Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 112: Fate hangs by a thread

The sound of the drums fell like a count, and there were other sounds all around.

Chang Ying is also gradually immersed in the graceful singing and dancing of the girl on the case.

Wu Chengsi and Wu Sansi never leave the wine, and never leave the case.

Just when Chang Ying was about to look away, his face suddenly changed drastically!

"Get down!"

It was too late and then it was too late, Chang Ying swooped and dragged the three people involved in the case to leave the case.



"Bang." The drumstick fell on the table, and there was a sound like a rainstorm washing away. [

"Whoosh whoosh."


The penetrating sound was accompanied by screams, and suddenly several girls on the case died, and blood splashed all over the white jade table. It was dark green, and then began to spit out dark blue liquid.

The pretty face withered away at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The flying inexplicable needles fell like raindrops, with weird angles, and shot several Huamans into rags in an instant.

Immediately, the pavilion was riddled with holes, and Chang Ying hugged the three of them and hid them in a column at the bottom of the case.

"Ah!" Wu Chengsi and Wu Sansi uttered tremblingly, it turned out that the body of the orchid woman fell aside.

"Rainstorm Pear Blossom Needle! Tang Sect in Central Shu!"

Seeing this scene, Chang Ying uttered aloud in shock, and then turned his fist into a claw and hit the case with his palm.


In an instant, the white jade table case, which was as big as a stage, shattered, and Chang Ying's big hand grasped the bottom of the case with a blow.

"stand up!"

Chang Ying yelled and threw the jade case across his body, but Tang Guan was still lying on the ground half dead. Wu Chengsi and Wu Sansi hid behind Chang Ying, listening to the clanging sound of the needle missing and the jade case. Pale.

At this time, the moon is on the east side, and the moonlight is shining, illuminating the shadows.

On the building in the distance, one can see the jade table rising up in the pavilion from afar, gritting his teeth and cursing loudly. [

The young man beside him watched Chang Ying in the pavilion break the case with one claw, and resisted all the needles. He couldn't help being shocked. It's not that he has never seen a master, but it is rare to see such a quick reaction.

You must know that just a moment ago Chang Ying was still immersed in singing and dancing, and in an instant he did it in one go, saving the three dog officials.

The big man seemed to have expected this situation long ago, and cursed bitterly: "Luoyang Eagle Claw, fight fast with speed, call him an immortal!"

Chang Ying's reputation is not weak among these people in the world. There are many people who practice eagle claws, but only a few are famous. The routine learned by Chang Ying is the fastest way of eagle claws in northern boxing. The most proud move, the goshawk pounces on the rabbit, can be said to be almost to the extreme.

"Brother, the box is gone!"

A young man below put away the crossbow in his hand, stretched out his hand to pull it, and found that it was empty, and it was completely consumed by the three or two bursts just now.

If Tang Guan sees this thing, he will be very surprised. He knows that the crossbow is considered a weapon of mass destruction in the cold weapon era, and the large crossbow is even powerful enough to penetrate the city wall.

But the group of people in front of them were all holding small crossbows, their shapes were rather strange, and they were different from those used by the army. The young man flicked the crossbows in his hands as he spoke.

"Crack!" Suddenly the crossbow machine looked like a mess again.The process here is complicated, but it can be seen that this weird small ballista has brought the mechanism to its peak, and it is extremely exquisite.

Hearing this, the big man glanced unwillingly at the jade case in the pavilion. They had waited and waited forever, and they finally came across this golden opportunity.

It can be seen that this group of people has unique skills, and the big man is almost flawed and said: "Quick!"

He hadn't finished speaking when suddenly there was a rush of hoofbeats.

"The bandits don't leave!"

"Not good!" The big man looked back, and saw a pair of soldiers and horses galloping not far away, led by a strong man who was similar in size to himself but in heavy armor.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!"

"Stay alive!"

"Hiss!" The big man on the horse ran wildly, stood up suddenly, stomped on the horse's back, and the steed was unable to bear the force of gravity, and fell to the sky.

The big man jumped up, holding a heavy knife in his hand, and rushed straight to the people on the building.


At this moment, several feathered arrows shot from the dense forest, and the big man held a ring knife and swiped his neck to block all the arrows.

The young man above the building was quite frightened today, he thought that his master's hidden weapon was enough to run amok in the world, but he didn't expect to meet Chang Ying and such a terrifying man in front of him one after another.

The eyes of the big man beside him are still calm.

Blowing vigorously on the thing already contained in the bottom of the tongue, a crisp sound of "chi chi chi chi" came out immediately.

"Bang!" With the sound, several young people on the building fled in all directions, and there was a series of movements in the bushes.

"Don't go, rats! Give me a knife!"

The strong man who jumped in mid-air was incredibly heavy, coupled with the burden of armor, he couldn't directly rush to the archway after all.

But he suddenly yelled, and before the bearded man on the building had time to escape with all his strength, he shot straight at him with a big knife.

He was caught off guard by such a rich experience in this sudden attack. He did not expect that the general who declared himself in mid-air was so powerful.

"Bang!" Immediately, he crossed the crossbow in his hand, trying to block it, but the crossbow broke as soon as Shi made contact.

"What a lot of strength!"

These desperadoes are sometimes strange, their lives are obviously hanging by a thread, but they still don't forget to applaud their opponents, as if they are honored even though they are defeated.

Although he cheered loudly, the big man's face was pale. He knew he couldn't escape, so he leaned to the left, trying to avoid the vital point, and planned to take a hard blow.

At this moment, a thin and thin figure stepped in front of the big man and swung the crossbow in his hand just like him. It was the young man who had been beside him all the time.

After two times of resistance, the big knife became weak, and it failed to knock the crossbow in the young man's hand, but was pushed by him and deviated from the direction. Even so, it cut along the young man's arm.

Blood gushed out immediately.

"Zijin!" The big man cried out in shock when he saw the boy was injured.

"Pfft!" Immediately, the boy fell straight down as if he had suffered a huge stamina.

"Pixiu!" The big man yelled at him, and ran with all his strength in an instant, rushing directly from Loufang into a bush.

But the boy fell straight into the grass under the card.

These confrontations all happened in an instant, from the time when the big man leaped high until the boy fell to the ground, it took only a few dozen breaths.

"Search!" The soldiers and horses arrived just now, and the big man gave an order, and the soldiers rushed up behind him, rushing into the dense bushes from left to right.

The big man hurried away again, and when he arrived at the place where the boy rolled into, he found it was empty.

"Damn it!" The general cursed secretly, his eyes changed, and he found that there were obvious bloodstains on this leaf, but it was only in this circle.

The big man was slightly surprised when he saw this, he raised his head and looked at the Zuixian Tower not far away.

Then suddenly thought of something, murmured: "Oops!"

Immediately took a big stride to this building. (To be continued.)

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