Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 114: Accidental Capture

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Tang Guan looked around at the earth-shattering surroundings, and at the two Wu Chengsi who were still in shock, but his heart was inexplicably moved.

From the moment he stepped out of the house, his life was full of deviant, and Tieniu looked at him with a flat face, completely unaware that he had walked through the gate of hell just now, and couldn't help but become more silent.

Tang Guan is undoubtedly a typical heartless and heartless person, which will only create two impressions in the eyes of outsiders, one is that this son must be rebellious, and the other is that this son is astonishingly courageous.

No matter what kind, there are good and bad in the eyes of others, Tang Guan shook his head slightly, and kicked away the dead arm of the woman who blocked the way.

Seeing this scene, Tieniu's eyelids twitched even more. Tang Guan didn't have the fear a child should have when facing death, everything was so natural.

Slowly walking in front of Chang Ying, he saw that Chang Ying closed his eyes tightly, breathing in more air and exhaling less. Fortunately, there was no injury on his body, but there were a few more scratches on the big hand placed between his knees.

Although his hands have been practiced for many years, they are still long in the flesh. The splitting of the stele and stone just now seemed like a light lift, but it actually used the strength of a baby.

Seeing that Chang Ying was safe, Tang Guan breathed a sigh of relief, then looked at the silent Tieniu, and asked, "Assassin?"

Tieniu was about to speak when he heard the words, when suddenly a rush of news came from outside.

I saw a soldier trotting upstairs, before he arrived, he opened his mouth and said: "Report! General, there is nothing left behind in Fangyuan!"

Hearing this, Tang Guan also looked at the soldier, but Tieniu frowned and waved: "Keep searching! They can't run far!"


Seeing this, Tang Guan shook his head secretly.He was not very curious about this sudden assassin, especially after learning that the concept of Jianghu really existed.I understand more clearly that in Chang'an where fish and dragons are mixed, there must be many people like Jing Ke.

But one thing he can be sure of is.This group of people is definitely not here for me, I have just emerged, and the people in the court know all about it, if Tang Guan already has a reputation on the canal, Liu Xun will not be so low-level as to send someone to intercept him .

Political struggles are accompanied by killings, but since the Sui Dynasty, assassination has gradually withdrawn from the political arena, especially after the birth of the imperial examination, a large number of scholars poured into the power center.Their relationship is intricate, and it is clear who is more or less.

The most critical point is that with the improvement of the imperial power and court system, the information of officials is extremely complete, and a special relationship has been formed between them. From the appointment of officials and titles to family members, everything is recorded.

Of course, the spy agency of the Ming Dynasty in the future.It's another topic. It's worth mentioning that at the end of the day, there are indeed some officials who cultivate cronies of the dead, and some even have their heads killed because of the exposure of this kind of thing.But their main purpose is not to assassinate colleagues.

Struggle is more terrifying than assassination, so it is better to pay more attention to how to give advice than to fall into the shoes of others.Or collect favorable information, and once the fight is over.The opponent will suffer disaster for the whole family.

Thinking of this, Tang Guan understood.First, this group of people has no official background behind them, and second, this group of people must be targeting the Wu family brothers.

Immediately, Tang Guan cast his eyes on Wu Chengsi and Wu Sansi who were on the ground, and then he pretended to be anxious and stepped forward to support him: "The two gentlemen are frightened, the thieves are really hateful, fortunately, we have the blessing of heaven, and we can get rid of the disease." None of them were poisoned while drunk."

Tang Guan's words seemed to ignite Wu Chengsi. At first he was a little absent-minded, but after all, he is a big official who has been an official for many years. He has encountered similar things before, but it was all small troubles. When traveling, they encountered such appalling things.

"This old man will definitely uproot the Shu thieves!"

With Tang Guan's support, Wu Chengsi got up and cursed loudly. Tieniu shook his head slightly when he heard the word "Shu thief". In the past and present lives, I only know that their ghosts linger.

Legend has it that when Emperor Taizong used it, he was used by the imperial court and joined the army. He made great contributions in the process of conquering the Turks. Later, for some reason, he fell into banditry and specialized in assassinating officials.

Tang Guan was indifferent when he heard these two words, he just said a word in his heart, and stretched out his hand to help Wu Sansi, who was looking like he was thinking, looking like this, except himself, everyone present knew who the assassin was, but Tieniu's expression Obviously a little helpless.

If the Tangmen were easy to get rid of, they would have been uprooted as early as the reign of Emperor Gaozong. They are like rootless duckweeds. The thing that makes Tieniu, Chang Ying and other soldiers most frightened is their crossbows. In the eyes of outsiders, this is undoubtedly A work of art.

If the army can be deployed in large quantities, there will be no disadvantages, but it is a pity that they fall into the hands of the bandits. Although they will definitely not be successful, they still make people feel uncomfortable.

In fact, people in the Jianghu seldom rebel. Among them, those with high martial arts skills are no worse than Tang Guan imagined. They don't pay taxes, and they don't get bullied. They follow their own rules and slap the government in the face. A handsome martial artist, but also rebellious.

There are only two kinds of rebels, one is the people who cannot survive, and the other is those who have deep feelings for Luo Binwang and Xu Jingye and refuse to accept the status quo.

But this Tang Sect is really weird. Knowing that it can't be successful, it still insists on doing such unnatural things.

Tang Guan was also bold, seeing a few corpses in strange shapes with green faces, he actually wanted to step forward to check, and he reached out to touch them.

Chang Ying, who had been adjusting his breath with his eyes closed, suddenly said, "It's poisonous! Don't touch it!"

Fortunately, Tang Guan withdrew his hand very quickly, so he did not end up searching for the soldiers before.

Chang Ying adjusted his breath for a moment, stood up, his face was still a little pale, pulled Tang Guan away, and said: "You can't stay here for long, General Tie, let's go down."

Tieniu nodded when he heard the words. Instead of saying that Tangmen is weird and weird, it is better to say that Tangmen simply changed its name to Xiemen.

This can also be called the second story of "Xiemen". Tang Guan also felt awe-inspiring when he saw that Chang Ying, who was usually in high spirits and energetic, looked at the corpse on the ground with a look of concern.

"Shu thief?"

Another sentence was silently recited in their hearts, and then several people immediately turned around and went downstairs.

Until you go down to the first floor.A middle-aged man looked in disbelief when he saw the intact group of people.Immediately ecstatic, rushed forward to meet.I almost fell over when my feet were weak.

After walking a few steps, seeing both Wu Chengsi and Wu Sansi had a bad expression on their faces, they stopped walking.

At this time, the faces of the two of them were abnormally heavy, especially Wu Chengsi was so gloomy that he was about to drip water.

Several people walked to the door, looking at the group of soldiers outside the door, Wu Sansi then slowed down his expression, as if he had an extra sense of security.

"Xiao Langjun, these Shu thieves are really abominable. The two old men have no talent and no virtue. Death is not a pity. You are such a young hero, and they dare to kill you! It's a disgrace!"

Wu Sansi, who had been silent for a long time, seemed to have gained confidence now, and did not speak out to Tang Guan until he went out.

Tang Guan was taken aback when he heard the words, this old guy almost turned into ashes for the rest of his life after the catastrophe, and he still didn't forget to flirt with others.

Dang even wanted to answer.But Wu Chengsi preemptively said: "Yes! Don't worry, little friend, the thieves disturbed my feast, I will go to the palace to seek justice for everyone!"

As soon as these words came out, Wu Sansi's expression became ruthless.Unexpectedly, the peace between the two of them has been broken for decades, and it is a lie to say that they are not afraid in their hearts. It is not a day or two for Tangmen to assassinate court officials.Although very few, and the number of misses is very high.But everyone has a just in case, and it is not uncommon to be a fool directly.

"General Tie. Please lend me a line of soldiers to escort me into the palace!"

Tieniu frowned when he heard this, he also knew a little about the temperament of the two princes of the Wu family, and it was rare for them to be so decisive.

Seeing their appearance, Tang Guan was also slightly dumbfounded, "This is going to seek protection from Wu Zhao."

"Wait a minute, gentlemen!" Seeing that the two of them did what they said, Tang Guan turned around to leave after speaking, Tang Guan hurriedly stepped forward to stop.

"Little friend, you can relax and stay at home, and the old man will come to find you tomorrow. As for the mansion, as long as you value that precious land, start building it immediately!"

When Wu Chengsi saw that Tang Guan had kept his voice, he expected to have something to say, presumably it was about this matter or the construction of the house.

This is a villain's way of treating a gentleman's belly, Tang Guan wanted to ask the two of them what they meant by "Shu thief", but now seeing that the two of them had no intention of going away, after thinking about it, it was the same to ask Chang Ying, so he immediately kept silent.

Wu Sansi also said: "What clever plan does my little friend have?"

Tang Guan shook his head slightly when he heard the words, he didn't even know who the assassin was, so he didn't have any tricks, even though those people didn't come for him, but judging by their appearance, they had the intention of killing himself, and killed the killer.

This is terrible, if you don't come at yourself, you will make it like this, if you come at yourself, wouldn't you be sure to die?

"Take care, the two gentlemen. Qubing doesn't know the whereabouts of the bandits. This fairness depends entirely on the two gentlemen."

The two looked at each other after hearing the words, and said in unison, "Take care."

Then they got on their horses and ran forward under the protection of a group of soldiers.

It wasn't until the two disappeared that Tang Guan turned around and saw that both Chang Ying and Tieniu had complicated expressions, so he stopped talking.

He only said to Tieniu: "Thank you general for saving me. Today's kindness will never be forgotten."

Tieniu smacked his lips when he heard the words, but stopped talking.

Chang Ying stepped forward and said in a deep voice, "Young Lord, let's go back too."

Tang Guan didn't want to stay here either, he wanted to enjoy it, but was suddenly implicated in an assassination.

Immediately nodded in response, Chang Ying walked over there and led the carriage past.

Seeing this, Tieniu ordered aloud: "Come here, send the number one scholar back to his residence!"


Another group of soldiers came out, Tang Guan cupped his hands to Tieniu and said, "Farewell!"

"Farewell!" Tieniu saluted back, Tang Guan turned around and stepped into the carriage.

Chang Ying also got into the carriage and said to Tang Guan, "Young Lord, come in quickly."

Hearing this, Tang Guan stopped procrastinating and lifted the curtain to get into the car, but just as he poked his head in, his expression froze suddenly.

Said: "Often..."

Before he finished speaking, he stopped suddenly.

"Woo~" Chang Ying lowered the whip that he raised just now, seeing Tang Guan's half body outside, his eyelids twitched, as if thinking of something.

Then he said in a deep voice, "Xiao Langjun, what's the matter?"

This change also attracted the surrounding guards who lined up to protect him, but Tang Guan moved half of his body in and said, "It's okay, Brother Chang, let's go quickly, Xiao Qi is still waiting."

Hearing the sound, Chang Ying saw that Tang Guan's tone was flat and his brows relaxed, and responded: "Okay!"


The carriage drove up, and the soldiers followed on both sides.

Tang Guan in the room didn't sit down, but stood in the room, looking at a black figure huddled up in front of him, motionless, touched his chin and said: "Hehe, this one was captured alive, it's interesting." (To be continued continued..)

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