Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 103: The Young Master is Unparalleled

Fengyu Pavilion was uncharacteristically, the door of the pavilion was closed tightly.

This is not a busy city, but some passers-by were surprised to see this kiln closed.

The pavilion was deserted, only Tang Guan and his party were sitting downstairs.

Tang Guan was not surprised when he heard the name "Qin Mo". After muttering, he said, "Since you still remember, please come along with me."

Hearing the words, the old bustard had a hesitant look on his face, and Tang Guan's heart shivered when he saw this.

"Could it be true what He Zhizhang said?"

Of course, Tang Guan was not so arrogant that he wanted to refute this kind of human nature, but that he acted intentionally at the time, but his kindness caused harm to others, which made him a little uncomfortable.

After hesitating for a moment, the old bustard didn't act. After a long time, he said, "Young champion, if you want to see Qin Mo, it's not up to me to be the master."

As soon as these words came out, Tang Guan couldn't help being taken aback, and Chang Ying's expression also froze. [

Chang Ying is no better than Tang Guan, he is a strong man, he understands the ways of the world, this old bustard is the person in charge here, if she orders, no lowly prostitute will dare to refuse, but for someone like this who can have the title of Pavilion, the Pavilion There must be two people who are not in this list.

One is the top card in the pavilion, and the other is the selected top card to be entered.

Of course, everyone touts themselves as the oiran, but in fact they are still far from the oiran, and the title of Luoyang oiran in Suoxinlou has been vacant for two or three years.

The reason is that when famous prostitutes compete for beauty, there will always be two or three people who win the first place, but they are evenly matched.

What is an oiran?Overwhelming with beauty, all the flowers pale in one face, she can be said to be the number one prostitute, only out of her peers.

Thinking of this, Chang Ying couldn't help thinking secretly: "Could it be that Tang Guan wants to see the top card here?"

After thinking about it again, I felt something was wrong, and seeing Tang Guan's expression, he was also a little puzzled.

Tang Guan looked at the bustard, pondered for a moment and asked, "Why?"

The old bustard stopped hesitating, and could only say: "Qin Mo is the number one card in our workshop. If you want to see him, I can pass it on to you, but it's just nothing."

As soon as these words came out, Tang Guan's eyes froze, although he didn't know the little girl's name, but she never forgot her appearance, she was clearly just a thin and dirty girl, how did she turn into something to be the top card.

Tang Guan's complexion remained unchanged, he stared at the bustard thoughtfully, trying to see the truth of what she said in her eyes, after staring for a moment, he couldn't help being dumbfounded, it was obvious that the bustard didn't look like a fake, and his eyes didn't dodge.

The old bustard didn't care much when she saw Tang Guan's appearance. Qin Mo looked exactly the same as before, and she didn't even see the root of it before.

Chang Ying's expression changed suddenly when he heard the words "waiting for the top card", and he murmured, "Is that the girl?"

When he and Chen Yunsheng came here that night, they had seen Qin Mo before, when they heard this name, they immediately remembered what happened that night, it was really a glimpse of heaven and man.

Tang Guan pondered for a moment, his heart was inevitably dumb, and after a long time, he waved his hands and said: "Since this is the case, let me tell you the truth."

Seeing this, the old bustard shook her head inwardly. Tang Guan was really on the edge of his horn. It seemed that he would not give up if he couldn't see him. Thinking of this, he had to give a blessing and walked upstairs slowly.

Chang Ying glanced at Tang Guan, hesitant to speak, Tang Guan also put away his playful expression, which is really unbelievable, just like himself, who was a fool before, turned into a champion.

Tang Guan is well aware of the three flavors of the gap between them.

From the outside, Fengyu Pavilion is not a grand pavilion, but inside it is full of holes.

The first floor is not a stage table case, and the second floor is just an embroidery pavilion room.

But when they got to the third floor, it was very different. After climbing up, they were covered by a screen, which was exactly what Chen Yunsheng and Chang Ying saw that day.

Behind the screen is a hall. After passing this hall, there are aisles on both sides. On one side is written "It's hard to find a bosom friend", and on the other side it is written "It's hard to find a flower hall".

The old bustard walked through the hall and entered the aisle of the "Flower Hall". As soon as he entered, he heard the clear and crisp reciting sound coming from there.

The bustard heard this voice and knew that it was Qin Yaner who was teaching Qin Mo.

Standing in the aisle for a while, until the sound of books over there stopped, the old bustard stepped forward and knocked twice on the half-open door.

Hearing a voice from the embroidery pavilion, he started to enter, stretched out his hand to open the curtain, and two beautiful figures appeared in front of his eyes.

Seeing that it was her, the younger one moved behind Qin Yan'er a little scared.

Seeing the old bustard coming, Qin Yan'er got up and said, "Nurse, what's the matter?"

The old bustard glanced at Qin Mo behind Qin Yan'er, and said with a smile: "Yan'er, a distinguished guest is here."

Qin Yan'er's heart moved when she heard the words, she knew that Tang Qu was ill, and just about to answer, the old bustard continued: "He said he wanted to see Mo'er."

"Oh?" Qin Yan'er frowned when she heard this. Qin Mo's reputation was not obvious before, and the only time she showed up was under the guise of selling letters. How did Tang Qubing know of her existence?

The name Qin Mo was chosen by her herself, similar to herself, she is also an orphan, there is no good or bad in this world, there are many people who live and work in peace and contentment, but there are also many lonely people.

Undoubtedly, the beauty of Qin Mo is enviable. As a woman, she is a bit lost at first sight, not to mention staying for a few years and getting older, she must be as beautiful as a pearl.

Standing behind Qin Yan'er, Qin Mo heard what the procuress said, and opened her mouth slightly. She had a deep impression of that young man. She, who was not deeply involved in the world, had the image of him entering the cabinet but only eating by herself, and also He is a tall horse, limited by the scenery.

It was also on that day that she realized that if she wanted to have a way out, the only way out was to go all the way, not to cover up, and all the ways in the world of mortals are similar.

His scenery was reflected in her mind, lingering, like a dazzling star.

Whether this is the so-called affection is still unknown, she only knows that because of seeing him, she has embarked on a road, a road that makes people's hearts tense. On the unclean thing under the crotch of a man in the world.

Yes, she really wanted to meet the young man in her impression. She had heard other prostitutes say that if she became an oiran, she would be able to see him, so she tried her best to get closer to this goal, and her mind was very simple, just want to see Look at the only person who has been nice to her in the past few years and let her eat more.

Thinking of this, she hesitated to speak, and was about to speak.

Qin Yan'er said coldly: "No see."

"Yan'er!?" The old bustard Wenyin also frowned, she didn't want to offend Tang Guan, even though he was only a sixth-rank Hanlin on the surface.

Sure enough, after Qin Yaner finished speaking, she smiled and said: "Wailang, a member of the sixth rank, let alone a nine-year-old boy, just want to kiss Fangze, and he will become a disciple in the future. Let's make his spring and autumn dream!"

"Yan'er!" Hearing this, the bustard hurriedly stepped forward and pulled her back, motioning for silence.

Even the prime minister dared not discuss Tang Guan face to face, but now a prostitute is criticizing Tang Guan.

Qin Yan'er's face was frosty, and she seemed to be dismissive of Tang Guan. Whether it was true or not, it was worth knocking.

In fact, if Tang Guan knew about the relationship between that person and him, he would probably only smile wryly, women are really narrow-minded.

Qin Yan'er's only benefactor at the moment is none other than He Zhizhang. Now she is only in her early twenties, and she still has the capital to be proud of. She doesn't want to see anyone, even princes and nobles.

Of course, although princes and nobles feel itchy in their hearts, they rarely move the strong, because this is the rule. As a courtier, coming to this place of fireworks is a violation of the rules.

If you use force, you will attract literati's disdain, and you will not talk about it, and one day you will be criticized in the court, then it will not be a matter of face.

The so-called "beauty is in the eye of the beholder", He Zhizhang is indeed talented, in Qin Yaner's mind, it shouldn't be Tang Guan who is so tall and popular all over the city, it should be He Zhizhang!

But now the talented person who can be called the "Double in the World" is actually Tang Guan, which makes her feel bad.Especially when she learned about their relationship from He Zhizhang.

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