Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 115: The Young Master of the Tang Sect

Under the night, a carriage swayed, and the soldiers on both sides followed closely.

Their movements are neat and uniform, although they are running fast, they are not chaotic at all. In the contemporary era of underdeveloped transportation, rapid marching is one of the qualities that soldiers should have.

But the people in the car are a little weird.

I saw a young man in the compartment did not sit down, but kept a certain distance from the seat in front of him, stretched out his hand to support the roof of the car, and looked at the black shadow curled up under the seat in front of him.

"This is a bit bloody." Tang Guan couldn't take his eyes off, and after a long time, he actually murmured.

It is obvious that it is a person, dressed in a black dress, which is slightly different from the common materials in Chang'an, Hangzhou and other places. Too much.

Even at night, it is a bit conspicuous. People often say "Brocade Clothes at Night". Just literally speaking, this night walk may not be indistinguishable. In fact, the best brocade is no different from a luxury product of this era.

But the clothes on the person in front of him are obviously also made of silk and satin, but they are not conspicuous, blending in with the surrounding darkness.

There is a saying in the book that "Shu brocades are only gorgeous but not obvious, and Zhou is not slightly superior."

This time, this place, this kind of clothes, meeting someone like Tang Guan, coupled with the faint smell of blood in the air.

Don't say that Tang Guan is not a fool, he is really a fool, and he knows that this person is strange.

"Is this the Shu thief they said? It turns out that this Shu is the Shu of the Shu land." Tang Guan supported him with one hand and touched his chin with the other, his eyes glowed strangely.

He didn't understand the whole process of the assassination, but just looking at the "scared pee" appearance of the two brothers from the Wu family afterwards, he probably didn't make much difference.

"If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have gone to the Drunken Immortal Tower. In this way, those two buddies will become famous in advance." Tang Guan is no more submissive than in his previous life.As he came into contact with the core of the era step by step, his courage became more and more courageous.Knowing that the person in front of him came from a strange background, but no accident, he was still a gang of rebels, also known as "death-seekers".

But he was still thinking about it, and after a while, he deeply regretted indirectly saving Wu Chengsi and Wu Sansi.


Just when there was silence in the compartment, the carriage stopped slowly, and the footsteps of the soldiers outside also stopped immediately.

"Xiao Lang-jun, we're here!"

Chang Ying made a sound outside, Tang Guan heard the sound and responded, but did not get out of the car.Instead, he said, "Brother Chang, my feet are weak and I don't want to walk anymore. You lead me in."

Outside, Chang Ying was stunned when he heard the words, and the leading soldiers also looked at each other when they heard this, but they didn't want to stay any longer because the food was right in front of them, so the leader immediately stepped forward and said: "Zhuangyuan Lang, I'll take my leave. "

Chang Ying cupped his fists and said, "I'm sorry."

Those soldiers did not respond and lined up again and hurried away.

Until there is no more news.When Chang Ying was about to lead the horse into the house, Tang Guan stuck his head out and asked, "Brother Chang, have they left?"

Chang Ying stopped in his tracks, seeing Tang Guan muttering.He couldn't help but tremble in his heart, fixed his eyes on the carriage, and suddenly reached out and pulled Tang Guan out.

Tang Guan was caught off guard.He flew out and was held in Chang Ying's arms with one hand.

Ever since Chang Ying met Tang Guan.Repeatedly being highly nervous, this is more terrifying than fighting on the battlefield.On the battlefield, among thousands of troops, he only needs to protect himself, but as a bodyguard, he realizes that he is really not qualified.

He knew that there must be something unexpected in the box, looked Tang Guan up and down, and he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief when he saw that he was intact.

Only then did Tang Guan come back to his senses, and hurriedly said, "Let me down first."

Chang Ying frowned, put Tang Guan down, and asked, "What's inside?"

Tang Guan straightened his robe, raised his head and said with a smile, "Assassin."


Tang Guan made a slightly joking noise, but Chang Ying was startled suddenly, and subconsciously wanted to make a killer move, rushing into the carriage, but Tang Guan grabbed the hem of his clothes.

Tang Guan glanced at the empty door again, and Sheren who was about to come over to help lead the horse not far away, and whispered to Chang Ying: "Let's go in and talk about it."

Hearing this, Chang Ying's eyes changed, he became more and more unable to see through what Tang Guan wanted to do, the Shu thieves were a serious threat to their brave confidants, and they would never stop dying when they saw each other.

While the two were talking, Sheren over there had already approached, and he laughed and said: "Zhuangyuan Lang, you are back."

After finishing speaking, he tried to take the rein with great gallantry, but was interrupted by Chang Ying waving his hand: "I will use it later."

Seeing that he was making fun of himself, Sheren grinned at Tang Guan, turned around and left.

Only then did Chang Ying look at the room with a complicated expression, and seeing the determined expression on Tang Guan's face, he couldn't help asking: "Is it dead or alive?"

"Of course it's alive, but if you put him on it, he won't survive without you killing him."

Chang Ying's eyes froze when he heard the words, and then he asked in a deep voice, "Did you touch him?"

Tang Guan shook his head when he heard the words, he had seen the death of those dancers, and knew that this group of assassins called "Shu thieves" were very evil, so of course they would not repeat the same mistakes.

Seeing this, Chang Ying nodded, but kept silent, and directly led the carriage to the stable, and then said to Tang Guan: "Go to the room and find a piece of cloth."

Tang Guan frowned when he heard this, although he didn't know why Chang Ying had it, he turned around and went to do it.

Chang Ying stood alone in front of the car, staring at the car curtain without moving.

Tang Guan hurriedly walked to the room, the lights in the room were still on, but there was a small snoring sound coming from the bed, Tang Guan glanced at it, shook his head and smiled, Xiao Qi was surprisingly well-behaved today, and fell asleep early.

Tang Guan tiptoed to search for it, but there was no extra fabric in this room, so he searched for a while and had to give up.

Just when Tang Guan wanted to go back to the courtyard, he suddenly had an idea, untied the baggage in the box, and took out some extra clothes from it.

Then he turned back to the courtyard and walked towards Chang Ying.

"Brother Chang, there is nothing else."

Tang Guan handed the clothes to Chang Ying, and Chang Ying couldn't help laughing, "Forget it, this is not enough."

"Brother Chang, what do you want to do?"

Chang Ying shook his head slightly when he heard the words, but turned his eyes to the car curtain, and said while starting: "The Tang Sect's kung fu is very evil, there are poison traps everywhere, if you are not careful, you will fall into the way."

"Hiss~" While speaking, Chang Ying suddenly tore the car curtain by the roots.

When Tang Guan heard the word "Tangmen", he couldn't help breathing.

As the car curtain was removed, Chang Ying stared straight at the huddled figure in the car.

At this time, a faint light came in, and the head was huddled between the chests, making it impossible to distinguish the shape, but there was a terrifying knife wound on the arm.

Only then did Tang Guan realize that the compartment was full of blood.

Chang Ying withdrew his gaze, weighed the curtain in his hand, and said in a low voice, "Stand back, little man."

Hearing this, Tang Guan took a few steps back, and Chang Ying straddled into the compartment.

I saw Chang Ying waved the curtain in his hand to cover this person completely, and there was another burst of quick movements, which made people dizzy.

Not long after, the group of figures were wrapped like rice dumplings, and Chang Ying's gaze was fixed.

He reached out and lifted the man onto his shoulders.

Tang Guan hurriedly got out of the way, and then followed Chang Ying to the most remote room. (To be continued..)

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