Pokemon the wrong way

3. Don't be afraid of tongue licking anymore...probably

"Beep—Ghost, ghost elf; transparent smoke-like life form, if surrounded by gas, even an elephant will fall down within 2 seconds." This is in the hand-held elf guidebook given by Dr. Oki , an explanation of Guisi.

"..." Zhou Fangyou looked at the spooky, chubby Two-dimensional illustration in the illustration book, and then turned his head to look at the three-dimensional unknown strange-looking creature with black face, fangs, and horror movies that didn't need makeup at all, and expressed himself. It's hard to accept that the two are the same being. "Is this what the system calls 'unknown change'? The two-dimensional Pokemon, which originally looked cute and harmless, will become a super-realistic biochemical monster after three-dimensionalization... This is no longer enough to be described as cheating right?"

If this kind of scary thing can be received in the elf ball, it will be fine, but the system is so good at giving a task to increase intimacy, and it is very simple to increase intimacy, just keep the elf by your side, Instead of putting it in a poke ball, then the intimacy will slowly increase...

Current intimacy - 13/100

"Kuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..." Guisi seemed to be very sensitive to the gaze cast on him. He noticed that Zhou Fangyou was looking at him, and immediately came forward cheerfully to please his master in his own unique way - licking his tongue!

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" The hidden attribute is probably e's Zhou Fangyou's children's shoes, which triggered the paralyzing effect of the trick again...

Beep!Intimacy +2.Current Amity - 15/100

"Oh, that means the task can be completed by licking 43 more times..." Zhou Fangyou, who was convulsed and fell to the ground, muttered to himself with difficulty, and then shouted with all his strength, "Finish your sister! Before that I will die! Even if I have the undead special ability, I will definitely die!"

"Kuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!" Seeing the master shouting "happy", Guisi also excitedly rolled around in the air, and then threw himself directly at Zhou Fangyou's head...

"Woo—" Zhou Fangyou's human head and Guisi's skull overlap gorgeously...

"Ghost, ghost elf; a transparent smoke-like life form, if surrounded by gas, even an elephant will fall down within 2 seconds." These were the last words that flashed through Zhou Fangyou's mind before he lost consciousness.

Beep!Intimacy +3.Current Amity - 18/100

In the Damu Research Institute, which is not too far away.

"Hmm... Are you still a little worried about Guisi?" Dr. Oki was thinking while leaning on the chair with a cup of coffee. "As for that Pikachu, as long as Xiaozhi, the newcomer who can get it, won't be shocked. But isn't Guisi's quirk of expressing affection with a unique trick, the more intimate he is, the easier it is to be attacked? That kid Xiaoyou... it doesn't matter. Bar?"

——— tongue lick ———

"Ha...ha chirp!" Zhou Fangyou couldn't help but sneezed loudly.

"I'm sure, it's definitely not someone talking about me..." Zhou Fangyou turned his head and looked at Guisi resentfully, "Because it's obviously because of a cold!"

The situation is like this.Earlier, Zhou Fangyou was paralyzed by licking his tongue, and then he was smothered by Guisi's "intimate self-sacrifice attack", and he lost consciousness and fell to the side of the road.But God is not good, there was a thunderstorm right after that (that is, the scene where Master Zhi’s Pikachu exploded and killed the sparrows), so Zhou Fangyou’s ten-year-old body was so pitifully helpless that he was half drenched by the heavy rain Hours……

"Kou Jie..." Guisi, who knew he was in trouble, followed behind Zhou Fangyou with a weary expression, and his floating height also dropped to Zhou Fangyou's waist...

Beep!Intimacy - 1. Current intimacy - 15/100.Tip: If the weak intimacy drops below 10, it will be regarded as a mission failure, and the mission cannot be re-accepted.

Meow meow!Zhou Fangyou immediately became smecta, that is to say, I still have to comfort this curious skull who made me catch a cold and was covered in mud?

Beep!Intimacy - 1. Current Intimacy - 14/100

Although he was full of resentment, he still couldn't ignore the warning from the system's son (bad guy), Zhou Fangyou had no choice but to come to Guisi's side slowly, and put his hands on Guisi's skull and sky spirit cap under the burst of cold: "Well... Guisi, you did go too far this time, but you didn't mean it after all..."

"...Kou Jie?" Guisi raised his head, opened his big watery eyes and looked at Zhou Fangyou with surprise and expectation—well, if this is Two-dimensional—in fact, Guisi’s performance That's almost the same thing, but with the actual effect of the three-dimensional hunting skull face...the black eye sockets are ready to go-full of blood, is there any...

Zhou Fangyou only felt that his stomach was doing a synchronized diving movement with a difficulty factor of 3.4. He resisted the dizziness and nausea that followed, gritted his teeth and squeezed out the rest of the words: "Don't do this kind of diving in the future. Smothering attack... I will forgive you this time--!!!"

"Kou Jie Kou Jie Kou Jie!!" Gui Si instantly revived in full state on the spot!Lick your tongue for unlimited combos!

"Damn it!" Zhou Fangyou ran away, "I don't want to play like this!"

Beep!Guisi enters into a frenzy state, the attack movement speed increases by 25%, and the intimacy increase increases by 50%

Beep!Intimacy +3.Current Amity - 17/100

Beep!Intimacy +3.Current Amity - 20/100

"Save... life!!!"

———Tongue licking xn————

Ms. Junsha from Changpan City has gained a lot of knowledge today.

First, a newly promoted young trainer rushed to ask for help with a life-threatening Pikachu in his arms. Because of the emergency, he drove him to the Pokemon Center in this city. As a result, as soon as he returned to his post, he saw Pikachu again. It was the exact opposite of the previous scene: a ghost with a dying man in its mouth—the trainer?

Uh, due to the lack of strength of the ghost, it can't fly at all after adding the weight of a person, so the trainer caught by its collar is basically dragged on the ground all the way...

"Kou Jie! Kou Jie! Kou Jie!"

"Emergency!" Although I couldn't understand what Gui Si was saying, but the situation obviously didn't need to be explained, Miss Junsha immediately started the motorcycle again without saying a word: "Hurry up, get in the car, I'll take you to the hospital!"

lucky!You can drag racing in the city again!

By the way, Miss Junsha, are you hiding some strange attributes...?

———Junsha’s high-speed movement———

"..." Zhou Fangyou, who woke up in the hospital ward, did not complain about the ceiling this time, but opened the system panel first, and checked the intimacy of the following ghosts.

Current intimacy 85/100

That is to say at least 20 times to lick the tongue?Zhou Fangyou couldn't help sighing: I'm actually still alive...and it seems that there are benefits...

Beep!Features: Immortal lv1 upgrade!Undead lv2: You will not be seriously injured by the elf's ultimate attack, and you will not die if you are attacked by a normal attack. It is a must for trainers!

Beep!Gain new feature: Paralysis resistance lv2: Resistance to paralysis effects increased by 66%

"Uh, should I laugh or cry..." Zhou Fangyou orzed.

To put it simply, Zhou Fangyou was numbed by being licked by ghosts, and developed antibodies, so he can lick it casually in the future, good news, congratulations, everyone is happy...

"Great, you're awake." The door of the room was opened, and Miss Joy, one of the famous Pokemon world, walked in.

"Little sister, you passed out in the wild due to a severe cold and mild gas poisoning symptoms." The three-dimensional Joey was even more beautiful than Zhou Fangyou imagined, and he exuded a pure and lovely aura. "Although I don't know why you were poisoned by gas, but thanks to your elf's loyalty, he brought you to Miss Junsha, otherwise the condition would have worsened."

"Ahaha, is that so..." Zhou Fangyou laughed dryly.You must know that no matter whether you have a cold or gas poisoning, it is the credit of the "loyal" elf-does it mean that there is gas in the smoke of Guisi?

The so-called Guisi Guisi will arrive-Cao Cao?You must have misremembered—accompanied by the piercing "mouth yell yow" sound, a skull with its teeth and tongue dancing leaped over Joey with a face full of "blood and tears" , a big black tongue licked head-on——

"Ugh!" Although the paralysis effect was not triggered due to the new feature, licking the tongue is an attack!Even if you don't consider the attack power, a big black, fleshy, but frighteningly cold tongue hits your face like that...

"Ah, your elf has such a good relationship with you~" Ms. Joy smiled and looked at the "touching" scene in front of her, and turned to leave and gently closed the door. "Then I won't bother you, but don't play too much. Pay attention to rest."

"Wait, Miss Joy! This is not what you think! Help, help!"


Beep!Sub-quest: The protagonist's demeanor is completed.Reward free attribute points +1; the chance to select the next wild elf type to appear +1

Beep!Trigger a series of hidden missions: Night x Sick Building: Use abnormal means to overthrow Miss Joy in Viridian City.Reward all attributes +5, free attribute +10, title: Scum (the fighting power of elves increases by 10% when fighting with female trainers)


The system you give me almost a little!We also have morals!Soul light!

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