Pokemon the wrong way

422. Ash!Go and "bless" him!

When the water-type elf was fighting the fire-type elf, and the venue was a pool, and the commentary did not shout out Flag lines such as "Meenas rides on the face, tell me how to lose", Xiaoyou naturally defeated without any pressure. Dushe's last elf.Perhaps the flame horse of the trainer who has no personality at all except the name feels that he may have a chance to reverse the attributes and make a comeback with PantaKill, but Xiaoyou's Menus ruthlessly uses practical actions to tell The other party, this dear you are just a "grey name" in the eyes of our trainers - after the battle, the voice of the commentator who always loves to scream "ohhh" has calmed down a lot.

And for the remaining four games in the afternoon, because according to the schedule, only one of the eight trainers will be left to play against Xiaoyou in the final stage, so Xiaoyou's energy in watching the game in the afternoon has been more concentrated When fighting for snacks with Geng Gui instead of a competition, only when the commentator's "Oh!" voice is particularly excited or when you and Geng Gui make too much noise and a certain elder sister suppresses it with a knife, will you temporarily stop Honestly watch the game...

Leaving the venue after the game, Xiaoyou went to the shopping street to "visit" Miaomiao and them before returning to the dormitory area.The business of the Phantom Group trio has evolved to the point of having an independent warehouse and a specialty store with its own LOGO, and a large number of gold and silver color-matched flashing Menus dolls that have been stocked in advance under the hint of Xiaoyou have also been listed for the first time. As expected, it was a hot seller. After a day of sales, the warehouse used to store goods was even full of bulging money bags!

Even if this is mainly due to the fact that badges and dolls follow the route of small profits but quick turnover and the money received is mainly small coins, the shocking visual effect of "a warehouse full of money" is still appropriate !

That's why a certain pseudonym was very confident when she took out the long snack reimbursement receipt from watching the game during the day: "What's wrong with your heartbroken expressions? We don't plan to ask for tomorrow's list of trainers and recommendations?"

The trio resolutely acted like a tiger falling to the ground: "Master Xiaoyou, please do me a favor and let the little ones reimburse you!"

Xiaoyou nodded with satisfaction: "Also, the plan to build a building and open a specialty store has to be cancelled!"

The trio looked surprised: "Eh? But now that sales are rising, it's a good opportunity to continue to expand the scale of operations..."

"How big the hole in your brain must be!" Xiaoyou covered her face, "When you build a building, the meeting will be over! Who will come all the way to the foot of Baiyin Mountain to buy things at that time... ...wait, what is this?"

"Oh, this one!" Musashi immediately stepped forward excitedly to explain when Xiaoyou picked up a rather complicated design drawing from the table. "This is the idea I came up with - to transform the entire store into a mobile multifunctional robot! In this way, even after the conference is over, we can take the store to other places to continue doing business, and we can also use it to catch The Pikachu of the little devil! I have even thought of a name, and I will call it 'Battle Shop Medal No. [-]'!"

"That's right, that's right!" Kojiro added cheerfully, completely oblivious to the darkening complexion of a certain dummy. "Besides, this time because the budget is sufficient, not only the highest-grade materials are used for interior decoration, but also the inner and outer layers of the entire building are treated with insulating paint, so you are absolutely not afraid of Pikachu's electric shock! Moreover, many other measures such as high temperature resistance and anti-corrosion have been carried out incidentally. This kind of processing, more advanced multi-functional capture nets and multi-mounted missile launchers, even the infrared night vision system and thermal imaging system..."

"So?" Xiaoyou held up the design drawing and pointed to the budget amount at the bottom, interrupting Kojiro's eloquence. "So, in addition to all the profits you made from doing business before, you also borrowed a large amount of loans, all of which were used to order and build a house... No, is it the materials for making robots?"

"No problem!" Kojiro was full of confidence, "As soon as the store is built, the latest limited-edition commemorative badge I personally designed will be able to return the funds immediately! Not only can the loan be paid off, but also—"

"DUANG!!" (This is the clear sound made by the collision between the metal alloy and the skull—)

"Return all the building materials ordered immediately." Xiaoyou stepped on Kojiro's "corpse" with a metal wooden knife with a calm expression, "Then use this small shop to sell this guy (poke Kojiro's body with a metal wooden knife) head) limited edition commemorative badges—more than half of the conference has gone on, and it’s a day to make a day’s worth of money.”

"Uh, but..." Even though she hugged Musashi and shivered, Miaomiao still had the courage to raise an objection, "If you return the product now, you will have to pay liquidated damages..."

Poison Island style swordsmanship - Meow Hammer Flash!

Hovering the shiny alloy wooden knife precisely 0.5 cm above Jin Xiaopan above Meow Miao's head, Xiao You showed a smile that could scare ghost elves into the urine: "Any more questions?"

"No, no more, meow... I'll call and return the product right now, meow..."


the next day.

The first match was naturally the winners of yesterday's first round, Ye Yue, an older youth from Fangyuan area, and Xiaozhi, a hot-blooded idiot from Zhenxin Town.Although this Ye Yue once had a certain degree of amusing behavior in the fire elf competition in Hyuga Town, but now in Xiaoyou's view, it is more like some kind of deliberate challenge to limit training, just because of bad luck I met Kaoru who is also not weak, so I showed my face.And Xiaozhi... among other things, just the fact that he defeated his old enemy Xiaomao yesterday and probably won his childhood sweetheart "Let's win with me!" and other "good wishes" after the game, Xiaoyou doesn't like her fellow Kanto at all...

Game start.

Xiaozhi, who was on the green side and attacked first, started Pikachu, who didn't play yesterday!And the vanguard of the red Fang Yeyue is the characteristic elf of the Fangyuan area, the hidden dragon!

Well, it's actually just a large chameleon standing on its hind legs.Doesn't look strong at all...

But this chameleon doesn't just change its body color like a real ordinary chameleon, but it really achieves the stealth of optical camouflage level!Ash's Pikachu was almost scared to pee!

"...Hey, the red stripes on the hidden dragon's stomach are still exposed, okay?" Xiaoyou complained mercilessly in the stands, "It even becomes more conspicuous after being invisible! Xiaozhi and Is Pikachu suddenly color blind?"

"Of course you can see clearly from the high position in the stands, but Xiaozhi and the others are on the field." Sister Masako next to Xiaoyou also slashed the puppet trainer's head with a hand knife without hesitation, "Don't forget this venue for the game.”

By the way, Xiaozhi and the others randomly played the field of grass favored by a famous center (*1). can not see……

In fact, Xiaozhi also took advantage of this point: Pikachu just lay down on all fours, and achieved the same full-invisibility effect as the optical camouflage Chameleon.In order to find out Pikachu hiding in the grass, the hidden dragon used its wet, sticky, sticky and greasy long tongue, which was comparable in length to Geng Gui's and even more wretched, to sweep around in 360 degrees. Just caught Pikachu hiding in the grass!

But the hidden dragon forgot one thing!That is, Pikachu is an electric mouse in terms of attribute classification, and has direct physical contact with a mouse that can discharge...


After a pass of "Skin God の Love の Spur", Changing Yinlong successfully died!

However, although Xiaozhi won the first game, in the second game that followed, Pikachu was pulled by Ye Yue, who could only bring down the monster head-on, and Pia flew with the alloy claws, and lost his fighting power...

"You actually lost your trump card directly..." Xiaoyou covered her face in the stands in grief, "This scene is too beautiful to watch..."

Sister Masako, who is not specialized in elf training, expressed puzzlement: "Isn't Xiaozhi's ace yesterday's fire-breathing dragon?"

"The fire-breathing dragon is just a lieutenant general." Xiaoyou educated her sister, "Pikachu is Xiaozhi's natal elf! Don't look at that guy who is always cute, but seriously, he can have an anal confrontation with a legendary elf! "

"The legendary elf?" Masako smiled lightly, and then lightly struck the knife again, "Hehe, it's as if you've seen it with your own eyes!"

In fact, we really saw it with our own eyes... Xiaoyou clutched her forehead depressingly.

The electric mouse pinched by the Orange Islands and the Three Divine Birds asked if you were afraid... Although the Charizard had similar experiences, it was a counterfeit after all, wasn't it Also changed - state)?

Although Pikachu led the scene immediately, Xiaozhi was not discouraged, and immediately sent out the water-type elf among the three elves in the Chengdu version, Xiao Doubi... er, I mean the little saw crocodile... to face the aggressive alloy... Claws, the little saw crocodile did not panic in the face of danger, and resorted to... Swallow it! ?

Seeing Xiaozhi's little saw crocodile jumping around with Huola's paws in its mouth, knocking Hula in its mouth all the way and throwing its tail to the outside of the field, the whole audience broke into cold sweat flow……

This is a funny victory!

Next, in order to deal with the cute little crocodile with ADHD, Ye Yue sent the super elf Su Lipai to deal with it.Su Lipai looks like a bipedal humanoid creature covered in bright yellow short hair, with obscene three-white eyes, obscene oversized hooked nose, and a circle of white unknown things around its neck.And the pendulum-style hypnotic effect of this wretched humanoid creature using a vertical ring-shaped organ growing out of its palm made the little saw crocodile calm down, and was immediately followed by it without any resistance. The phantom light Pia fly... KO.

Little tease... After the little saw crocodile was KO, the little elf that Xiao Zhi replaced was a big Snorlax.This is a guy who is super calm compared to the little saw crocodile with ADHD. He was so calm that he lay down on the ground and fell asleep as soon as he came on stage, and then he was shot by Su Li and directly slapped his face with dream food...

"This picture is so beautiful that I dare not look at it, Hu Dan..." Xiao You continued to cover her face.

"I actually lost to such a guy..." A third-generation rich man beside the auditorium passage also covered his face.

However, Snorlax lived up to its reputation of rough skin and thick flesh. After being pumped by Suli for a long time, it was still fine after waking up. Instead, it got an anger BUFF because it was disturbed while sleeping. A move of anger の destroys death It directly killed the wretched Suli Pai...

Three Pokemon out, halftime.

"Tell you, at a time like this..." Xiaoyou said to Masako who didn't know what expression to make because of the series of super unfolding in the battle just now, "Just smile."


After the halftime break, the two sides fought again, and the field was still the field of grass.Ye Yue's side sent a huge steel snake, while Xiaozhi chose to let the Snorkellings rest for a while, and let Xiaozhi's slightly underdeveloped glitter elf owl appear on the stage.

The 5-minute rest seems to have allowed Ye Yue to get rid of Xiaozhi's unscientific aura. After resisting the owl's lackluster mind attack and forcibly releasing the sandstorm, the big steel snake successfully sealed most of the opponent's eyes that needed to be locked. skills, and then easily finish the abuse of the owl.But after that, Xiaozhi's Kirby came back on the stage, and the Frozen Fist plus Destroy Death Light beat the Big Steel Snake back.

Afterwards, Xiaozhi seemed to intend to let Snorkelmon take advantage of the victory and pursue it. It would be best to force out Ye Yue's ace flame chicken in one go, but Hei Lujia, who Ye Yue sent next, unexpectedly used the back-punching skill, knocking Snorbymon away. The destructive death light bounced back twice, causing Snorby to be brought down by his own trick.

(Xiaoyou holds a metal wooden knife: "Do you dare to ask us why the return punch can rebound and destroy the death light?")

After taking back the unconscious Kirby, the fifth elf that Xiao Zhi took out to fight against Ye Yue's Heluga was... bay leaf.Not only did the audience look sad for such a choice, but even the commentary said that it could only be described as "hehe...".

"...Hey, Xiaoyou?" But Masako in the stands showed a hesitant expression, "According to what you said, in this situation, Xiaozhi will be bigger head-on?"

"Yeah, that's right! This Black Luga is really unfortunate..."

So against the fire-type Hei Lujia on the battlefield, a grass-type bay leaf tied his mouth with a cane whip to seal the most threatening fire-type moves, and then he was overwhelmed and turned Hei Lujia into a dog meat pie...

"Really won...?"

"I'll just say it."

However, after his fifth elf Helujia was defeated, Ye Yue finally took out his ace elf flame chicken.It is also a grass-type vs. fire-type, but when the target is changed to a flame chicken, the bay leaf has completely become a living target for the fancy hanging of the flame chicken to show its strength: Feiye Kuaidao was shot down by the chain kick gorgeously, and the vine The whip was caught, and the last Mount Tai was killed by a direct blow of the flame fist, and the bay leaf didn't even consume some of the flame chicken's physical strength...

Then the game turned again into a final duel with only the last elf left on both sides, and the last elf of the elves is naturally the fire-breathing dragon...

"Fire-breathing dragon, use jet flame!"

"Flame Chicken, we also use flame jets!"


Compared with the previous battles, it was almost as if it happened in another dimension.There are no funny comparisons, nothing unscientific, not even strategies and tactics, and some only have flames and passion.The fire-breathing dragon and the flame chicken did their best and devoted themselves to the battle. Various fire and non-fire skills exploded in the air, on the turf of the battlefield, and on the opponent's body, making the audience stare intently. Even Xiaoyou had a rare concentration to observe - the target is naturally the performance of the flame chicken, if Ye Yue wins, this powerful fire elf will be his opponent tomorrow...


Finally, in a close confrontation, the fire-breathing dragon grabbed the flame chicken and successfully used one of the unscientific tricks, the earth throw.However, the flame chicken sprayed flames towards the ground during the fall, and used the reaction force to reduce the damage thrown on the earth. Not only did it send back the bento that was in front of it, but it also seized the opportunity to kick the fire-breathing dragon severely with a flame kick— —Well, it might not be considered a serious injury if the attribute restraint effect is considered in normal times, but after a fierce battle and the physical strength of both elves is almost exhausted, the damage of this blow may become the worst on the balance of victory and defeat. A key weight...

"Flame chicken, give it the final blow of the flame!"

"Fire-breathing dragon, use the most powerful dragon's wrath!"

With both sides holding the idea of ​​"this move will decide the outcome!", the skills of both sides caused a violent explosion in the center of the battlefield, and the two exhausted elves were hit by the shock wave of the explosion. It was affected and fell down.Although the flame chicken and the fire-breathing dragon barely stood up under the support of the trainers on both sides, but the fire-breathing dragon still suffered from the previous flame kick, and fell down after shaking for a while... I couldn't stand up again once, and turned out the mosquito-repellent eye...

"The fire-breathing dragon loses its fighting power, and the flame chicken wins! Therefore, the winner is Ye Yue from Weibai Town!"

*1: "The famous center Demacia Galen said that mastering the bushes is equivalent to mastering the rebound."——by a LOL idol group commentator

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