Pokemon the wrong way

309. Going to the gymnasium after completing the task is too fast. .

309. Going to the gymnasium after completing the task is too fast.Please remember the URL of this site:. .

Theater side mission: "Celebi's Encounter Through Time and Space!" Completed!Reward: Free attribute +22, money +2000, Celebi's blessing hair accessory

Achievement Obtained: Celebi's Encounter Through Time and Space!Participate in the "Celebi's Encounter Through Time" event.Reward: Free attribute +3

Celebi's Blessing Ornament: A light green Celebi-shaped ornament, a souvenir for participating in the "Celebi's Encounter Through Time and Space" event.Wear: Protected by the guardian god of the forest, you will never get lost in the forest, the physical loss of actions in the forest is -20%, and the chance of obtaining tree fruits in the forest is +50%.

The above is a system that has always been belated and unscrupulous. After Xiaoyou left the Forest of Life and arrived at the elf center in a nearby town and reported the task with Boss Sakagi, it was long overdue to show that her integrity has not been completely wiped out. hint.

No specific system attribute was rewarded, but a total of 25 free attribute points were given directly... Probably because Celebi's ability value is of that extremely average type, but this special task routinely rewards accessories... …

"..." Xiaoyou looked at the crystal-clear light green pendant in her hand, which was made of jadeite, and her eyebrows twitched uncontrollably.

This thing is a thin piece the size of a keychain, with a small chain and buckle attached to it, which can just hang on Xiaoyou's belt without affecting the ability to take the Poké Ball.Its specific image is probably an abstract version of Celebi's profile silhouette. I don't know if it is out of suspicion, but the level of abstraction is so high that Xiaoyou feels...

"This is the logo of the Fairy Tail Guild!" The pseudonym trainer threw her fist at the sky and roared, "Don't you bully us because you don't watch enough anime? Don't be so blatant if you are lazy, okay?"

This level of complaints about the tried-and-tested unscrupulous system naturally means that it doesn’t hurt or itch, and finally Xiaoyou hung the green “Fairy Tail Keychain” on his belt: “Forget it, no one here knows me anyway.” This thing..."

Oh, by the way, at the same time as the system's late reminder, there are two elf eggs sent from Team Rocket... These two eggs are yellow on the top and black on the bottom, and the other is pure gray blue. The elf eggs in the two insulated hatching jars are naturally the prizes that Boss Sakagi routinely sends in place of mission bonuses.According to the handwritten letter of Boss Sakagi attached to the jar, the two elf eggs are from the Fangyuan area, and the attributes are quite suitable for Xiaoyou. Originally, Uncle Sakagi was still considering which one to send, and it happened that Xiaoyou was on this mission. I bought two genetic samples of legendary elves at once, and the value of the two eggs was not as high as the baby dragon last time, so I simply sent them over...

"...Boss Sakagi, I am deeply moved by your love..." Xiaoyou put down the letter with a helpless and pained expression on her face, "But next time you should just give the bonus... I am sending eggs over here It's going to become an elf kindergarten!"

———Egg Bomb ———

The boss' kindness had to be accepted, so Xiao You, who had two more elf eggs waiting to be hatched, had to give up the plan to fly directly to the next town with a gymnasium, and started walking honestly instead. Journey - the elf eggs cannot be placed in the system inventory if they are to be hatched, and it is technically difficult to fly with two hatching tanks on a fossil pterosaur. It is not a joke to accidentally drop the eggs .

"I don't know what will hatch out of these two eggs..." It's very inconvenient to hold two elf eggs alone, so Xiaoyou gave one of them to Geng Gui.Judging from Geng Gui's choice of the blue-gray egg without hesitation, Xiaoyou speculates that this egg is probably of the ghost type. "Then what attribute will the other one be? It is said to be suitable for me...Super power type? Poison type? Evil type? Speaking of which, I have quite a lot of bug-type elves, but don't be bug-type... "

With all kinds of unreliable guesses about the unhatched elves, Xiao You, who walked for a day and slept in the wild for a night, came to a small town whose name was not known the next morning.As for why I don’t know the name, it’s because there is a banner with a big “wele!” printed on the place where the town’s name is usually marked at the gate of the town...

"It seems that we are catching up with some special event again, Ah Xu..." Xiaoyou looked up at the fireworks exploding in the sky from time to time, and lowered his head and said to Geng Gui beside him. "Also, it's dangerous for you to look like this. If you don't want your little brother to be a mentally handicapped brain-dead or something after hatching, just give me the egg and hold it!"

"Koujie..." Geng Gui gritted his teeth, took the hatching tank off his head with a reluctance, and held it honestly in his arms.

"Oh, this is really lively..."

Walking into the town, the streets are lined with small stalls that are common in various temple fairs and ceremonies, allowing Xiaoyou and Geng Gui to fill their stomachs by the way.And when you enter the square in the center of the town, the content of the stalls changes from food and toys to a variety of street performances, such as Caracalla's bone stick juggling, and the coconut egg tree's face-changing art. ...

After asking passers-by, Xiao You learned that a several-day-long elf juggling show is being held in this small town, and all kinds of elf jugglers will gather here in these few days to show the elves and themselves proud The talent is shown to the audience who come here admiringly.It is said that this activity, like the "Goblet of Fire" in Yangyan Town, has become a traditional activity of the town, and has fully driven the town's economy, increased the town's per capita gross product, boosted gdp, etc...

"It seems... quite interesting?" After looking at the performance nearby—the stilt walk performed by two lavender-headed monkeys with claw-like long tails—Xiao You decided to start in this small town. Take a break and wait until both pokemon eggs hatch before hitting the road.

As a result, when Xiaoyou made this decision, she was immediately prompted by the system:

Side task: "Anyway, idle is idle..." Participate in the elf acrobatics performance, reward: free attribute +1, money +? (how much you earn)

"Okay... What a painful mission..." Xiaoyou was decisively stunned by the cheating and unlimited new mission of the system.It's okay if the task name is so straightforward, but apart from the little bit of freedom that is better than nothing in the task reward, the bonus is actually earned by performing it yourself?

But just like the straightforward task name, anyway, idle is idle...

But what to do?Xiaoyou thought about it for a while, and then found out that the dozens of little elves he had fought were all good at fighting, but when it came to talent shows, they were basically fake...

"Let the strange power smash a boulder in the chest... Uh, the technical content seems to be a little low..."

"Let Hei Lujia and Nine-Tails perform jumping through hoops of fire... Well, this technique is less technical..."

"Or just put Menus out for an exhibition... No, it feels like it's becoming more and more unscrupulous..."

"Ah Xu..." Xiaoyou cast her eyes on Geng Gui, "How about you perform a funny sketch? The title is 'A Thousand Ways to Die Funnyly'..."

"Jie jie jie!" Geng Gui stuck out his tongue without saying a word and covered Xiaoyou's face...

"Ah! What kind of performance do you want to perform!" Xiaoyou put down the incubator and squatted on the side of the street, scratching her head, "This will not work, that will not work... Do I have to rely on my master's personality to perform raw fruit swallowing!? "

"Uh, wait..." Xiaoyou thought for a while with a light bulb suddenly lit up in his head, called up the mission description and looked at it carefully, "It's really just saying 'participate' in the event, there is no limit Show off your elf talent! So..."

"...Hmm, it's worth trying!"

"First find the elf center and save the eggs..."

After half an hour...

In the corner of the performance square, there was a small booth with a sign saying "caster's elf psychic divination"... The booth was decorated in the style of a gypsy-style tent, with blue and purple as the main color of the tent It is decorated with a hexagram-like magic circle pattern, which looks quite similar.Xiaoyou, who is completely disguised as a caster in a cup war with a kit, is sitting in a tent with a bluffing glass crystal ball in front of her, waiting for customers to come to her door...

15 minutes later……

"Uh, there are no customers at all..." Xiaoyou watched the bustling people coming and going in front of the stall depressedly, but no one stopped in front of his stall. On the contrary, people passed by his stall They all quickened their pace, as if there was something scary here - just now it seemed that there was a passerby who was almost scared to cry by me...

Another 15 minutes later...

"Okay, Ah Xu." Xiaoyou blinked her eyes that were extraordinarily large after the disguise, shook the exaggerated blue-purple collar that looked like flower petals, and sighed deeply. "I shouldn't have trusted your taste and disguised myself as the weird figure of Uncle Bluebeard... Obviously, the most important thing I should do now is to change into a more normal look..."

"Talk, talk..." Geng Gui shook his head and shrugged with a look of hatred for iron, as if it was a pity for Feicheng that his trainer could not understand his noble and glamorous aesthetics.

"By the way, you didn't have lunch today."


5 minutes later...

It’s still the signboard of “caster’s elf psychic divination”, and it’s still the gypsy tent with the hexagram painted on it, but the fortune-teller sitting in front of the crystal ball has changed from being dressed like some kind of elf named Tentacle Lily The strange Shumai was replaced by a sexy lady with pointed ears wearing a hood and a purple robe—also a caster of cup wars, the fifth-ranked Medea sister is definitely better than the fourth-ranked Uncle Gildera in appearance n streets...

Sure enough, within 5 minutes of changing the boss (in fact, it didn't change...), there were ignorant scammers... let's say customers came to the door.

"This aunt..."

"...I'll give you a discount if you call me Big Sister!"

ps: I have to say that 308 is a chapter of failure. .Obviously, after the end of the main text and the forged advertisement of the starting point, about [-] or so lines were deliberately left blank. .It was actually eaten by the layout of the starting point. .The appendices follow the main text and are not deceptive at all. .

I wouldn't say that we were very happy after seeing the message in the book review area that we were almost cheated. .

ps2: We know that Medea is a person and a wife. .

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