Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 102: Starting from Xianchen

After all, Fengyu Pavilion is a popular entertainment place. It is far inferior to Pingkangli in terms of scale and location, and the business during the day is obviously deserted.

The old bustard was sitting alone at the table and wanted to rest for a while, but Tang Guan's entry made him feel as if he had been beaten with chicken blood.

When he opened his mouth, he called Zhuangyuanlang's name directly, his voice was so loud that even passers-by outside could hear him.

Tang Guan looked up at the old bustard, he came here twice with different identities, once he was treated as a rich urchin by the other party, and came here to join in the fun.

But this time he stepped into the pavilion as the number one scholar, which really impressed the old bustard.

Immediately went forward, completely ignoring the two Chang Yings beside Tang Guan, and said, "Zhuangyuan Lang, my family waits day and night, hopes day and night, and finally looks forward to you. The last time you came to my little boy Temple, my slave’s old eyes are dim, and I don’t know Mount Tai with my eyes.”

She was spitting and staring all over the place, with an eager look on her face. This old bustard still has a deep memory of Tang Guan. What she is most proud of in her life is her sharp eyesight, but speaking from the heart, she saw two people wrong, and will Tang Guan regards it as an ordinary urchin, this is one of them, and of course this is also what she regrets the most.

The second is the just-discovered waiting oiran, Qin Mo.

Fortunately, the second time did not cause any loss, on the contrary, it can be said to have picked up a treasure. [

Tang Guan didn't wait for her to finish speaking, and interrupted with a wave.

Then he smiled and said: "Okay, the dim sum you made last time was good, and I have also seen my aunt's beating skills. Would you like to find me a seat and serve some dim sum?"

The old bustard was dumbfounded when he heard the words, Tang Guan didn't speak sarcasm, but looked at his childish face with a playful smile, which made the old bustard even more embarrassed.

It was only then that she remembered what happened that day, and it was a coincidence that the two people who made her look away met just like that.

The coincidence of fate in the world is summed up as "fate makes people".

As soon as Tang Guan paid homage to the Imperial Academy, Na Qin Mo was instantly regarded as a cash cow by the bustard.

In his eyes, the identities of the two were just a naughty boy and a burden.

Tang Guan's reputation is astonishing now, as one of Chang'an's bustard sisters, and has close personal relationships with many officials, how can one not know that this person is now very popular in the court, and his authentic poems and essays are worth more than a million teachers.

Every era has followed suit, especially in this age without so much entertainment, Tang Guan's name has spread among the people, among the citizens, and on storytellers' stalls, and it has spread more and more widely.

However, Tang Guan himself has self-knowledge. Behind the scenery is like building a house high in the sky, vulnerable to a single blow.

The current self is just an actor picked up by Wu Zhao. To put it bluntly, he is just a popular pet. Wu Sansi and his like praise him for a while.

As strong as Pei Yan, half of the civil and military men stood behind him, and he was the governor of the three provinces. He cut people's lives with a swipe of a pen. On the surface, he was under one person and above ten thousand.

But in fact, if that "one person" wants to get rid of him, then he can use it even if he is above ten thousand people.

Of course, the process will not be as simple as it appears on the surface. Behind the green goose is the product of more than ten years of confrontation between the two. Every step of Wu Zhao has been brewing for a long time until it explodes, instantly destroying all of Pei Yan's advantages.

In Tang Guan's eyes, Pei Yan's so-called Prime Minister Gu Ming, who has power in the government and the public, is also false! [

Quan and official characters are different. In Tang Guan's mind, there is only one kind of power that is real, and it will not be outdated even in later generations.

That is military power!

Chairman Mao said it well, power grows out of the barrel of a gun.

All politics are based on institutions of violence.

But this is all out of context, Tang Guan looked at the embarrassing old bustard with a half-smile, and the old bustard also knew that the first meeting did not leave a good impression on the other party.

"This kid really holds a grudge." The old bustard muttered in his heart, and then he turned his gaze to the two figures, one big and one small, behind Tang Guan.

When he saw Chang Ying, he couldn't help being stunned, and murmured: "It's you!"

Chang Ying smiled at him when he heard the words, and the bustard's heart skipped a beat when he saw this, remembering what happened to this person that day, if he remembered correctly, Chang Ying seemed to have gone to the third floor.

And that night was the time when bosom friend in the workshop sold Tang Guan's calligraphy and paintings.

Thinking of the old bustard's eyelids twitching, he forced a smile and said to Tang Guan: "As long as you like it, I will order the kitchen to make some more."

Tang Guan was happy when he saw this, the old bustard was not thin-skinned, he knew that he was mocking her, and still acted like this.

Immediately, he didn't bother to embarrass her, so the old bustard continued: "Several officials please come upstairs."

After finishing speaking, he stretched out his hand to pull Tang Guan, but Tang Guan dodged it and said with a smile: "No need, just stay where you sat last time."

The old bustard's face froze again when he heard the words, so he had to guide Tang Guan to find the seat on that day and sit down.

Then he hurriedly winked at the smiling young man, the young man ran out of the courtyard and closed the door.

Tang Guan was taken aback when he saw this, and then asked, "What? I seem to remember you saying that this place is open for business last time."

The old bustard smiled awkwardly when she heard the words, it was obvious that Tang Guan was here to find fault, and it was the same. The last time Tang Guan came here was because he and Xiao Qi had nothing to do with each other.

But because of this experience, apart from some doubts about Chang Ying's reluctance to speak, Tang Guan actually had some grievances in his heart.

That was what He Zhizhang said last time. He vaguely remembered that he was preventing the old bustard from beating a down-and-out and thin girl.

He still remembered the girl's wolfish appearance, and thinking of Tang Guan, he also wanted to know whether the girl's consequences were really as miserable as He Zhizhang said.

Immediately said: "The dishes and snacks are exactly the same as last time, and the group of young ladies who accompanied me last time should also be invited."

The old bustard's mood went from excitement to embarrassment, he was absent-minded, thinking of dismissing Tang Guan as soon as possible, no matter what he said, he just insisted on saying yes.

Immediately turned around and left, the young man wiped the table and passed the tea, his hands and feet were much faster than before.

Chang Ying was surprised, and stared dumbfounded at Tang Guan's unusually skillful ordering dishes to recruit prostitutes. This is not a nine-year-old child, but a perennial customer.

It wasn't until the old bustard turned and left that Tang Guan grinned at Chang Ying and the two of them.

Then he whispered to Chang Ying: "Brother Chang, we're all here, you can finish your speech."

Chang Ying frowned when he heard this, looked around, sighed lightly, and said: "Little Lang, you are so famous now, even this brothel wants to get a piece of the pie, and you are actually using your name, Sell ​​fake characters."

"Oh?" Tang Guan's heart moved when he heard the words, but he didn't think about this part.

Seeing that he was only slightly puzzled, but not angry, Chang Ying couldn't help but secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

Tang Guan picked up the teacup, took a sip, and continued to ask, "How many taels did you sell?"

Chang Ying was taken aback when he heard the words, and stretched out his big hand.

Seeing this, Tang Guan tentatively asked, "50 taels?"

When Chang Ying heard this number, he almost laughed out loud, but deliberately put it off, kept silent, and just shook his head lightly.

Tang Guan whispered again: "Five taels?"

Seeing that Tang Guan belittled himself more and more, Chang Ying finally couldn't bear it anymore and said, "Young Lord, you underestimate yourself too much."

While talking, Chang Ying clenched his hands and said, "Your letter price!"

"What!?" Tang Guan's eyelids twitched when he heard this, and was about to speak when there was a commotion over there.

Immediately, several people looked over and saw that the old bustard had brought several girls of different sizes, Chang Ying raised his head and couldn't help being stunned.

Some of these young girls are sallow and thin, some have freckles, and only one of them who is slightly older can be seen, but it is also common.

Seeing Chang Ying, he breathed a sigh of relief. At least the appearance of the girls made him sure that Tang Guan was not infected with any eccentricities. If nine years old really likes the place of fireworks, it would be shocking.

"Xiao Langjun, all the people you want are here, and the food will be served in a while."

The old bustard was full of smiles, seeing Tang Guan frowning and scanning each one, he didn't take it seriously, it is expected that this young man is serious about his life, and he can't find any faults.

Immediately he said again: "I will go and order you again, please make it more delicate."

Then he turned around and was about to leave, at this moment Tang Guan suddenly said: "Wait!"

Hearing the sound, the madam looked back at Tang Guan in doubt.

Tang Guan said, "Is there another one!?"

Tang Guan has a photographic memory, and he remembers the situation that day clearly. He paid special attention to the appearance of the down-and-out girl, so naturally he never forgot.

The old bustard was taken aback when he heard the words, suddenly remembered something, and murmured: "You mean Qin Mo?"

"Qin Mo?" Tang Guan frowned again when he heard this.

The girls were also shocked when they heard the name, and looked at each other in blank dismay.

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