Pokemon the wrong way

407. It’s Not Too Late for a Gentleman to Revenge

(Complete version of chapter name: It is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years.. It is not too late for a doctor to take revenge for ten days..)

"Goodbye, Xiaoyou-jun!" Even after losing the gymnasium battle, Long Si was still very enthusiastic when Xiaoyou left the Dragon Palace gymnasium. "If possible, please help promote the Dragon Palace Gym with your friends when you participate in the Silver Conference!"

"Goodbye, Xiaoyou!" The two A-level humanoid weapons, Macchiato and Nobel, also stood behind Ryuji and waved to Xiaoyou, "With us here, Mr. Ryuji will definitely become an 'excellent' Daoist!" Gym trainer!"

"Ahaha...goodbye..." Xiaoyou wanted the three of them to wave goodbye with the black thread and beads of cold sweat hanging from the back of her head, and at the same time secretly prayed that the Dragon Palace Gymnasium could "peacefully evolve" into a Dragon Palace branch...

After all, if it doesn’t go well, Ryuji, a rare good man (who won’t admit his gender wrong!) will be put into a gasoline tank and sunk to the bottom of the sea, and then engraved on the tombstone, “This man who loves the sea will die in the end.” In the place he loves so much" the epitaph is painful...


After leaving the gymnasium for a few minutes, various system prompts, which were long overdue as always, finally popped up:

[Submission: "20 meters under the sea (there are traces of 'Twenty Thousand Miles' being wiped away)!" Completed!Reward: special defense +1, free attribute +6, skill learner: surfing]

[Region mission not met: "City Capital Alliance, New Beginning" trigger condition, no additional rewards. 】

[Hidden side mission: "Rational allocation of resources! (Complete the challenge of the Dragon Palace Gymnasium with a 2:1 record, and use the weakest elf to lose to the opponent's most powerful elf)" completed.Reward: Free attribute +1, plus coupon x1]

[Hidden branch mission: "Information War! (Obtain the elf information of the Dragon Palace Gym and successfully challenge the Gym)" completed.Reward: Free attribute +1, title "Metal Gear Solid" (when equipped with this title, you need to put a cardboard box on your head and make a squat action to activate the title effect. When fighting with a trainer, special color symbols will be displayed Combat power in its team. Green: miscellaneous fish/yellow: general/orange: main force/red: ace)]

[Diving Badge: Water skill power increased by 10% / special defense +1]

[Add Coupons: Within 1 minute after use, all upgrades with free attribute points are regarded as raising the minimum attribute (this item is only valid within one hour after obtaining it)]

"...Ah Xu." After reading the system prompts, Xiaohu stretched out his hand silently, while Geng Gui came out of the shadow very tacitly, took out a compressed biscuit from Xiaoyou's backpack, and put it in the hands of the puppet trainer... …

Then Xiaoyou slammed the biscuit in her hand onto the ground: "This is the trick!"

There is no problem with the usual gym missions and regional missions, and considering the particularity of the Dragon Palace gym, hidden missions are completely expected.It's just that this reward doesn't seem to feel much kindness...

Adding some coupons allows Xiaoyou to only consume free attribute points equivalent to raising the lowest attribute when upgrading the highest attribute.For example, if Xiaoyou has 20 free attribute points, the highest attribute is about 70 and the lowest attribute is about 20, then the highest attribute that usually needs 7 points to be improved now only needs 2 points to be improved like the lowest attribute One point, it can be said to be quite a cost-effective prop...

But because of this kind of cheating rules for adding points, and because he didn't know the existence of such items in advance, Xiaoyou has always considered the barrel principle to a considerable extent when adding points, and the attributes are added more evenly, so the highest attribute special attack is now He's only in his early 60s, and his lowest defense and special defense are both over 40...

6:4...Compared with the assumptions in the previous example, I suddenly feel that I have lost a lot!

And it's only available for a limited time!invalid if expired!They don't even give people a chance to save some free attributes temporarily!

And a new title for that reward!

This name sounds like a translation of a Taiwanese movie title (Note 1), but it is quite practical.Although there is no direct combat power bonus, it can see through the strength of the opponent's elf to a certain extent, and it can affect the battle situation if used well!And Xiaoyou confirmed it when switching several existing titles before. The title has no CD and will not affect the effect when changing titles. Therefore, it is completely possible to equip "Metal Gear Solid" before the battle to check the opponent. The combat power of the little elf, after starting the fight, it will be replaced with a title with a direct combat bonus...


What's the limit of having to put a cardboard box on your head and do squats! ?With the stature of a ten-year-old boy, if he squatted down with a big cardboard box on his head, his whole body would be covered by the box! ?Doing this kind of behavior during the battle... What kind of new shame play is this! ?

Imagine that in the upcoming Silver Conference... tens of thousands of spectators are watching the competition in the main hall. On one side is a powerful trainer who has at least eight gym badges and defeated many competitors. On the other side is... …a cardboard box turned upside down?

This shit will be directly disqualified by the referee...

Taking a step back, even if it is not a formal game like the league conference, in the usual informal battle, the trainer on the opposite side releases his elf, and then watches him take out a large cardboard box top with a dumbfounded expression. Go to the head and squat down, the whole person is covered by the box...

This is also unacceptable, Hun Dan!It will definitely be regarded as a snake spirit disease! ?He will definitely be arrested and sent to the Abnormal Human Research Center! ?And after my mother heard the news, she would definitely kill her directly! ?

As for... what to do here?

"Awaken!" Great swordsman Ayako Busushima approached with a sharp blade in her hands, "Sinners who slandered the glory of Busushima-ryu's swordsmanship...will apologise with death!"

"Wait, wait a minute, mother!" Xiaoyou, who was wearing a restraint uniform for the research of the Abnormal Human Research Center, huddled in the corner in horror, "Please listen to our explanation——"

"Questions and answers are useless! Cut!!"


Excessive brain supplementation caused Xiao Youbai to break out in a cold sweat, and then classified the new title as a garbage title worse than "Dragon Slayer" in great disappointment...

People's "Dragon Slayer" still has a real 1% bonus.

—————Poison Island Ryu·Scissors Severing—————

"Hi, Dr. Oki!" In the elf center, Xiaoyou greeted Dr. Oki very energetically. "Doctor, you look good, Xiaozhi's smelly mud is also very energetic."

Although she was disgusted by the rewards of the malicious system, Xiaoyou was a very strong teenager after all. With the "enthusiasm help" of the nearby wild elves, she quickly recovered.The bonus coupon with a short shelf life has already been used up, and the accumulated 16 free attribute points can just increase the highest special attack attribute by 4 points after the "discount", which is also a consolation for Xiaoyou.

"Ahaha! Really very! Spiritual! What!" On the phone screen, Dr. Oki was trying to push away the purple muddy elf who was trying to throw himself down. "Calling at this time, presumably you have already collected the badges of the gymnasium of the Qichengdu Alliance?"

"As expected of Dr. Oki, one guess is right." Xiaoyou said with a smile, "So I called to ask for advice. Where should I go to sign up for the conference in Chengdu?"

"Well... remember Xiaoyou, you and Xiaozhi joined the Chengdu Alliance in Ruoye Town, right?" Dr. Oki thought for a while and replied, "So you have to sign up for the Silver Conference in Chengdu. By the way Mention, both Xiaozhi and my grandson Xiaomao completed the collection of badges earlier than you, and have already set off for Ruoye Town first!"

"Hey, that's it." Xiaoyou still smiled, and did not explain to Dr. Oki that the number of badges he collected here was twelve.

"Well, but Xiaoyou, you don't have to worry, there are still more than two months before the opening of the Silver Conference, you can go there slowly, the time is completely here... woo!" , Dr. Oki's feet were entangled in Xiaozhi's smelly mud, and he immediately fell down.

"I see, thank you, Dr. Damu!" Xiaoyou, who witnessed all this, smiled as usual, "Then I will set off for Ruoye Town..."

"Wait, Xiaoyou! Don't hang up!" Dr. Oki's voice came from the nobody's screen, "Xiaojian went shopping! Call Mr. Yakumo to help—"

"Goodbye~~" Xiaoyou hung up the phone with a smile on her face.


Different from looking for gymnasiums everywhere when traveling in the Chengdu area earlier, when returning to Ruoye Town, Xiaoyou simply chose the shortest distance between two points as the route, and took turns changing fossil pterosaurs and blood-winged dragons along the way (Xiaoyou: "Go to your stormy salamander!"), Xiaoyou only spent ten days on the journey that took several months, and returned to Ruoye Town, which is known as "the place where the wind of the beginning blows".

"Hello, Miss Joy!" As soon as he arrived in Ruoye Town, Xiaoyou went straight to the elf center without stopping. "I'm here to sign up for the Silver Conference!"

"Okay!" Miss Joy from Ruoye Town took out the instrument skillfully with a smile, "Then please show your elf illustration book and gym badge first."

"Here!" Xiaoyou took out the illustration book from his backpack, picked eight of the twelve badges on his belt, and handed them over.

Ms. Joy scanned Xiaoyou's badges one by one with an anti-counterfeiting device, and after confirming the authenticity of the badges, she tapped on the computer keyboard beside her, and then returned the illustrated book and badges to Xiaoyou: "I've been waiting for a long time! It's really from New Town. Zhou Fangyou, your qualifications for the competition have been confirmed, and you can go to Baiyin Town to participate in the Silver Conference. In addition, there are still people waiting for you here, please wait a moment."

Xiaoyou was a little strange.Who would make a special trip here to wait for me?

Miss Joy picked up the phone: "Hello, Miss Ayako? Your trainer, Xiaoyou, has arrived..."

Miss Aya Aya Ayako! ?

The picture of someone holding a sharp knife and looking murderous flashed through his mind for a moment, Xiaoyou turned pale, and turned around to sneak out of the center...

"Where do you want to go, Xiaoyou?" A familiar voice froze the puppet trainer in place.

"Ah la... alright, long time no see, mother?" Xiao You squeezed out a smile and slowly turned her head, her voice trembling slightly. "What... what wind brought you here?"

"Dr. Oki made a special call to tell me that you have collected all the badges in the city, and there are still more than two months before the opening of the alliance meeting in the city." A wild elf who can easily kill the entire mountain alone The super swordsman Ayako Busushima looked at her son with a smile on her face, "So I wanted to come and see you, anyway, I still have enough time, so I just happened to give you some pointers on your practice, how about it, I'm very happy, right? "

"Ahaha... yes... very happy... to say..." Xiaoyou's ears could no longer hear other words.

Dr. Oki made a special phone call to tell...

Dr. Oki made a special call...

Dr. Oki made a special trip to...

Dr. Oki...



Sincerely bless you!It's early with stinky mud!pregnancy!expensive!son!

(Note 1): Xiaoyou has never played a certain series of games because there is no host and the problem of interest preference. .Even hearing about it is limited to the name "Metal Gear". .

PS: XY51 is out. .But haven't watched it yet!

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