Pokemon the wrong way

406. This is frog horse racing, do you understand... What, Tian Ji?

"The thousand-needle fish loses its combat power, and the gem starfish wins!" the temporary referee Nobel declared, waving the light stick in his hand.

Because he was completely unaware of the fact that he had been completely betrayed by his "trusted companion" long ago, and the culprit, Macchiato, was not at the scene, so Ryuji, the gym trainer, was not hit hard by this, but Taking the loss of the first game as the result of the strength of the opponent and his own carelessness, and preparing to redouble his efforts in the second game to make a comeback...

Here is an explanation.Because of the unique rule of three games + two wins in three games in the Dragon Palace Gymnasium, if one side has a record of 2:0 during the game, obviously the third game will become meaningless—after all, even if the last game wins I still lose.And in order to avoid this kind of negative situation that is not conducive to the growth of the trainer, Ryuji will adjust the order of the elves in the battle in a timely manner. If you lose the first game, you will send out your trump card... In short, try to end with a 2:1 record, so that the three games are meaningful-this is not difficult for Ryuji who has the home court advantage and has rich experience in underwater battles do it.

Therefore, in the second round, Long Si directly dispatched his main elves:

"Please, Lamp Monster!"

"..." Seeing Ryuji's dolphin-shaped elf with two glowing sarcoids hanging on his head, Xiaoyou subconsciously stepped back despite the information provided by the A-level traitor Macchiato.

"Ryuji's lamp monster is a very rare water storage feature, so it can completely ignore the attacks of water-type skills, and it is good at using negative state skills and small-scale electric-type skills. The main skills are dash, discharge, electromagnetic waves and weird light. In the battle, it often happens that the lamp monster rushes up to the opponent's water gun and water cannon to debuff and then discharges... It is a very difficult opponent in the water. As for the weakness, it is probably the lack of long-range lethality. If it is targeted in advance, it should be Will you be flown to death with a kite?" ——by Macchiato who almost starved to death

Although through Macchiato's ruthless betrayal, Ryuji's lamp monster no longer has the surprising effect of winning, but the electromagnetic waves and weird light are still quite troublesome interference.Therefore, Xiaoyou didn't intend to fight recklessly, but planned to "walk" the lamp monster directly:

"Attack, Gyarados!"

"Roar!!" The Gyarados sent out by Xiaoyou didn't even know that he was the one giving away the head again this time. He still roared majesticly and aggressively, reducing the attack power of the lamp monster by virtue of its intimidating characteristics—although he I didn't rely on attacks to eat...

"(Gyarados, use) the water cannon!"

Vehicle wooden human rights.To issue such an order knowing that the other party has the characteristics of water storage, it can be seen that a certain puppet has unscrupulous intentions to send water to give away the head...

Of course, in the eyes of Ryuji, this situation became the proof that his elf successfully overshadowed the opponent: "Lamp monster, just rush up and use electromagnetic waves!"

The Gyarados opened its mouth wide and sprayed out a thick high-pressure water column. Although spraying water underwater makes the water cannon skills seem to have little momentum, on the contrary, it greatly improves the concealment of the skills, making it difficult for opponents to guard against—if If the opponent is not a water storage characteristic.

The lamp monster almost directly faced the direction of the water cannon without dodging or evading. The streamlined body prevented the lamp monster from being hit by the water cannon head-on. The humble golden current...

"..." Little Humor stepped back silently.

The two elves attacked at the same time, so they were also hit at the same time.However, the lamp monster was not injured due to its characteristics, and although the Gyarados did not directly lose physical strength, it fell into a state of slow-moving paralysis, which was obviously the one that suffered.

"(Gyarados, use) Bite!"

"Lamp Monster, use Dash!"

This time, the trainers on both sides made plans for close combat with different ideas (seriously fighting and giving away the head...).Two elves with huge differences in size rushed towards each other at the same time, but the Gyarados moved a little slower due to the paralysis effect. Not only did it not bite the lamp monster, but the lamp monster hit its head on the chin, almost biting itself tongue.On the other hand, the lamp monster used his good discharge skill without hesitation after getting close...

Xiaoyou said that he really wanted to admit the strength of Long Si's electric lamp monster, that he could really confine the current of the original indiscriminate AOE within a few meters to take effect.And the only target within the effective range is the Gyarados who was stunned by a head hammer just now...


"(...Enough, Gyarados.)" While the bones of Gyarados were shining brightly, Xiaoyou sent a hint through telepathic communication. "It's meaningless to fight like this, let's GG."

"Hey..." The Gyarados, who finally realized that he had been tricked by his own trainer again, had a full face, let out a sad growl, then tilted his head and rolled his eyes...

Hei Changzhi decisively waved the light stick: "The Gyarados loses its fighting power, and the lamp monster wins!"

"Good job, lamp monster!" Long Si hugged his big dolphin happily, completely unaware that he was escorted for a round.

"Thank you, Gyarados." On the other side, Xiaoyou comforted his elf with a poke ball, "Your sacrifice will not be in vain!"

(The Gyarados, whose poke ball was taken back, was full of anger again: I used to sacrifice my feelings...)

The next third game.

Although the trump card has been recommended, Ryuji still maintains a strong morale-no matter what the situation is, he must fight with a serious attitude and no regrets. This enthusiasm may be why the Dragon Palace Gymnasium can pass the assessment and become an official gymnasium One of the reasons may also be.

"Please, giant winged flying fish!"

Ryuji's last elf is a guy with a white layup and a big manta ray in appearance. The wide wing-like fins look quite big, but the round head and round brain are slightly lacking in momentum.

Without hesitation, Xiaoyou put on the expression of "I'm a rookie who refuses to accept it"...


As for the giant fin flying fish selling teammate information, Macchiato said this:

"The shortcoming of the three elves is that they are brisk and useless underwater, their basic abilities are relatively low, and their tactics are not outstanding. In short, they are not very strong. In battle, except for special opponents, they are basically I never won..."

Based on such information, Xiaoyou confidently dispatched her third elf: "Meinas, attack!"

"Oh! It's actually a glitter elf!" The gorgeous sea snake with different colors of gold and silver naturally attracted the praise of Ryuji, a lover of water elves, "But the battle is the battle, I will not let the water just because of this! Giant winged flying fish! Use Signal light!"

The giant-winged flying fish fired a brilliant light from between the two antennae-like organs on the top of its head towards Menus, and then... was blocked by a light blue transparent shield.

Xiaoyou made a plan: "The wall of light."

"Well, in this case..." The attack was frustrated, but Ryuji was not discouraged. "Giant fin flying fish, use ultrasonic waves!"

The giant-winged flying fish emits invisible ultrasonic waves from between the two antennae-like organs on the top of its head, causing circles of ring-shaped ripples in the water to envelop Menus, and then... blocked by a light green protective wall outside.

Xiaoyou calmed down and said, "Mysterious guardian."

"...If you have the ability, get another reflection shield!" Frustrated by the continuous attack, Long Si was a little uneasy. "Giant wing flying fish, use impact!"

From the two antennae-like organs on the top of the head of the giant winged flying fish... er, no, the giant winged flying fish flaps its wide double fins and rushes directly towards Menus!Then... bumped into a pink love heart that was slowly flying over...

Xiaoyou remained expressionless: "Charming."

(Macchiato: "Huh? You asked about the sex of the giant winged flying fish? I remember it was male... why do you ask this?")

The pink heart-shaped energy exploded silently, and the two small eyes of the giant winged flying fish also turned pink. in front of him, and then wretchedly swaying back and forth...

Cough cough, don't ask Xiaoyou how to see the wretched movements of a fish... Anyway, the giant fin flying fish gives people a wretched feeling now...

"(Meinas, use) the freezing light."

"Crack la la la..." Under the blue-white ultra-low temperature light emitted by Menus, the wretched movements and expressions of the giant winged flying fish were frozen into a thick lump of ice, and slowly sank to the bottom of the water...

PS: The theatrical version of the animation "Paradise Chase - ExpelledFromParadise". .The male lead CV is Shinichiro Miki. .It turns out that this product is not only Kojiro's specialty. .But although "Kojiro" doesn't sing very well. .But he successfully abducted a Naimiya Lolita who was a maiden. .

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