Pokemon the wrong way

360. Is red hair a characteristic of Chaosai's transformations?

On the shore of the lake named Lake of Wrath, there is a secret base built by the evil organization Phantom Group.Of course, it may not be accurate to say that it is a "secret" base - after all, in a forest with an average tree canopy height of five to six meters, the concealment of a nine-meter-high building can basically be equivalent to holding a loudspeaker and shouting, "Labor and capital are here." Here!" Same, not to mention the nearly 20-meter-high antenna radar...

So such an arrogant and cool secret base has not been discovered by the alliance. Could it be that Ms. Joy opened the local police station?

Back to the point.In the deepest part of the Phantom Group's secret base, there is an area dedicated to detaining intruders.The dark and damp prison cell, the mottled dark bloodstains on the walls, the chains and iron hooks hanging from the ceiling, all kinds of horrific instruments of torture displayed everywhere, and the piles of white bones piled up in the corners, silently accuse this all the time. The brutality of this prison...

"So, when it comes to prisons, especially the prisons of evil organizations, shouldn't everyone have this impression?" A boy with yellow hair and spiky hair with a beard-like pattern on his face spoke with a black line on his face in a relaxed tone. A member of the phantom group in black complained, "Even if you don't like the retro design, at least you should bring a desk, use a big lamp to shine on my face, and then serve a bowl of pork chop rice..."

"Shut up!" The member of the Phantom Group who was in charge of guarding couldn't bear it and yelled, "What you are talking about is an interrogation by the police station! We are an evil organization!"

"...That is to say, there is no pork chop rice?" The boy was silent for a few seconds, seemingly disappointed, and then asked in a hopeful tone, "Then what do you offer? If possible, I hope it is ramen..."



Although because of the same reason as being shot while lying down—"Since you saw me, I can't let you go!"—Xiao You, who was disguised as "Naruto of Muye Town", was killed by the Phantom Group just like Xiao Zhi and his group. I was arrested, but the guarding conditions in the base disappointed a certain puppet: Is it too sloppy?

There is not even the most basic interrogation process, just throw people into a few compartments separated by iron railings and leave them alone. The locks on the iron railings are coded-although they look advanced, they are small. You said that he almost guessed the password just by listening to the movement and sound effects of the buttons they pressed when opening and closing the door, Hun Dan!Whether this kind of person can be locked up depends entirely on whether the prisoner is a fool's prison door... Really a real man?

Well, although Guan Xiaozhi's words are fine for the time being.

Also, including Xiaoyou himself, Xiaozhi and his group had no other restraint equipment except for the metal ring that was put on at the beginning.This, cost-saving Xiaoyou said it is understandable, anyway, if the Poké Ball is confiscated, it will not be possible to make any trouble with just a few trainers... The problem is that it was not confiscated, Hundan!The elf balls of Xiaozhi's group are all hanging on their waists!Moreover, the metal ring used for restraint is placed on the elbow, so the forearm can move completely after struggling!The phantom group of this base, you are the evolutionary type of death-do you want to die! ?Even if the elves are ruined by the evolution-promoting electric wave, they can't be careless to this extent. Hey...

Uh, when it comes to this, I have to mention the most critical act of the Phantom Group's death this time.During the process of escorting Xiaoyou and Xiaozhi, who were lying on their guns, from the lakeshore to the base, the person in charge of the base, Dr. Silanu, even came to the gate of the base to "receive" the captives... this one with mushrooms Hair type, with a goatee, Dr. Silanu also knows Xiaoyou, one of the Big Three in the rocket team's scientific research department, one of the main leaders of the Yameng Project, and a third person who will never be called by the same name Compared with the mad scientist with Shimaheihachi's hairstyle, the middle-aged man with glasses is much more reliable in research projects and in dealing with people.

But genius-level characters, especially genius scientists, more or less always have some big or small eccentricities-of course, you can't help it if you insist on personality or "cuteness".Although it is not like Dr. Wan Bo who occasionally comes up with some funny ideas from his mind and runs to implement them without saying a word, Dr. Silanu also has a "hobby" that is sometimes fatal-serious commentary Obsessive, or simply not to leak the uncomfortable feeling...

"Well, you guys can't escape anyway, so it's okay to tell you a little bit about the 'r plan'..." Facing Xiaozhi's question of "what do you guys want to do to the Gyarados"—Xiaoyou took Geng Gui Gambling on Xiaozhi's food expenses for a month was just a casual remark—and Dr. Silanu smiled "with confidence" and said his "great plan"...

The so-called "Project R" is a "revolutionary plan" that uses technological means to control the evolution of elves. A powerful elf army capable of conquering the world!

"(Uh, very thoughtful plan...)" A certain puppeteer in the disguise had a black line, "(Could it be because the evolution cost of the super elf made the Rockets go crazy?)"

As far as Xiaoyou knows, because of practicality and the image of Yameng, Boss Sakagi has recently been vigorously popularizing super-power elves among ordinary troops, and the main types of elves that are easy to get for the Rockets are sea stars. The gem starfish that evolved, the coconut tree that evolved from Egg, the sun elf that Ibrahimovic evolved, and the hippopotamus that evolved from Silly Beast—well, if conditions permit, the hippopotamus king will be given priority...

Think about it carefully, the evolution of sea stars requires water stones, the evolution of egg eggs requires leaf stones, and the evolution of slow beasts needs... er, big tongue shell, if you evolve into a hippopotamus king, you need to add the king's certificate, Ibrahimovic Slightly better ones do not require materials, but they are less in quantity than the previous ones, and evolution also needs to spend time slowly cultivating intimacy...

Well, it's no wonder that Dr. Silanu thought of developing evolutionary waves...

However, the implementation of this plan does not seem to be very smooth. Although Dr. Silanu said that the results seem to be remarkable, but in Xiaoyou's view, only one carp king has successfully evolved after irradiating the entire lake with radio waves for a long time. Something went wrong so that the color of the carp king period did not fade, and it also had the side effect of making the elves who were exposed to radio waves drowsy and lack of energy.The flashing Gyarados that Xiaozhi and the others tried to rescue before—fortunately, this product is probably not a flashing elf—that’s how the red Gyarados’s little saw crocodile and mosquito frog were trapped...

So, how can this be considered a success?Only one of the wild elves in the huge lake has evolved... How sad is this success rate?And even if you say that the side effect of this cheating radio wave can be directly used as a weapon to cheat people, Uncle Sakagi probably won't happily nod and say "Okay, then use it!" Don't forget Your original intention to develop this thing is soulless!

Fortunately, in the end, only one case of the red Gyarados was successful. Dr. Silanu himself knew that his invention was not perfect, so after capturing this important successful individual in the experiment, he was going to go home and go to the headquarters to analyze it. The specific reason for the successful evolution of the red Gyarados, and based on this to improve the evolution and promote the electric wave... And this secret base, which is basically not a secret, will be quietly dismantled after transferring the Gyarados and experimental data... …

Well, I am very cautious in doing things, and I am not a brain-hole scientist like Dr. Nabo... The problem is, Dr. Silanu, don’t even say these things!This is beyond the scope of commentary! ?And you didn't say it to ordinary passerby trainers, but to Xiaozhi! !Dr. Silanu, you can't underestimate the young man in front of you who looks like a fool-although in fact he is similar, but this is not the point!This boy is an unsung hero who solved world-class crises several times without many people knowing about it!Even if saving the world sounds imaginary, this young man directly destroyed Dr. Chapo's anger energy plan, incidentally reimbursed Team Rocket's underwater mobile base, and even made Dr. Chapo a humanoid suitcase!In short, Xiaozhi is definitely a self-propelled troublemaker and a walking broom star for Team Rocket (or Phantom Group)...

Xiaoyou can be sure that if left alone, Dr. Silanu's "r" plan, which seems to be at least more reliable than Dr. Canbo's, will definitely be messed up because of Xiaozhi—for example, Xiaozhi passed the inexplicable Unscientific way to escape from the prison, and then release the angry red Gyarados to kill and razed the base to the ground... well, although considering that a mere copycat sparkling elf wants to complete the legendary elf Lugia Great achievements seem to be a bit difficult, but after all, this is just a small, simple, temporary experimental base... Ah yes, it is quite close to Kaji Town, maybe it will be refreshed because of Xiao Zhi A wild gym trainer who happened to pass by...

Well, Xiaoyou doesn't care about the flattening of the base, but the red Gyarados—although it's not a glitter elf, it's okay to be wild, and at least it looks cool— — but will definitely be let go by Xiaozhi...

This is what Xiaoyou can't accept.If Xiaozhi "getda☆ze" the red Gyarados, we can't say anything, envy and hate for a day or two will be fine, but in this case Xiaozhi will choose to release the elf [-]% of the time. This extremely irrational approach of nature—Xiaozhi, can't you have other pursuits besides collecting a lot of novice Yusanjia elves who haven't evolved very much?

So say no!Xiaoyou clenched her fists: Absolutely don't let this happen!The person in charge here must be notified!Let them put Xiaozhi in a sack and throw stones into the lake——

...seems a little more radical?

Then catch a few fat dogs and lock them in a soundproof secret room with Xiaozhi and his gang, let them sleep until everything is over...

This seems to be more reliable... so that's it.

The next step is to find a way to identify the person in charge of the phantom group at the base... well, let's call the person first...

So Xiaoyou ran to the wall of his own cell, and opened his mouth under the tense expression of "what are you going to do, kid?"

"ブルースFlying Machine Cloudと河川卷~~~Tamagawa along the ををるにけけたストーリー~~~"

"Ugh! Shut up!!" The poor phantom group member who suffered an unexpected mental attack screamed while covering his ears.

"Oh my god! What's the matter with this terrible sound!?" The situation of Xiaozhi and his gang in the next cell is even worse than that of the Phantom Group, because they can't even cover their ears...

"This, this is the spirit's skill Song of Death!?"

The situation of Xiaozhi and his gang in the next cell is even worse than that of the Phantom Group, because they are tied up and can't even cover their ears...

"Huh? Wait..." Xiaoyou, who howled a few times, suddenly thought of a question. "If I explained Xiaozhi's 'dangerousness' to the Phantom Group, and they successfully sent the red Gyarados back to the headquarters... didn't we catch the Gyarados as well!?"

"Uh, what should I do..." Xiaoyou, who was entangled, closed her mouth in distress, only to find that the member of the Phantom Group who ran out at some time was standing in front of her cell door in cold sweat , still holding a tray in his hand with a big steaming bowl on it?

"Ramen? Here you go! Please stop singing!"

ps: xy31. .There is nothing wrong with it. .Except for the flywheel girl's grandfather who deliberately grew such exaggerated eyebrows to match his granddaughter's hairstyle, only the young man in Stone Moss Town who used the sun stone to evolve an electric lizard deeply reflected the Carlos area. .After finishing the lines, you have to freeze the frame obediently like other npcs as the background. .

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