effect was not good, the door only trembled slightly every time and then remained still. On the other hand, Kojiro was as tired as a dead dog, panting heavily with his tongue out.

"Are you really stupid?" Xiaoyou's face was full of black lines, "Or did you lose all your elf balls when you came here?"

"Hey..." Musashi was stunned for a second, and then he threw the Pokéball with an expression of enlightenment, "Long Longshi, use impact!"

With a bang, Kojiro slammed into the door for a long time, and it opened cleanly to both sides under the blow of the rumbling stone.This made Kojiro knelt on the ground in an orz state with a tangled face: "What was the reason why I put so much effort before..."

"That's not important..." Musashi looked at the things inside the open door and said blankly, "The important thing is... what are these?"


It was a large group of dark, large eyeballs with borders of various shapes.While maintaining an elliptical formation, these strangely shaped big eyeballs floated slowly in the mid-air in the center of the room, while making strange sounds like children's chorus.

"Are these... elves?" Kojiro, like Musashi, stared blankly at the black-rimmed eyeballs floating in the air.

"That..." Miaomiao whispered a little timidly, "It's better not to get close to meow for unknown objects..."

"..." Xiaoyou's reaction was much calmer.Because in his opinion, all unscientific and unreasonable things in this world can be planted on Pokemon without hesitation.

So the pseudo-mother simply took out the elf illustration book:

Unknown totem, symbol elf.The shape is like the words recorded on the stone slabs in the past. If there is only one, nothing will happen. However, it is said that when there are more than two, some kind of power will be produced.


"Ah, is it really an elf?" Musashi poked his head over, "It's really a magical elf. There are so many different shapes."

"Speaking of which, we have never seen this kind of elf anywhere else." Kojiro touched his chin, "Could it be some kind of rare elf?"

Miaomiao stretched out her paws and rubbed them together: "Then, if you grab them and dedicate them to the boss..."

"336, very weak data..." Xiaoyou looked at the data given by the system and pondered, "If it is the initial form, this number is too high, maybe it is not evolved like Kentaro Chain elves... But according to the illustrated book, unscientific things may happen if two or more unknown totems get together, so now here..."

Xiaoyou looked up - there were at least one or two hundred of them in black...

So the silicon dioxide compound covering this building and most of the green field is most likely made by this large number of eyeball monsters?

"Okay! Arbor, attack with a poisonous needle!"

"Double bomb gas, use impact!"

Just when Xiaoyou was considering whether to grab one or two unknown totems and go back to make souvenirs for Uncle Sakagi, Musashi and Kojiro next to him had already released elves to attack the unknown totems in midair.

For a moment, Xiaoyou really wanted to buy a folding fan from the system store, come out and slap these two people's heads hard, then turned around and ran away - there are one or two hundred unknown totems here!Have you ever considered that the other party will fight back?With so many eyeball monsters, one skill is enough to beat you until there is no scum left!

No, if it's a group of three... I guess they will be flown to Pluto by pia?

But fortunately, the scene of hundreds of unknown totem volleys destroying the dead light that Xiaoyou imagined in his head did not appear... In fact, the attacks of Musashi and Kojiro's elves did not touch these big eyeballs at all—— An invisible protective shield or something else blocked the unknown totem. The purple poisonous needle shot by the Aber monster hit it without stirring up any waves, and it was scattered all over the ground weakly. The gas was directly bounced back, and by the way, knocked down the Arbo monster, and then the two elves collided with Musashi Kojiro and Meow Miao who were further behind, and the two and three elves fell out of the entanglement. room, and then rolled all the way down the stairs...

Xiaoyou covered her face with a horrible expression.

The (former) Rockets trio...well lived up to their reputation!

Two minutes later, the trio put away the elves and climbed back to the room of the unknown totem, looking weakly at the group of big eyeballs who seemed to be completely unconscious of what happened and still sang a chorus of "la~la~", Reluctantly gave up the idea of ​​packing it to Boss Sakagi.

Musashi was the first to lose motivation: "By the way, let's find the treasure hidden in this villa..."

"Yeah," Kojiro nodded in agreement, "Treasure's words should be more important than these unknown elves."

"That's why it's better not to get close to meow..." Miaomiao pretended to be an ordinary cat and licked her paws: "Anyway, these little elves don't seem to care about us, so let's sneak past... How about you, Xiaoyou? "

"Me?" Xiaoyou took out a notebook from his backpack, "I'll stay temporarily and collect some information about the unknown totem before leaving. You don't have to wait for me, anyway, the communicator has a positioning function, so you can use the communicator to contact you in any case .”

"Okay." The trio nodded, "Then let's go first?"

Sneaking, sneaking...sneaking, sneaking...

"..." With a drop of cold sweat hanging on Xiaoyou's head, she watched the trio use exaggerated movements "sneaking and tiptoeing" to pass under the unknown totems, opened the room and ran in: " Is this cute..."

After taking several photos of the face of the unknown totem floating in the air with the camera on the notebook, Xiaoyou stuffed the notebook back into the backpack with satisfaction.When closing the backpack, Xiaoyou noticed something that was not in the backpack before.

A big boxy bag.

"This is..." Xiaoyou took out the bag and looked at it for a while, it was warm to the touch and smelled very good, it seemed to be a bento box.

The problem is that such a big bento box should not be eaten by one person, right?It's not like I've been hungry for days...


Mr. Leng Sweat on Xiaoyou's head reappeared, this time bigger and more numerous...

Let's forget about the elite team member who is trapped here and is about to starve to death!

Xiaoyou quickly tore open the backpack and pulled out the notebook again.After opening it, I found the communication code sent to me by Uncle Sakagi and dialed it...

A few seconds later, a weak voice came from the notebook that displayed "soundonly" on the screen:

"This is the A-level elite of the Rockets...Macchiato with number 007... May I ask who are you..."

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