Pokemon the wrong way

297. It’s not that teammates are not enough pigs, but that opponents are not as good as pigs

(As a result, the title was still a little longer, and the two full stops I was used to in the end couldn't be typed.)

The pm2 concentration is caused by the smog environment... Ahem, we mean the visibility is too low. After wandering around for a while, Bishas had to admit that he temporarily lost Celebi and Xiaozhi.

"Although we temporarily lost Celebi, it's not a big problem." Although he lost his target, Bixias didn't seem too flustered. "The elf hunter's information is very comprehensive. Celebi's habitat is the lake of life in the middle of this forest. The injured Celebi will definitely go to the lake. We just need to go directly to the lake. Just sit there and wait for Celebi to come to your door."

"Lord Bixias is really wise!" Xiaoyou didn't say anything, but the trio of Miaomiao immediately flattered them, and all kinds of compliments came out of their mouths like a torrent of water.

"Huh!" Although there was still a cold snort, Xiaoyou could clearly feel that the masked uncle was in a good mood from the change in tone of his voice...

Hunter D's facial paralysis image can't flatter so unscrupulously. I'm really sorry that I can't satisfy your vanity, uncle.

The smog can obstruct the field of vision, but it cannot confuse the geomagnetic field. After adjusting his tactics, Bishas directly relied on the map and the directional positioning device on the walking machine to head straight towards the Lake of Life. With the stable speed of the walking machine, he did not pass It didn't take long to come near the lake.As long as Xiaozhi and Celebi come near the lake, they can be caught off guard...

However, the reality is always not as full as the ideal...

"Master Bixias..." Xiaoyou raised his hand, put the crossbat and iron-faced ninja back into the poke ball, and turned to Bixias and said. "This is already the fourth wave..."

"Hmph..." Bixias also took back Boss Kedora, looking at the group of wild elves who fled with their injured companions and quickly disappeared into the mist, their faces were also very ugly. "Although in the legend, Celebi is the patron saint of the forest, but I didn't expect it to be to such an extent..."

That's right, Xiaoyou and Bixias encountered a sudden event in the forest—"A large wave of wild elves jumped out!"

In the beginning, it was just a few cockroaches or goo, and it could be driven away with just two strokes, but as the walking machine got closer and closer to the lake of life, shouting "Demacia!" (Fog) jumped out of the grass There are more and more wild elves, and they are getting stronger and stronger. For example, in the battle just now, the wild elves that attacked were already a group of Nido kings and Nido queens mixed with heavyweights such as ring bears and iron-clad tyrannosaurus. Mixed troops... With such an intensity attack, Bishas also released Dark Bangira and Boss Cordora one after another before repelling them under the cover of Xiaoyou's forked bat and iron-faced ninja.

"Master Bishas..." In the previous battle, Musashi and Kojiro, who had been blown up by a wave of missile needles from several big needle bees and completely lost their combat effectiveness this time, were weak. Raise your hand weakly. "I, we can't do it anymore..."

As for meow?Miaomiao was hit on the head by an Alidos poison needle in the last attack, and now she is still lying on the corner of the walking mechanical platform, spitting purple bubbles and pretending to be dead...

"A few trash... move on!" Bixias' expression was quite ugly now, "There are wild elves blocking it, which shows that we are heading in the right direction! Celebi must be at the Lake of Life! Then The guy was injured and weak, that's why he let the wild elves stop us! But it's impossible to have elves stronger than those guys in this forest, we just need... eh?"

The fog gradually dissipated, and the vision in the forest opened up again.

But Bixias' complexion didn't improve at all: "The fog has cleared, could it be..."

A faint light flickered in the distance, making the face of the masked uncle completely dark—that was the direction of the lake of life.

"Go, Iron Ninja!" Xiaoyou immediately threw the poke ball. "(Go to the lake to see the situation!)"

The large yellow and black flying cicada vibrated its wings, and flew out in a blink of an eye...it flew back a few minutes later.

"Lord Bixias, bad news..." Xiaoyou said to Bixias with a wry smile after receiving the information from the Iron Ninja. "There are at least a hundred wild elves gathered in the lake of life..."

"...Where is Celebi? Have you confirmed Celebi?" Bixias almost gritted his teeth and asked.

"Celebi and those boys are indeed there, and..." Xiaoyou recalled what he had confirmed from the Iron Ninja. Play the trapeze scene. "Celebi's injury seems to have, fully recovered..."

boom!Bixias slammed his fist on the console: "Damn it, is it still a step slower!"

"Master Bixias, there is a huge gap between the enemy and our combat strength, and the opponent is in good condition, and our side is exhausted..." Xiao You solemnly made a suggestion, "It is not wise to confront each other right now."

"Hmph, I know!" Bixias gritted his teeth, "I'll let you guys be proud for a while... retreat for now!"


into the night.Xiaoyou and his team found a clearing in the forest and planned to rest for the night.

Bishas' walking machine once again showed excellent convenience.The four long mechanical legs are folded and fixed. Two steel nails pop out from the front feet, and they are deeply inserted into the ground together with the spikes on the rear feet. A few thick canvases are put down from the top of the torso and fixed between the four legs. A quadrilateral simple tent is completed.In the storage box of the mechanical torso, there are also an electronic stove that can heat and heat food and two sets of sleeping bags. It is really a convenient means of transportation for home travel and looting...

By the way, because of the limited space and sleeping bags in the tent, Musashi, Kojiro and Miaomiao could only build a small bonfire outside the tent, and then used the cardboard boxes in the storage box and the leaves collected in the forest as beds. Sleeping in the open air with the quilt...

However, not only did the trio not complain at all, but they were so grateful that Bixias provided several canned meats that were about to expire for dinner that they almost burst into tears— Bixias himself and Xiaoyou ate hot instant curry meal……

So, meow meow, what kind of miserable life do you usually live?Could it be that all the money was spent on making all kinds of unreliable robots, and the result is that three people share a piece of bread every day to survive...

In the tent, Bixias and Xiaoyou were discussing tomorrow's battle plan.

"We will act early tomorrow morning." Bixias still wore his tasteless mask during the rest time, and Xiao You wondered if he would not even take it off when he was sleeping. "By tomorrow, our elves will regain their combat power, and those wild elves can't gather by the lake all night. If there is only one Celebi, there is nothing to be afraid of."

"But Master Bixias, we can't ignore those young trainers." Xiaoyou raised a different opinion, "Those people defeated Ma Huanla and the Giant Pincer Mantis... They will definitely not sit back and watch us replenish the stock Celebi and do nothing."

"Hmph, it's just a few brats, you should be able to deal with them, right? I can deal with Celebi alone."

"I can indeed guarantee to entangle that super trainer... But it is still ill-considered to start a war by the lake." Xiaoyou shook his head, "Today Celebi healed his injuries at the Lake of Life, which means that the lake may have some kind of Special recovery effect... Mr. Bixias, you also know the newly established Qingqingya base at the headquarters of the Rockets, right?"

"Hmph, is it like clear water... That's really troublesome." Bixias touched the goatee on his chin and nodded slowly, "Then what do you think should be done?"

"My opinion is to lay an ambush in... this area." Xiaoyou reached out and gestured on the map, pointing to the lake of life and the only human settlement in the forest - the middle of the treehouse village Guoye Village. "The group of young trainers should just pass by here, and they certainly won't stay in the forest for too long, so after dawn, they will return to the only supply village here... and this route is the place they must pass. "

"Since they rescued Celebi and seem to have made friends with Celebi, there is a high possibility that Celebi will act with them temporarily." Far away from the lake of life, and it will not cause residents in the village..."

"Hmph, that sounds reasonable..." Bixias stared at the position of Xiaoyou's fingers, and twitched the corners of his mouth, "But what if Celebi doesn't come with these brats?"

"Then let's go to the lake." Xiaoyou smiled slightly, "There are no trainers making trouble, and if there is only Celebi, I can fully assist Master Bixias to capture Celebi."

Although there is also the possibility that Celebi not only did not act with Xiaozhi and his group, but also traveled through time and space again alone, but considering that Xiaozhi was unexpectedly welcomed by the elves, the probability of this happening is basically negligible not counted

"...Okay." After much consideration, Bishas finally nodded. "Just do as you say for now."



"Ahh!!" It was the sound of Musashi sneezing outside the tent... the weather is a bit cold tonight.

——— Mind power———

Early the next morning, Bixias took Xiaoyou and the trio with a slight cold to the only way from the Lake of Life to Guoye Village, and found a place where the woods were dense enough to cover the tall walking machines. An ambush was set up at the location - Bixias and Xiaoyou stayed on the mechanical platform, and the trio was sent to the other side to outflank.

During this period, Xiaoyou once again released the forked bat and the iron ninja to go to the Lake of Life to inquire about information, and the news that came back made Bixias quite satisfied: Xiaozhi and his party really started to move towards Guoye Village. And Celebi also followed...

After waiting quietly for about half an hour, the figures of Xiaozhi and others appeared in Xiaoyou's field of vision, and Celebi's onion-headed insect star was calling "beep~beep~" and flapping happily With the transparent insect wings on his back, he flew in front of everyone.

"Here we come!" When Celebi flew nearby, Bixias pulled the joystick, and two mechanical tentacles with vicious-looking claws protruded from the front of the walking machine, and grabbed Celebi violently. go--

Xiaoyou didn't have much hope for this blow—or is it still a mythical beast that can be easily handled by a machine?

"Beep!?" Sure enough, although it was a sudden attack, Celebi still flexibly changed direction and dodged the attacking mechanical claw.

"What's going on!?" Xiaozhi and his group who followed behind saw this scene, and suddenly screamed.

"Since you asked sincerely—"

"We will tell you mercifully!"

"Hand over Celebi meow!"

Hearing Xiaozhi's cry of "what's the matter", the trio of Miaomiao, who were suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder, jumped out of the bushes where they were hiding, blocking the escape route of Xiaozhi and others.It's just...the appearance of Musashi and Kojiro carrying insect net bags doesn't seem to have any deterrent effect at all...

"Pika—Chu!" Pikachu jumped out without Xiao Zhi's order, and hit Bishas on the walking machine with a shot of [-] volts.

Bixias is manipulating the mechanical claw, and it is Xiaoyou's turn to play at this time: "Iron ninja, use the shadow ball! (Try to lower the power as much as possible!)"

You must know that Iron Ninja's special attack attribute is relatively scumbag-apparently Xiaoyou has decided to be a glorious pig teammate again...

Dazhi stretched out his two front paws, condensed a pitiful small purple-black energy ball and threw it out, blocking it in front of the [-]-volt current, and it was easily blown up without accident, and the current continued unabated. He flew towards Bixias, but when he was still half a meter away from the mechanical platform, he collided with the protective energy field of the walking machine. After a few seconds of stalemate, it dissipated without hurting Bixias at all.

"..." Xiaoyou rolled her eyes, and turned to order to her other elf, "Forked Bat, use the air blade on those guys! (Of course don't hit them...)"

Several seemingly sharp half-moon-shaped air blades hit the ground under the feet of Xiaozhi and others, splashing smoke and dust. The intention is quite obvious-don't be dazed, you guys, let the elves out to do something!

It's just that before Xiaozhi and the others realized the "careful intentions" of a certain disguised girl, a few big trees that fell suddenly made them jump like dogs - Bixias missed a few times Living in Celebi, he simply manipulated the mechanical claws to run rampant in the forest, breaking down several big trees in the middle to create chaos, and even Musashi and others were almost crushed by the fallen trees.

Is this uncle really playing?Xiaoyou squinted at Bixias, who was playing a guest role as a lumberjack. Could knocking down a few trees like this harass Celebi and let you catch him?Uncle, you are too sweet!Or is it more reliable to quickly release the Berserker of Dark Ball Li?

"Beep!" Celebi, who was avoiding several uncles, was caught by the unexpected mechanical claws because he was still distracted to pay attention to Xiaozhi's situation. Then, after the masked uncle pressed the current switch, Next, I fully experienced what is called "professor's love...

This... Nima really caught it! ?Xiaoyou felt that if she wore glasses, there would be no scum left.

I saw the mechanical claw suddenly swung upwards, throwing Celebi, who was stunned by the electric shock, into the air. At the same time, Bishas grabbed an empty dark ball from his chest, and threw it to hit the green insect in the air. The starman, with a swipe of a black light, collected it into the ball...

"Hmph!" Bixias excitedly caught the dark ball that flew back, "Celebi... Captured!"

Wait... did you really catch it like that?Xiaoyou was dumbfounded.

The legendary elf?Just a "snap" electricity, a "swoosh" throw, and you caught it?

It's too weak, dear! ?

ps: Chapter 12 of XY is finally out.There are not many slots, but in order to make up the word count, I still spit it out routinely.

One: The wretched and fat uncle of the villain Uncle Wario in this issue is really ugly.I hope Mr. Sylvester Stallone, a gym trainer who is not doing his job properly, will take a warning, and don't let his digging rabbits evolve into that frustration.

Second: It feels so pitiful that Carlos' Miss Junsha is still fighting criminals with a rope when the Rockets trio are using black technology to catch elves.

The third: At the end of this issue, there are a large number of butterflies with dazzling wings flying towards the sunset.The one Xiaozhi rescued really turned around.So Dazzling Wing Butterfly got... oh wait, why did Nima fly away again! ?What about house bugs?This is unscientific! Hun Dan!There are so many foreshadowings in front of Xiaozhi, not only the second stage of evolution in front of Xiao Zhi, but also the magical skill of paralysis powder, you are so embarrassed to let me fly away like this, this is the screenwriter who was picked up by [-] strange forces. The soap is too stressful and mentally disturbed Rhythm? I#%*¥&☆*x#¥&...uh! !

Lucky~ (the auspicious egg holding a spiked baseball bat bows to the curtain call)

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