Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 111: Half drunk and half awake

"Drunken lixian sings praises to horses, and laughs at all the princes in the temple."

As far as scholars in the world are concerned, who can talk in front of the prime minister without fuss, searching all over the court hall, Tang Guan in Zuixian Tower is the only one.

Chang Ying stood quietly behind him, the three regarded him as a thing, and he regarded the three as madmen.

I saw a few people changing cups and cups, and after a while, they hooked their shoulders and put their backs together, looking like iron brothers who say "a thousand dollars can't buy true love, and thousands of words can't change one's love".

Wine is good wine, when it is poured into a wine cup, it will overflow with a wonderful fragrance, but this person is not so suitable for the occasion.

Seeing Tang Guan's face flushed, Chang Ying hesitated for a moment, but said in a low voice: "Young Lord, I can't drink any more."

Tang Guan, however, seemed to be deaf, he turned a blind eye to Chang Ying, and Chang Ying couldn't help but feel a shudder when he saw this. Tang Guan was still young after all, and he would take all the favors offered to him by others.

Although he is not an official of the court, but as long as the two princes of the Wu family in front of him are people in the palace, which one does not know and which one does not know, Chang Ying naturally knows what kind of people they are.

Seeing that Tang Guan didn't respond, and was still enjoying himself with Wu Chengsi, Chang Ying had no choice but to back away, with a slightly heavy expression, and looked outside the pavilion at night. [

The fifth pavilion of the Drunken Immortal Tower has a wide field of vision, only separated by a few Huamans, and the night scene below is blurred in the night, with Chang Ying's eyesight, it can barely see ten feet away.

Is Tang Guan really drunk?

The answer is naturally no, since he drank the first cup he didn't intend to get drunk, Chang Ying saw his drunkenness, but couldn't see clearly the hypocrisy in his eyes.

Are the brothers from the Wu family drunk?

The answer is yes, they were drunk from the first cup they drank, Chang Ying kept pouring wine for Tang Guan without changing his face when he saw them, but he didn't see the self-satisfaction in their eyes.

It wasn't until Tang Guan drank another cup that Wu Chengsi smiled and said, "Haha, Mr. Xiao Lang is drunk."

Hearing this, Tang Guan said, "Whoever said that I was drunk and drank with the two gentlemen, I was so happy, how can I talk?"

Tang Guan's speech was already a little slurred, Chang Ying hurriedly turned his head when he heard the sound, stepped forward to support him and said again: "Young Lord, I can't drink any more."

When Wu Chengsi and Wu Sansi heard this, they looked at each other instead, and it was not difficult to see from each other's expressions that they were both happy.

The so-called telling the truth after drinking, they kept persuading them to drink in order to hear what Tang Guan would say when he was drunk.

Immediately filled another glass for Tang Guan, Chang Ying hastily stopped Tang Guan from taking his hand, and said: "You two gentlemen, Mr. Xiao Lang is still young and cannot bear this fine wine, let Chang escort him back home first Bar."

As soon as this remark came out, Wu Chengsi couldn't help but glanced at Chang Ying, but Tang Guan struggled away, took the glass of wine with a silly smile, and said, "Brother Chang, today I am drunk here with two gentlemen. Don't go, you get up and drive."

After finishing speaking, he suddenly fell on his back. Chang Ying was shocked when he saw this, and before he could speak, Tang Guan suddenly fell on his head.

There was a muffled "bang", and Tang Guan buried his head on the white jade case.

"Xiao Langjun, Xiao Langjun!" Chang Ying hurriedly called twice, but Tang Guan didn't respond, like a puddle of mud. [

Seeing this, Wu Sansi said, "Chang Siwei, the number one scholar has already said so, don't worry about it!"

Chang Ying hesitated for a while when he heard the words, Wu Chengsi and Wu Sansi were both ministers in the pavilion, and he dared not disobey when they spoke, but Tang Guan's appearance made him a little worried.

"Yes, we are staying here today, Mr. Xiao Lang will wake up in a short time, come on, guard Chang, you can have a drink with us."

Chang Ying hurriedly waved his hands when he heard the words, he didn't have Tang Guan's life to enjoy the wine, and he also knew that it was two scapegoats.

Immediately fell silent, stood aside, staring closely at Tang Guan.

When the two of them saw this, they didn't care about it, they picked up the jug, and wanted to fill it up for themselves, but found that the jug had run out of wine.

Immediately Wu Chengsi clapped his hands, "Come here!"

"Zhi..." As soon as he finished speaking, the door of the pavilion was opened. Chang Ying looked at it and was slightly taken aback. The group of dancers outside the door hadn't left for a long time, as if they had been standing outside the door.

And that Hu Ji, the leader, seemed to have been prepared for a long time, holding the banquet money into the pavilion, and the rest of the girls stood outside with lowered eyebrows.

This Orchid orchid's breasts are covered by a section of thin sand, covered by a few strands of incense, a pair of breasts undulate up and down, as if they are dancing when walking, the delicate body twists and turns, and the plump breasts sway.

However, Chang Ying was focused on seeing this woman's obsession, and focused all his attention on the unconscious Tang Guan.

This woman bypassed Tang Guan and was about to get close to Wu Chengsi, but he suddenly grabbed her and hugged her tightly in his arms.

"Crack!" The flagon fell to the ground and shattered into pieces.

"Giggle~" The woman broke the jug, but she was not afraid, instead she smiled coquettishly in Wu Chengsi's arms, indescribably flirtatious.

"You hoof, if you break the wine, I will punish you."

"How do you say punishment?" The woman actually spoke, her voice was quite strange, although she didn't know which country she was from, Chang Ying was slightly taken aback when she heard the strange tone.

Although the tone of voice was weird, but the enunciation was quite clear. Obviously, this woman had not been here for a year or two.

At this time Tang Guan was drunk, there was no so-called "****" in the pavilion, and those present were still sober, including Chang Ying, who were all grown men.

That Wu Chengsi hugged Hu Ji in his arms, and started to raise his hands up and down, which made the woman laugh again.

It wasn't until he passed through the fig leaf and pinched the two breasts hard that Wu Chengsi smiled and said, "Have you seen that little man?"

Upon hearing this, Hu Ji looked at Tang Guan and nodded, and said, "Who is this child?"

This orchid spoke no matter how big or small, she seemed to treat everyone like you and me. Chang Ying frowned secretly as he listened to the conversation between the two, wondering what absurd thing Wu Chengsi was going to do again.

Over there Wu Sansi seemed to be used to this tune, he waved to the other girls outside the door, and immediately several girls walked into the pavilion, one of them also had a flagon in his hand.

Seeing this scene, Chang Ying finally understood that all of this was a play they often played.

"Hey, kid? Let me tell you, this kid is more valuable and powerful than your prince!"

"Ah!? Is he the prince of the Tang Dynasty?" Hu Ji was startled when she heard this, and couldn't help asking.

Wu Sansi and Wu Chengsi looked at each other, but laughed and didn't answer her, only Chang Ying was terrified when he heard it.


Wu Chengsi let go of the orchid, took another slap on her ample breasts while she stood up, and said: "What's new, show us a show, and help our prince to have fun!"

"Hiss~" Hearing this, Chang Ying secretly gasped, the two of them really felt like they had entered the bliss of the Western Paradise when they arrived here, as if they were no longer under the control of the royal family, and they repeatedly violated taboos.

However, the two brothers from the Wu family seemed to be accustomed to everything, watching with a smile on their faces as a group of women boarded the jade case again.

They are all naked and jade feet, and their whole bodies are almost naked. The orchid girl came on the stage and said: "There are drums."

"Oh? You can also play drums? Haha, it's unusual for a barbarian to play drums. Call quickly, if you can't play well, I'll beat you!"

Wu Sansi also became interested when he heard the words, and ordered while pouring wine.

Hu Ji nodded when she heard the words, and said yes with a smile, and said a few words to the girls beside her, and the girls walked to the other side of the jade table and carried a flower drum from under the table.

If Tang Guan was awake, he would surely have to tsk-tsk again.

"Dong dong dong."

The drum sounded slowly, and Orchid tapped the drum lightly, and several girls writhed around her.

Chang Ying's eyes could not help being attracted by it.

But outside the building, a few figures in the dark lay in ambush for a long time, and they did not move until the sound of the drum came.

"Beat the drums?"

"To shut up!"

At this time, the moonlight is about to shine, and this piece of land will no longer be hidden in a short time.

A burly man in the shadows heard the sound of drums in the pavilion, his eyes glowed coldly.





In an instant, the cold light surged, and after a few small sounds, dozens of cold lights shot straight at the top pavilion of the drunken fairy building!

Accompanied by the more and more rapid drumbeats in the distance, these needles and arrows, which are almost invisible to the naked eye, are moving from far to near in an instant, and their momentum is astonishing.

But the few people in the pavilion didn't know it, including Chang Ying, who didn't realize it at all, and the disaster of doom was close at hand! (To be continued.)

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