Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 110: Shoot or Kill

Enchanting, charming, luxurious.

It is not enough to describe what Tang Guan saw in front of him. When the door of the pavilion was opened, not only Chang Ying gasped, but even Tang Guan was shocked.

This last pavilion of Zuixianlou has surpassed the scope of a restaurant.

He couldn't even believe it, how could Wu Zhao allow blatant existence in such a place.

A series of pipa sounds, but Tang Guan couldn't tell whether the white jade round table inside was real or not. The silver candle lights in the pavilion illuminated the jade that looked like a table and a stage like a dream.

The beams in the pavilion are carved with clouds, and this huge white jade round table occupies two-thirds of the room.

A middle-aged man held a wine glass and looked at the singing and dancing on the table with a red face.

And that song and dance was the reason why Tang Guan lost his mind.

Several frail, barely naked girls held pipas and wriggled their bodies desperately. One of them was undoubtedly the most conspicuous, a blond and blue-eyed foreign woman. [


Tang Guan has been in Chang'an for several months, and this is the first time he has seen orchids in poems.

Tang Guan came back to his senses in an instant, these were not enough to shock him, especially after seeing Qin Mo, the beauty that was enough to make people lose three souls and seven souls was far beyond the comparison of the few enchanting dancers here After a moment of surprise, he secretly frowned.

Wu Chengsi, however, seemed to be accustomed to everything, and directly entered the cabinet with a smile on his face.

"You are very early."

The man who seemed to be quite drunk was none other than Wu Sansi.

At this time, he was holding a good wine, and he was enjoying himself. He didn't greet Wu Chengsi when he came in, but still watched the girl dancing on the desk contentedly.

Seeing this, Wu Chengsi didn't take it seriously, he waved to Tang Guan who was still standing outside the door, and then said to Wu Sansi: "Look who is here?"

Wu Sansi ignored him, and kept staring at the [***] buttocks in front of him.

Seeing the place of enjoyment, she stretched out her hand to caress a girl's buttocks. The girl didn't dodge, but moved back a few times. Wu Sansi squeezed her big hand and drank the wine in the glass in one gulp.

"The beauty is delicious, and the beauties go with the wine, Mr. Liang is really in a good mood!"

At this moment, an untimely voice sounded, Wu Sansi couldn't help but frown and looked at it, and shouted: "Bold!"

But then he saw who was coming, and immediately woke up, surprised: "It's you!?"

Seeing that Wu Sansi was half-drunk and half-awake, Wu Chengsi hurriedly slapped his hands and ordered, "Everyone get down."

The girls immediately stopped their movements and looked at Tang Guan. They couldn't help being surprised that a child had entered the Zuixian Tower. [

They have been working here for many years, doing half-recording and half-servant life, but they have never seen such a child here, but this child seems to be closely related to the two big men in front of them, looking at them with a smile on their faces.

Alcohol does not intoxicate people, people are self-intoxicated, eroticism is the best catalyst for alcohol, once the melody stops, Wu Sansi regains consciousness.

Immediately, Wu Sansi glanced at Wu Chengsi beside him, the meaning in his eyes was nothing more than "Why did you bring him here?"

Wu Chengsi smiled slightly when he saw this, and the group of girls stepped off the stage one after another, until they walked out the door and passed by Chang Ying, Chang Ying came back to his senses.

Then he hurriedly walked into the pavilion and closed the door behind his back.

Only then did Tang Guan come forward with a smile, and imitated Wu Chengsi without hesitation, and sat on the other side of Wu Sansi.

"The two princes are really lovers. It's really a blessing for three lives to see such a beautiful garden."

"Haha." Wu Chengsi laughed out loud when he heard the words. Obviously, he did it on purpose. In their eyes, part of his thinking about Tang Guan actually coincided with Wu Zhao's. Near ink is black.

Even though Tang Guan was young and evil, like a god-man, he still had the word "young" after all. Young people have changeable personalities. Pei Yan can leave the political burden to Tang Guan, and they feel that they can too.

But they never expected that Tang Guan took advantage of this point to gain the limelight today. Although he didn't have any lofty ambitions to put the people's heart first, he also looked down on these jesters .

Tang Guan didn't understand what Wu Zhao was afraid of in the history museum until he saw the extravagance here.

In terms of military strength, equipment, food and grass, the Tang Empire, which is so prosperous, has everything. Compared with the Zhenguan era, it is a bit stronger, but why is the frontier war not as stable as it was during Taizong's time?

Moreover, the military generals at this time were not as weak as in the later Song Dynasty. The civil servants rode on horseback, and there was no shortage of soldiers, food, or generals!

But the Zuixianlou gave the answer, which immediately relieved Tang Guan. Once the seeds of [***] are planted in a country, it will be irreparable sooner or later. Keep the so-called cleanliness.

By the time of Kaiyuan, it was prosperous and then declined. At this time, the seeds took root and germinated, and it became more and more intense.

People in later generations often talk about "Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming, and Qing", because these eras not only have relatively detailed historical records, but also have relatively stable and stable regimes. There are orthodox Han regimes and some A sudden minority regime.

However, no matter who came to sit on the throne of those in power, the rhythm of death was surprisingly similar, nothing more than two words [***], once [***], the entire nation would face catastrophe.

"This building must not be left behind!" Thinking of this, a ruthless look flashed across Tang Guan's eyes. It's not that he wanted to do it for Wu Zhao, nor was it a matter of national righteousness, but at least he agreed to Pei Yan, and he could do whatever he could to the enemy. , but for those who respect you, you have to promise a thousand dollars.

"But while I'm still here, I'll enjoy it first, hehe." Tang Guan's heart turned sharply. This Zuixianlou is ridiculous, just like raising money for later generations. In order to win people's hearts, Wu Zhao has reached the point of using any means.

Wu Sansi was still a little drunk at first, but at this time the singing and dancing stopped suddenly, and he was completely awake. Seeing Tang Guan's silence, he thought he had a grudge against the scolding just now, so he couldn't help laughing and said: "Little Zhuangyuan, I am not good at anything else, my favorite Just come here to drink a few cups, drunken virtue, laugh at me." ""

Tang Guan's heart was moved when he heard the words, and he smiled and said: "Hey, Xianggong is a man of love, and Qu Bing admires him very much."

While talking about Tang Guan's eyes on the wine cup in front of Wu Sansi, Wu Sansi was overjoyed when he heard the words, and Wu Chengsi was even more proud. Profit at the same time can be called a win-win situation.

Seeing Tang Guan looking at the wine cup, Wu Sansi stretched out his hand to fill a cup, handed it to Tang Guan, and said, "Good wine is a good wine, and it's the god of drinking. Those notes are unsightly, unsightly!"

"Haha!" Tang Guan picked up the wine cup and drank it all in one gulp. Chang Ying behind him was startled when he saw this. He had never seen Tang Guan drink.

Wu Chengsi and Wu Sansi looked at each other even more. They had seen Tang Guan sip a cup when he was having a banquet in the palace, but they were not as bold as they are today. Overjoyed.

After Tang Guan finished drinking, Wu Sansi gave a big praise and filled it up.

The few people chatted and laughed happily, and even changed glasses. Chang Ying's eyelids twitched behind Tang Guan watching this scene, and he seemed to be being watched, and the few people talked on their own.

Outside the Zuixian Tower, night fell.

There are fewer and fewer pedestrians on the road, and the night wind suddenly picks up.

This deserted scene is in contrast to the lively scene of this strange building.

There is an open area outside the building, as if it was intentional, without leaving a commanding height.

But the Drunken Immortal Pavilion is not the highest place in this area, there is an unrepaired Pai Pavilion standing tens of feet away.

Before the new moon was up, the two prime ministers and one champion in the wine pavilion were talking high-spirited, as if they were old friends.

And no one noticed a mass of black shadows above the card pavilion, staring at the scene of the pavilion with gritted teeth.

After a while, the figure leaped, and went down quietly, hiding in the dark.

"Fuck me, Tang Qubing is also a bitch!"

"Stay with those two old dog officers, and grow up to be a puppy officer!"

"No, two? Are you delusional?"

In this dark place, several figures surged and communicated in low voices.

When it comes to this, someone can't help asking.

"The grandson of Wu Sansi is also here."

"Haha!" Hearing this, a voice was not surprised but pleased.

"Ge Laozi, make enough money now!"


"Crack! Whoosh!"

With a sudden order, several figures touched their waists together, and then a mass of things suddenly opened, and it could be vaguely distinguished by the faint light that it was actually a crossbow!

"Rainstorm Pear Blossom Needle, hits the nail on the head! Shoot and kill!"


Immediately, a few people took advantage of the night to disperse one after another, two people jumped onto the building in twos and threes, and a few people rushed into the side.

There was only a little bit of cold light, and the direction they were aiming at was the Drunken Immortal Pavilion where Tang Guan was! (To be continued.)

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