Pokemon the wrong way

253. Talk about hurting your self-esteem!

"Phantom Group! What bad things are you trying to do?"

Well, the only one who can ask such a question to the Meow Meow trio with justice is Xiaozhi, a hot-blooded and righteous boy.

"Hmph...do you still need to ask?" Musashi said loudly with confidence, completely ignoring the fact that there were several times as many people in the room as them. "Be sure to catch Pikachu today!"

"You have a good idea!" And Xiaozhi's children's shoes also made a stern expression as if facing an enemy very cooperatively, "I won't let you succeed so easily."

"It's that simple!" Kojiro smirked and took out something that looked like a thick wire from behind him, "The secret weapon—shock-proof insulating and absorbing cable whip!"

As Kojiro swung his arm violently, the soft gray rubber whip flew out like lightning, accurately wrapped around Pikachu on Xiaozhi's shoulder several times, and then pulled Pikachu back at once, and was caught by Kojiro in his hand.

"Ah?" Nobel's eyes lit up a little, "Is the whip used well? The one named Kojiro..."

Xiaoyou dared to bet with Geng Gui's one-year feed (Geng Gui: mouth Jie!?), Xiaojiro definitely did more than a month of special training in advance for this move...

But the next behavior of the trio made Xiaoyou feel ashamed: they actually planned to retreat in the Meow Meow hot air balloon they always used in such a bad climate like Qingcheya!This is the rhythm of death, dear!

And they don't know what kind of mentality they have installed rocket nozzles on the hot air balloon. In their words, this is called "the times are advancing, even if it is not the Rockets, we still need to use rockets!"

It made several active members of the Rockets present in cold sweat...

"I represent evil, you represent justice, there is an insurmountable gap between us~~" Musashi, who inexplicably entered the diva mode because the bearded man Dr. Benny discouraged a sentence that flying a hot air balloon here is too dangerous Kojiro and Miaomiao pressed the ignition button of the rocket in their hands with tears in their eyes, "So don't stop me, good man~~"

"Boom——" the hot air balloon climbed up violently under the propulsion of the rocket, and rushed to the sky in the blink of an eye. Under the reflection of the bright moonlight at night, the hot air balloon looked... ah, what about the promised moonlight? ?

The people staying in the wooden house looked at each other in blank dismay as they looked at the large black cloud that suddenly covered the moon.

"Ah, the wind is blowing again..."

"Yes, depending on the speed of the wind, it might turn into a typhoon-level gale again."

"Is it too dangerous to ride a hot air balloon in this weather?"

"Well, those people just now are too reckless."

"It's better to say it's brainless..."

Under the calm eyes of the onlookers, the hot air balloon shaped like Miaomiao's head circled back and forth at high altitude at a speed comparable to that of a car racing on a highway, and miserable screams could be vaguely heard from above.

"But my Pikachu is also on it!" Xiaozhi was the first to express his uneasiness, "I have to save it!"

"...I can't help it." Miss Luna smiled helplessly, opened the cabinet in the corner, and took out a full set of mountaineering equipment from it...

"Let me take you there!" Miss Luna in full armor said with a smile, "After all, I am the person who is most familiar with the terrain of Qingqing Cliff."

"..." Xiaoyou's trio looked at Miss Luna's professional mountaineering equipment with black lines on their faces... Who always said that the climate of Qingcheya was too dangerous to climb?

Miss Luna, you dropped something!Look, this chastity is all over the place...

——— Rock Explosion———

"Be careful!" Miss Luna shouted loudly after avoiding several rocks that were shaken and rolled down by the strong wind. "The wind has become stronger again, hold on to the rope firmly and don't let go!"

"Understood! Miss Luna!" Xiaozhi, who was holding the same cable and following Miss Luna, also replied loudly.

In order to rescue Pikachu who was captured by the Phantom Troupe trio, Xiaozhi and his gang climbed up Qingqing Cliff under the leadership of Miss Luna.And Xiaoyou, who originally planned to climb the mountain the next day, as well as Macchiato and Nobel of the A-level troop, had to temporarily change their plans and set off with Xiaozhi and his party—after all, he came here as a mountaineering expert Yes, it would be too abnormal to be a coward at a time like this.

As for another consideration, Xiaoyou didn't say it: if Xiaozhi and the others are allowed to go out and run around like this, God knows what unscientific things they will do, and what bad or even worse impact on the combat mission will be caused. ...

It's safer to keep Xiaozhi within his sight.

Since there are nine people in total, the current grouping situation is that Miss Luna, Xiaozhi and Xiaogang are at the front; Xiaoyou, Xiaoxia and Dr. Benny are tied together and walk in the middle, and the enemy family... I It means that the three humanoid elves, Macchiato, Domino, and Nobel of the A-level numbered unit, hang at the end.

This order is actually a decision made after considering Domino's painful acting skills.It's not that I'm worried that other people will be suspicious—at least the bearded man who came to Qingqing Cliff with Domino has never doubted her identity (the suspicion should be at the level of the National Elf Research Institute...)—but I'm worried Macchiato and Nobel couldn't help laughing... Xiaoyou felt that these two were watching Domino's acting skills as a funny show...

After the initial gentle slope that can be walked on, the mountain wall quickly turned into a cliff above [-] degrees. Three temporary rock climbing teams had to start fixing the cables with jackhammers and climb up little by little. The speed was naturally a bit The child is more than twice as slow.

So Xiaozhi became anxious again, "Can we catch up with the Phantom Group at this speed?"

"Xiaozhi, I don't think you need to worry about this..." Xiao Gang, who was hanging below Xiaozhi, opened his eyes wide—although there were still two slits—and shouted loudly, "Because they leaned over by themselves! "

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!" With a loud scream, the hot air balloon in the shape of a meow was carried by the strong wind and flew over Xiaozhi's head. It seemed that the mounted rocket had run out of fuel and lacked power. , was blown down by the wind.

"Phantom Corps!" Xiaozhi yelled at the flying hot air balloon, "Give Pikachu back to—eh?"

As I said before, the weather in Qingcheya is very bad.The wind direction of the strong wind suddenly changed, and the hot air balloon that had just been flying farther and farther turned around 180 degrees in a blink of an eye, and rushed towards the group of people on the mountain wall!

"Be careful!" Miss Luna warned loudly, "Come this way!"

The basket of the hot air balloon almost brushed the mountain wall and flew over Miss Luna's head. Although it didn't hit anyone, it knocked off the rock nails fixed on the mountain wall, and the hooks that were originally hung on the nails were dark. By accident, one of the brackets of the hanging basket was hooked, and the result was that Miss Luna, Xiaozhi and Xiaogang were "taken away" by the hot air balloon of the Phantom Corps...

"Xiaozhi!!" Xiaoxia who was in the Xiaoyou group shouted nervously.

"Don't worry! The hook hangs very firmly on the hanging basket, as long as Xiaozhi and the others hold it firmly, they won't fall off!" Xiaoyou lowered her head and explained to Xiaoxia, but she saw that Xiaoxia looked as if she had seen a ghost expression. "Uh, why does your expression, Xiaoxia, give me an ominous premonition..."

Xiaoxia below cried out in a voice that was about to burst into tears: "That hot air balloon...here it is again!"

Xiaoyou looked up and only had time to see a green hanging basket that was super close to her: "You...your sister! Don't play like this!"


The former one is the sound of the pitons fixing the cables of the Xiaoyou group being knocked down, and the latter one is the sound of the hook being buckled on the bracket of the hanging basket...

"It stands to reason that I should scream to express my panic about the current situation...but why is my heart unexpectedly calm at this moment?" Xiaoyou grabbed the cable with one hand, and gently shook her head with the other on her forehead. "Sure enough, it's because of being with Xiaozhi, so any unbelievable things have become natural..."

Because it is very important, I reiterate again that the weather in Qingcheya is very cheating!

So the wind turned sharply again, and when the hot air balloon with two "strings" of people hanging on it rushed to the only remaining macchiato group on the mountain wall again, Xiaoyou could even calmly shout at the pale green-haired girl Said: "Don't worry! Anyway, it will definitely be caught by the hanging basket, and there will be no danger..."


The nail was naturally knocked down, and the hook was successfully docked as expected, but this time the situation seems to be a little different from the previous two times...

"Ugh!" Xiao Gang, who was at the end of the Luna group, screamed in pain. The cable hook of the Macchiato group seemed to be hanging on his backpack, and the sudden increase in the weight of the three people almost dragged Xiao Gang directly. go down. "It's so heavy! I can't hold it anymore!"

"Please! Don't let go, Mr. Xiaogang!" Macchiato, whose wealth and life depended on the squint-eyed boy's hands, shouted quickly, "If you let go, we'll all be dead!"

"Yeah!" Domino, who was hanging under the macchiato, also let out a pitiful cry at the right time—this time, probably because of the real performance, the voice sounded much more pleasing to the ear. "It's so high! People are so scared!!"

"Xiao Gang...Come on..."

Xiaogang has obtained a buff state: the adrenaline of fierce fire! (Strength +100%!)

Xiaogang has obtained a buff state: torrent の male hormone! (Endurance +100%!)

Xiaogang has obtained a buff state: Lush の Estrus Impulse! (Morale +200%!)

"Oh!! Big sisters, please don't worry! These hands will not let go even if they die!"

"Ah la la..." Xiaoyou couldn't help sighing when he saw Xiaogang burst out with triple characteristics, and his expression of pain before turning into full of vitality in a blink of an eye. "A boy in estrus is really scary..."


After destroying all three climbing teams, Shanfeng turned again as if he had completed his task.This time, there was a strong updraft, which supported the hot air balloon that had been crumbling due to severe "overloading", soared all the way up, directly crossed the peak, and came to the top of Qingqingya.

After throwing the hot air balloon to the top of the mountain, the strong wind suddenly disappeared as if it had appeared suddenly.At the same time, the dark clouds that never dissipated no matter how the wind blew before also quietly retreated, causing the brilliance of the full moon to spread down, making the entire top of the clear cliff look unobstructed.

"Hey..." The trio of Miao Miao couldn't help but look down when they felt the wind stop, "There is actually a lake on the top of this mountain?"

The top of the mountain, which seems to have been cut off, is not a large flat area as imagined, but is sunken inward like a crater.Protected by the outermost mountain wall, the top of the mountain is covered with lush forests and lush green grasslands. In the middle of this large area of ​​greenery is a large clear lake, and in the center of the lake, there is It is a small island shaped like a castle.

"Is this where Chaomeng is hiding..." Xiaoyou, who was still hanging under the hanging basket, stared at the small island in the middle of the lake. The three A-level troop girls below Xiaogang were already aiming around randomly with binoculars...

Looking at the high-end product in his hand, which integrates telescopic, night vision, zoom, infrared perspective, thermal imaging, wireless communication and other functions, Xiaohuo silently stuffed back the ordinary high-powered telescope he had just taken out. In the backpack, take out a headset-type ordinary communicator that also has no other functions except communication and put it on...

Although it's almost time to use the communicator, but...

It still hurts my self-esteem a little bit!

We also want to ask Uncle Sakagi for some multifunctional advanced props...

ps: No one complained about the beating style of the A-level special forces girls. .

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