Pokemon the wrong way

423. This wave of sponsorship fees is paid by Xiaoyou herself. .

After Xiaozhi, who has a hidden attribute "only wins against the wind" because the elves in the final round had an advantage in attributes, regrettably stopped in the quarterfinals of the conference, the next battle with a certain pseudo-mother still won easy.

Although the randomly arrived Ice Field was a small pit for Xiaoyou who still put Menus on the playing list, but in fact Xiaoyou cleverly asked his opponent to help solve this problem: when he made the first move, he first Xia Yajun, a giant pincer mantis with red horns and triple speed, was sent out, but the name was not remembered clearly until the end of the game, and his appearance was even more difficult to see because he was far away. Impressive opponents very cooperatively sent out the fire elf Wind Speed ​​Dog with extremely restrained insect + steel composite attributes, and the subsequent battle was the expected flame jet flame jet flame and big character explosion... Although the giant pincer mantises moving at high speed all over the field more or less accumulated a considerable degree of damage due to being rubbed by the flames, but the ice cubes all over the field have also become half ice plus half field. water……

However, Xiaoyou didn't change into Menus right away because of this, but still changed into a large gray shell with spikes and armored shells that still didn't take advantage of the fire-type elves, and immediately cast Ninja as soon as he entered the field The Art of Profound Shadow Clone Throws ten or twenty counterfeit armor shells on the field, and then uses all kinds of unscrupulous skills to clear the field against the jet flames of the wind speed dog in a way of brainlessly betting on the opponent's winning rate Come to "dig a hole" - and successfully "dig" out two poisonous water chestnuts and three poisonous water chestnuts before being blasted away by the big characters. By the way, the water area in the venue was increased from one-half to two-thirds.It wasn't until this time that Xiaoyou finally changed into the self-produced copycat version of Shining Menus...

The whole body is covered in a light green hemispherical transparent protective cover (mysterious protection), surrounded by a circle of faint ring-shaped flowing water curtain (liquid circle), and from time to time, a burst of light yellow starlight (self-regeneration) flashes. The gorgeous silver two-colored deep-sea serpent just threw the wave energy ball of water at the almost dumbfounded Wind Speed ​​Dog to provoke the opponent: Dear, come and hit me, I beg you, come and hit me ah……

After his fire elf accidentally moved his face and was blurred by the wave of water and almost went straight to lunch, the glasses gentleman finally realized that he had been calculated, and then hurriedly replaced the wind speed dog, and on the next one Only after throwing the poke ball did he realize the more important thing - the "pit" dug by a certain shell with its life.It's a pity that it's too late, and I can only twitch the corners of my mouth and look at the abstract painting of my coconut tree with a curious human face that was pierced into several coconut shells by malicious little nails as soon as it came on stage. The head of the wind was chattering...

Because the extremely wretched protection, recovery, shrinkage and consumption flow tactics of Menus were not expected, the grass attack of the coconut egg tree did not have the proper attribute advantage effect at all, and it was only spelled out before it was finally consumed by the poisonous DEBUFF. A quarter of the HP of Menas.

Next, Mr. Spectacles finally sent out a ferocious bird with a sharp beak, long neck, mixed hair and triangular eyes, which is not restricted by the venue.Although there is still nothing to do with Menus, but in turn, Menus can't help the toucans flying in the sky with just monotonous water fluctuations.In line with the idea of ​​"Although our tactics are a bit unscrupulous, we must take care of the audience's emotions anyway, and by the way, expand a few more brands for Miaomiao's doll business", Xiaoyou finally took back Menus for the time being and replaced them with The same high maneuvering fossil pterosaurs in the air.

Afterwards, with a quick burst of high-speed movement and crackling teeth of thunder, the toucan obediently drooped its twisted neck into a "Z" shape and retracted into the poke ball to lie dead...

Due to the underestimation of the battle situation (and the opponent's morality), Mr. Glasses did not configure elves with skills such as high-speed rotation in his lineup. In addition, the only flying system was also taken advantage of. The elves who appeared later were all He could only grit his teeth with tears in his eyes and step on all kinds of messy nails before starting the fight. After suffering a heavy physical and psychological blow, his momentum was naturally weakened by more than half.On Xiaoyou's side, with the assistance of Poison Ling Saling, and the "Farmer's Three Yas (Fire Fang + Thunder Fang + Ice Fang)" with excellent general performance and stable performance against various attributes, Fossil Wing Before being KO'd, Long fought off the three little elves in one breath - the reason why he was KO was also because the opponent sent a lightning ball, and when it came up, he directly used self-destruct in a frenzy... Hesitating where this round red and white ball fossil pterosaur will come from...

Seeing that the last elf on the opposite side only has a ground + rock attribute rumbling stone, a certain puppet ruthlessly released Menus again, and then a wave of water will use The rolling and charging stone Pia flew into the water, made a bunch of bubbles and never came up again.

competition is over.Qualification for the semi-finals, GETDE☆SU.

In addition to the two matches between Ye Yue vs. Xiaozhi and Xiaoyou vs. an unknown dragon player in the morning, there were also two quarter-final matches in the afternoon.And Xiaoyou, who originally planned to sneak away to the snack street and let the Meow Meow trio reimburse the bill, was used by her sister Masako as "valuing her opponent as the basic quality of a swordsman" (and completely ignoring a certain pseudo-mother who said "I am not a swordsman") It's a trainer" argument) forced to come to the venue to watch the game.However, in the eyes of Xiao You, who has a high vision (in his own opinion), the current game on the court seems a bit unsatisfactory:

"Oh, the land combat Gundam of dragon set A used the Magellan bombardment, but was dodged by the Gelgoogu mass-produced model of dragon set B... It hurts!"

"Watch the game with a serious attitude." Masako withdrew the knife in her hand dignifiedly.

"Oh, the bag dragon of dragon set A was output by Abi Lang of dragon set B with a set of high-speed movement + bullet punches, and the bite that tried to fight back was also moved away... Oh, Abi Lang of dragon set B took advantage of the opponent's body Unsteady in shape, he used the Qi Hequan, which was chasing after the victory, and instantly exploded to complete a solo kill... Pain! Why do you still hit me?"

"Don't keep yelling in a half-baked way." Elder Sister withdrew the knife in her hand again in a dignified manner, "The scoreboard is clearly written with other people's names."

"Oh..." So Xiaoyou could only change his words with an aggrieved face: "Well, now Dragon Two has released the second elf Kentaro, and Xiaotao also took the opportunity to replace Abilang and put on It's...Ke Bolang? What's going on with this brat, it's all about the fighting department..."

"Oh, Kentaro actually used the head hammer of thoughts, the outstanding effect on the attributes immediately output tons of damage, Ke Bolang didn't even have time to hand in the flash, so he just GG..."

"Oh, Xiaotao's next elf is Shawarang. Did I bring six fighting types..."

"Oh, Ken Taro finally kneeled, and the elf replaced by Long Er player is a coal turtle...Uh, I always feel that something is subtly wrong..."

"Oh, contestant Xiaotao replaced the injured Shawarang with a new elf fast-stroke frog...well, at least the fast-stroke frog has a water attribute..."

Three and 10 minutes later, this "exciting and intense" battle in the eyes of the general audience finally came to an end: the second red Fanglong contestant was knocked down by his own team, Kentaro, Coal Turtle, Dajia, and Tulong. At the same time, they also defeated the green Fang Xiaotao players Shawarang, Abilang, Kebolang, Fast Swimming Frog and Haoli, and finally won the semifinals of the Silver Conference by a narrow margin in the final duel between Armor Bird and Heracross. Qualifying for the finals!

And Xiaoyou in the audience stands finally figured out where the previous problem came from...

"Dynasaurus, Kentaro, Coal Turtle, Dajia... How much do you want to evolve... There is another fighting style that is full of muscles from head to toe... Seriously, how can such a 'high-end' player go all the way?" The one who reached the quarterfinals..."

Then thinking about it, my emotions rose again: "However, if the rest of the top eight are opponents of this level, then as long as I beat Ye Yue, it will be equivalent to winning the championship in advance..."

Fortunately, the next game proved that the appearance of a "high-end trainer" at the league conference was only a small probability event after all.The elf lineups of the trainers on both sides have balanced and complementary attributes, and they also fully demonstrated sufficient tactical thinking during the battle, and there were no unscientific and strange battles... In the end, the trainer on the green side took the obvious advantage of three for six. The next game wins.

Slightly comparing the winner of this round with the performance of the second dragon player in the previous round, Xiaoyou made a decisive bet with Ah Xu's dinner: her opponent in the final is this girl with black double ponytails named Wakana—if she If you can beat Ye Yue in the semi-finals...

"Hmm! Sure enough, the opponent you really need to pay attention to is the turkey man!"

PS: Keke, here is the distant cousin of green black tea, red green tea. .Since Green Black Tea himself was killed in a vicious stampede accident in Shanghai last year, the laptop as his relic was given to me. .Today, by accident, in the notebook, under the directory named "E:\ProgramFiles\Download\Animation\-_-+\BibleBlackOnly\BibleBlackOnlyVOL.1" Takashiro Hiroko Ito & Mizuyubu Ito Saeki"" ( Of course, I don’t know what the other things in this folder are..) I found two txt files, which were identified as unuploaded drafts of this novel. Because Green Black Tea used various personal account passwords during his lifetime It is a habit to save documents in the computer to prepare for forgetting. I will log in and start [Crab!] Click the author account to upload these two saved manuscripts to comfort my distant cousin in the sky. Of course, if you are lucky in the future, you will be in the corner of other folders If I find other archived manuscripts, I will upload them together... above.

Well, you just listen carefully. .

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