Pokemon the wrong way

361. Dodo, you are actually the king of flying, right? ?

"Uh, how could this be..." In the prison cell of the secret base of the Phantom Group, a young boy with a fox face who seemed to be a great figure in the future was trying to catch himself with the hands cuffed by metal rings with a sad face in vain That hedgehog blond head. "Could it be that Naruto's resistance to ramen has dropped due to the influence of Naruto's cross-dressing... Didn't we know that cross-dressing would have such a side effect?"

Kaji Special Ramen: The special ramen made by the ramen shop "Kaji Yiban" at No. 11 South Street, Kaji Town.The soup recipe is carefully prepared using unique local ingredients, and its delicious taste is quite famous in the surrounding areas.Has now joined the system mall luxury lunch menu, retail price: 300

"Oh, it turned out to be a special delicacy, no wonder it tastes so good! So it's not the fault of cross-dressing..." After receiving the system's cute reminder, the boy seemed relieved. "But the price is so expensive! How can that ordinary combatant who is only in charge of guarding the cell get such a good thing? Or is it that the staff benefits of the Phantom Group are so good... Uh, no, that's not the point, Hundan!"

All right.The point is, because of someone's live-action version of "Song of Perdition", the member of the Phantom Troupe who was originally in charge of guarding disappeared directly after dropping a bowl of ramen, and never appeared again-although it may be the same as the unidentified person. Dr. Silanu, who spoiled Uncomfortable Sky, said that preparations for the secret transfer have been carried out, but the possibility of being scared by the "Song of Perdition" and not approaching the cell is more likely.

So, the current situation is that even if Xiaoyou intends to strip off the disguise of a certain boy in Muye Town to show his identity...

First of all, you need a guard to help you pass the message...

And the guards were already scared away by his singing...

"Mistake!" Xiaoyou bent forward kneeling and pounded on the floor in frustration with a not-so-standard-because the quilt was covered with a metal ring, "I actually made such a low-level mistake!"

"...Okay." Xiaoyou vented to the floor and came to the conclusion that "the floor of the Phantom Group's secret base is very solid", and began to seriously think about how to get out of the cell—that is, the way to escape from prison .

But it seems that there is no need to think about it: "(Ah Xu, are you still alive? Come out to work for me.)"

"Kuu Jie Kou Jie..." Following a strange cry that sounded like a lack of energy, the shadow under Xiaoyou's feet twisted and swayed for a while, Geng Gui drooped the corners of his eyes, and came out listlessly——When he was by the lake, Geng Gui Oni is also affected to a certain extent by that evolution-promoting electric wave.

"(Go outside and open the password door.)"

"Mouth and mouth..."

"(You bastard... well, I'll treat you to the ramen just now!)"


The temporary blackmail was successful, and Geng Gui's spirit obviously improved a lot.Next, Geng Gui gave full play to the incorporeal qualities of his ghost-type elf, passed through the iron fence easily, and floated in front of the combination lock of the iron gate.

"(Let me think about it...)" Xiaoyou recalled the movement and sound of the keys when the iron door was locked, "(The password is 142517...)"

Geng Gui pressed the button outside, and successfully produced the same effect sound as in Xiaoyou's memory...

But what happened when the door didn't open?

"Kou Jie, Kou Jie, Kou Jie!" Geng Gui pointed at the combination lock with a painful expression on his face.

"(...There is a key hole under the combination lock?)" Xiaoyou, who understood Geng Gui's meaning, almost bumped his head against the iron fence, "(Damn it! Is that password just for teasing us? !)”

"Mouth and mouth..."

"(My condolences to your brother-in-law! Shunbian your whole family!)"

So Xiaoyou, who became angry from embarrassment, immediately began to consider using psychic techniques (throwing the elf ball...) to summon ten thousand snakes (actually Abo monster...), and use the profound meaning "big snake vomit" (dissolving solution...) to dissolve the whole The actual feasibility of the humane destruction of the iron fence door-although it is obviously more convenient, quicker and pollution-free to use the teleportation of a Lich star, but... "That's too cheap, the damn door is locked!"

"Click." At this moment, the door of the cell was opened, and then several figures walked in.

"Well, someone is here?" Stuffing the Pokémon's elf ball back into his waist, Xiaoyou quickly put on an excited expression that finally found the organization, "Great, someone is here at last! I'm—uh! "

After seeing the person who came in clearly, Xiaoyou's expression and movements became rigid.

Musashi, Kojiro, and Meow...

"Well, at least I now know how Xiaozhi and the others will escape..." Xiaoyou said decisively twice, "It's definitely the result of these guys selling their teammates..."

Next, from Musashi and the others' triumphant show off, Xiaoyou learned that Dr. Silanu, the person in charge of the base, and Chen Ji, the captain of the executive force, had left here with the red Gyarados, and the Meow Meow trio had been Staying behind is responsible for the "heavy task" of guarding the base—although Xiaoyou seems to be leaving the rhythm behind.And the trio, who couldn't be idle, emptied the kitchen reserves of the base, and naturally came up with the idea of ​​Pikachu...

I have to say that the timing of the trio was quite good this time. At least Pikachu's combat power has dropped below 5 after being affected by the evolution-promoting radio waves. It is full state, but if you catch Pikachu, you can catch Pikachu. Use Arbor to deter a few trainers and then just let Pikachu go. Why do you need to open the metal ring that is holding Pikachu first?

Well, the reason why Xiaoyou, who was locked up next door, knew this was because the metal ring on his body suddenly opened and fell to the ground with a snap - and the exclamation that followed showed that it was because Musashi Because I pressed the main switch of the remote control wrongly...

"Oh..." Xiaoyou sighed, "So I'm not afraid of opponents like Xiaozhi, but teammates like Musashi and the others..."

After Xiaozhi got out of trouble by accident, he immediately made a decisive decision. In other words, his body acted one step ahead of his brain and released the fireball mouse that had not yet been subdued. He used the smoke screen skill to spray out a large amount of smoke that obscured his vision and escaped from the prison cell in the chaos. , and after Musashi and the others reacted, they also chased after them...

Completely ignoring the young man from Muye town who was watching the excitement and making soy sauce in the single room next door.

"...In the end, you have to rely on yourself in the end." Xiaoyou sighed again, took out the elf ball and threw it lightly, "Abo monster, the dissolving solution...not facing the door, but directly facing the wall."

After all, Xiaozhi and the trio had already run out first, and if he followed, there was a high probability that he would encounter a doomed small-scale fight... Xiaoyou didn't want to act with Xiaozhi now.

That's right.Xiaoyou straightforwardly admitted that she still had unreasonable thoughts about that flamboyant red Gyarados—looking at the current situation, if Xiaozhi was allowed to make trouble, she might still have a chance to take advantage of the chaos. The red Gyarados was snatched... we mean "rescued"...

Taking a step back, even if it was Xiaozhi and his gang who succeeded in rescuing the Gyarados in the end, according to Xiaozhi's passionate and stupid attributes, he would probably choose to release the Gyarados on the spot.Then I still have a chance...

The dark green solution spit out by Abo monster is very powerful. In less than 1 minute, it corroded the thick cell wall into a hole small enough to escape. Of course, there may be temporary bases that are not up to standard. possibility.And Xiaoyou, who came out of the cell carefully avoiding the solution residue, looked up for the first time, and saw a strong tornado breaking through the roof of the base, bringing a man inside who couldn't help screaming. One girl and one meow, heading towards the sky and the distance...

Well, I added a Goon Weng and an Arbor in it.

"... Xiaozhi and the others, do they have elves who can use tornadoes?" Xiaoyou stopped and recalled for a while, and found that the only flying elf Xiaozhi and the others currently had was the slightly developed ** flashing owl, Moreover, he is also a strange flower in the flying department who is good at super energy skills, so the powerful tornado just now is definitely not used by Xiaozhi and the others...

So Xiaoyou came to a conclusion: "That is to say, what kind of powerful wild npc has been refreshed?"

"No!" Xiaoyou almost wanted to lie down and roll on the ground, "If it's just Xiaozhi, it's okay, and the red Gyarados will be released... But what if there are powerful NPCs around, what if they are captured by NPCs!?"

"No! We must find a way to get rid of that npc that appeared out of nowhere!" The puppet girl who made up her mind put down her backpack and took out a communication notebook from inside.

"Hey, Miss Asuka? Long time no see..."

"Ah, I'm sorry I forgot! It's me, Zhou Fangyou... um, this is just a cross-dressing..."

"Well, yes, I'm right here at the Lake of Wrath... It seems that something unexpected happened..."

"That's right, so I plan to help... But I'm worried about some misunderstanding, so..."

"Yes! It would be best if they could be notified in advance... Well, it should be the frontline execution force of the Phantom Regiment, and the captain's name is Chen already..."

"well, thanks……"

ps1: The public holiday is over. .I have to type hard again hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha . (calmly wipes off nosebleed) Um well, sorry for not saying hello first. .

ps2: xy32 still has few slots. .

First, Lucario, do you have one set of teeth or only four teeth?Also, shouldn't Pikachu be ripped apart and eaten when he ran away? .

Second, Strom's machine didn't blow up anyone this time. .

Thirdly, the old photographer has been calling Flywheel girl's long-browed grandfather with a mouthful of "sauce". .Whoever attacks the two of you suffers. . ?

Fourth, it seems that someone said it. .Really 4p has changed to 5p. .

Fifth, the mechanical enhancement in the trailer has an inexplicable sense of place. .

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