Pokemon the wrong way

355. People do not dismantle the phantom group. .

After Xiaozhi got the steel badge of the Asahi Cong Gym, he decided to return to Yuanzhu City. The reason was that he wanted to go to the next gym that Xiaozhi planned to go to. Kaji Town, where the Kaji Gym is located, happened to pass through Yuanzhu City.Xiaoyou, who planned to follow Xiaozhi to "get a bargain" would naturally not object to this.

But in fact, Xiaoyou really realized the trouble when he was traveling...

Although traveling with Xiao Zhi, there is a full-time nanny Xiao Gang who arranges three meals a day, and even the food for the elves is specially prepared... But!The elf feed made by Xiaogang is only for six people, and Xiaoyou brought a total of seventeen elves...

So Xiaoyou had to get up secretly in the middle of the night and quietly feed the elves who hadn't eaten during the day—even if they spent less energy staying in the elf ball, they still needed proper nutrition to keep the elves in good condition.

And when he arrived at the elf center, Xiaoyou even found various reasons to leave, and then changed into several times to maintain all the elf balls.In the end, Xiaoyou simply took a moment to send the extra Pokéballs to the Rockets' Qingqingya base once and for all...

Even so, Xiaoyou would often take snacks to appease the six remaining "first-line" elves including Geng Gui-Xiaoyou's elves have long been used to eating the Wutian House brand in Rainbow City. Energy cubes, on the contrary, Xiaogang's "dog food"-shaped feed looks down on him.

Fortunately, within a few days of the departure, Xiaozhi and the others met an enthusiastic uncle on the road. After hearing that Xiaozhi was going to Yuanzhu City, he offered to take them in his cargo airship. Taking them to the pasture on the outskirts of Yuanzhu City greatly shortened the trip.

"Huh, although the problem has been temporarily solved..." Xiaoyou was also worried while he was slightly relieved, "But it is really troublesome to act together with Xiaozhi. How long can we last like this?"

"Jie jie jie!" Geng Gui stretched out a paw, expressing that he would not be able to last long on "dog food"!


While waiting for the enthusiastic uncle to go through the procedures for the airship, Xiaozhi called Dr. Omu to report that he was safe--Speaking of which, Xiaoyou didn't quite understand Xiaozhi's mentality of calling the doctor first instead of calling home when he was safe. ...It's not that Xiaomao is his grandson...

But it was a coincidence that Xiaozhi's mother, Aunt Hanako, happened to be in Dr. Oki's research institute.And Xiaoyou and the others also learned that Dr. Oki's research institute is currently in a state of "riot"...

To put it simply, the elves living in the back mountain of Dr. Oki's house were originally divided into groups according to their respective attributes, while the area of ​​the grass elves had a group PK due to the recent migration of a new batch of elves. , while the elves in other departments are all on the sidelines with the attitude of being irrelevant to themselves, Dr. Oki and his follower Xiaojian can't hold the situation at all, so I want to ask Xiaozhi to borrow his The elder of the grass-type elf—Miao Frog Seed will mediate.

Although Xiaoyou felt that relying on the Miao Frog Seed, an elf in the primary stage of evolution, to mediate a large number of grass-type elves, including the overlord flower, the beautiful flower shuttlecock cotton, sounded somewhat unreliable, but Xiaoyou's only grass The elf vine monster has been on the Rockets team so it has no right to speak. In addition, Dr. Oki said that Xiaozhi's Frog Seed had experience in taking care of wild elves before, so he no longer expressed his opinion.

So Xiaozhi sent the Miao Frog Seed to the research institute, and then the group boarded Uncle Enthusiastic's airship and flew to Fangzhu City...

On the airship, when Xiaozhi and the others happily looked down at the scenery along the way with Pikachu and other elves, Xiaoyu received a communication in the notebook stuffed in his backpack...

"Well, meow, they sent it?" Xiaoyou raised his head to look, and continued to read after confirming that Xiaozhi and others were not paying attention to him. "Help, are you locked in...the cold storage?"

A few minutes later, the cargo hold freezer of the airship...

"Ah!" Miaomiao sneezed loudly with two long streams of snot, and she didn't know where the snot came from since she couldn't see her nose on her face. "Thanks to Xiaoyou, you are in the airship, otherwise we would be frozen to death meow!"

"You guys are really..." Xiaoyou looked helplessly at the trio covered in hoarfrost, "Where is such a big airship hard to hide, why do you choose the freezer? Next time, are you going to Go into the fuel storage room and be burned with the fuel?"

"Well, we saw that the gate there is very thick, and we thought it was a treasure house or something..." Kojiro laughed.

"Is this the structure of the door of your treasure house?" Xiaoyou angrily pointed to the simple latch on the door of the cold storage that didn't even have a chain, and said coldly, "Let's not talk about anything else, why did you run to this airship?" came up?"

"We're going to catch the kid's Pikachu," Musashi replied logically. "The kid got on the airship, so we followed."

"...Uh." Xiaoyou was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly realized that she had overlooked such an important point. "Yeah..."

If you want to follow Xiaozhi to gain benefits, there is no need to act with Xiaozhi!I can just follow Musashi and the three of them!These three guys may not be able to do anything else, but when it comes to tracking Xiaozhi's ability, it is definitely lvmax...

"Yoxi! It's up to you!"

Xiaoyou yelled, startling the trio: "Hey! What's wrong?"

"I've decided. After I get off the airship and arrive in Yuanzhu City, I will leave Xiaozhi's team and act together with you for the time being!"


"That's right, I have to follow Xiaozhi for some reason." Xiaoyou explained to the trio, "But following Xiaozhi and the others is troublesome in every sense... But following you is no problem!"

"Well, that...Little You-kun?" Musashi asked tentatively, "Since you are acting with us, can you help us catch Pikachu?"

"No." Xiaoyou refused cleanly, "If I help you catch Pikachu, Boss Sakagi will definitely give most of the credit to me...so this is up to you Just work hard."

"Uh, that's right..." The trio was frustrated.

"However," Xiaoyou also knew that it was necessary to give them a little bit of good. "During the trip, how about I be responsible for providing meals?"

"Sir! Yessir!"

———Shadow Ball———

"That's it...it's a pity." Xiaozhi said with a sad face.

"Yeah, I also feel very sorry." Xiaoyou also said with a sad expression, "(In fact, our regret is that Xiaogang's conditioned reflex was too late to develop...)"

"But there will definitely be opportunities in the future."

After getting off the airship and arriving in Yuanzhu City, Xiaoyou immediately contacted the trio of the phantom group and asked them to call in front of Xiaozhi and others in the elf center, pretending to be Xiaoyou's friend and falsely claiming to find other people. Something happened, which gave Xiaoyou a legitimate reason to leave the team-although the disguise of the trio was as annoying as ever (Musashi didn't even change his hairstyle...), but fortunately Xiaozhi and the others have always been good at this aspect. seems sluggish...

After bidding farewell to the reluctant Xiaozhi, the relieved Xiaogang, and the nothing special Xiaoxia, Xiaoyou quickly walked around to the back of the elf center, and found the expectant trio...

"I said, why do you insist on calling at noon..." Looking at Kojiro Musashi and Miaomiao's face like that of an African refugee, Xiaoyou sighed. "Okay, let's have lunch first..."

"Yeah!" The trio nodded vigorously.

"Don't think about having a luxurious meal?" Xiaoyou said while taking out a K Ji takeaway family bucket that she bought in advance from her backpack, "I also have more than a dozen mouths to feed, so I will eat this today... ...Wow!?"

The three pairs of green eyes directly startled Xiaoyou:


"Let go Musashi! I saw that chicken leg first!!"

"Beautiful idea! Whoever gets it first will get it—ahhh!!"

"Wooooow! The taste of fried chicken is meow! I didn't expect that there would be a day in my life to eat it again..."

"You three... what kind of food standard do you have on weekdays?" Xiaoyou broke into a cold sweat.

Musashi: "Breakfast, three people eat a piece of bread, and water ... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Kojiro: "Lunch, wild fruits and leaves picked in the woods, and clear water... ah ah ah..."

Meow Meow: "One piece of biscuits per person, and water ... Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

"..." Xiaoyou was silent, and then decided to only eat corn, mashed potatoes and meal buns from the family bucket at noon today...

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