Pokemon the wrong way

300. Consequences of incorrect timing of appearance

"...Really?" Boss Sakagi on the screen of the communicator frowned slightly, apparently in a bad mood, "That guy Bixias really betrayed..."

"Yes, after successfully capturing Celebi and amplifying Celebi's power with the dark ball, Bixias directly attacked me. There is no doubt about his rebellious intention." Xiaoyou also reported to Boss Sakagi with a serious attitude, "For this, Kojiro Musashi and the Meow Team can be witnesses."

"Since that's the case, there's nothing you can do about it." Uncle Sakagi nodded with a serious expression, "Since Bixias' rebellion has been confirmed, your monitoring mission, Little Youjun, is considered complete, and your next mission is to follow Bixias, confirm his location, and wait for the reinforcements I sent to arrive before arresting him..."

"Wait a minute, Mr. Sakagi!" Xiaoyou rolled her eyes, and immediately said with a righteous expression, "Please let me carry out the task of arresting Bixias alone!"

"Oh?" Uncle Sakagi raised his eyebrows, "Tell me your reason, otherwise I can't just send my subordinates down to die."

"First of all, I didn't detect Bixias' rebellious intentions in time, which led to him successfully capturing Celebi. This is my fault, and I should make up for it myself." Xiaoyou said, the mouth gun feature is activated "Secondly, wait for reinforcements It took too long for the troops, and Celebi is likely to suffer severe permanent damage under the side effects of Bixias' dark ball, which is not conducive to the extraction of genetic samples..."

"Oh, Celebi's genetic sample..." Sakagi nodded slightly

"Finally, although Bixias' dark ball is powerful, it is not without weaknesses..." Xiaoyou's mouth curled up, his face full of confidence, "We made this request because we have a chance of winning!"

"...So that's it, I understand." Boss Sakagi seemed to be looking at something on the other side of the screen, showing a clear smile, "You sent it over, no wonder you are so confident... If so, then I will pass this The task is entrusted to you, I hope you will not disappoint me"

"Please rest assured and leave it to me!" The pseudonym confidently expressed that there is no pressure to beat the masked monster...

"By the way, since you want to deal with Bishas alone, then you take this guy with you..." Sakagi said and took out another elf ball, "Anyway, it can almost be regarded as a signature elf But your own one can't appear on the stage..."


———Psychic death light (non-alliance recognized skills)———

After killing the "Hunter D" that Sakagi sent to monitor him (in fact, it didn't work), Bixias, the masked uncle, stood on the arm of Celebi's civil monster and walked slowly towards the lake of life, feeling refreshed Feel refreshed, no sore waist, no leg pain, even the p2.5 in the air has disappeared, from now on, we are in the invincible hands, and the goddess of victory is holding the crown of world ruler and waving to me with a smile...

it's strange

A small speedboat with a strange shape flew in the sky not far away... that's right, it was the "speedboat" that "flyed" over. The large propeller came to fly, and after flying over, it kept circling around the civil monster, while Xiaozhi and his party sat on the boat, calling Celebi's name loudly, as if they wanted to make Celebi Get rid of the control of the dark ball?


"Hmph, how stupid!" Bixias looked at Xiaozhi on the boat and sneered, "Celebi is already mine..."


"Even if you shout again..."


"It is also impossible to recall the Celebi you are familiar with..."


"It's been said that you are just wasting your efforts..."


"Listen to me, Hun Dan!"

After realizing that he was basically ignored, the masked uncle, who had already claimed to be the future ruler of the world, was decisively angry: "Celebi! Make them disappear!"

Celebi, who was controlled by the dark ball, did not hesitate to control the huge civil engineering monster to turn his head to the "spaceship" on which Xiaozhi was riding. Red "Super Destroyer Death Ray"

Although the driver of the small boat—a respectable unknown older youth—manipulated the small boat suddenly tilted in the air with quick eyes and hands, one of the airbags on the small boat was blown up, and he had to make an emergency landing crookedly to a different place. In the lake of life in the distance, after the boat fell into the water, the older young driver immediately disconnected the connecting cable with the remaining airbags, thus barely avoiding the second beam of light that hit immediately...

However, the destructive power of Celebi's attack was beyond imagination. Even if it didn't hit directly, the waves caused by the light beam entering the water almost overturned the boat, and pushed the boat all the way to the shore. Fortunately, there were no casualties. look like

"Pikachu, use one hundred thousand volts!"

Seeing the huge monster manipulated by Celebi approaching, Xiao Zhi, who jumped off the boat, rushed forward in a hurry, and made an unprecedented amazing move: let Pikachu directly attack Bishas - as long as the villain is knocked down Yes, Celebi must be saved, right?

But it is a pity that although the masked man has no taste, he is not the one who dares to wear tights without any support—that strong and muscular body is not like Bixia who can be trained in the gym for half an hour a week. Si just jumped onto a nearby big branch with a single leap, and Pikachu's electric current hit the arm of the monster mixed with earth and wood, not even leaving a black mark

"Celebi, shut up these nasty brats!"

Under the order of Bixias, the big mouth of the civil monster aimed at Xiaozhi and Xuecheng who was following him again, and the area around Celebi hidden inside the monster also lit up with a reddish light again—so close Even if you give Xiaozhi two more legs, it won't be able to get out of its damage range...

"Celebi, do it!" Bishas ordered loudly

"(Storm Salamander, destroys Death Beam emission)"

A red and white beam of light shot from the sky, and hit the side of the monster's head at the moment when the civil monster's "Super Death Beam" was about to launch, deflecting the subsequent light red beam, although it was still in the forest A deep ditch with a length of more than [-] meters and a width of [-] or [-] meters was plowed, but at least this ditch is at least ten meters away from where Xiaozhi and the others were originally standing. put it aside...

"Wake up, Bixias! You traitor to the Rockets!" A blue long-haired girl Xiaoyou in a light gray uniform stood on the back of a flying dragon-shaped elf with blood-red wings, flying from the sky. Pointing at Bixias condescendingly, he shouted loudly, "All the evil deeds you committed by using the dark ball will be terminated by me, Lily Xiang, the Imperial Commander, today!"

"Isn't this a good opening line? Although it's a bit of a middle school, no one should notice it!" Different from the appearance of righteousness, Xiao You Brain, who was disguised as "Rockets Elite Captain Lily Xiangmu" and stood on the back of the stormy salamander It's full of inconspicuous things, "We arrived here early, and then waited at high altitude for 5 minutes to wait for the perfect time to appear on the stage!"

And it seems that Xiaoyou's actions, which happened to have a sudden outbreak of secondary illness in middle school, have indeed received unexpected results...

Bishas: "Nani...?"

The old lady who appeared together with Xiaoxia and Xiaogang at some point: "That is, the incarnation of Beifeng..."

I don’t know when Xiaoxia and Xiaogang appeared together. Next to the old woman, a girl with the same hairstyle as the old woman is probably a relative: "Shui Jun!"

"Hmph...uh, wait?" Xiao You was taken aback by the complacent Xiaoyou, "Shui Jun?"

It turned out that at the same time Xiaoyou ordered the violent salamander to destroy the death light, a blue unknown elf suddenly rushed out from the depths of the woods, rushed to Xiaozhi and Xuecheng, and jumped the two of them on their backs. And the direction that this little elf jumped away from was exactly the direction where Celebi's "Super Death Light" was deflected by Xiaoyou... It seems that Celebi perfectly predicted the blue little The elf's dodging direction is like a beautiful advance shot...

Well, fortunately, the little blue elf quickly jumped out of the thick smoke intact with Xiaozhi and Xuecheng...

"..." Feeling that the camera was robbed, Xiao Youla looked at this elf who was called "the incarnation of the north wind" by the onlookers with a long face. Tall and tall, the supple light blue fur is dotted with large diamond-shaped white markings, the head is erected with a long crown of blue unknown material similar to ice crystal structure, and the large purple mane extends from the back of the neck. And the two slender white tails protruding from the back of the butt flutter in opposite directions unscientifically...

Water Monarch, Aurora Elf Water Attribute, Stress Trait Racial Value: Sum of Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense Speed ​​Introduction: The elf with the gentleness of a spring gallops the land with an elegant figure, and has the ability to purify dirty water in an instant Power, said to be the incarnation of the north wind

Xiaozhi: "Shuijun... would you like to help us?" Xiaozhi, who was rescued by Suicune, asked while riding on Suicune's back

Suicune nodded: "Aww!"

〃Xiaoyou: "...")

Xiaozhi: "Then, please take us to Celebi's side!"

Suicune nodded again: "Gahoo!"

〃Xiaoyou: "...")

"The legendary elf, Suicune..." Bixias sneered, and took two dark balls from his chest: "Just right, let Suicune be mine too! Give it to me—Bangira Boss Cordora!"

Two dark balls were thrown out by Bixias, and two tall and ferocious dark elves were released, blocking Xiaozhi Xuecheng and Suicune

"...Ahhh, how can I fix it!" Xiaoyou in the air finally roared angrily, "It's just a Suicune! How long are you going to ignore me!"

ps: XY Chapter 13

Xiaozhi's elf illustrated book seems to be a blast!The ribbon on the fairy elf's head is the tentacles!That is to say, the fairies and elves are actually tentacle monsters?

The battle with the fairies, the little frog... we mean the foam frog's integrity is completely lost

Judging from the performance of Meow Meow, fairies and elves are cats?

In the continuous upgrading of the Rockets' black technology, I mentioned that the names of pumpkin and squid that Musashi Kojiro uses now rhyme (

akeqa and mayika)

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