Pokemon the wrong way

391. Howl of the Banshee·Change

"(Qixi blue bird, use) the dragon's claw!"

Commanded by a certain purple ponytail puppet, the little elf swooped down from the flashing electric light with a flutter of wings, and a pair of paws that seemed to have grown in size, wrapped in emerald green energy, ruthlessly stuck on his face. The grinning rhubarb face of the stunned opponent.

"Ah! Electric Shock Beast!" Accompanied by the dull sound of the opponent falling straight on the concrete floor, it was naturally the panicked scream of its trainer. "Why is this happening! One hundred thousand volts should be extremely effective against flying elves?"

"Thanks for your hard work, Qixi blue bird." Xiaoyou said to the bear child trainer who was beaten by him with a face of resentment after taking the elf back into the elf ball. "Don't look at the name Qixi blue bird, it looks like a bird, but this guy actually has dragon attributes. One hundred thousand volts has no advantage against it at all! You don't know this bit of common sense and come out to learn to fight against humans. You Bear kid, let’s go back and read books for a few more years before we talk about it!”

"How can it be repaired!" The bear child who was mentally shocked decisively burst into tears, "I, I will come back——"

"Idiot!" Xiaoyou taunted the fleeing brat loudly with the victor's shy attitude, "If you say this kind of flag line, even if you really come back, you will only be beaten even worse!"

"woo woo woo woo……"


Although staying up all night in vain yielded nothing, Xiaoyou obviously did not intend to give up the bait plan to capture a certain pervert in tights codenamed "Sorrowful Wind".The failure of the first operation was attributed by Xiaoyou to the fact that the bait was not strong enough, so on the way to the next town, the pseudo-girl trainer did not miss any chance of a pvp battle, and the trainers encountered along the way, regardless of newcomers The veteran, tall, rich, handsome, and bear children are all abused to death...

At the same time, in order to increase the value of the bait, Xiaoyou specially called Team Rocket and borrowed a lot of "dragon" elves from Boss Sakagi and other acquaintances.For example, the name has something to do with the dragon type but its own attributes have nothing to do with the dragon type, the bag dragon, the electric dragon, the duck-billed fire dragon (unfortunately there is no fire-breathing dragon...), and the Tanabata blue bird and super dragon that are completely unexpected from the name just look at the dragon attribute. Sonic Larva...

By the way, the dragon-type elf named Tanabata Blue Bird, which was used to beat the electric shock beast of the bear trainer just now, was finally escaped from the file hell of the acting branch chief. It’s too crazy. The current location is relatively far away, so I don’t have the opportunity to participate in the hunt for the sad man. I recently awakened to a strange new mouth addiction, but after getting used to it, I feel quite emotional. The white-haired girl Kinoshita Yui Kinoshita kindly provided it.

After receiving Xiaoyou's call, Captain Kinoshita sent over the Tanabata blue bird, one of his main combat forces, without saying anything.Speaking of which, this Tanabata blue bird was the one left over from the three selections of elf eggs that Xiaoyou rewarded in a certain mission—and the one that Xiaoyou picked away that time was the ecstasy eye that defrauded her of old blood...

However, since the Tanabata blue bird was mentioned, I have to mention the appearance of this little elf...

Xiao You said that he could take Geng Gui’s food for a year (Ah Xu: Kou Jie!!) to bet that this Tanabata blue bird is definitely the elf I have seen that has the biggest difference from the two-dimensional image in the elf illustration book... OK Let's add one to avoid being slapped in the face in the future.In the pictures shown in the illustrated book, the image of the Tanabata blue bird is a body and wings wrapped in white and soft cotton-like feathers, with a long neck, a round head, and elegant slender feathers on the top of the head, a lovely and elegant blue Bird elves.And what Xiaoyou saw in the three dimensions...

There is no such thing as a dire Archeopteryx!

No!To be precise, this Nima is just like a dinosaur that is evolving in the direction of birds but has just started!Except for the blue and white feathers that match the illustrated book, it has nothing to do with the cute creature in the illustrated book, okay?Strong limbs with sharp claws - long white feathers grow on the front paws, but the gap with cotton is definitely more than a star and a half; the two things dragging behind the head of two parts of birds and eight parts of reptiles are said to be feathers The feathers are more like tentacles; the small fierce eyes are undoubtedly vertical narrow and long pupils; the mouth, which is barely a bird's beak, is lined with dense sharp teeth...

To be honest, the shape of this Velociraptor + Archeopteryx is not ugly, even for Xiaoyou, whose vision has been poisoned by all kinds of exotic alien creatures, it is completely worthy of the word "mighty"... It's just that the image of this guy and the The gap in the illustration book is too big, and the comparison between the two immediately increased the curiosity index several times—even if the Qixi blue bird has dragon attributes, it doesn't have to be so hard to highlight the dragon genes, right?Such a ferocious appearance is completely sorry for the name with a beautiful meaning that makes bachelors gnash their teeth and burst into tears?

That's why Xiaoyou was so upset when he was fighting the previous bear boy.Because when the bear child saw the Tanabata blue bird he released, his eyes obviously saw cute things, and this made Xiaoyou feel quite uncomfortable—although it is reasonable to say that his nerves have long been tuned by the three-dimensional cheating elves— The teaching is extra tough, but this time it's really uncomfortable...

So the attack was a little bit harder... and a little bit of mental attack was added along the way... The fake girl trainer said that she really didn't mean it.

It's all Tanabata blue bird's fault, that's all.

Hmm, sonic larvae?That's just a big bug.The khaki insect shell plus a pair... oh no, it's two pairs of weird diamond-shaped wings, it looks like a dragonfly larva that has half-evolved and got stuck, Xiaoyou is not willing to release it to fight , When you meet a child with no posture and treat him as a bug-type elf, then the image of "dragon trainer" that you have painstakingly created will be shattered...

Anyway, just pretend it doesn't exist.


"Huh..." Xiaoyou, who was resting on the big rock by the roadside, asked casually while looking at the back of the last wild bear child running away in tears, "Ah Xu, how many is this?" ?”

"Koujie!" Geng Gui happily jumped out of the shadow—because he created the image of a dragon elf trainer. Take out a crumpled piece of paper...

Xiaoyou took the piece of paper indifferently—anyway, Geng Gui is a ghost elf, so he doesn't have to worry about drooling: "Well... today I have eight kos. If you count the battle park, it will be a few days. I've already killed 50 people. But why haven't the muscular men in tights come to attack me?"

"Kou Jie, Kou Jie, Kou Jie..." Geng Gui, who was rummaging through Xiaoyou's backpack for food, turned his head and screamed twice.

"Huh? Quality?" Xiaoyou raised her eyebrows, then kicked Geng Gui flying away, "If things are messed up, it will be very troublesome for me to carry them, Hundan!"

Throwing out a can of energy cubes to get rid of the hungry phantom elves, Xiaoyou began to seriously consider Geng Gui's "words": "...after successfully attacking ordinary trainers in succession, ordinary miscellaneous soldiers can no longer attract Is the sad man's desire to commit crimes? There is indeed such a possibility...then increasing the number of 'dragon' elves won't work, we have to find a way to improve the quality..."

"When it comes to improving quality..."

Xiaoyou took out the manual and flipped through...

"Ah, there it is! A smoke and ink gymnasium of the dragon type!"

"As long as the challenge to the Yanmo Gym is successful, it will be of sufficient quality, right?"

"Ah Xu, let's go!" Xiaoyou grabbed Geng Gui's short tail and got up and left, "Let's go to Yanmo City!"

"Kou Jie——!!" The scream of Geng Gui, whose energy cube jar was dropped, made the wild elves in a radius of ten miles tremble...


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