Pokemon the wrong way

392. I just want to drop a chapter normally. .play gym

Before arriving at Yanmo City, Xiaoyou passed through an unscientific mountain.

The reason for using the word "through" is because, literally, it passes through the huge cave that traverses the entire interior of the mountain.And the so-called "unscientific" is not an exaggeration when it is used to describe a mountain that is located in a temperate climate but is covered with ice that does not melt for many years, so that it is called an "ice cave".

By the way, Xiaoyou also found an elf center in this ice cave for some unknown purpose, and the Miss Joy who works in the center is the black-skinned Miss Joy of the Orange Islands who impressed Xiaoyou deeply. My younger sister...but Ms. Joy here is obviously a common species compared with her strange sister, except that she prefers ice elves and because of the cold working environment, she rarely uses Miss Lips as a partner in the elf center Other than that, there is nothing special about it, and the specially trained sister Milip is not inferior to those mainstream auspicious eggs in terms of caring for people——Anyway, from the three-dimensional perspective of Xiaoyou who stayed for one night In the movie, the appearance of the blond-haired black-faced sausage-mouth version of Sister Feng is more acceptable than those pink and unidentified creatures with feathers, and the spicy curry soup made by this guy is very good... …

But... Although Ms. Joy here has no long-term habit of feeding a certain boar nearby with calcium tablets to make it particularly big, it doesn't mean that Xiaoyou can't get that kind of magic here. "Golden rubbish"...

Not long ago, it was attacked by a small group of members of the Phantom Troupe (Xiaoyou: I can figure out who would attack such a completely worthless place with my knees...), although with the help of several young trainers, the attack was successful. We retreated from the attack of the evil organization (Xiaoyou: You can guess who these trainers are with your elbows...), but the members of the evil organization insidiously destroyed a small part of the mountain when they retreated (Xiaoyou: Actually it was It was knocked out when Pia was flying, right? To put it bluntly, you made it yourself and it has nothing to do with the evil organization!), so that the air-conditioning in the cave keeps leaking out, and if things go on like this, it will lead to a lot of ice in the cave Melting, and the melted ice water flowing out of the cave will cause the water level of the nearby lake to rise suddenly and break the embankment, and finally cause Yanmo City to be flooded without any precautions and become a "flooded city"... well, the above is light Ms. Joy, who was persecuted for delusions, dictated that the actual situation was not that exaggerated at all.However, a transparent hole on the mountain wall is indeed somewhat unsightly. Although Ms. Joy contacted the relevant local personnel to come to repair it, Ms. Joy still hopes that someone can find a way to plug the hole first as an emergency... …

So after Xiaoyou called out the Super Iron Tyrannosaurus Rex and smashed a lot of rock blasted stones into the hole on the mountain wall and was frozen by the Snow Fairy's fine snow, Xiaoyou got the fan as a thank you gift Sister Lip's handmade spicy curry bento... and a bottle of "unknown pills from my sister that are said to be good for the elf's body" from Ms. Joey...

Jinkela, that's not right... Ms. Joy's calcium tablet GETDA☆ZE. .

—————— Rock Cannon (use it if it wasn’t for the explosion)—————

After going through the shortcut of the Ice Cave—in fact, there is another slightly longer but normal and scientific route that can go around the mountain—after that, we arrived at Yanmo City... the Yanmo Lake next to it.

Although it is a bit incongruous to say that the mirror-like clear lake and lush green forest just drilled out of the ice and snow cave, but the town that can be vaguely seen across the lake obviously gave the pseudo-mother trainer enough motivation to move forward, even The Gyarados didn't even need the water surface vehicle, Xiaoyou rode directly on the fossil pterosaur to fly over Yanmo Lake, and then landed directly on the square in the center of Yanmo with an extremely crazy and cool posture——

Then he just rode on the back of the fossilized pterosaur and stopped a passerby who was dumbfounded: "Hi, I'm here to challenge the trainer of the gym! How can I get to the Yanmo gym?"

"Uh," the passer-by was stunned for a while before he realized, "The Yanmo Gym is outside the city... that's the direction you just flew over..."


Thanks to her acting skills, Xiaoyou, who didn't make a big blush, flew out of the town again, and then on the way back on the way back, she found the Yanmo gymnasium outside the city that passers-by said was "very conspicuous and easy to find".

Well, how do you say it?

"...Damn rich people." Standing in front of the gate of the Yanmo gymnasium she found, Xiaoyou made a conclusion in an unquestionable tone.

"...Jet and jerk." Geng Gui poked out half of his body from the shadow and nodded affirmatively.

Then he was stepped back by Xiaoyou: "I'm now a trainer who uses dragon elves, don't make trouble with mere ghosts."

Indeed, it looks like a luxury building with at least three or four floors and a height of ten meters, which looks like a manor villa, and the floor area where the edge of the wall cannot be seen from the left and right of the gate, no matter who comes to the training for the first time Anyone who sees it will never think that this kind of place is a gymnasium...

This is definitely another funny gym trainer who spends all the subsidy funds on decoration!

For a while, the hypocrite, who was full of hatred for the rich, thought so.

After ringing the high-end looking electronic doorbell, the person who came out to open the door was also an old man with a white beard who looked like a loyal old servant of a generational retainer.After explaining the purpose of coming, the old man who is not as tall as Xiaoyou politely invited Xiaoyou into the villa... the living room in the gymnasium, and served a cup that looked very high-end - at least the teacup is very expensive The appearance - black tea.

"Please wait here for a while, and I'll invite the gym trainer here." After bowing politely, the old man turned and left.

"Ah, it looks tall and tall." Holding the teacup, Xiaoyou grabbed a few biscuits from the snack plate served with the tea and threw them on the floor where her shadow was projected. "After all, it is one of the eight gymnasiums in the city. Maybe this gym is actually very reliable. The reason why the gym is so extravagant is because the gym trainers themselves are rich?"

"..." Because Geng Gui couldn't appear, no one responded to Xiaoyou's soliloquy.But the biscuits on the ground have disappeared.

"I'm sorry to keep you waiting." A few minutes later, the white-bearded old man who had left reappeared, followed by another person. "This is the gym trainer of Yanmo Gym..."

As he spoke, the old man stepped aside a few steps, revealing the figure standing behind him:

"Hello, I'm Xiao Zhuang, the gym trainer of Yanmo Gym. Are you here to challenge the trainer of the gym?"

"..." Xiaoyou said that the idea that "Yan Mo Gym is actually a very reliable Gym" just now disappeared in an instant.

Xiao Zhuang, the trainer of the Yanmo Gym standing in front of him, is a tall young woman with light blue long hair tied into a ponytail at the back of her head, and two strands of long hair hanging down on both sides of her forehead in front of her ears The actual position defies gravity and tilts outward arrogantly, which is impressive; in terms of appearance, the charm index is visually estimated to be above 4 Xiaogang, and she is a big sister with a mature and heroic temperament.

Well, only if you disregard her attire - a short blue bodysuit and matching glove boots, combined with a large cape with shoulder buttons, gives the impression that...

"...Ah!" Xiaoyou was stunned for a second before she realized, "Yes! I am a trainer from Zhenxin Town..."

Unexpectedly, the gym trainer of Yanmo Gym turned out to be a cosplayer...

Is this kind of OTAKU really a man to be a gym trainer?It doesn't match the feeling of a manor mansion, is there any reason!This outfit won't cause some strange things to come out of the seal on the right hand suddenly when the second battle occurs! ?

Please let me meet some normal gym trainers...

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