Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 104: People on the Moshang Are Like Jade

In the embroidery pavilion.

The ups and downs of the curtain seemed to represent the mood of the old bustard. She was in a dilemma at this moment, looking at Qin Yan'er anxiously.

This is her cash cow, and it is also the foundation of Fengyu Pavilion.

Prostitutes are a top brand, except for the occasional involuntary, most of the time they are still happy and leisurely.

In the eyes of outsiders, they are high-end toys for the nobles to entertain, have fun in the crotch, and sing every night.Little did they know that among them, the noble ones, like her, had only one benefactor in a short period of time.

Qin Yan'er is really not big-hearted, jealous for her lover, regardless of Tang Guan's age, she directly refuted it.

Just imagine that even if they meet each other, Tang Guan can't really do anything, not to mention whether Tang Guan has that kind of thought at his age, but it's hard to say whether the work below him, no matter how vulgar or not, has taken shape.

And Tang Guan was also deeply affected by it, it was like staying a "widow", only hoping that time would pass faster, in fact, four or five years would be enough.

Of course, these are all vulgar words, of course Qin Yan'er knows this, but she doesn't agree to it on the surface. [

The old bustard was in a dilemma. After a long time, seeing Qin Yan'er persisted and didn't want to force her, she turned around with a livid face and wanted to leave.

At this moment, Qin Mo suddenly said, "Nurse."

The old bustard stopped walking when she heard the sound, and looked at her suspiciously. She knew that the girl was always afraid of her, and she rarely took the initiative to talk to her.

Qin Yan'er was taken aback when she saw Qin Mo's sudden sound, her eyebrows slightly frowned.

Qin Mo stepped forward and whispered, "Nurse, is the champion below?"

The old bustard originally thought there was nothing to do, but seeing the shy look on Qin Mo's face, she couldn't help but feel moved, and immediately responded: "It's the champion Lang Tang Qubing, you have seen it before."

Qin Mo buried her head even lower when she heard this, but Qin Yan'er couldn't help being taken aback.

"Mo'er!" Qin Yan'er frowned and called out.

Qin Mo hurriedly looked at her, her beautiful eyes were full of pleading looks, and Qin Yan'er was even more confused when she saw this. From this look, Qin Mo seemed to want to see Tang Qubing very much.

"Mum, I want to see him."

She spoke inaudibly, but the old bustard could hear clearly, she was overjoyed immediately, looked at Qin Yan'er, saw that she was also dumb at one side, immediately nodded in agreement, and said with a smile: "I'll go and tell them right away."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and left, but Qin Mo hurriedly asked, "They?"

The bustard stopped again, nodded and said: "The gentleman below has brought two friends."

"I just want to see him."

The madam was taken aback when she heard the words, but she still nodded in agreement. It was a surprise to be able to do this. After all, it was Tang Guan who asked to see her by name, and then she started to leave without stopping. [

It wasn't until she disappeared outside the door that Qin Mo looked back at Qin Yan'er, and said, "Sister"

At this moment, Qin Yan'er looked at her with a complicated expression, as if she was thinking, and then sighed softly after a long time, as if she didn't want to pay attention to her, she sat down calmly and said, "Let's go."

Seeing this, Qin Mo's pretty face turned pale, and hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Sister, I, I"

Immediately, she looked like she was about to cry, she really shouldn't have disobeyed Qin Yan'er.

Qin Yan'er was taken aback when she saw this, the girl was cautious everywhere, she was just bored for a while, and she just wanted her to pick up guests elsewhere.

Seeing Qin Mo's beautiful face full of fear, Qin Yan'er could only smile and said: "I'm not driving you away, you just come back after seeing that man."

Only then did Qin Mo's brows lighten up, and compared to the beautiful face that was about to cry just now, the smile was even more startlingly charming, and even Qin Yan'er, who had always boasted of her good looks, felt a little jealous in her heart.

Then I thought of Qin Mo's inexplicable origin and unknown background, and perhaps only she knew the suffering, and the bitterness made her live carefully, treating everyone and everything like her former self.

Can't help sighing softly: "Go and come back quickly."

"Sister Yan'er is the best."

I don't know if it was because of too much excitement or for other reasons, Qin Mo changed his usual attitude and even made a sweet voice.

After speaking, he lifted the plain skirt and walked out of the pavilion with a smile on his face.


The old bustard went downstairs quickly, and the movement attracted the only guest here, which was Tang Guan and others.

Seeing her relaxed face, Tang Guan walked towards him with a smile, his heart moved.

Knowing that there was something to be done, the old bustard came forward with a happy face and said, "Young Lord, Mo'er is already waiting. I heard that you are here. I don't know how happy I am."

Tang Guan was taken aback when he heard the words, then looked around and asked, "Where is the person?"

The old bustard laughed a lot when he heard the words, but he spat softly in his heart: "What a doll who takes power and does not forgive others. It would be nice if people can see you, and I want people to show their faces."

Even though he thought so in his heart, he didn't dare to offend on the face, and pretended to be embarrassed and said: "Young Lord, Mo'er is still a perfect body, raised in the deep boudoir of my house, and logically cannot see guests, please go up. "

Tang Guan felt happy when he heard the words, he didn't take it seriously, he got up and left, when Chang Ying saw this and wanted to get up to follow, but was stopped by the bustard.

"This official, my family's Mo'er invited Mr. Lang alone."

Tang Guan turned around after hearing the words, but Chang Ying frowned, this is a brothel after all, who knows who Tang Guan is going to see, after all, he is a so-called bodyguard, if there is a mistake, he can't afford it.

Xiao Qiben was eating snacks on the table, seeing this, he chattered, and seeing that Tang Guan was about to start up the stairs, he couldn't help feeling a little puzzled.

Fortunately, after Tang Guan looked at the third floor, he said: "Brother Chang, you and Xiao Qi are waiting for me to get off here, I will go back as soon as I go."

Hearing this, Chang Ying's brows eased, and he sat back, Tang Guan smiled at him, and then stepped up the stairs.

"Brother Chang, where is Brother Guan going?" Xiao Qi put down his snack and asked like Chang Ying.

Chang Ying smiled awkwardly when he heard the words. On the surface, Tang Guan was different from prostitutes, but in essence, it could only be said that children meet each other.

Immediately, the two were silent, and the invited girls stood behind them all the time, not daring to sit down.

"This is?"

Over there, Tang Guan slowly climbed up to the third floor, just like Chen Yunsheng saw the painted screen for the first time, he was instantly attracted by the picture on the screen in front of him.

"Good stuff!"

Tang Guan actually stopped here and watched for a long time before commenting with a strange expression.

"I don't know how many times better than the one under my bed. I don't know if anyone has discovered it."

Tang Guan touched his chin lightly, looking at the beautiful picture on the painting screen, he couldn't help being distracted for a while.

After a long time, Tang Guan moved away reluctantly.

Just as he was about to walk, there was a movement behind him.

It turned out that the bustard followed.

She stepped forward and said with a smile: "Young Lord, I will guide you."

Tang Guan nodded when he heard the words, and followed behind the old bustard. Seeing that the third floor had a unique decoration, he nodded inwardly.

But the corresponding doubts are even more intense. He really wants to see why the girl who was down and out not long ago became the number one here.

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