Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 118: Revenge on Society

Tang Guan unfastened the boy's clothes, but was stunned for a moment.

It took a long time before I came back to my senses, but I was still a little at a loss.

Seeing the white cloth tightly wrapped around the young man's body until reaching the navel, Tang Guan was very surprised when he saw this, he got up and touched the lamp, and carefully identified the strange young man.

The complexion of this boy's lower body was as snowy, completely different from that dull dark face, what surprised Tang Guan the most was the white cloth tightly wrapped around his chest.

At this moment, the blood has soaked through. Tang Guan watched it for a while, and felt a little belatedly, but suddenly said happily: "That's great, it's just for gauze."

After finishing speaking, Tang Guan stretched out his hand to untie the white cloth, but the boy was still unconscious at this time, with traces of blood staining the corner of his mouth.

Tang Guan tugged for a long time to no avail, then remembered the dagger beside him, the dagger was slowly unsheathed, Tang Guan gestured twice with the sharp blade in his hand, Chang Ying's dagger looked old, it didn't look like it was newly forged.

Tang Guan didn't care, and carefully stretched out the white cloth inch by inch.

"Could they be a minority in the southern country?" Tang Guan murmured to himself while scratching the strange white cloth.

There are quite a lot of ethnic minorities in the southern part of Sichuan and Guangxi. Although they have not yet formed a specific culture at this time, unlike the highly developed Han people, Tang Guan suddenly realized that these ethnic groups have different customs. This white cloth may be one of them. one move.

But saving lives is the most important thing at the moment, Tang Guan cuts slowly from bottom to top, when it reaches the chest, there is a sudden change.

Seeing that the gap in the white cloth suddenly jumped the thread by itself, Tang Guan was startled when he saw this, he got up and took two steps back.

There was a "hiss".Tang Guan looked intently, and suddenly said, "Fuck me. Shemale!"

Tang Guan couldn't take his eyes off, and there was a sudden change in the boy's chest on the bed.Two groups of majestic flags jumped out, without the restraint of the lower part, the torn white cloth on the upper part was overwhelmed and popped out in an instant.

Aren't these two balls of white meat the same as the legendary "Jade Rabbit, how can it be white in the fog, gentle and gentle?" After Tang Guan was shocked, his first thought was that it was a human monster.

Because this young man obviously had an old-fashioned, dull, even slightly ugly man's face, but this thing popped out of his chest.

There was no one around at this time.Tang Guan's scalp was numb. He could accept the existence of Jianghu, but he couldn't allow room for martial arts, because he was an official, and the first word of the word "official" was to win over the crowd.

In his eyes, Jianghu is a larger underworld, so this so-called Tangmen is nothing more than a group of terrorists.

But things went out of control every time, which made Tang Guan feel a little dumb, although his scalp was numb.But his eyes never left the pair of jade rabbits.

"Could it be?"

Seeing this, Tang Guan must have looked away to look at the boy's majestic face, which was incompatible with that majestic face, and immediately braved up and stretched out his hand to caress this person's face.

Tang Guan felt the same as ordinary people when he touched it, so he slowly touched it behind the ears.It's like taking off a mask, trying to uncover this person's face.

But the next moment, Tang Guan retreated abruptly.

"What a shemale!"

Something that surprised Tang Guan happened again, his face seemed to be the real one.I thought it was a bloody "painted skin" like a TV series.

What I never expected was that Tang Guan didn't react at all when he took it off, it was completely a real face.

Originally, Tang Guan's expression of anticipation disappeared for a moment.Previously, Chang Ying had repeatedly warned the Tang Sect to be evil, after the boy's sudden awakening just now.He believed it a little bit, but now he found the boy's strange shape, which gave him goosebumps.

"Forget it, shemale is also human." Tang Guan fixed his body for a moment, closed his eyes and wiped the blood from the wound carelessly with a damp cloth.

"Little shemale, you just met a forward-thinking progressive young man like me. If you meet someone else, then you will be worth a lot."

Tang Guan kept making naughty noises while wiping, as if he wanted to ease his surprise. There is no sex reassignment surgery or transplantation technology these days, and he just thought that this boy had the legendary "yin and yang indiscrimination" disease.

In fact, there are many people with such deformities in later generations, and most of them were already sick in the womb. Naturally, there is no possibility of recovery with the current methods.

"Sure enough, every hateful person has something pitiful. No wonder you want to take revenge on the society at a young age. I guess your group of accomplices are not much better."

While wiping, Tang Guan muttered to himself in an old-fashioned tone, and when his palm accidentally touched the opponent's two lumps of strange flesh, he immediately moved away.

For a while, because of the weirdness of his youth, Tang Guan directly classified the Tang Sect into a group of worldly freaks who suffered from human affection and organized revenge society.

It wasn't long before Tang Guan opened his eyes. The young man seemed to be in a severe coma, and there was no response when he wiped the wound. Tang Guan was also a person who had been injured many times, especially after the prison disaster. Wake up a comatose person alive.

But the young man's dull face was unusually calm, Tang Guan's eyelids twitched when he saw it, until the powder in the medicine bottle was sprinkled on the deep wound on his arm, the young man subconsciously let out a sound.

Tang Guan was stunned again when he heard the sound, the voice was so weak that he couldn't tell whether it was a man or a woman. After slowly wrapping up the white cloth he cut from the boy's body, he got up and covered his weird lower body with the quilt.

"Would you like to take a look at your pants?"

Tang Guan rubbed his chin and looked at the young man's face, saying he was not surprised would be a lie, that's why he was only surprised when he saw this kind of strange person.

If it was a different person, I am afraid that this person will be regarded as a monster immediately.

"Forget it, it's a disease and it needs to be cured." Tang Guan shook his head and smiled. If things like disguises can be faked, future generations won't need plastic surgery.

Thinking of this, Tang Guan reached out to the boy's face again with some disbelief, this time Tang Guan directly stretched out his two hands and squeezed the boy's cheeks tightly.

Even if ordinary people are in a coma, they still have the most basic physiological reaction, but this young man has no reaction, as if he has facial paralysis.

Seeing this, Tang Guan was even more puzzled, but after searching for a long time, he found that this face was indeed real, and the tentacles were still warm.

Just as Tang Guan was contemplating, there was movement outside the door, and Tang Guan looked back.

I saw a tall figure pushing the door and entering, and then closing the door with his backhand.

It was Chang Ying who went out to search for medicine and turned back.

Seeing that Tang Guan and the comatose young man on the bed were in peace, Chang Ying couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief, and was about to speak, but Tang Guan seemed to have seen a savior, and said directly: "Brother Chang, come and see look"

"What are you looking at?" Chang Ying was taken aback when he heard the words, a little confused.


In the city, Zuixian Tower.

It was a long night that made people feel overwhelmed, and it was rare that there were no lights on several floors of this building.

There was only a middle-aged man in the messy roof looking at the sick general in front of him with trepidation.

This general was Cheng Huaibi, at this time he was frowning and looking at the mess on the ground, his eyes were directly looking at the white jade table that was split in two, but he turned a blind eye to the tragic appearance of the corpses on the ground.

"Is this thing broken by the surname Chang?"

It was a long time before he asked aloud, and Tie Niu, who had been standing behind him, stepped forward and said, "It's the kid who uses the eagle's claws."

Cheng Huaibi nodded when he heard the words, then looked at the middle-aged man behind him who had been silent all the time, and said, "Should I call you Wan Yushi, or Wan Treasurer?"

As soon as these words came out, the middle-aged man's complexion changed drastically, and after a long time he calmed down and said: "I am no longer a member of the court, the general can just call you by your name."

Cheng Huaibi laughed when he heard the words, but was followed by a familiar light cough.

"What are you afraid of? You didn't kill people."

"I beg the general to check clearly, I will swear allegiance to the Empress to the death."

Tieniu frowned and looked at this scene. This Zuixianlou is really interesting. From the shopkeeper to the people behind the scenes are all shady characters, but everyone knows it well.

"Luoyang Eagle Claw is of the lineage, and the routine is extremely fast. They are unlucky to meet that kid."

Cheng Huaibi no longer kept silent, after glancing at the broken jade case, he spoke indifferently.

"Withdraw the troops, there is nothing to defend here."

After saying that, Cheng Huaibi turned around and left, followed by Tieniu, leaving the middle-aged man standing quietly.

Seeing that Cheng Huaibi didn't stop, Tieniu couldn't help but stepped forward and said, "Brother, where are you going now?"

Cheng Huaibi laughed and said, "Return."

"Huh? Where is that person?"

"Cough... people from the Tang Sect, either kill them on the spot, or stop chasing them."

Tieniu was taken aback when he heard the words, stood still, and after a while shook his head and caught up with Cheng Huaibi. (To be continued..)

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